Homosexual Agenda Is Greatest Threat To Liberty

No, its craving sexual gratification with children

Yes... that's what I said, sexual abnormality.

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.

We've been through this, buddy....whenever you hit the 'summary declarations of victory' stage of your argument, you're done. Its your white flag.

You clearly can't deal with the fact that almost all the molestors are self identified heterosexuals. You clearly can't make your logical fallacies work. You're desperately looking for an excuse to run.

You don't need one. You're done.
And Keyes....you just gave us your tell. Whenever your argument doesn't work, when you have no logical or rational position from which to argue......you always flee to the same place.

Awkward summary declarations of victory.

Huh... so you feel that my noting your failed reasoning is somehow a sign of your victory?

Meaning that you goal was to advance failed reasoning?

Well, if that's what you're going for... CONGRATS! Because THAT is clearly your wheel house.
You're kinda overplaying the 'wannabe Alpha male' card...


Sweety, this is a text forum. There's no means to demonstrate the nature of my personality through this medium. But, suffice it to say that in terms of alpha males... My life has been one lived at the top of the food chain.

Now do I think that I am the world's most prolific bad ass? Nope... not even close. But I've been to their house, broke bread with 'em and we're close personal friends.

And in my experience, the real protectors, the folks you really need to worry about......they don't have to say anything.

Its the wannabes that spend so much time trying to convince everyone how fierce they are. How bad it would be if they were crossed. And make the, anonymous threats from a wall of anonymity. You know, where they never actually have to back any of the blather up.

You're trying too hard.
And Keyes....you just gave us your tell. Whenever your argument doesn't work, when you have no logical or rational position from which to argue......you always flee to the same place.

Awkward summary declarations of victory.

Huh... so you feel that my noting your failed reasoning is somehow a sign of your victory?

Meaning that you goal was to advance failed reasoning?

Well, if that's what you're going for... CONGRATS! Because THAT is clearly your wheel house.

Laughing...much like your awkward assurances of your own bravado, if your arguments worked, you wouldn't have to pat yourself on the back and declare your own victory.

You've abandon your every argument. You won't discuss the silliness of your 'war' fantasies about the gays. You've completely abandoned any discussion of the fact that more than 99% of child molesters are self proclaimed heterosexuals. You won't even try to shore up your tricycle fallacies. And you definitely won't touch the fact that 75% of men who molest boys are heterosexual men who are in a relationship with that child's mother or female relatives.

Or the fact that a child is more than 100 times more likely to be molested by the heterosexual male partner of their mother or female relative than a homosexual.

So you 'declare victory'....and run. As I said, its your tell.
... wouldn't have to pat yourself on the back and declare your own victory.

When did I declare victory?

I merely noted that you had yielded to the standing point, having failed to sustain your own position, which FTR: is the definition of conceding.

And this without regard to your revisions on the fly of a text forum, wherein the reader is perfectly able to see the record as it exists.

I mean ... using YOUR OWN REASONING: you're declaring yourself to be the winner. And unless I missed something here, according to YOU... that means that you know ya lost and are trying to conceal the failure of your loss, through ... somethin', somethin'... bravado.

I'm sure that's pretty close, but feel free to fact-check it for me.
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I've met genuinely dangerous men.

Hey! Me too... I went to work with 'em every day for years! Genuinely, hard core, highly trained, highly motivated men whose job it was to go to the homes of other dangerous men and kill 'em.

See the difference? (I mean that I worked side by side with 'em... not that I never wanted to blow 'em. To note that obvious distinction, well that would be cruel, so I won't go there.)

Now what?

OH YEAH! This where I recognize that you're full of shit, and laugh at your relaying your Netflix subscription as life experience. (Consider that done...)

Anything else?
I have no quarrel with Gays per se.

I do, however, take exception with the Gay "Community" branding me as well as my family "homophobes" for the mere fact that we hold dear our own heterosexual family unit as sacrosanct.

We feel unprotected and threatened, By Gays. By Golly. :beer:

Hey to all you Gay ass-fuckers out there- please do not threaten my heterosexual family unit.

