Homosexual Agenda Is Greatest Threat To Liberty

Hey ****, you've lost at every step but one, and you are about to lose again where this becomes legal in all 50 states. Count on it, it's in the bag.

I don't consider Windsor 2013 "states' choice" on the specific question of gay marriage " a loss". You're so certain SCOTUS will overturn itself in less than 3 years' time? I'm not so sure about that.

On a side note, the cultees are really quite heated in this debate. Something's got them running scared for sure. Maybe the new Congress?...
Welcome to keep your fag-hating thoughts in the closet, where they belong.
If you put him on ignore, that's where they stay. If you reply, then I can see the ignorant drivel he posts.

You simply can't take seriously someone who continually equates gays to pedophiles. He and Silhouette are cut from the same cloth...and equally deserving of being ignored.

Many gay men do have a range of attraction that includes teenage boys, aka pederasty. Why is this not up for discussion?

Oh it goes WELL beyond that. The Advocacy to Normalize Sexual Abnormality BEGAN in the US with the Eugenics movement wherein 'studies' were done on THOUSANDS of male infants and toddlers for a decade (1930s), to 'test' their means to achieve sexual orgasm... .

These studies were conducted by a homosexual; a founding member NAMBLA (North American Man-Boy Love Association)... One Dr. Alfred Kinsey.

These studies produced as a result THOUSANDS of homosexuals... by imprinting on those infants and toddlers the base information that sexual gratification comes from people of Dr. Kinsey's gender; the man who first initiated or 'triggered' the flood of hormones common to sexual cravings.

Sadly, none of THAT made it into "Dr." Kinsey's research...

Beside NAMBLA, Dr. Kinsey is the Founder of "The Kinsey Institute" which also just happens to be where a large percentage of those sitting on the APA board are, or have been employed. And the APA is the 'scientific body' which determined that 'Homosexuality is perfectly normal...', and not by any actual SCIENCE... but by a popular vote.


LOL! Dam' straight it is... and its goal is the legalization of the adult pursuit of children for sexual gratification.

Even that man's name makes my blood boil. I did some extensive research into how many children Alfred Kinsey molested under the guise of "research". People like that should convince anyone of the existence of hell.

I can understand your rage, given the bullshit you just swallowed. But reality doesn't quite play out the same way.

First, Kinsey wasn't gay. He had a wife and 4 kids. There's zero evidence that he was homosexual.

Second, Kinsey wasn't a founding member of NAMBLA. Keyes just pulled that sideways out of his ass.

Third, Keyes was first and foremost, a biologist. His specialty was insects. He didn't begin studying sexuality until the 40s with his first paper on the topic being published in 1948. Making the bizarre eugenics claims more blithering nonsense.

Fourth, Keyes performed no experiments on children. The data you're referring to was collected from interviews with adults and based on their child hood memories. It was criticized for its unscientific nature by fellow scientists.

So with that in mind, what about Kinsey 'enrages' you so?
Many gay men have a range of attractions already that includes teenage boys...or even younger. It's one of the deep, dark secrets that doesn't come up at the annual LGBT action conference because nobody wants to admit that the seeds of pederasty have already been sown, and cultivated in this morally corrupt culture, will eventually sprout.

Right now gays are saying "consenting adults only!" But honestly.....how long will that charade last?

And that is different from 'heterosexual men' how?

Heterosexual men already are attracted to teenage girls- teenage girls are glorified as sex objects in our culture. Hardly a deep dark secret. You call it pederasty because of your obsession with gay male rape- but of course the reality is far darker.

Most child sexual molestation is done by men who identify themselves as heterosexual- whether they prey on underage girls or boys. Between 69% to 90% of all child molestation is done to girls- not boys.

Where is your concern for the female victims of child molestation?

As the father of a daughter- your faux concern about pederasty just sickens me. I see this with homophobes all the time- either implying or saying directly that homosexuals are pedophiles expressing fake concern for children.

But I as an informed father know that my daughter is between 2-10 times more likely to be sexually assaulted than a boy is.

And homophobes ONLY ever bring up 'boys being assaulted by men'- just to attack homosexuals.

Homophobes don't give a damn about children. IF they did they would be commenting about the attackers of girls at least twice as often as they discuss the attackers of boys.

All children deserve protection from sexual assault- and from child molesters.

Pointing at homosexuals and saying 'they are the child molesters' just leaves openly heterosexual monsters like Jerry Sandusky free to molest little boys because the boy's parents had nothing to worry about - since Sandusky was a good married father.

Again- as a father of a daughter- I say piss on your false concerns and piss on your homophobia.

