Homosexual Agenda Is Greatest Threat To Liberty

One has to wonder if Putin is far more intelligent than any leader in this country. He sees the danger of the unrestrained homosexual agenda that we just don't want to look at, and like any patriotic Russian, he's taking measures to protect his people.

Why burden yourself with stuff like free speech. If only we had the 'intelligence' to criminalize any speech you don't like, violate the right to assembly if you don't like who is assembling, punishing the press if they report on what you don't want them to report on, and subject millions of people to degradation, persecution and debasement to satisfy your personal opinions.

Yeah, I'm not too keen on any of that. I think the best response to speech you don't like...is more speech. Not more authoritarianism.

But then I'm a 'rights trump powers' kinda person. Which puts me at odds with most Russian leaders. And quite a few American conservatives. From your posts, you'd probably one of the latter.
Gays are responsible for 1/3 of all sex crimes against Children- that's approximately 30 - 35%

And when Iook into the victim numbers, that dog won't hunt. 1 in 5 girls are sexually abused. But only 1 in 20 boys.

Child Sexual Abuse Statistics

Which means that 20% of women are abused, but only 5% of boys. And we know that there are a shit load of self professed heterosexuals that molest boys. So how can your numbers possible work? Are homosexual men molesting girls? Which makes no sense at all.

When I look for info on your stat, I get the "Family Research Council', a Christian policy making ministry. Which already sets off some red flags. And if you go to the Journal of Sex Research, it counts every man that sexually abuses a boy as a 'homosexual pedophile', even when that person is a self proclaimed heterosexual and has an ongoing sexual relationship with women.

In a study of 269 cases of child sex abuse, only two offenders where found to be gay or lesbian. More relevant was the finding that of the cases involving molestation of a boy by a man, seventy-four percent of the men were or had been in a heterosexual relationship with the boys mother or another female relative.

Gay and Lesbian Adoptive Parents Issues and Concerns - FindLaw

Meaning every single one of these men that were in a heterosexual relationship with the boys mothers or female relative.....you're counting as a homosexual. Despite the fact that they self identify as a heterosexual, sleep with women and have ongoing sexual relationships with women.

That's ridiculous. These are heterosexual men molesting those boy. And the same study found this:

The conclusion was found that "a child's risk of being molested by his or her relative's heterosexual partner is over one hundred times greater than by someone who might be identifiable as being homosexual." -

Gay and Lesbian Adoptive Parents Issues and Concerns - FindLaw

And this is your great 'gay scourge'?

Um, no.

What else have you got?

You do realize that pedophiles and gay pederasts marry and raise a family to mask their true intentions and lifestyle, don't you?

Most people don't have to have that explained to them. But for a brainiac like you, an exception must be made.

Indeed they are... about ten years ago a family friend and a leader in a large church and well respected attorney in this area was caught in a relationship with a 12 year old boy. My sister worked for him for years and adored him, you couldn't help but to like the guy. But there's no denying that he was fairly effeminate... . Creepy soft hands. I always just went with the stand back and nod greeting.

He was married, with four children, big house... the whole package.

Once he was caught, other kids from the youth group told that he'd had 'experiences' with them. He bonded out of jail and committed suicide within a few days of his release.
Fuck it. Why not just put all the gays to death? Problem solved!

Good Christ but some of you people and the way you would treat your fellow man disgusts me.

When the fags quit demanding acceptance for being fags, I won't say anything about what they are. I don't care what one does as long as you a) don't expect me to pay for it when you can't, and/or b) demanding I be accepting of it when I think it's wrong.
None of which has anything to do with the equal protection rights of same-sex couples to marry or public accommodations laws.

No one is 'demanding' acceptance, the notion is irrelevant idiocy – gay Americans seeking their comprehensive civil rights are neither demanding nor requiring anything of you or anyone else. No one expects you to 'pay' for anything (whatever that's supposed to mean), and you remain at liberty to wallow in your unwarranted hate of gay Americans to your heart's content.

Do you really want to compare heterosexual's who have molested their adopted and foster children versus homosexuals?

I can do this all day

A 27-year-old man sexually assaulted his three-year-old daughter 'too many times to remember', during which time his wife would hold the toddler's hand so that it 'wouldn't hurt so much', court documents reveal.

Read more: Sex addict father admits molesting and showering with his daughter 3 too many times to remember while his wife held the child s hand so it wouldn t hurt so much Daily Mail Online
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Oh wait- this monster was his daughter's actual heterosexual father.

