Homosexual Agenda Is Greatest Threat To Liberty

Marriage is between a man and a woman.
Not any more little dummy. You lost, and rightly so.
Hey little asshole, point me to the latest SCOTUS decision forcing gay marriage on unwilling states that post-dates Windsor's finding that state's on the specific question of gay marriage have a right to choose to allow it or not. (Hint, lower activist circuit judges are not = to SCOTUS)
Hey ****, you've lost at every step but one, and you are about to lose again where this becomes legal in all 50 states. Count on it, it's in the bag.

You're missing a a step.

And that is the civil war that has always followed the rejection of objective governance... and you ladies represent less than 3% of the population... SO... even if the Ideological in its entirely kicks in to help ya, you're looking at 30% of the population and if you've checked the policy advocacy, most of you idiots are unarmed, untrained and ya have the tenacity of a marshmellow... so, the outlook there: Not GOOD... (For you.)

Oh I just love the patriotism of Conservatives who are just itching to kill other Americans.......or in this case, to be able to kill homosexuals without legal repercussions again.
The same must be true for those who adopt, who have twice as many donors.

You mean those who adopt children abandoned by their fine heterosexual parents? You know the only ones really qualified to raise children in the minds of homophobes?
Those are the ones. The war is so over and yet they fight on. It just goes to show how their ideology lacks common sense and they don't have any either. If they did they'd move on and find something else to obsess over, like the evil of women wearing pants or working outside the home.

Or maybe if those who decry the horrors of gay marriage- to 'protect the children'- would actually do something to protect the children.

Like maybe not get divorced. Or abandon their kids. Or kick them out of the house for being gay.

Or maybe just do anything actually for kids- rather than trying to prevent the children of gay parents from having married parents.

Seriously -pretty lame - is that the best you've got ? Gay couples have a much higher rate of "divorce" and go through ridiculously larger amounts of partners in their lifetimes than do mentally healthy heterosexual couples.

And meanwhile back to my point- homosexuals adopt the children abandoned by their heterosexuals parents.

You know the parents you consider the 'real parents'- the fine upstanding heterosexual citizens who create babies then abandon them to society.

When are homophobes like yourself going to actually argue for something for children- and not just use children as a tool to attack homosexuals?

Oh, I am advocating for the children, as all moral people do.

And when a child is deprived of a mother or a father because of death or prison, it's a terrible thing.

But to deliberately create such circumstances, to put a child in a family that lacks a father or mother by design is just wrong; something that moral people understand, but reprobate, depraved minds miss altogether.

Letting queers adopt children is more than just an exercise in self delusion, making an unholy union look like a "family", but it also sucks an innocent child into a world of illusion that adults created for themselves to feign legitimacy for their illegitimate behavior. Children need both a mother and a father, and that doesn't mean a man and another man who kind of acts like a woman. Deprived of this, they are unable to develop psychologically as they would with a mother and father. It's selfish to sculpt a homosexual liaison into what perversely appears to be a "family" for the ego gratification of the adults while entirely dismissing the needs of every child to have an intact mother father home.
You mean those who adopt children abandoned by their fine heterosexual parents? You know the only ones really qualified to raise children in the minds of homophobes?
Those are the ones. The war is so over and yet they fight on. It just goes to show how their ideology lacks common sense and they don't have any either. If they did they'd move on and find something else to obsess over, like the evil of women wearing pants or working outside the home.

Or maybe if those who decry the horrors of gay marriage- to 'protect the children'- would actually do something to protect the children.

Like maybe not get divorced. Or abandon their kids. Or kick them out of the house for being gay.

Or maybe just do anything actually for kids- rather than trying to prevent the children of gay parents from having married parents.

Seriously -pretty lame - is that the best you've got ? Gay couples have a much higher rate of "divorce" and go through ridiculously larger amounts of partners in their lifetimes than do mentally healthy heterosexual couples.

And meanwhile back to my point- homosexuals adopt the children abandoned by their heterosexuals parents.

You know the parents you consider the 'real parents'- the fine upstanding heterosexual citizens who create babies then abandon them to society.

When are homophobes like yourself going to actually argue for something for children- and not just use children as a tool to attack homosexuals?

