Homosexual Agenda Is Greatest Threat To Liberty

Here's part 2 of the video exposing Kinsey as a horrific Advocate of the Normalization of Sexual Abnormality.

What rightwing faggot-hater website did you get this from?

Hey, if youtube said it, it has to be true!

But then, Keyes is a rampant Birther. So you can hardly be surprised that he'll swallow any conspiracy he comes across that says what he wants to believe.

Obama has not been able to prove his eligibility to be president via a genuine, unforged long form birth certificate.

That's not a conspiracy, that's a fact.

Oh it much worse than that. obama has proven his disqualification to be President, by professing his own personal knowledge that his father was a foreign national... which axiomatically excludes him from being President.

At BEST, a birth cert would verify that his mother was a US Citizen. The doubt regarding the Birth Cert is that his 'Mother' adopted him. Hawaii was known to provide birth certificates for adopted foreign nationals. This served Hawaiian interests by adding to their population count, for the purposes of increasing their Federal legislative representation.
The court spoke very clearly when it let the will of the voters get tossed and gay marriage stand. How long before you figure that out?

Give me the link, page number & quote from the most recent SCOTUS decision that supports what you just claimed.

PMH doesn't debate, she's incapable of it.

You're aware that the USSC has preserved *every* ruling overturning gay marriage bans, right? And that the USSC has overturned key provisions in DOMA?

The Supreme Court divested themselves of their constitutional duty to hear any cases related to a major national controversy. It would have been the same dereliction of duty if they refused to decide on Obamacare. That's not the same thing as preserving any ruling. In fact, because Louisiana's law has been upheld in court, we now have a virtual anarchy for lack of judicial leadership by the Supreme Court. They're eventually going to have to render a decision and they can't pussy out forever. Roberts is going to have to gird up his mangina and take this issue on.
Here's part 2 of the video exposing Kinsey as a horrific Advocate of the Normalization of Sexual Abnormality.

What rightwing faggot-hater website did you get this from?

Hey, if youtube said it, it has to be true!

But then, Keyes is a rampant Birther. So you can hardly be surprised that he'll swallow any conspiracy he comes across that says what he wants to believe.

Obama has not been able to prove his eligibility to be president via a genuine, unforged long form birth certificate.

That's not a conspiracy, that's a fact.

Oh it much worse than that. obama has proven his disqualification to be President, by professing his own personal knowledge that his father was a foreign national... which axiomatically excludes him from being President.

It doesn't do anything of the kind dumbass.

...that the U.S. has ever seen, Bryan Fischer claims.

On his "Focal Point" radio show, the American Family Association's Bryan Fischer recently claimed that the "active, aggressive homosexual lobby" represented a threat to U.S. democracy.

As Right Wing Watch first reported, Fischer, who is no stranger to anti-gay declarations, told listeners, "I firmly believe the homosexual agenda represents the greatest single threat to religious liberty we have ever seen in the history of our existence as a nation."

Homosexual Agenda Is Greatest Threat To Liberty That The U.S. Has Ever Seen Bryan Fischer Claims

I also believe homosexuality is wrong. I have good reasons for opposing homosexuality as a normative lifestyle based on science, medicine, and faith. Normal people do not define themselves solely on the basis of who they are sexually attracted to.
Here's part 2 of the video exposing Kinsey as a horrific Advocate of the Normalization of Sexual Abnormality.

What rightwing faggot-hater website did you get this from?

Hey, if youtube said it, it has to be true!

But then, Keyes is a rampant Birther. So you can hardly be surprised that he'll swallow any conspiracy he comes across that says what he wants to believe.

Obama has not been able to prove his eligibility to be president via a genuine, unforged long form birth certificate.

That's not a conspiracy, that's a fact.

Oh it much worse than that. obama has proven his disqualification to be President, by professing his own personal knowledge that his father was a foreign national... which axiomatically excludes him from being President.

It doesn't do anything of the kind dumbass.