Does your example- or mine have any statistical reference? No- other than the rapists are all men.
Fuck it. Why not just put all the gays to death? Problem solved!

Good Christ but some of you people and the way you would treat your fellow man disgusts me.

When the fags quit demanding acceptance for being fags, I won't say anything about what they are. I don't care what one does as long as you a) don't expect me to pay for it when you can't, and/or b) demanding I be accepting of it when I think it's wrong.
None of which has anything to do with the equal protection rights of same-sex couples to marry or public accommodations laws.

No one is 'demanding' acceptance, the notion is irrelevant idiocy – gay Americans seeking their comprehensive civil rights are neither demanding nor requiring anything of you or anyone else. No one expects you to 'pay' for anything (whatever that's supposed to mean), and you remain at liberty to wallow in your unwarranted hate of gay Americans to your heart's content.

So is that your daughter who will go to school and then come home to ask you why she has to share the girls bathroom with a boy who thinks he's a girl?

No it isn't. You probably don't have a daughter or you would find that as repugnant as I do.

You Leftists continue to lie saying that gay people won't affect us in any way. Bullshit! You assholes are shoving your lifestyle and perversion down our throats every chance you get.
Gay Couple Who Adopted 9 Children Now Facing Trial After Molestation Charges
You may remember the case of George Harasz and Douglas Worth being arrested in 2011 on charges of molestation. The couple adopted 9 boys starting in 2000 and we're arrested in 2011.

After initially withdrawing from a plea agreement, they are now facing new allegations of molestation which are more serious than the original charges. All of which were brought up by the alleged victims right before Harasz and Wirth are set to go to trial. Details here.

Gay Couple Who Adopted 9 Children Now Facing Trial After Molestation Charges page 1

This is the last one I am going to bother with- frankly I get discussed just seeing what crap these monsters do- but here we go with another example:

Father Accused of Raping Four Adopted Daughters Over 12-Year Period
Father Accused of Raping Four Adopted Daughters Over 12-Year Period WREG.com

(Memphis) A horrible family secret is finally brought to light. Four adopted girls say their father raped them multiple times over 12 years, robbing them of a normal childhood.

Opening up your heart and home to adopt a child should lead to the happiest times for everyone involved. George Kohlbacher would know. He’s adopted two boys, “It should be a celebration of a wonderful thing. Every child needs a family.”

However, it was not the case for a Hickory Hill family. It was more like a nightmare for four girls who were adopted. Recently, they broke their silence of being raped and sexually abused for more than 12 years by the man who adopted them.

“I don’t know that you can put it in words,” said Kohlbacher. “It’s just a terrible tragedy. No child should ever have to suffer through something like that.”

Kohlbacher is an adoption supervisor with Agape Child and Family Services and is disgusted by the allegations. We can’t reveal the 60-year-old man police say took the girls innocence in order to protect them from any public shame.

The girls now range in age from 16 to 23, but say the abuse started for one of them as early as five.

Even more tragic, their mother walked in and saw how one of them was being sexually abused, but kept silent. She’s now in jail herself for trying to keep one of the girls from reporting the family’s dirty little secret.
One has to wonder if Putin is far more intelligent than any leader in this country. He sees the danger of the unrestrained homosexual agenda that we just don't want to look at, and like any patriotic Russian, he's taking measures to protect his people. His move to make it illegal for homos to proselytize children was in response to Russian children being adopted to faggots who later abused them. Were I the leader of Russia, that might piss me off too; a reasonable reaction. Besides which, why do homos want to inject their lifestyle into children anyway unless they're perverts? See, this isn't so hard to understand.

In Iran, Saudi Arabia and other countries, homosexuals are hung in the streets. They would only wish to be left alone and not punished for their private lifestyle. I think that not killing or otherwise punishing gay people is enough. Anything more than that is the "victim" turning into a bully.
Then both you and Putin are delusional, because there is no 'homosexual agenda,' 'unrestrained' or otherwise, in Russia, the United States, or anywhere else. Seeking one's comprehensive civil or human rights does not constitute an 'agenda,' where you, like your hero Putin, are motivated solely by an unwarranted hatred of homosexuals.
Fuck it. Why not just put all the gays to death? Problem solved!

Good Christ but some of you people and the way you would treat your fellow man disgusts me.