Oh, I am advocating for the children, as all moral people do.

And when a child is deprived of a mother or a father because of death or prison, it's a terrible thing.

But to deliberately create such circumstances, to put a child in a family that lacks a father or mother by design is just wrong; something that moral people understand, but reprobate, depraved minds miss altogether.

Letting queers adopt children is more than just an exercise in self delusion, making an unholy union look like a "family", but it also sucks an innocent child into a world of illusion that adults created for themselves to feign legitimacy for their illegitimate behavior. Children need both a mother and a father, and that doesn't mean a man and another man who kind of acts like a woman. Deprived of this, they are unable to develop psychologically as they would with a mother and father. It's selfish to sculpt a homosexual liaison into what perversely appears to be a "family" for the ego gratification of the adults while entirely dismissing the needs of every child to have an intact mother father home.
Got news for Popesucker, your argument is dead, even with the fuckin' Pope. Now what are you gonna do, pray to Jesus?
No... the only polls that count are the polls taken in the respective legislators of the respective states... and THOSE polls consistently show that THE MAJORITY OF THE PEOPLE ELECTED A MAJORITY OF THE LEGISLATORS WHO VOTED IN A MAJORITY OF THE STATES TO PROTECT THE NATURAL STANDARDS OF MARRIAGE IN LAW...

Oh, Sea Witch is quite right. Take Gallup, which demonstrated 55% support for gay marriage, the highest it ever recorded:

Gallup: Support for Gay Marriage at All-Time High

Support for same-sex marriage has hit a new high, according to a recent Gallup poll. Fifty-five percent of survey respondents think gay marriages should be recognized by law as valid while 42 percent disagree.

Gallup Support for Gay Marriage at All-Time High RealClearPolitics

And as the growing number of states that recognize gay marriage demonstrates, the rights of individuals aren't subject to a vote.


Not on the laws of 36 of 50 States. Remember, any law that abrogates rights is automatically invalid.


You seem confused. The overturning of gay marriage bans by half a dozen federal appeals district courts is one event. The growing support of gay marriage in the US is another. They aren't necessarily connected.

And in poll after poll support for gay marriage outpaces opposition by between 12 and 19 points. And growing. If you move past conservatives and cite the liberals, moderates, independent and youth (aka the overwhelming majority of the electorate), support shoots up to between 60 and 70%.

You can ignore these polls and pretend they don't exist. But you can't make us or any rational person do the same.

It's a lie... a Deceit, FRAUDULENTLY advanced as a means to influence the Ignorant.

Actually, its reality. You simply ignore any poll that doesn't say what you believe. And you only hamstring yourself. What is, is. And support for gay marriage is a position held by the majority of Americans.
Romney belongs to a cult. Faggots are just people. Now you know.
Romney does belong to a cult. The mormons IMHO are also a cult. Just like LGBTs. Cults cannot demand we allow their polygamy or their homosexual lifestyles to overtake the definition of marriage that the majority has put into place. Neither mormons nor homosexuals are a race of people...though...somehow...mormons managed to become a federally-recognized religion.

If support for gay marriag is at an "all time high", why did republicans sweep this last election and why did 82% of one of the largest polls at USMB vote this way: Should Churches be forced to accomodate for homosexual weddings Page 595 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Romney belongs to a cult. Faggots are just people. Now you know.
Romney does belong to a cult. The mormons IMHO are also a cult. Just like LGBTs. Cults cannot demand we allow their polygamy or their homosexual lifestyles to overtake the definition of marriage that the majority has put into place.
The majority doesn't matter a fucking damn either way. How long before you get that?
Many gay men have a range of attractions already that includes teenage boys...or even younger. It's one of the deep, dark secrets that doesn't come up at the annual LGBT action conference because nobody wants to admit that the seeds of pederasty have already been sown, and cultivated in this morally corrupt culture, will eventually sprout.

Right now gays are saying "consenting adults only!" But honestly.....how long will that charade last?

And that is different from 'heterosexual men' how?

Heterosexual men already are attracted to teenage girls- teenage girls are glorified as sex objects in our culture. Hardly a deep dark secret. You call it pederasty because of your obsession with gay male rape- but of course the reality is far darker.