Oh it much worse than that. obama has proven his disqualification to be President, by professing his own personal knowledge that his father was a foreign national... which axiomatically excludes him from being President.

At BEST, a birth cert would verify that his mother was a US Citizen. The doubt regarding the Birth Cert is that his 'Mother' adopted him. Hawaii was known to provide birth certificates for adopted foreign nationals. This served Hawaiian interests by adding to their population count, for the purposes of increasing their Federal legislative representation.
The court spoke very clearly when it let the will of the voters get tossed and gay marriage stand. How long before you figure that out?

Give me the link, page number & quote from the most recent SCOTUS decision that supports what you just claimed.

PMH doesn't debate, she's incapable of it.

You're aware that the USSC has preserved *every* ruling overturning gay marriage bans, right? And that the USSC has overturned key provisions in DOMA?

The Supreme Court divested themselves of their constitutional duty to hear any cases related to a major national controversy. It would have been the same dereliction of duty if they refused to decide on Obamacare. That's not the same thing as preserving any ruling. In fact, because Louisiana's law has been upheld in court, we now have a virtual anarchy for lack of judicial leadership by the Supreme Court. They're eventually going to have to render a decision and they can't pussy out forever. Roberts is going to have to gird up his mangina and take this issue on.
Roberts "has" to take on this issue, which he doesn't, after 70% of the country is already there. Yeah, he'll be sweating his balls off on that one, doing the same thing as the majority. How will he manage to sleep at night I wonder? Morons here, total fucking morons!

What rightwing faggot-hater website did you get this from?

Hey, if youtube said it, it has to be true!

But then, Keyes is a rampant Birther. So you can hardly be surprised that he'll swallow any conspiracy he comes across that says what he wants to believe.

Obama has not been able to prove his eligibility to be president via a genuine, unforged long form birth certificate.

That's not a conspiracy, that's a fact.

Oh it much worse than that. obama has proven his disqualification to be President, by professing his own personal knowledge that his father was a foreign national... which axiomatically excludes him from being President.
It doesn't do anything of the kind dumbass.

Oh it much worse than that. obama has proven his disqualification to be President, by professing his own personal knowledge that his father was a foreign national... which axiomatically excludes him from being President.

At BEST, a birth cert would verify that his mother was a US Citizen. The doubt regarding the Birth Cert is that his 'Mother' adopted him. Hawaii was known to provide birth certificates for adopted foreign nationals. This served Hawaiian interests by adding to their population count, for the purposes of increasing their Federal legislative representation.

Hey, if youtube said it, it has to be true!

But then, Keyes is a rampant Birther. So you can hardly be surprised that he'll swallow any conspiracy he comes across that says what he wants to believe.

Obama has not been able to prove his eligibility to be president via a genuine, unforged long form birth certificate.

That's not a conspiracy, that's a fact.

Oh it much worse than that. obama has proven his disqualification to be President, by professing his own personal knowledge that his father was a foreign national... which axiomatically excludes him from being President.
It doesn't do anything of the kind dumbass.

Oh it much worse than that. obama has proven his disqualification to be President, by professing his own personal knowledge that his father was a foreign national... which axiomatically excludes him from being President.

At BEST, a birth cert would verify that his mother was a US Citizen. The doubt regarding the Birth Cert is that his 'Mother' adopted him. Hawaii was known to provide birth certificates for adopted foreign nationals. This served Hawaiian interests by adding to their population count, for the purposes of increasing their Federal legislative representation.

Thank you... I appreciate that, but I am not that brilliant. I just appear so, in threads where you're present.

But, it's nice of you to notice, nonetheless.
The court spoke very clearly when it let the will of the voters get tossed and gay marriage stand. How long before you figure that out?

Give me the link, page number & quote from the most recent SCOTUS decision that supports what you just claimed.

PMH doesn't debate, she's incapable of it.

You're aware that the USSC has preserved *every* ruling overturning gay marriage bans, right? And that the USSC has overturned key provisions in DOMA?