When the fags quit demanding acceptance for being fags, I won't say anything about what they are. I don't care what one does as long as you a) don't expect me to pay for it when you can't, and/or b) demanding I be accepting of it when I think it's wrong.
None of which has anything to do with the equal protection rights of same-sex couples to marry or public accommodations laws.

No one is 'demanding' acceptance, the notion is irrelevant idiocy – gay Americans seeking their comprehensive civil rights are neither demanding nor requiring anything of you or anyone else. No one expects you to 'pay' for anything (whatever that's supposed to mean), and you remain at liberty to wallow in your unwarranted hate of gay Americans to your heart's content.

So is that your daughter who will go to school and then come home to ask you why she has to share the girls bathroom with a boy who thinks he's a girl?

No it isn't. You probably don't have a daughter or you would find that as repugnant as I do.

You Leftists continue to lie saying that gay people won't affect us in any way. Bullshit! You assholes are shoving your lifestyle and perversion down our throats every chance you get.

You homophobes continue to lie about caring about children. And that is BS. You assholes just want people to hate homosexuals and use the topic of children as a tool to use against homosexuals.
"Let's pretend we don't have a problem" said every enabler of sexual child abuse in history. I just wonder if the media will give gays buggering children as much attention as they gave the Catholic Church.

Homophobes:" think of the children- ignore girls- the majority of child molestation victims- because we don't care what happens to girls- all we will talk about are the poor boys......and tell people that the problem is homosexuals, so that monsters like Jerry Sandusky can have easier access to boys'

That is how much homophobes care about our children.

They ignore child molestation except when they can use it as a tool to attack homosexuals.
Gays are responsible for 1/3 of all sex crimes against Children- that's approximately 30 - 35%

And when Iook into the victim numbers, that dog won't hunt. 1 in 5 girls are sexually abused. But only 1 in 20 boys.

Child Sexual Abuse Statistics

Which means that 20% of women are abused, but only 5% of boys. And we know that there are a shit load of self professed heterosexuals that molest boys. So how can your numbers possible work? Are homosexual men molesting girls? Which makes no sense at all.

When I look for info on your stat, I get the "Family Research Council', a Christian policy making ministry. Which already sets off some red flags. And if you go to the Journal of Sex Research, it counts every man that sexually abuses a boy as a 'homosexual pedophile', even when that person is a self proclaimed heterosexual and has an ongoing sexual relationship with women.

In a study of 269 cases of child sex abuse, only two offenders where found to be gay or lesbian. More relevant was the finding that of the cases involving molestation of a boy by a man, seventy-four percent of the men were or had been in a heterosexual relationship with the boys mother or another female relative.

Gay and Lesbian Adoptive Parents Issues and Concerns - FindLaw

Meaning every single one of these men that were in a heterosexual relationship with the boys mothers or female relative.....you're counting as a homosexual. Despite the fact that they self identify as a heterosexual, sleep with women and have ongoing sexual relationships with women.

That's ridiculous. These are heterosexual men molesting those boy. And the same study found this:

The conclusion was found that "a child's risk of being molested by his or her relative's heterosexual partner is over one hundred times greater than by someone who might be identifiable as being homosexual." -

Gay and Lesbian Adoptive Parents Issues and Concerns - FindLaw

And this is your great 'gay scourge'?

Um, no.

What else have you got?

You do realize that pedophiles and gay pederasts marry and raise a family to mask their true intentions and lifestyle, don't you?

Most people don't have to have that explained to them. But for a brainiac like you, an exception must be made.

So we should all be looking at married men with children as likely pedophiles- not openly homosexual men.

I believe that is your point?
...that the U.S. has ever seen, Bryan Fischer claims.

On his "Focal Point" radio show, the American Family Association's Bryan Fischer recently claimed that the "active, aggressive homosexual lobby" represented a threat to U.S. democracy.

As Right Wing Watch first reported, Fischer, who is no stranger to anti-gay declarations, told listeners, "I firmly believe the homosexual agenda represents the greatest single threat to religious liberty we have ever seen in the history of our existence as a nation."

Homosexual Agenda Is Greatest Threat To Liberty That The U.S. Has Ever Seen Bryan Fischer Claims

I also believe homosexuality is wrong. I have good reasons for opposing homosexuality as a normative lifestyle based on science, medicine, and faith. Normal people do not define themselves solely on the basis of who they are sexually attracted to.