Most child sexual molestation is done by men who identify themselves as heterosexual- whether they prey on underage girls or boys. Between 69% to 90% of all child molestation is done to girls- not boys.

Where is your concern for the female victims of child molestation?

As the father of a daughter- your faux concern about pederasty just sickens me. I see this with homophobes all the time- either implying or saying directly that homosexuals are pedophiles expressing fake concern for children.

But I as an informed father know that my daughter is between 2-10 times more likely to be sexually assaulted than a boy is.

And homophobes ONLY ever bring up 'boys being assaulted by men'- just to attack homosexuals.

Homophobes don't give a damn about children. IF they did they would be commenting about the attackers of girls at least twice as often as they discuss the attackers of boys.

All children deserve protection from sexual assault- and from child molesters.

Pointing at homosexuals and saying 'they are the child molesters' just leaves openly heterosexual monsters like Jerry Sandusky free to molest little boys because the boy's parents had nothing to worry about - since Sandusky was a good married father.

Again- as a father of a daughter- I say piss on your false concerns and piss on your homophobia.

You want to have discussion about protecting children from sexual assault- I will believe it when it goes beyond just attacking homosexuals

I think you're going off of some false pretenses here. Nobody's suggesting that we focus on demographic of child predators while ignoring another. I'm Catholic, so of course it's an enduring scandal that in my church, several boys were abused by clergy and the upper echelons conspired to cover up their crime and even allow them further opportunities to abuse. But since then, the Catholic Church has modeled how to effectively deal with this, not more hiding, not more denial, but more transparency. All throughout the Church, rules have changed to wed trust with accountability and ensure that any reports of abuse go directly to government authorities.

Child predators are like a fungus, seeking the safety of dark and seclusion. They shroud themselves in secrecy and capitalize on people's natural fear of facing what is happening in their midst, in their families, in their church, school, or any other enclave that enjoys some shelter from public scrutiny.

And here you go on the attack because I want to expose the fact that gay men do indeed molest boys and at an alarming rate. You're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem. You're like the mother who protected her husband through lies, denial, and silencing every accusation while he molested her brood. In similar fashion, you want to silence me too, or anyone else who wants to shed light on the problem of gay predators because, as I said, people like you don't want to admit there's a problem, so you act in such manner as to ensure the problem will persist.

That's what evil people do.

Child predators are indeed like a fungus- and you are like the gardener heaping dung on top of them to help them grow.

People like yourself who insinuate or equate homosexuals to child molesters enable child molesters to molest children.

Jerry Sandusky was a model heterosexual- husband, father, football coach- and child molester. His known history is all heterosexual except when he was raping little boys.

Your type of accusations puts the focus on homosexuals- rather than identifying potential child molesters- and their victims.

Fact- Girls are the victims 2-10 times more often than boys- yet you focus exclusively on boys who are victims of men.
Fact- Men are 9 times more likely than women to sexually molest children.
Fact- Child molesters are more likely to be family members(fathers/brothers/stepfathers/stepbrothers), and then after that men in positions of authority(coaches/priests/ministers/teachers/youth group leaders) and the least likely are strangers.

Your approach is to stigmatize homosexuals are child molesters- even though most child molesters do not identify themselves as homosexuals, and even though most of the victims are not boys.

My approach is to always warn people about the most likely molesters- always men- family members and persons in positions of authority.

You would not leave your boy with a known homosexual, but would drop him off at Coach Sandusky's and tell him you will pick him up in 2 hours.

I would not leave my child- boy or girl- with any man that I did not thoroughly trust. Whether the man was homosexual or heterosexual is not relevant. I would always- ALWAYS- trust a woman with my child before I would trust my child with any man.

IF you are just going to go by groups that harbor the most child molesters- then you should never leave any child with any man. Men are 10 times more likely to be molesters than women.

And yes- I will say this again- homophobes only use the issue of child molestation to attack homosexuals. I have seen no evidence that they actually care about children's safety at all.
Romney belongs to a cult. Faggots are just people. Now you know.
Romney does belong to a cult. The mormons IMHO are also a cult. Just like LGBTs. Cults cannot demand we allow their polygamy or their homosexual lifestyles to overtake the definition of marriage that the majority has put into place. Neither mormons nor homosexuals are a race of people...though...somehow...mormons managed to become a federally-recognized religion.