The Supreme Court divested themselves of their constitutional duty to hear any cases related to a major national controversy. It would have been the same dereliction of duty if they refused to decide on Obamacare. That's not the same thing as preserving any ruling. In fact, because Louisiana's law has been upheld in court, we now have a virtual anarchy for lack of judicial leadership by the Supreme Court. They're eventually going to have to render a decision and they can't pussy out forever. Roberts is going to have to gird up his mangina and take this issue on.
Roberts "has" to take on this issue, which he doesn't, after 70% of the country is already there. Yeah, he'll be sweating his balls off on that one, doing the same thing as the majority. How will he manage to sleep at night I wonder? Morons here, total fucking morons!

Yeah... it sure seemed that way last November when the landslide victory throughout the nation provided for the removal of Democrats; the base legislative advocacy for normalizing Homosexuality.

VERY POPULAR, the "Gays". So popular in fact, that there is now, not a single Democrat Legislative majority to be found in the entire southern half of the United States. Such is the homosexual popularity, that sense they began their Perverted March the Sea, wherein they began to sue anyone that refused to celebrate their debauchery,...back in 2009, that well in excess of 1000 Democrats have been kicked out of public office and replaced by actual Americans.

Homosexuality is SO "POPULAR" that infinitesimal MINORITIES... literally about a dozen people in the Federal Judiciary had to OVERTURN The LAW, ESTABLISHED BY A MAJORITY OF THE PEOPLE IN THE MAJORITY OF THE STATES, BY A MAJORITY OF THE LEGISLATORS... that defended the natural standards of Marriage and, THAT was back before the recent PURGE of Democrats; of which there are now MUCH FEWER holding public office, including local, state and federal offices.
Last edited:
Welcome to keep your fag-hating thoughts in the closet, where they belong.
If you put him on ignore, that's where they stay. If you reply, then I can see the ignorant drivel he posts.

You simply can't take seriously someone who continually equates gays to pedophiles. He and Silhouette are cut from the same cloth...and equally deserving of being ignored.

Many gay men do have a range of attraction that includes teenage boys, aka pederasty. Why is this not up for discussion?

Disproportionately higher percentages of Gay Men have a disposition for pederasty or its more popular accolade pedophilia - Gay men are responsible for about 33/100 of all child molestation cases yet comprise on 3/100 [about 3%] of the general population. That's 1/3 of child molestation cases perpetrated by Gays -
Give me the link, page number & quote from the most recent SCOTUS decision that supports what you just claimed.

PMH doesn't debate, she's incapable of it.

You're aware that the USSC has preserved *every* ruling overturning gay marriage bans, right? And that the USSC has overturned key provisions in DOMA?

The Supreme Court divested themselves of their constitutional duty to hear any cases related to a major national controversy. It would have been the same dereliction of duty if they refused to decide on Obamacare. That's not the same thing as preserving any ruling. In fact, because Louisiana's law has been upheld in court, we now have a virtual anarchy for lack of judicial leadership by the Supreme Court. They're eventually going to have to render a decision and they can't pussy out forever. Roberts is going to have to gird up his mangina and take this issue on.
Roberts "has" to take on this issue, which he doesn't, after 70% of the country is already there. Yeah, he'll be sweating his balls off on that one, doing the same thing as the majority. How will he manage to sleep at night I wonder? Morons here, total fucking morons!

Yeah... it sure seemed that way last November when the landslide victory throughout the nation provided for the removal of Democrats; the base legislative advocacy for normalizing Homosexuality.

VERY POPULAR, the "Gays". So popular in fact, that there is now, not a single Democrat Legislative majority to be found in the entire southern half of the United States. Such is the homosexual popularity, that SENSE they began their March the Sea... in 2009, well in excess of 1000 Democrats have been kicked out of public office.

Homosexuality is SO "POPULAR" that infinitesimal MINORITIES... literally about a dozen people had to OVERTURN the LAW, ESTABLISHED BY A MAJORITY OF THE PEOPLE IN THE MAJORITY OF THE STATES, BY A MAJORITY OF THE LEGISLATORS... and THAT was back before the recent PURGE of Democrats; of which there are now MUCH FEWER holding public office, including local, state and federal offices.
Don't think the fanny bandits are gone.....
PMH doesn't debate, she's incapable of it.