This dude spends way too much time thinking about who sticks or licks someone else where on their bodies. Irregardless of what the homos are doing this freak has too much access to a video camera and a microphone. What he needs is a couple of serious court orders to cease and desist. His income seems highly likely tied to his rants that obviously or more likely probably violate laws on harrassment based on sexual orientation.

Well, I tell ya what... you get their sex life out of public policy and you'll find that our interest in their sex life drops off immediately.

OR... you'll all find out why and how the homosexuals ended up in the closest in the fist place. (It was the safest place to BE.)

Hate crimes are very real and involve everything from harrassment and hate mail all the way to 1st degree murder.

There is nothing intrusive about the existance of this type of legislation and consequenses for participating in this kind of activiy.

If YOU feel YOUR rights are violated by the existance of these laws then there is something very sick about your character.

Hate crimes are a fascist PC means to push offensive destructive behavior onto a sheepish culture.

And your position here is a classic demonstration of the evil inherent to such.

We're not hating anyone sparky... but we dam' sure do not intend to allow these pervs to cripple the culture in which we live and in which we raise our children. If this cult doesn't sit down and shut the fuck up, they're going to ignite a war that will make 'hate crimes' look like a lovely Sunday brunch. And if you need that to be the fault of the defense... that's fine. But that will not help ya get through it, in the slightest.

You people are screwin' with forces that you've no means to comprehend... you think that such crap can't happen here... You're entire existence is watching people tolerate intolerable shit, so you just assume that that's how the world works... just as the people in every country, in every culture thought that it couldn't happen to them, when most of them had FAR LESS REASON TO BELIEVE IT.


You're siding with EVIL... and that's all there is to it. It's a lie bent around a myth, resting upon a horrible fraudulence. And one of two things is going to happen: Either the homosexuals shut the fuck up... or we're going to shut them up and >IF< THAT is how it goes, we're shutting up the entire Left right along with you ladies.

Believe it, reject it... I don't give a dam'. But that doesn't change the fact that neither I, nor anyone else here represents what is in play... we are but a spec on the wing of a gnat, circling a boil that is festering on the whale that is swimming in the sea of crap that sits over the caldera which is about to blow... and again, all I'm doing is lettin ya know that the water is gettin' mighty hot, so maybe ya shouldn't be droppin all these bombs and drillin' here... .

So if you need to believe that it's the looming eruption is the spec's fault, there's nothing I can do to help ya with that.
One has to wonder if Putin is far more intelligent than any leader in this country. He sees the danger of the unrestrained homosexual agenda that we just don't want to look at, and like any patriotic Russian, he's taking measures to protect his people. His move to make it illegal for homos to proselytize children was in response to Russian children being adopted to faggots who later abused them. Were I the leader of Russia, that might piss me off too; a reasonable reaction. Besides which, why do homos want to inject their lifestyle into children anyway unless they're perverts? See, this isn't so hard to understand.

In Iran, Saudi Arabia and other countries, homosexuals are hung in the streets. They would only wish to be left alone and not punished for their private lifestyle. I think that not killing or otherwise punishing gay people is enough. Anything more than that is the "victim" turning into a bully.
Then both you and Putin are delusional, because there is no 'homosexual agenda,' 'unrestrained' or otherwise, in Russia, the United States, or anywhere else. Seeking one's comprehensive civil or human rights does not constitute an 'agenda,' where you, like your hero Putin, are motivated solely by an unwarranted hatred of homosexuals.

Really? Why does Putin's law bother you so much. He just said you can't expose children to your homo filth. Why are you so interested in pushing your lifestyle onto children?

Do you want to know what it was like in this country 50 years ago? Everyone's private lifestyle was PRIVATE and nobody flaunted their lifestyle in public, especially to children. But we are just so EVOLVED today, right?

You sickos want to corrupt innocent children and some people like Putin are pushing back on that. If you don't like that, TFB!
They never became faggots to me until they started getting pushy.t.

Just like they didn't become n*ggers to you until they started getting pushy.

And how they didn't become c*nts to you until they started getting pushy.

And how they didn't become k*kes to you until they started getting pushy.

You after all, have standards.
...that the U.S. has ever seen, Bryan Fischer claims.

On his "Focal Point" radio show, the American Family Association's Bryan Fischer recently claimed that the "active, aggressive homosexual lobby" represented a threat to U.S. democracy.

As Right Wing Watch first reported, Fischer, who is no stranger to anti-gay declarations, told listeners, "I firmly believe the homosexual agenda represents the greatest single threat to religious liberty we have ever seen in the history of our existence as a nation."