In the defense of the LDS church, they don't advocate polygamy or ANYTHING ELSE be imposed on an unwilling populace. There's no comparison between the LDS, who I have a lot of respect for, and the LGBT faggots who want to shove their agenda down everyone's throats and brainwash every child into thinking their deviant behavior should be considered normal.
Romney belongs to a cult. Faggots are just people. Now you know.
Romney does belong to a cult. The mormons IMHO are also a cult. Just like LGBTs. Cults cannot demand we allow their polygamy

Mormons do not practice polygamy.

However, Mormons do have all the rights under their freedom of religion, and we cannot deny Mormons the right to marry another Mormon.
The majority doesn't matter a fucking damn either way. How long before you get that?
Until the Constitution is rewritten to include sexual behavior lifestyles as equivalent to race. So far, American law is based on local communities being able to regulate human behaviors. Not so with race. Of which "gays" are not.
Many gay men have a range of attractions already that includes teenage boys...or even younger. It's one of the deep, dark secrets that doesn't come up at the annual LGBT action conference because nobody wants to admit that the seeds of pederasty have already been sown, and cultivated in this morally corrupt culture, will eventually sprout.

Right now gays are saying "consenting adults only!" But honestly.....how long will that charade last?

And that is different from 'heterosexual men' how?

Heterosexual men already are attracted to teenage girls- teenage girls are glorified as sex objects in our culture. Hardly a deep dark secret. You call it pederasty because of your obsession with gay male rape- but of course the reality is far darker.

Most child sexual molestation is done by men who identify themselves as heterosexual- whether they prey on underage girls or boys. Between 69% to 90% of all child molestation is done to girls- not boys.

Where is your concern for the female victims of child molestation?

As the father of a daughter- your faux concern about pederasty just sickens me. I see this with homophobes all the time- either implying or saying directly that homosexuals are pedophiles expressing fake concern for children.

But I as an informed father know that my daughter is between 2-10 times more likely to be sexually assaulted than a boy is.

And homophobes ONLY ever bring up 'boys being assaulted by men'- just to attack homosexuals.

Homophobes don't give a damn about children. IF they did they would be commenting about the attackers of girls at least twice as often as they discuss the attackers of boys.

All children deserve protection from sexual assault- and from child molesters.

Pointing at homosexuals and saying 'they are the child molesters' just leaves openly heterosexual monsters like Jerry Sandusky free to molest little boys because the boy's parents had nothing to worry about - since Sandusky was a good married father.

Again- as a father of a daughter- I say piss on your false concerns and piss on your homophobia.

You want to have discussion about protecting children from sexual assault- I will believe it when it goes beyond just attacking homosexuals

I think you're going off of some false pretenses here. Nobody's suggesting that we focus on demographic of child predators while ignoring another. I'm Catholic, so of course it's an enduring scandal that in my church, several boys were abused by clergy and the upper echelons conspired to cover up their crime and even allow them further opportunities to abuse. But since then, the Catholic Church has modeled how to effectively deal with this, not more hiding, not more denial, but more transparency. All throughout the Church, rules have changed to wed trust with accountability and ensure that any reports of abuse go directly to government authorities.

Child predators are like a fungus, seeking the safety of dark and seclusion. They shroud themselves in secrecy and capitalize on people's natural fear of facing what is happening in their midst, in their families, in their church, school, or any other enclave that enjoys some shelter from public scrutiny.

And here you go on the attack because I want to expose the fact that gay men do indeed molest boys and at an alarming rate. You're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem. You're like the mother who protected her husband through lies, denial, and silencing every accusation while he molested her brood. In similar fashion, you want to silence me too, or anyone else who wants to shed light on the problem of gay predators because, as I said, people like you don't want to admit there's a problem, so you act in such manner as to ensure the problem will persist.

That's what evil people do.

Child predators are indeed like a fungus- and you are like the gardener heaping dung on top of them to help them grow.

People like yourself who insinuate or equate homosexuals to child molesters enable child molesters to molest children.

Jerry Sandusky was a model heterosexual- husband, father, football coach- and child molester. His known history is all heterosexual except when he was raping little boys.