You're aware that the USSC has preserved *every* ruling overturning gay marriage bans, right? And that the USSC has overturned key provisions in DOMA?

The Supreme Court divested themselves of their constitutional duty to hear any cases related to a major national controversy. It would have been the same dereliction of duty if they refused to decide on Obamacare. That's not the same thing as preserving any ruling. In fact, because Louisiana's law has been upheld in court, we now have a virtual anarchy for lack of judicial leadership by the Supreme Court. They're eventually going to have to render a decision and they can't pussy out forever. Roberts is going to have to gird up his mangina and take this issue on.
Roberts "has" to take on this issue, which he doesn't, after 70% of the country is already there. Yeah, he'll be sweating his balls off on that one, doing the same thing as the majority. How will he manage to sleep at night I wonder? Morons here, total fucking morons!

Yeah... it sure seemed that way last November when the landslide victory throughout the nation provided for the removal of Democrats; the base legislative advocacy for normalizing Homosexuality.

VERY POPULAR, the "Gays". So popular in fact, that there is now, not a single Democrat Legislative majority to be found in the entire southern half of the United States. Such is the homosexual popularity, that SENSE they began their March the Sea... in 2009, well in excess of 1000 Democrats have been kicked out of public office.

Homosexuality is SO "POPULAR" that infinitesimal MINORITIES... literally about a dozen people had to OVERTURN the LAW, ESTABLISHED BY A MAJORITY OF THE PEOPLE IN THE MAJORITY OF THE STATES, BY A MAJORITY OF THE LEGISLATORS... and THAT was back before the recent PURGE of Democrats; of which there are now MUCH FEWER holding public office, including local, state and federal offices.
Don't think the fanny bandits are gone.....

Gone? No... But their means to pass law is significantly diminished. Despite being EVER SO POPULAR!
You're aware that the USSC has preserved *every* ruling overturning gay marriage bans, right? And that the USSC has overturned key provisions in DOMA?

The Supreme Court divested themselves of their constitutional duty to hear any cases related to a major national controversy. It would have been the same dereliction of duty if they refused to decide on Obamacare. That's not the same thing as preserving any ruling. In fact, because Louisiana's law has been upheld in court, we now have a virtual anarchy for lack of judicial leadership by the Supreme Court. They're eventually going to have to render a decision and they can't pussy out forever. Roberts is going to have to gird up his mangina and take this issue on.
Roberts "has" to take on this issue, which he doesn't, after 70% of the country is already there. Yeah, he'll be sweating his balls off on that one, doing the same thing as the majority. How will he manage to sleep at night I wonder? Morons here, total fucking morons!

Yeah... it sure seemed that way last November when the landslide victory throughout the nation provided for the removal of Democrats; the base legislative advocacy for normalizing Homosexuality.

VERY POPULAR, the "Gays". So popular in fact, that there is now, not a single Democrat Legislative majority to be found in the entire southern half of the United States. Such is the homosexual popularity, that SENSE they began their March the Sea... in 2009, well in excess of 1000 Democrats have been kicked out of public office.

Homosexuality is SO "POPULAR" that infinitesimal MINORITIES... literally about a dozen people had to OVERTURN the LAW, ESTABLISHED BY A MAJORITY OF THE PEOPLE IN THE MAJORITY OF THE STATES, BY A MAJORITY OF THE LEGISLATORS... and THAT was back before the recent PURGE of Democrats; of which there are now MUCH FEWER holding public office, including local, state and federal offices.
Don't think the fanny bandits are gone.....

Gone? No... But their means to pass law is significantly diminished. Despite being EVER SO POPULAR!
Not administrative law...
Welcome to keep your fag-hating thoughts in the closet, where they belong.
If you put him on ignore, that's where they stay. If you reply, then I can see the ignorant drivel he posts.