I thank you in advance. :thup:

Who is threatening your heterosexual family unit? Have you called the police?
We're not hating anyone sparky... but we dam' sure do not intend to allow these pervs to cripple the culture in which we live and in which we raise our children.
Yeah, that's why you described gays as loathsome, ahborred, despised, depraved, deranged, and evil. All with vague threats of violence if they keep making themselves so public.

Because you don't hate them?

If this is the product of your 'objective' religion, you are the poster child for what can go wrong with theism.

If this cult doesn't sit down and shut the fuck up, they're going to ignite a war that will make 'hate crimes' look like a lovely Sunday brunch. And if you need that to be the fault of the defense... that's fine. But that will not help ya get through it, in the slightest.

Nope. Here's the part that you forget, Keyes. Most of the hateful bigots in the world like yourself....are natural chickenshits. They don't want to bleed. They want to hurt people, but they don't want to have to hurt. Your 'war' requires shit loads of bleeding. Not someone else's. But yours.

And you won't do it. Neither will your fellow chickenshits.

Oh, I have no doubt that if you find someone gay guy who is sick, or old, or vulnerable.....you'll want to try and hurt them. But those opportunities are comparatively rare. And after you'd done hurting that person, we'll come find you and put you in a cage. And you and your fellow chickenshits know that.

Which is why you're here talking. Rather than doing. There's always an excuse why you can't actually back up your words with actions. And there always will be. Until you and your generations of bigots have died off from the ravages of old age. And a younger, more tolerant group of folks has taken your place.

Your own cowardice protects you as much as it protects the gays you want to hurt. And will likely result to you living to a ripe old age. And a much more tolerant society that doesn't want to hurt people as much you do.

You're siding with EVIL... and that's all there is to it. It's a lie bent around a myth, resting upon a horrible fraudulence. And one of two things is going to happen: Either the homosexuals shut the fuck up... or we're going to shut them up and >IF< THAT is how it goes, we're shutting up the entire Left right along with you ladies.

Nope. You're the one that wants to hurt and wage war against folks you don't know, have never met, and have never done you an ounce of harm. People just trying to raise their families and live their lives. People you hate for no other reason than you were told to. And opposing such stupidity isn't evil. Its the duty of any moral person.

Oh, and Mike....this is your team. Keyes is your people. If you think this is a 'Christ like' way to live, then you really need to crack that book of yours open again. Because you're really not getting it.

Skyler, even Christ lost it and went on a rampage. That's what happens when people get pushed, and you people are pushing us around everywhere. The homosexual agenda is everywhere, which is odd because it's supposed to be a private lifestyle. But here it is shoved in our faces in the workplace, on the football field, in politics, in the media, everywhere. WTF makes you people think you're so important?

You're not seeing anyone actually threaten violence, you're seeing people get frustrated that you "victims" have become the biggest asshole bullies in the country. Makes a person just want to go find a faggot and beat the shit out of him. But not really.

You were told many times on this thread, stop with the aggressive homosexual agenda and you'll see conservatives backing down too. We don't care if you have gay butt sex in your own homes, just keep it out of our lives.

What total BS.

For decades good conservatives like yourself made being homosexual a crime. Made private consensual sex between two people of the same gender a crime.

People like yourself led to purges of suspected homosexuals from the state department. Led to police departments raiding clubs and harrassing men and women simply for the suspicion that they might be having the wrong kind of sex. Your kind even tried to make it illegal for suspected homosexuals to be teachers in public schools.

It wasn't because homosexuals 'stopped demanding equal treatment' that anything changed. It was because homosexuals stepped up and started to demand the end of discrimination- the end of both legalized bullying of homosexuals and the tacit wink wink of allowing good conservatives like yourself get 3 of your best buddies in a car to find a 'homo' by himself that you could beat up safely, knowing the cops would be okay with just another 'faggot' getting what he deserved.

Now you whine that homosexuals are being 'bullies'?

Are they beating you up? Are they threatening you with arrest if you have sex with a woman?