You want to have discussion about protecting children from sexual assault- I will believe it when it goes beyond just attacking homosexuals

I think you're going off of some false pretenses here. Nobody's suggesting that we focus on demographic of child predators while ignoring another. I'm Catholic, so of course it's an enduring scandal that in my church, several boys were abused by clergy and the upper echelons conspired to cover up their crime and even allow them further opportunities to abuse. But since then, the Catholic Church has modeled how to effectively deal with this, not more hiding, not more denial, but more transparency. All throughout the Church, rules have changed to wed trust with accountability and ensure that any reports of abuse go directly to government authorities.

Child predators are like a fungus, seeking the safety of dark and seclusion. They shroud themselves in secrecy and capitalize on people's natural fear of facing what is happening in their midst, in their families, in their church, school, or any other enclave that enjoys some shelter from public scrutiny.

And here you go on the attack because I want to expose the fact that gay men do indeed molest boys and at an alarming rate. You're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem. You're like the mother who protected her husband through lies, denial, and silencing every accusation while he molested her brood. In similar fashion, you want to silence me too, or anyone else who wants to shed light on the problem of gay predators because, as I said, people like you don't want to admit there's a problem, so you act in such manner as to ensure the problem will persist.

That's what evil people do.
Marriage is between a man and a woman.
Not any more little dummy. You lost, and rightly so.
Hey little asshole, point me to the latest SCOTUS decision forcing gay marriage on unwilling states that post-dates Windsor's finding that state's on the specific question of gay marriage have a right to choose to allow it or not. (Hint, lower activist circuit judges are not = to SCOTUS)
Hey ****, you've lost at every step but one, and you are about to lose again where this becomes legal in all 50 states. Count on it, it's in the bag.

You're missing a a step.

And that is the civil war that has always followed the rejection of objective governance... and you ladies represent less than 3% of the population... SO... even if the Ideological in its entirely kicks in to help ya, you're looking at 30% of the population and if you've checked the policy advocacy, most of you idiots are unarmed, untrained and ya have the tenacity of a marshmellow... so, the outlook there: Not GOOD... (For you.)
Hey ****, you've lost at every step but one, and you are about to lose again where this becomes legal in all 50 states. Count on it, it's in the bag.

I don't consider Windsor 2013 "states' choice" on the specific question of gay marriage " a loss". You're so certain SCOTUS will overturn itself in less than 3 years' time? I'm not so sure about that.

On a side note, the cultees are really quite heated in this debate. Something's got them running scared for sure. Maybe the new Congress?...
The Congress isn't going to be able to wipe its own ass. There is no reason to fear anything it can actually manage to do because the courts have already spoken, including the Supreme Court, if you know how to read between the lines and you don't.
First, Kinsey wasn't gay. He had a wife and 4 kids.
WHAT a homosexual in the early 20th century Married with children? THATS CRAZY!

There's zero evidence that he was homosexual.

Well, there are the thousands of male children he molested ... 'in the name of science'. And he was a founding member of NAMBLA. The North American Man-boy Love Association, which is comprised ENTIRELY of Homosexuals. Which makes sense, given it is designed to promote the adult homosexual male pursuit of male children for sexual gratification.

What Kinsey was, was EVIL.
Marriage is between a man and a woman.
Not any more little dummy. You lost, and rightly so.
Hey little asshole, point me to the latest SCOTUS decision forcing gay marriage on unwilling states that post-dates Windsor's finding that state's on the specific question of gay marriage have a right to choose to allow it or not. (Hint, lower activist circuit judges are not = to SCOTUS)
Hey ****, you've lost at every step but one, and you are about to lose again where this becomes legal in all 50 states. Count on it, it's in the bag.

You're missing a a step.

And that is the civil war that has always followed the rejection of objective governance... and you ladies represent less than 3% of the population... SO... even if the Ideological in its entirely kicks in to help ya, you're looking at 30% of the population and if you've checked the policy advocacy, most of you idiots are unarmed, untrained and ya have the tenacity of a marshmellow... so, the outlook there: Not GOOD... (For you.)
There won't be any Civil War after this asswipe. Whoever told you that is even dumber than you are.

And if there was a war we'd beat your asses as we have the last two times. It's my country not yours, a Liberal one. If you don't like it then get the fuck out.
Nearly all marriages are predicated on the desire to have children eventually, so much so as to render negligible those few marriages forged in an agreement to forgo children.

Says who? And who says that gays and lesbians can't have children? A lesbian couple I know is working on their second kid.

Worse, no one is required to have children or be able to have them to get married. Why then would we exempt gays from marriage for failing to meet a standard that doesn't exist, exempting all straights, and applying it only to gays?

It makes absolutely no sense.

who says that gays and lesbians can't have children? A lesbian couple I know is working on their second kid.