You simply can't take seriously someone who continually equates gays to pedophiles. He and Silhouette are cut from the same cloth...and equally deserving of being ignored.

Many gay men do have a range of attraction that includes teenage boys, aka pederasty. Why is this not up for discussion?

Disproportionately higher percentages of Gay Men have a disposition for pederasty or its more popular accolade pedophilia - Gay men are responsible for about 33/100 of all child molestation cases yet comprise on 3/100 [about 3%] of the general population. That's 1/3 of child molestation cases perpetrated by Gays -

LOL! I love that... It seems SO REASONABLE!

But let's test it to see if it actually IS reasonable.

Political Junkie, you claim that Homosexuals are not disproportionally represented in sexual crimes against children. Do you have ANY evidence which sustains that 'feeling'?

Now since you and I both know ya do NOT...

Would your 'feelings' be changed if you were presented with evidence from law enforcement resources, OKA: Objective resources, which demonstrate that Homosexuals are in FACT disproportionally represented in sexual crimes against children?

Enjoy kids... the crickets are lovely this time of year.
The Supreme Court divested themselves of their constitutional duty to hear any cases related to a major national controversy.

Says you. And you're nobody. In a contest of the USSC vs you on what the USSC's duties are, I'm gonna have to side with the courts. As you have no idea what you're talking about.

That's not the same thing as preserving any ruling.

Actually it is. From Prop 8 to 6 federal appealant district courts ruling that gay marriage bans are unconstitutional, the USSC refused cert on every single one of them, preserving every such ruling.

The courts also overturned key portions of DOMA.

This court hasn't preserved any ruling affirming such bans.

n fact, because Louisiana's law has been upheld in court, we now have a virtual anarchy for lack of judicial leadership by the Supreme Court.

Ah, but has it been denied cert by the USSC, as they have on all the lower court rulings overturning bans on gay marriage? Nope. The courts have done nothing to preserve any ruling affirming gay marriage bans.

When every lower court ruling comes to the same conclusion and no rights are being abrogated, there's no controversy to resolve. Its only when different appellant courts disagree or there is a right that is being abrogated that the USSC's involvement is necessary.

Only quite recently has one district appellant court ruled in favor of gay marriage bans. And then, only a 3 judge panel. Not the full quorum. When and if the full quorum upholds the 3 panel decision, then the USSC intervention will probably become necessary. If it doesn't, then the USSC doesn't need to be involved.

As for 'anarchy', you're being a little melodramatic, aren't you?

The rulings of the different appellant district courts apply to their districts. So in every district where gay marriage bans have been ruled unconstitutional, gay marriage is recognized. In the that lone district where gay marriage bans were upheld, gay marriage is not. Unless the quorum of that district overturns the 3 judge panel's decision.

In those districts where the highest appellant judges have yet to rule, the issue is still being adjudicated. That's far from anarchy. That's inconsistency as the issue is working its way through the courts.

They're eventually going to have to render a decision and they can't pussy out forever. Roberts is going to have to gird up his mangina and take this issue on.

Says you. Several of those refusals to grant stays were unanimous. I don't think Roberts wants to be this generation's judge Leon Bazile. Scalia, surely wants to be. Thomas rules with Scalia. But the others....not so much. I think its plausible to get a 7-2 ruling in favor of gay marriage. Not likely, but plausible.

Given that Kennedy (aka 'Mr. Swing Voter') has authored all of the landmark USSC rulings in the last 20 years recognizing gay rights (Lawerence, Romer and Windsor), it seems very unlikely you'll see less than a 5-4 in favor of gay marriage.