Homosexual Agenda Is Greatest Threat To Liberty That The U.S. Has Ever Seen Bryan Fischer Claims

I also believe homosexuality is wrong. I have good reasons for opposing homosexuality as a normative lifestyle based on science, medicine, and faith. Normal people do not define themselves solely on the basis of who they are sexually attracted to.

This dude spends way too much time thinking about who sticks or licks someone else where on their bodies. Irregardless of what the homos are doing this freak has too much access to a video camera and a microphone. What he needs is a couple of serious court orders to cease and desist. His income seems highly likely tied to his rants that obviously or more likely probably violate laws on harrassment based on sexual orientation.

Well, I tell ya what... you get their sex life out of public policy and you'll find that our interest in their sex life drops off immediately.

OR... you'll all find out why and how the homosexuals ended up in the closest in the fist place. (It was the safest place to BE.)

Hate crimes are very real and involve everything from harrassment and hate mail all the way to 1st degree murder.

There is nothing intrusive about the existance of this type of legislation and consequenses for participating in this kind of activiy.

If YOU feel YOUR rights are violated by the existance of these laws then there is something very sick about your character.

Hate crimes are a fascist PC means to push offensive destructive behavior onto a sheepish culture.

And your position here is a classic demonstration of the evil inherent to such.

We're not hating anyone sparky... but we dam' sure do not intend to allow these pervs to cripple the culture in which we live and in which we raise our children. If this cult doesn't sit down and shut the fuck up, they're going to ignite a war that will make 'hate crimes' look like a lovely Sunday brunch. And if you need that to be the fault of the defense... that's fine. But that will not help ya get through it, in the slightest.

You people are screwin' with forces that you've no means to comprehend... you think that such crap can't happen here... You're entire existence is watching people tolerate intolerable shit, so you just assume that that's how the world works... just as the people in every country, in every culture thought that it couldn't happen to them, when most of them had FAR LESS REASON TO BELIEVE IT.


You're siding with EVIL... and that's all there is to it. It's a lie bent around a myth, resting upon a horrible fraudulence. And one of two things is going to happen: Either the homosexuals shut the fuck up... or we're going to shut them up and THAT is how it goes, we're shutting up the entire Left right along with 'em.

Believe it, reject it... I don't give a dam'. But that doesn't change the fact that I, nor anyone else here represents what is in play... we are but a spec on the wing of a gnat, circling a boil that is festering on the whale that is swimming in the sea of crap that sits over the caldera which is about to blow... and again, all I'm doing is lettin ya know that the water is gettin' mighty hot, so maybe ya shouldn't be drillin' here...

So if you need to believe that it's the looming eruption is the spec's fault, there's nothing I can do to help ya with that.

Hateful, bat shit crazy.
Gays are responsible for 1/3 of all sex crimes against Children- that's approximately 30 - 35%

And when Iook into the victim numbers, that dog won't hunt. 1 in 5 girls are sexually abused. But only 1 in 20 boys.

Child Sexual Abuse Statistics

Which means that 20% of women are abused, but only 5% of boys. And we know that there are a shit load of self professed heterosexuals that molest boys. So how can your numbers possible work? Are homosexual men molesting girls? Which makes no sense at all.

When I look for info on your stat, I get the "Family Research Council', a Christian policy making ministry. Which already sets off some red flags. And if you go to the Journal of Sex Research, it counts every man that sexually abuses a boy as a 'homosexual pedophile', even when that person is a self proclaimed heterosexual and has an ongoing sexual relationship with women.

In a study of 269 cases of child sex abuse, only two offenders where found to be gay or lesbian. More relevant was the finding that of the cases involving molestation of a boy by a man, seventy-four percent of the men were or had been in a heterosexual relationship with the boys mother or another female relative.

Gay and Lesbian Adoptive Parents Issues and Concerns - FindLaw

Meaning every single one of these men that were in a heterosexual relationship with the boys mothers or female relative.....you're counting as a homosexual. Despite the fact that they self identify as a heterosexual, sleep with women and have ongoing sexual relationships with women.

That's ridiculous. These are heterosexual men molesting those boy. And the same study found this:

The conclusion was found that "a child's risk of being molested by his or her relative's heterosexual partner is over one hundred times greater than by someone who might be identifiable as being homosexual." -

Gay and Lesbian Adoptive Parents Issues and Concerns - FindLaw

And this is your great 'gay scourge'?