It's not "their" Child - there's a sperm donor involved

Sure there is. And in any straight couple, if one member was infertile and they used a sperm donor for fertilization, it would be the couple's kid. Its no different for gays and lesbians. Or anyone who uses a surrogate. Or anyone who adopts.

Yes , but not the same as producing a child that bears your genes - that is the natural product of your lineage And just for the record -I applaud those Lesbian couples who have been able to give a home and something resembling a family to orphans -while I pity those poor kids who find themselves in the hands of Gay men.

So you are just obsessed about gay men.

And don't think that a child not produced by mixing genes together is not really that couples child.

Which again must be a shock to the millions of Americans who adopted or the product of invitro fertilization.
Welcome to keep your fag-hating thoughts in the closet, where they belong.
If you put him on ignore, that's where they stay. If you reply, then I can see the ignorant drivel he posts.

You simply can't take seriously someone who continually equates gays to pedophiles. He and Silhouette are cut from the same cloth...and equally deserving of being ignored.

Many gay men do have a range of attraction that includes teenage boys, aka pederasty. Why is this not up for discussion?

Oh it goes WELL beyond that. The Advocacy to Normalize Sexual Abnormality BEGAN in the US with the Eugenics movement wherein 'studies' were done on THOUSANDS of male infants and toddlers for a decade (1930s), to 'test' their means to achieve sexual orgasm... .

These studies were conducted by a homosexual; a founding member NAMBLA (North American Man-Boy Love Association)... One Dr. Alfred Kinsey.

These studies produced as a result THOUSANDS of homosexuals... by imprinting on those infants and toddlers the base information that sexual gratification comes from people of Dr. Kinsey's gender; the man who first initiated or 'triggered' the flood of hormones common to sexual cravings.

Sadly, none of THAT made it into "Dr." Kinsey's research...

Beside NAMBLA, Dr. Kinsey is the Founder of "The Kinsey Institute" which also just happens to be where a large percentage of those sitting on the APA board are, or have been employed. And the APA is the 'scientific body' which determined that 'Homosexuality is perfectly normal...', and not by any actual SCIENCE... but by a popular vote.


LOL! Dam' straight it is... and its goal is the legalization of the adult pursuit of children for sexual gratification.

Even that man's name makes my blood boil. I did some extensive research into how many children Alfred Kinsey molested under the guise of "research". People like that should convince anyone of the existence of hell.

I can understand your rage, given the bullshit you just swallowed. But reality doesn't quite play out the same way.

First, Kinsey wasn't gay. He had a wife and 4 kids. There's zero evidence that he was homosexual.

Second, Kinsey wasn't a founding member of NAMBLA. Keyes just pulled that sideways out of his ass.

Third, Keyes was first and foremost, a biologist. His specialty was insects. He didn't begin studying sexuality until the 40s with his first paper on the topic being published in 1948. Making the bizarre eugenics claims more blithering nonsense.

Fourth, Keyes performed no experiments on children. The data you're referring to was collected from interviews with adults and based on their child hood memories. It was criticized for its unscientific nature by fellow scientists.

So with that in mind, what about Kinsey 'enrages' you so?

It surprises me not that you would defend Alfred Kinsey as you are likely as sick, evil, twisted, and depraved as he is, or at the very least you serve the same god he did. The truth about Kinsey's sexual experiments could not be suppressed forever. It's out there. And the fact that you leap to his defense says a lot about how much you share his philosophy and deviancy.

Nearly all marriages are predicated on the desire to have children eventually, so much so as to render negligible those few marriages forged in an agreement to forgo children.

Say who?

Look right at the marriage license- nothing about that there. Certainly wasn't in my wife and my wedding vows- certainly we are glad to have had children, and certainly I would want our child to have married parents- but we could have had children without marriage and we could have been married without children.

We allow 80 year old couples to marry- we even require some couples to prove that they can't reproduce before we allow them to marry.

You just don't apply the same standards to homosexuals that you do to heterosexuals.

Do you allow Pigs and Dogs to marry - They're harmless swine and canine . I grudgingly admit that homosexuals are are degenerate members of the Human Race that should be held to higher standards than the pig that wallows in shit - It does me or anyone else little harm for Pigs to have mock marriages - and it also does no harm to allow perverts to have faux marriages as well - just get out of sane peoples faces if that's how you insist on living your twisted little lives.

That's a good point, and one I've voiced before. There really is no such thing as "gay marriage". They can go through the motions and they can play make believe, but true marriage is a spiritual union that can only occur between a man and a woman. The materialist Left disregards the spiritual aspect or that marriage involves a 3rd party, that is God. They go for surface appearances and think they've achieved parity with the real thing.