So....you may want to prepare yourself for a ruling on the topic that you wouldn't like.
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The Supreme Court divested themselves of their constitutional duty to hear any cases related to a major national controversy. It would have been the same dereliction of duty if they refused to decide on Obamacare. That's not the same thing as preserving any ruling. In fact, because Louisiana's law has been upheld in court, we now have a virtual anarchy for lack of judicial leadership by the Supreme Court. They're eventually going to have to render a decision and they can't pussy out forever. Roberts is going to have to gird up his mangina and take this issue on.
Roberts "has" to take on this issue, which he doesn't, after 70% of the country is already there. Yeah, he'll be sweating his balls off on that one, doing the same thing as the majority. How will he manage to sleep at night I wonder? Morons here, total fucking morons!

Yeah... it sure seemed that way last November when the landslide victory throughout the nation provided for the removal of Democrats; the base legislative advocacy for normalizing Homosexuality.

VERY POPULAR, the "Gays". So popular in fact, that there is now, not a single Democrat Legislative majority to be found in the entire southern half of the United States. Such is the homosexual popularity, that SENSE they began their March the Sea... in 2009, well in excess of 1000 Democrats have been kicked out of public office.

Homosexuality is SO "POPULAR" that infinitesimal MINORITIES... literally about a dozen people had to OVERTURN the LAW, ESTABLISHED BY A MAJORITY OF THE PEOPLE IN THE MAJORITY OF THE STATES, BY A MAJORITY OF THE LEGISLATORS... and THAT was back before the recent PURGE of Democrats; of which there are now MUCH FEWER holding public office, including local, state and federal offices.
Don't think the fanny bandits are gone.....

Gone? No... But their means to pass law is significantly diminished. Despite being EVER SO POPULAR!
Not administrative law...

And by administrative law do you mean to refer to the Judiciary, which has no power what so ever, to make law, of any kind, in any way?
Welcome to keep your fag-hating thoughts in the closet, where they belong.
If you put him on ignore, that's where they stay. If you reply, then I can see the ignorant drivel he posts.

You simply can't take seriously someone who continually equates gays to pedophiles. He and Silhouette are cut from the same cloth...and equally deserving of being ignored.

Many gay men do have a range of attraction that includes teenage boys, aka pederasty. Why is this not up for discussion?

Disproportionately higher percentages of Gay Men have a disposition for pederasty or its more popular accolade pedophilia - Gay men are responsible for about 33/100 of all child molestation cases yet comprise on 3/100 [about 3%] of the general population. That's 1/3 of child molestation cases perpetrated by Gays -

LOL! I love that... It seems SO REASONABLE!

But let's test it to see if it actually IS reasonable.

Political Junkie, you claim that Homosexuals are not disproportionally represented in sexual crimes against children. Do you have ANY evidence which sustains that 'feeling'?

Now since you and I both know ya do NOT...

Would your 'feelings' be changed if you were presented with evidence from law enforcement resources, OKA: Objective resources, which demonstrate that Homosexuals are in FACT disproportionally represented in sexual crimes against children?

Enjoy kids... the crickets are lovely this time of year.
You first. Please present your evidence.
If you put him on ignore, that's where they stay. If you reply, then I can see the ignorant drivel he posts.

You simply can't take seriously someone who continually equates gays to pedophiles. He and Silhouette are cut from the same cloth...and equally deserving of being ignored.

Many gay men do have a range of attraction that includes teenage boys, aka pederasty. Why is this not up for discussion?

Disproportionately higher percentages of Gay Men have a disposition for pederasty or its more popular accolade pedophilia - Gay men are responsible for about 33/100 of all child molestation cases yet comprise on 3/100 [about 3%] of the general population. That's 1/3 of child molestation cases perpetrated by Gays -

LOL! I love that... It seems SO REASONABLE!

But let's test it to see if it actually IS reasonable.

Political Junkie, you claim that Homosexuals are not disproportionally represented in sexual crimes against children. Do you have ANY evidence which sustains that 'feeling'?

Now since you and I both know ya do NOT...

Would your 'feelings' be changed if you were presented with evidence from law enforcement resources, OKA: Objective resources, which demonstrate that Homosexuals are in FACT disproportionally represented in sexual crimes against children?

Enjoy kids... the crickets are lovely this time of year.
You first. Please present your evidence.