Um, no.

What else have you got?

You do realize that pedophiles and gay pederasts marry and raise a family to mask their true intentions and lifestyle, don't you?

Most people don't have to have that explained to them. But for a brainiac like you, an exception must be made.

So we should all be looking at married men with children as likely pedophiles- not openly homosexual men.

I believe that is your point?

We should be looking for it wherever it occurs. It's you people that are ignoring the fact that gay men per capita abuse more children than heterosexual men. You kick and scream and holler whenever anyone brings it up. You're the only ones I see who are trying to silence the truth so the abuse can go on.
One has to wonder if Putin is far more intelligent than any leader in this country. He sees the danger of the unrestrained homosexual agenda that we just don't want to look at, and like any patriotic Russian, he's taking measures to protect his people. His move to make it illegal for homos to proselytize children was in response to Russian children being adopted to faggots who later abused them. Were I the leader of Russia, that might piss me off too; a reasonable reaction. Besides which, why do homos want to inject their lifestyle into children anyway unless they're perverts? See, this isn't so hard to understand.

In Iran, Saudi Arabia and other countries, homosexuals are hung in the streets. They would only wish to be left alone and not punished for their private lifestyle. I think that not killing or otherwise punishing gay people is enough. Anything more than that is the "victim" turning into a bully.

What is it about Conservatives and their love of the dictator Putin?

And yes- I am sure that homosexuals and negroes are both grateful that they are not hung in the streets in the United States anymore.

How very white of you.
I have no quarrel with Gays per se.

I do, however, take exception with the Gay "Community" branding me as well as my family "homophobes" for the mere fact that we hold dear our own heterosexual family unit as sacrosanct.

We feel unprotected and threatened, By Gays. By Golly. :beer:

Hey to all you Gay ass-fuckers out there- please do not threaten my heterosexual family unit.

I thank you in advance. :thup:
Gays are responsible for 1/3 of all sex crimes against Children- that's approximately 30 - 35%

And when Iook into the victim numbers, that dog won't hunt. 1 in 5 girls are sexually abused. But only 1 in 20 boys.

Child Sexual Abuse Statistics

Which means that 20% of women are abused, but only 5% of boys. And we know that there are a shit load of self professed heterosexuals that molest boys. So how can your numbers possible work? Are homosexual men molesting girls? Which makes no sense at all.

When I look for info on your stat, I get the "Family Research Council', a Christian policy making ministry. Which already sets off some red flags. And if you go to the Journal of Sex Research, it counts every man that sexually abuses a boy as a 'homosexual pedophile', even when that person is a self proclaimed heterosexual and has an ongoing sexual relationship with women.

In a study of 269 cases of child sex abuse, only two offenders where found to be gay or lesbian. More relevant was the finding that of the cases involving molestation of a boy by a man, seventy-four percent of the men were or had been in a heterosexual relationship with the boys mother or another female relative.

Gay and Lesbian Adoptive Parents Issues and Concerns - FindLaw

Meaning every single one of these men that were in a heterosexual relationship with the boys mothers or female relative.....you're counting as a homosexual. Despite the fact that they self identify as a heterosexual, sleep with women and have ongoing sexual relationships with women.

That's ridiculous. These are heterosexual men molesting those boy. And the same study found this:

The conclusion was found that "a child's risk of being molested by his or her relative's heterosexual partner is over one hundred times greater than by someone who might be identifiable as being homosexual." -

Gay and Lesbian Adoptive Parents Issues and Concerns - FindLaw

And this is your great 'gay scourge'?

Um, no.

What else have you got?

You do realize that pedophiles and gay pederasts marry and raise a family to mask their true intentions and lifestyle, don't you?

Most people don't have to have that explained to them. But for a brainiac like you, an exception must be made.

So we should all be looking at married men with children as likely pedophiles- not openly homosexual men.

I believe that is your point?

We should be looking for it wherever it occurs. It's you people that are ignoring the fact that gay men per capita abuse more children than heterosexual men. You kick and scream and holler whenever anyone brings it up. You're the only ones I see who are trying to silence the truth so the abuse can go on.

Yet you only mention child abuse when you can accuse homosexuals.

And you lie about gay men and child abuse in what appears an attempt to make it easier for monsters like Jerry Sandusky to molest children.

Girls are molested at 2 to 10 times the rate of boys.

Yet you only talk about child molestation to attack homosexuals.

As the father of a girl- that just sickens me.

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