Your type of accusations puts the focus on homosexuals- rather than identifying potential child molesters- and their victims.

Fact- Girls are the victims 2-10 times more often than boys- yet you focus exclusively on boys who are victims of men.
Fact- Men are 9 times more likely than women to sexually molest children.
Fact- Child molesters are more likely to be family members(fathers/brothers/stepfathers/stepbrothers), and then after that men in positions of authority(coaches/priests/ministers/teachers/youth group leaders) and the least likely are strangers.

Your approach is to stigmatize homosexuals are child molesters- even though most child molesters do not identify themselves as homosexuals, and even though most of the victims are not boys.

My approach is to always warn people about the most likely molesters- always men- family members and persons in positions of authority.

You would not leave your boy with a known homosexual, but would drop him off at Coach Sandusky's and tell him you will pick him up in 2 hours.

I would not leave my child- boy or girl- with any man that I did not thoroughly trust. Whether the man was homosexual or heterosexual is not relevant. I would always- ALWAYS- trust a woman with my child before I would trust my child with any man.

IF you are just going to go by groups that harbor the most child molesters- then you should never leave any child with any man. Men are 10 times more likely to be molesters than women.

And yes- I will say this again- homophobes only use the issue of child molestation to attack homosexuals. I have seen no evidence that they actually care about children's safety at all.
You're an ass that defends one wrong by pointing out something else that's wrong, as if one erases the other.

Why are you so eager to protect gay men who abuse boys? That's more than a little disturbing.
Romney belongs to a cult. Faggots are just people. Now you know.
Romney does belong to a cult. The mormons IMHO are also a cult. Just like LGBTs. Cults cannot demand we allow their polygamy or their homosexual lifestyles to overtake the definition of marriage that the majority has put into place. Neither mormons nor homosexuals are a race of people...though...somehow...mormons managed to become a federally-recognized religion.

In the defense of the LDS church, they don't advocate polygamy or ANYTHING ELSE be imposed on an unwilling populace. There's no comparison between the LDS, who I have a lot of respect for, and the LGBT faggots who want to shove their agenda down everyone's throats and brainwash every child into thinking their deviant behavior should be considered normal.

You are right.

Homosexuals do not go door to door trying to convert people to homosexuality like the LDS goes door to door trying to convert people to Mormons- which by the way is a deviant behavior that Mormons would like to be considered normal.
The majority doesn't matter a fucking damn either way. How long before you get that?
Until the Constitution is rewritten to include sexual behavior lifestyles as equivalent to race. So far, American law is based on local communities being able to regulate human behaviors. Not so with race. Of which "gays" are not.
Civil rights on not just based upon race. How long before you get that as well? You don't get to vote on this, you never should have been allowed to since your vote doesn't fucking matter.
Many gay men have a range of attractions already that includes teenage boys...or even younger. It's one of the deep, dark secrets that doesn't come up at the annual LGBT action conference because nobody wants to admit that the seeds of pederasty have already been sown, and cultivated in this morally corrupt culture, will eventually sprout.

Right now gays are saying "consenting adults only!" But honestly.....how long will that charade last?

And that is different from 'heterosexual men' how?

Heterosexual men already are attracted to teenage girls- teenage girls are glorified as sex objects in our culture. Hardly a deep dark secret. You call it pederasty because of your obsession with gay male rape- but of course the reality is far darker.

Most child sexual molestation is done by men who identify themselves as heterosexual- whether they prey on underage girls or boys. Between 69% to 90% of all child molestation is done to girls- not boys.

Where is your concern for the female victims of child molestation?

As the father of a daughter- your faux concern about pederasty just sickens me. I see this with homophobes all the time- either implying or saying directly that homosexuals are pedophiles expressing fake concern for children.

But I as an informed father know that my daughter is between 2-10 times more likely to be sexually assaulted than a boy is.

And homophobes ONLY ever bring up 'boys being assaulted by men'- just to attack homosexuals.

Homophobes don't give a damn about children. IF they did they would be commenting about the attackers of girls at least twice as often as they discuss the attackers of boys.

All children deserve protection from sexual assault- and from child molesters.