Ok... so you can't say that IF you were presented with evidence that Homosexuals are in fact, disproportionally guilty of sex with children, that such would alter your position.

THANK YOU! That is all I was after.

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.

(The Reader should now recognize that her comment was, in fact, not reasonable, after all...)
If you put him on ignore, that's where they stay. If you reply, then I can see the ignorant drivel he posts.

You simply can't take seriously someone who continually equates gays to pedophiles. He and Silhouette are cut from the same cloth...and equally deserving of being ignored.

Many gay men do have a range of attraction that includes teenage boys, aka pederasty. Why is this not up for discussion?

Disproportionately higher percentages of Gay Men have a disposition for pederasty or its more popular accolade pedophilia - Gay men are responsible for about 33/100 of all child molestation cases yet comprise on 3/100 [about 3%] of the general population. That's 1/3 of child molestation cases perpetrated by Gays -

LOL! I love that... It seems SO REASONABLE!

But let's test it to see if it actually IS reasonable.

Political Junkie, you claim that Homosexuals are not disproportionally represented in sexual crimes against children. Do you have ANY evidence which sustains that 'feeling'?

Now since you and I both know ya do NOT...

Would your 'feelings' be changed if you were presented with evidence from law enforcement resources, OKA: Objective resources, which demonstrate that Homosexuals are in FACT disproportionally represented in sexual crimes against children?

Enjoy kids... the crickets are lovely this time of year.
You first. Please present your evidence.

Gay activists have strenuously argued that there is no connection between homosexuality and the sexual abuse of children. They point out that the majority of child molestation cases are by heterosexuals. But they neglect a pivotal fact: Homosexuals comprise only a small percentage of the population, yet account for an extraordinarily high percentage of offenses against children.

A recent study in Demography estimated the number of exclusive male homosexuals in the general population at 2.5 percent, and the number of exclusive lesbians at 1.4 percent. The study took into account three large data sets, including the all-encompassing U.S. Census.

Now consider a report from the Journal of Sex Research which noted that homosexual pedophiles commit about one-third of the total number of child sex offenses, even though they are outnumbered by heterosexuals 20 to one. Less than four percent of the population commits one-third of the offenses against children!

In The Gay Report, homosexual researchers report data showing that better than 7 out of 10 homosexuals surveyed had at some time had sex with boys 16 to 19

Homosexuals and the Pedophile Connection
Give me the link, page number & quote from the most recent SCOTUS decision that supports what you just claimed.

PMH doesn't debate, she's incapable of it.

You're aware that the USSC has preserved *every* ruling overturning gay marriage bans, right? And that the USSC has overturned key provisions in DOMA?

The Supreme Court divested themselves of their constitutional duty to hear any cases related to a major national controversy. It would have been the same dereliction of duty if they refused to decide on Obamacare. That's not the same thing as preserving any ruling. In fact, because Louisiana's law has been upheld in court, we now have a virtual anarchy for lack of judicial leadership by the Supreme Court. They're eventually going to have to render a decision and they can't pussy out forever. Roberts is going to have to gird up his mangina and take this issue on.
Roberts "has" to take on this issue, which he doesn't, after 70% of the country is already there. Yeah, he'll be sweating his balls off on that one, doing the same thing as the majority. How will he manage to sleep at night I wonder? Morons here, total fucking morons!

Yeah... it sure seemed that way last November when the landslide victory throughout the nation provided for the removal of Democrats; the base legislative advocacy for normalizing Homosexuality.

Again, the legislatures aren't deciding the issue of gay marriage. Or 'normalizing homosexuality'. The courts already ruled in the Lawrence v. Texas decision that the states had no authority to criminalize homosexual behavior. As consensual sexual behavior between adults in their own home was outside the scope of state power.

And the issue of gay marriage is being decided in the federal judiciary. Which has overwhelmingly overturned gay marriage bans, making gay marriage legal in 36 of 50 states.

Rendering your 'legislative' rant moot. As the legislative branch isn't deciding the issue. The judiciary is.

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