Are they trying to get you fired for being in a bar with other homosexuals?

What you call an 'aggressive homosexual agenda' are people who got tired of being bullied, who started speaking up and demanding their rights.

No one is shoving sex in your face- homosexuals are not demanding that you watch them have sex- they are not demanding that you like how they have sex- they really don't care what you think about how they have sex.

They want to be treated equally under the law. They want to be married just like my wife and I are married.

When you get threatened with physical violence simply for enjoying sex with your wife- then I will consider listening to your claims about being 'bullied' but so far all you have is whiny conservative BS.
... wouldn't have to pat yourself on the back and declare your own victory.

When did I declare victory?

I merely noted that you had yielded to the standing point, having failed to sustain your own position, which FTR: is the definition of conceding.

And this without regard to your revisions in the fly of a text forum, wherein the reader is perfectly able to see the record as it exists.

I mean ... using YOUR OWN REASONING: you're declaring yourself to be the winner. And unless I missed something here, according to YOU... that means that you know ya lost and are trying to conceal the failure of your loss, through ... somethin', somethin'... bravado.

I'm sure that's pretty close, but feel free to fact-check it for me.

Wow....you won't touch your abandoned arguments with a 10 foot pole, will you?

Your claims about homosexuals disproportionately molesting children....abandoned and tossed on the rhetorical midden heap.

Your claims about your silly little 'war' against gays.....tossed away like so much garbage.

The fact that more than 99% of molesters are self proclaimed heterosexuals......you won't even discuss.

The fact that 75% of the molesters of boys are heterosexual men in relationships with the child's mother or female relative.....you ran screaming.

The fact that a child is over 100 times more likely to be molested by the heterosexual partner of their mother or female relative than a homosexual? You refuse to acknowledge it even exists.

If you're going to treat your own arguments like useless flotsam to be discarded as garbage.....surely you can understand if we do the same.
Yeah, that's why you described gays as loathsome, ahborred, despised, depraved, deranged, and evil. All with vague threats of violence if they keep making themselves so public.

I've never threatened anyone with any thing. I have merely pointed to the absolute certainty that your obtuse nature, your refusal to reason soundly, is the precise formula which has caused every war which has ever happened... .

That is simply a fact. If you're threatened by that fact and cannot find the strength of character to alter your behavior to avoid the historical consequences of your very actions... that is on YOU.

You have just displayed a tremendous ignorance of history- or perhaps just delusionary behavior.

Not sure which.
Yet you only mention child abuse when you can accuse homosexuals.


Now that's not even a remotely debatable point...

The difference is that hetero-sexuality is NORMAL HUMAN SEXUALITY... and Homosexuality is ABNORMAL SEXUALITY.

Therefore, just BEING homosexual lends to the likelihood, t.

Just being a homosexual lends to the likelihood that you and your fellow homophobes will bully, physically assault or call for homosexuals to be imprisoned.
Yet you only mention child abuse when you can accuse homosexuals.


Now that's not even a remotely debatable point...

The difference is that hetero-sexuality is NORMAL HUMAN SEXUALITY... and Homosexuality is ABNORMAL SEXUALITY.

Therefore, just BEING homosexual lends to the likelihood, t.

Just being a homosexual lends to the likelihood that you and your fellow homophobes will bully, physically assault or call for homosexuals to be imprisoned.
When I went to high school, the Malay ambassador kids were the worst - would say their parents taught them to hate gays.

Obviously back in Malaysia homosexuality is used as an excuse to round up and imprison the political opposition, much like they did in the Soviet Union.

Homophobes would love to turn the US into Malaysia, where people are put in prison for being gay. And where the opposition leader is accused of sodomy and threatened on made up and fabricated evidence by the government.

Unfortunately there is this minor little thing called the Bill of Rights, the US Constitution, and US Law, which won't let them set up an anti gay theocracy down here.
So, because YOU decide that gay can be controlled, therefore gay people should do what YOU tell them to do?