Pointing at homosexuals and saying 'they are the child molesters' just leaves openly heterosexual monsters like Jerry Sandusky free to molest little boys because the boy's parents had nothing to worry about - since Sandusky was a good married father.

Again- as a father of a daughter- I say piss on your false concerns and piss on your homophobia.

You want to have discussion about protecting children from sexual assault- I will believe it when it goes beyond just attacking homosexuals

I think you're going off of some false pretenses here. Nobody's suggesting that we focus on demographic of child predators while ignoring another. I'm Catholic, so of course it's an enduring scandal that in my church, several boys were abused by clergy and the upper echelons conspired to cover up their crime and even allow them further opportunities to abuse. But since then, the Catholic Church has modeled how to effectively deal with this, not more hiding, not more denial, but more transparency. All throughout the Church, rules have changed to wed trust with accountability and ensure that any reports of abuse go directly to government authorities.

Child predators are like a fungus, seeking the safety of dark and seclusion. They shroud themselves in secrecy and capitalize on people's natural fear of facing what is happening in their midst, in their families, in their church, school, or any other enclave that enjoys some shelter from public scrutiny.

And here you go on the attack because I want to expose the fact that gay men do indeed molest boys and at an alarming rate. You're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem. You're like the mother who protected her husband through lies, denial, and silencing every accusation while he molested her brood. In similar fashion, you want to silence me too, or anyone else who wants to shed light on the problem of gay predators because, as I said, people like you don't want to admit there's a problem, so you act in such manner as to ensure the problem will persist.

That's what evil people do.

Child predators are indeed like a fungus- and you are like the gardener heaping dung on top of them to help them grow.

People like yourself who insinuate or equate homosexuals to child molesters enable child molesters to molest children.

Jerry Sandusky was a model heterosexual- husband, father, football coach- and child molester. His known history is all heterosexual except when he was raping little boys.

Your type of accusations puts the focus on homosexuals- rather than identifying potential child molesters- and their victims.

Fact- Girls are the victims 2-10 times more often than boys- yet you focus exclusively on boys who are victims of men.
Fact- Men are 9 times more likely than women to sexually molest children.
Fact- Child molesters are more likely to be family members(fathers/brothers/stepfathers/stepbrothers), and then after that men in positions of authority(coaches/priests/ministers/teachers/youth group leaders) and the least likely are strangers.

Your approach is to stigmatize homosexuals are child molesters- even though most child molesters do not identify themselves as homosexuals, and even though most of the victims are not boys.

My approach is to always warn people about the most likely molesters- always men- family members and persons in positions of authority.

You would not leave your boy with a known homosexual, but would drop him off at Coach Sandusky's and tell him you will pick him up in 2 hours.

I would not leave my child- boy or girl- with any man that I did not thoroughly trust. Whether the man was homosexual or heterosexual is not relevant. I would always- ALWAYS- trust a woman with my child before I would trust my child with any man.

IF you are just going to go by groups that harbor the most child molesters- then you should never leave any child with any man. Men are 10 times more likely to be molesters than women.

And yes- I will say this again- homophobes only use the issue of child molestation to attack homosexuals. I have seen no evidence that they actually care about children's safety at all.
You're an ass that defends one wrong by pointing out something else that's wrong, as if one erases the other.

Why are you so eager to protect gay men who abuse boys? That's more than a little disturbing.

Name a gay man who has abused a boy and I will be glad to condemn him. I condemn all child molestation. I just have done the research and know the facts.

People like yourself who insinuate or equate homosexuals to child molesters enable child molesters to molest children.

Jerry Sandusky was a model heterosexual- husband, father, football coach- and child molester. His known history is all heterosexual except when he was raping little boys.

Your type of accusations puts the focus on homosexuals- rather than identifying potential child molesters- and their victims.

Fact- Girls are the victims 2-10 times more often than boys- yet you focus exclusively on boys who are victims of men.
Fact- Men are 9 times more likely than women to sexually molest children.
Fact- Child molesters are more likely to be family members(fathers/brothers/stepfathers/stepbrothers), and then after that men in positions of authority(coaches/priests/ministers/teachers/youth group leaders) and the least likely are strangers.