You're right that there is no gay marriage, but not for the reasons you believe. There is only marriage. In more than half the states, marriage means that same sex loving partners can also civilly marry. Your belief about what constitutes a "real" marriage is irrelevant. We still get issued the same exact marriage license as those you believe have a "real" marriage and we still get all the same rights, benefits and privileges that are associated with a civil marriage license.

we still get all the same rights, benefits and privileges that are associated with a civil marriage license

But you'll never get the respect - sane people will always snicker behind your back - and your marriages are a joke - I liken it to two severely retarded people trying to decode quantum physics -you are basically no different , you are in effect - sexual retards

There are to this day people who snicker behind the backs of mixed race married couples.

They, like you, are the real idiots.
Hey ****, you've lost at every step but one, and you are about to lose again where this becomes legal in all 50 states. Count on it, it's in the bag.

I don't consider Windsor 2013 "states' choice" on the specific question of gay marriage " a loss". You're so certain SCOTUS will overturn itself in less than 3 years' time? I'm not so sure about that.

On a side note, the cultees are really quite heated in this debate. Something's got them running scared for sure. Maybe the new Congress?...

Well in their defense, they DID just cause the loss of nearly their entire legislative support, in nearly every state and at the Federal Level. And what's more, most of the Leftist replaced were not replaced with Prog Republicans, a majority of those Republicans are Americans.

And there's no Good "homo-news" there...
Hey ****, you've lost at every step but one, and you are about to lose again where this becomes legal in all 50 states. Count on it, it's in the bag.

I don't consider Windsor 2013 "states' choice" on the specific question of gay marriage " a loss". You're so certain SCOTUS will overturn itself in less than 3 years' time? I'm not so sure about that.

Windsor overturned key provisions of DOMA, requiring the federal government to provide benefits for hundreds of thousands of gay couples. Additionally, the court defined the harm caysed to the same sex couples and their children by the lack of recognition of the same sex marriage.

And finally, the courts recognized that State marriage laws are subject to constitutional guarantees.

That's a triple win for those supporting gay marriage.

On a side note, the cultees are really quite heated in this debate. Something's got them running scared for sure. Maybe the new Congress?...

And by 'cultees' you mean anyone who doesn't think exactly like you do?

Shrugs.....with 36 of 50 states recognizing gay marriage and growing, I suppose you'll have to imagine your support. As reality has provided you with precious little of it.
Wow- that must be a huge shock to all of those heterosexuals who have used sperm donors to get pregnant.

That child that they thought was theirs is not really theirs.

Whose child is it then?
The same must be true for those who adopt, who have twice as many donors.

You mean those who adopt children abandoned by their fine heterosexual parents? You know the only ones really qualified to raise children in the minds of homophobes?
Those are the ones. The war is so over and yet they fight on. It just goes to show how their ideology lacks common sense and they don't have any either. If they did they'd move on and find something else to obsess over, like the evil of women wearing pants or working outside the home.

Or maybe if those who decry the horrors of gay marriage- to 'protect the children'- would actually do something to protect the children.

Like maybe not get divorced. Or abandon their kids. Or kick them out of the house for being gay.

Or maybe just do anything actually for kids- rather than trying to prevent the children of gay parents from having married parents.

Seriously -pretty lame - is that the best you've got ? Gay couples have a much higher rate of "divorce" and go through ridiculously larger amounts of partners in their lifetimes than do mentally healthy heterosexual couples.

And meanwhile back to my point- homosexuals adopt the children abandoned by their heterosexuals parents.

You know the parents you consider the 'real parents'- the fine upstanding heterosexual citizens who create babies then abandon them to society.

When are homophobes like yourself going to actually argue for something for children- and not just use children as a tool to attack homosexuals?
When I talked about how Republicans hate gays, USMB right wingers rushed to their defense saying "That may have been true in the past, but not anymore. The GOP welcomes gays".

Clearly that's not the case.
"Pseudo-masochistic homosexual"

"Alfred Kinsey was interested in having sex with men, children, and animals"

Esther White, direct victim of Alfred Kinsey, says, "He took away my innocence that I didn't even know I had".
There are to this day people who snicker behind the backs of mixed race married couples.

They, like you, are the real idiots.

The gay lifestyle and aggressive cult is not the same as race.

There are to this day people who snicker behind the backs of mixed race married couples.

They, like anyone who would snicker behind the backs of a married gay couple, are the real idiots
When I talked about how Republicans hate gays, USMB right wingers rushed to their defense saying "That may have been true in the past, but not anymore. The GOP welcomes gays".

Clearly that's not the case.
They welcome fags they way they welcome *******, and then can't understand why they don't vote for them.

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