LOL! Based upon WHAT? Nothing I said comes anywhere CLOSE to so much as IMPLYING THAT. It is simply a FACT that homosexual behavior is a CHOICE! That's not even a debatable subject sport.

What makes you such an expert on whether gay people are born gay or not?

I've got 54 years as a practicing human being.

Yeah, a gay person could, if they really had to, go and have sex with someone of the opposite sex.

Yep... or go without having sex. Happens all the time. Just ask my wife.

You say it's a fact that it's choice, no it isn't. You're just making it up and hoping if you say it enough times it becomes tries. No, it's not debatable, why? You're not gay (I assume) and you have no idea what gay people think or feel. But you're telling them how they think and feel.

Yeah, you've got 54 years as a human, many gay people have many more years than this, and they have them as being gay and know quite differently from you.

You seem to have 54 years experience of being a bit of a bigot, that's all, deciding how other people feel, deciding you know best, deciding what they shouldn't do because you don't think it's right, deciding whether they should be able to have the same rights and privileges as others simply because of the way they were born, and you want to even deny that they were born differently.
Gay Couple Who Adopted 9 Children Now Facing Trial After Molestation Charges
You may remember the case of George Harasz and Douglas Worth being arrested in 2011 on charges of molestation. The couple adopted 9 boys starting in 2000 and we're arrested in 2011.

After initially withdrawing from a plea agreement, they are now facing new allegations of molestation which are more serious than the original charges. All of which were brought up by the alleged victims right before Harasz and Wirth are set to go to trial. Details here.

Gay Couple Who Adopted 9 Children Now Facing Trial After Molestation Charges page 1

As if abuse doesn't happen with parents who are straight. It does, it's not good. What it requires are better ways of choosing foster parents, better ways of making sure kids are okay, but who cares about that in govt? Not many.
...that the U.S. has ever seen, Bryan Fischer claims.

On his "Focal Point" radio show, the American Family Association's Bryan Fischer recently claimed that the "active, aggressive homosexual lobby" represented a threat to U.S. democracy.

As Right Wing Watch first reported, Fischer, who is no stranger to anti-gay declarations, told listeners, "I firmly believe the homosexual agenda represents the greatest single threat to religious liberty we have ever seen in the history of our existence as a nation."

Homosexual Agenda Is Greatest Threat To Liberty That The U.S. Has Ever Seen Bryan Fischer Claims

I also believe homosexuality is wrong. I have good reasons for opposing homosexuality as a normative lifestyle based on science, medicine, and faith. Normal people do not define themselves solely on the basis of who they are sexually attracted to.

This dude spends way too much time thinking about who sticks or licks someone else where on their bodies. Irregardless of what the homos are doing this freak has too much access to a video camera and a microphone. What he needs is a couple of serious court orders to cease and desist. His income seems highly likely tied to his rants that obviously or more likely probably violate laws on harrassment based on sexual orientation.

Well, I tell ya what... you get their sex life out of public policy and you'll find that our interest in their sex life drops off immediately.

OR... you'll all find out why and how the homosexuals ended up in the closest in the fist place. (It was the safest place to BE.)

Ah yes nothing says conservative Patriotism like an American threatening other Americans....for being different.

Why would you feel threatened? He only said that if you people push, there's going to be a push back. And you people are definitely pushing your lifestyle down everyone's throats.

So it stands to reason that everyone was better off when you were in the closet, no?

No. Oh sure...raging homophobes were "better off" when gays were in the closet, but not so much for gays.

I sure find it funny that gays asking to be treated equally with straights equates to "pushing your lifestyle down everyone's throat" (notice the subtle homo eroticism in there?) It's okay for a straight guy to say he's married and mention his wife, but when I do it I'm "flaunting my sexuality". :lol:

Homophobes crack me up.
We're not hating anyone sparky... but we dam' sure do not intend to allow these pervs to cripple the culture in which we live and in which we raise our children.
Yeah, that's why you described gays as loathsome, ahborred, despised, depraved, deranged, and evil. All with vague threats of violence if they keep making themselves so public.

Because you don't hate them?

If this is the product of your 'objective' religion, you are the poster child for what can go wrong with theism.