Your approach is to stigmatize homosexuals are child molesters- even though most child molesters do not identify themselves as homosexuals, and even though most of the victims are not boys.

My approach is to always warn people about the most likely molesters- always men- family members and persons in positions of authority.

You would not leave your boy with a known homosexual, but would drop him off at Coach Sandusky's and tell him you will pick him up in 2 hours.

I would not leave my child- boy or girl- with any man that I did not thoroughly trust. Whether the man was homosexual or heterosexual is not relevant. I would always- ALWAYS- trust a woman with my child before I would trust my child with any man.

IF you are just going to go by groups that harbor the most child molesters- then you should never leave any child with any man. Men are 10 times more likely to be molesters than women.

And yes- I will say this again- homophobes only use the issue of child molestation to attack homosexuals. I have seen no evidence that they actually care about children's safety at all
The majority doesn't matter a fucking damn either way. How long before you get that?
Until the Constitution is rewritten to include sexual behavior lifestyles as equivalent to race. So far, American law is based on local communities being able to regulate human behaviors. Not so with race. Of which "gays" are not.

Once again Silhouette fails in basic comprehension of the law and the Constitution.
Civil rights on not just based upon race. How long before you get that as well? You don't get to vote on this, you never should have been allowed to since your vote doesn't fucking matter.
Then why do we have penal and civil codes ratified at a local level?

Shouldn't all people have the "right" to drive? Even blind people? Shouldn't all people have the right to vote? Even children? Shouldn't all people have the right to marry? Even polygamists? Brothers and sisters?

There are rights and there are priveleges. You have marriage confused with 'right'. It isn't. States are involved in the licensing and privelege of marriage in order to incentivize the best formative environment for children. So-called gay lifestyle marriages guarantee any state that they are happening in that that formative environment will be absent the complimentary gender and one blood parent 100% of the time. A state is not interested in giving any incentives to that guaranteed situation. It has to look after the best interest of kids. Otherwise a state wouldn't be involved at all.
Many gay men have a range of attractions already that includes teenage boys...or even younger. It's one of the deep, dark secrets that doesn't come up at the annual LGBT action conference because nobody wants to admit that the seeds of pederasty have already been sown, and cultivated in this morally corrupt culture, will eventually sprout.

Right now gays are saying "consenting adults only!" But honestly.....how long will that charade last?

And that is different from 'heterosexual men' how?

Heterosexual men already are attracted to teenage girls- teenage girls are glorified as sex objects in our culture. Hardly a deep dark secret. You call it pederasty because of your obsession with gay male rape- but of course the reality is far darker.

Most child sexual molestation is done by men who identify themselves as heterosexual- whether they prey on underage girls or boys. Between 69% to 90% of all child molestation is done to girls- not boys.

Where is your concern for the female victims of child molestation?

As the father of a daughter- your faux concern about pederasty just sickens me. I see this with homophobes all the time- either implying or saying directly that homosexuals are pedophiles expressing fake concern for children.

But I as an informed father know that my daughter is between 2-10 times more likely to be sexually assaulted than a boy is.

And homophobes ONLY ever bring up 'boys being assaulted by men'- just to attack homosexuals.

Homophobes don't give a damn about children. IF they did they would be commenting about the attackers of girls at least twice as often as they discuss the attackers of boys.

All children deserve protection from sexual assault- and from child molesters.

Pointing at homosexuals and saying 'they are the child molesters' just leaves openly heterosexual monsters like Jerry Sandusky free to molest little boys because the boy's parents had nothing to worry about - since Sandusky was a good married father.

Again- as a father of a daughter- I say piss on your false concerns and piss on your homophobia.

You want to have discussion about protecting children from sexual assault- I will believe it when it goes beyond just attacking homosexuals

I think you're going off of some false pretenses here. Nobody's suggesting that we focus on demographic of child predators while ignoring another. I'm Catholic, so of course it's an enduring scandal that in my church, several boys were abused by clergy and the upper echelons conspired to cover up their crime and even allow them further opportunities to abuse. But since then, the Catholic Church has modeled how to effectively deal with this, not more hiding, not more denial, but more transparency. All throughout the Church, rules have changed to wed trust with accountability and ensure that any reports of abuse go directly to government authorities.