If this cult doesn't sit down and shut the fuck up, they're going to ignite a war that will make 'hate crimes' look like a lovely Sunday brunch. And if you need that to be the fault of the defense... that's fine. But that will not help ya get through it, in the slightest.

Nope. Here's the part that you forget, Keyes. Most of the hateful bigots in the world like yourself....are natural chickenshits. They don't want to bleed. They want to hurt people, but they don't want to have to hurt. Your 'war' requires shit loads of bleeding. Not someone else's. But yours.

And you won't do it. Neither will your fellow chickenshits.

Oh, I have no doubt that if you find someone gay guy who is sick, or old, or vulnerable.....you'll want to try and hurt them. But those opportunities are comparatively rare. And after you'd done hurting that person, we'll come find you and put you in a cage. And you and your fellow chickenshits know that.

Which is why you're here talking. Rather than doing. There's always an excuse why you can't actually back up your words with actions. And there always will be. Until you and your generations of bigots have died off from the ravages of old age. And a younger, more tolerant group of folks has taken your place.

Your own cowardice protects you as much as it protects the gays you want to hurt. And will likely result to you living to a ripe old age. And a much more tolerant society that doesn't want to hurt people as much you do.

You're siding with EVIL... and that's all there is to it. It's a lie bent around a myth, resting upon a horrible fraudulence. And one of two things is going to happen: Either the homosexuals shut the fuck up... or we're going to shut them up and >IF< THAT is how it goes, we're shutting up the entire Left right along with you ladies.

Nope. You're the one that wants to hurt and wage war against folks you don't know, have never met, and have never done you an ounce of harm. People just trying to raise their families and live their lives. People you hate for no other reason than you were told to. And opposing such stupidity isn't evil. Its the duty of any moral person.

Oh, and Mike....this is your team. Keyes is your people. If you think this is a 'Christ like' way to live, then you really need to crack that book of yours open again. Because you're really not getting it.

Skyler, even Christ lost it and went on a rampage. That's what happens when people get pushed, and you people are pushing us around everywhere. The homosexual agenda is everywhere, which is odd because it's supposed to be a private lifestyle. But here it is shoved in our faces in the workplace, on the football field, in politics, in the media, everywhere. WTF makes you people think you're so important?

You're not seeing anyone actually threaten violence, you're seeing people get frustrated that you "victims" have become the biggest asshole bullies in the country. Makes a person just want to go find a faggot and beat the shit out of him. But not really.

You were told many times on this thread, stop with the aggressive homosexual agenda and you'll see conservatives backing down too. We don't care if you have gay butt sex in your own homes, just keep it out of our lives.

I'm sorry, but the fact that you think about sex when you find out someone is gay, is your hangup, not theirs. When I meet a straight couple and they mention they are married, I don't automatically think about them having sex, but you homophobes seem to go right to sex. Why is that?

Your whine is a theme we've heard through history whenever a minority fights for their civil rights. Uppity n-words. Pushy Jews. Bitchy women.
No, its craving sexual gratification with children

Yes... that's what I said, sexual abnormality.

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.

We've been through this, buddy....whenever you hit the 'summary declarations of victory' stage of your argument, you're done. Its your white flag.

You clearly can't deal with the fact that almost all the molestors are self identified heterosexuals. You clearly can't make your logical fallacies work. You're desperately looking for an excuse to run.

You don't need one. You're done.

Nailed it! :clap:
I have no quarrel with Gays per se.

I do, however, take exception with the Gay "Community" branding me as well as my family "homophobes" for the mere fact that we hold dear our own heterosexual family unit as sacrosanct.

We feel unprotected and threatened, By Gays. By Golly. :beer:

Hey to all you Gay ass-fuckers out there- please do not threaten my heterosexual family unit.

I thank you in advance. :thup:

Holding your own family sacrosanct does not make one a homophobe. Holding all heterosexual families sacrosanct over others does.

How is your family unit threatened by me getting the exact same rights, benefits and privileges for my family that you enjoy?

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