Child predators are like a fungus, seeking the safety of dark and seclusion. They shroud themselves in secrecy and capitalize on people's natural fear of facing what is happening in their midst, in their families, in their church, school, or any other enclave that enjoys some shelter from public scrutiny.

And here you go on the attack because I want to expose the fact that gay men do indeed molest boys and at an alarming rate. You're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem. You're like the mother who protected her husband through lies, denial, and silencing every accusation while he molested her brood. In similar fashion, you want to silence me too, or anyone else who wants to shed light on the problem of gay predators because, as I said, people like you don't want to admit there's a problem, so you act in such manner as to ensure the problem will persist.

That's what evil people do.

Child predators are indeed like a fungus- and you are like the gardener heaping dung on top of them to help them grow.

People like yourself who insinuate or equate homosexuals to child molesters enable child molesters to molest children.

Jerry Sandusky was a model heterosexual- husband, father, football coach- and child molester. His known history is all heterosexual except when he was raping little boys.

Your type of accusations puts the focus on homosexuals- rather than identifying potential child molesters- and their victims.

Fact- Girls are the victims 2-10 times more often than boys- yet you focus exclusively on boys who are victims of men.
Fact- Men are 9 times more likely than women to sexually molest children.
Fact- Child molesters are more likely to be family members(fathers/brothers/stepfathers/stepbrothers), and then after that men in positions of authority(coaches/priests/ministers/teachers/youth group leaders) and the least likely are strangers.

Your approach is to stigmatize homosexuals are child molesters- even though most child molesters do not identify themselves as homosexuals, and even though most of the victims are not boys.

My approach is to always warn people about the most likely molesters- always men- family members and persons in positions of authority.

You would not leave your boy with a known homosexual, but would drop him off at Coach Sandusky's and tell him you will pick him up in 2 hours.

I would not leave my child- boy or girl- with any man that I did not thoroughly trust. Whether the man was homosexual or heterosexual is not relevant. I would always- ALWAYS- trust a woman with my child before I would trust my child with any man.

IF you are just going to go by groups that harbor the most child molesters- then you should never leave any child with any man. Men are 10 times more likely to be molesters than women.

And yes- I will say this again- homophobes only use the issue of child molestation to attack homosexuals. I have seen no evidence that they actually care about children's safety at all.
You're an ass that defends one wrong by pointing out something else that's wrong, as if one erases the other.

Why are you so eager to protect gay men who abuse boys? That's more than a little disturbing.

Name a gay man who has abused a boy and I will be glad to condemn him. I condemn all child molestation. I just have done the research and know the facts.

People like yourself who insinuate or equate homosexuals to child molesters enable child molesters to molest children.

Jerry Sandusky was a model heterosexual- husband, father, football coach- and child molester. His known history is all heterosexual except when he was raping little boys.

Your type of accusations puts the focus on homosexuals- rather than identifying potential child molesters- and their victims.

Fact- Girls are the victims 2-10 times more often than boys- yet you focus exclusively on boys who are victims of men.
Fact- Men are 9 times more likely than women to sexually molest children.
Fact- Child molesters are more likely to be family members(fathers/brothers/stepfathers/stepbrothers), and then after that men in positions of authority(coaches/priests/ministers/teachers/youth group leaders) and the least likely are strangers.

Your approach is to stigmatize homosexuals are child molesters- even though most child molesters do not identify themselves as homosexuals, and even though most of the victims are not boys.

My approach is to always warn people about the most likely molesters- always men- family members and persons in positions of authority.

You would not leave your boy with a known homosexual, but would drop him off at Coach Sandusky's and tell him you will pick him up in 2 hours.

I would not leave my child- boy or girl- with any man that I did not thoroughly trust. Whether the man was homosexual or heterosexual is not relevant. I would always- ALWAYS- trust a woman with my child before I would trust my child with any man.

IF you are just going to go by groups that harbor the most child molesters- then you should never leave any child with any man. Men are 10 times more likely to be molesters than women.

And yes- I will say this again- homophobes only use the issue of child molestation to attack homosexuals. I have seen no evidence that they actually care about children's safety at all

It's the reason that gay men are no longer welcomed into the priesthood:


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