Homosexual Agenda Is Greatest Threat To Liberty

They never became faggots to me until they started getting pushy.t.

Just like they didn't become n*ggers to you until they started getting pushy.

And how they didn't become c*nts to you until they started getting pushy.

And how they didn't become k*kes to you until they started getting pushy.

You after all, have standards.

I hate all bullies. And historically the worst bullies who commit the greatest unspeakable atrocities are "victims".

Jews don't do that, but feminists, black advocacy groups and faggots like you do that. It's a natural human response to being pushed around. Nobody likes it. Luckily I know gay people who are NOTHING like your ilk. They aren't faggots to me, you are. See the difference? Probably not.
Gays are responsible for 1/3 of all sex crimes against Children- that's approximately 30 - 35%

And when Iook into the victim numbers, that dog won't hunt. 1 in 5 girls are sexually abused. But only 1 in 20 boys.

Child Sexual Abuse Statistics

Which means that 20% of women are abused, but only 5% of boys. And we know that there are a shit load of self professed heterosexuals that molest boys. So how can your numbers possible work? Are homosexual men molesting girls? Which makes no sense at all.

When I look for info on your stat, I get the "Family Research Council', a Christian policy making ministry. Which already sets off some red flags. And if you go to the Journal of Sex Research, it counts every man that sexually abuses a boy as a 'homosexual pedophile', even when that person is a self proclaimed heterosexual and has an ongoing sexual relationship with women.

In a study of 269 cases of child sex abuse, only two offenders where found to be gay or lesbian. More relevant was the finding that of the cases involving molestation of a boy by a man, seventy-four percent of the men were or had been in a heterosexual relationship with the boys mother or another female relative.

Gay and Lesbian Adoptive Parents Issues and Concerns - FindLaw

Meaning every single one of these men that were in a heterosexual relationship with the boys mothers or female relative.....you're counting as a homosexual. Despite the fact that they self identify as a heterosexual, sleep with women and have ongoing sexual relationships with women.

That's ridiculous. These are heterosexual men molesting those boy. And the same study found this:

The conclusion was found that "a child's risk of being molested by his or her relative's heterosexual partner is over one hundred times greater than by someone who might be identifiable as being homosexual." -

Gay and Lesbian Adoptive Parents Issues and Concerns - FindLaw

And this is your great 'gay scourge'?

Um, no.

What else have you got?

You do realize that pedophiles and gay pederasts marry and raise a family to mask their true intentions and lifestyle, don't you?

Most people don't have to have that explained to them. But for a brainiac like you, an exception must be made.

So we should all be looking at married men with children as likely pedophiles- not openly homosexual men.

I believe that is your point?

We should be looking for it wherever it occurs. It's you people that are ignoring the fact that gay men per capita abuse more children than heterosexual men. You kick and scream and holler whenever anyone brings it up. You're the only ones I see who are trying to silence the truth so the abuse can go on.

Yet you only mention child abuse when you can accuse homosexuals.

And you lie about gay men and child abuse in what appears an attempt to make it easier for monsters like Jerry Sandusky to molest children.

Girls are molested at 2 to 10 times the rate of boys.

Yet you only talk about child molestation to attack homosexuals.

As the father of a girl- that just sickens me.

The reason I'm addressing gay pederasts in particular is because that's the very thing you're trying to cover up. I don't shine a light where it's sunny, I shine it into the darkness.
... there is no 'homosexual agenda,' 'unrestrained' or otherwise, in Russia, the United States, or anywhere else.

(This assumes the contributor believes it... in truth it dam' well knows it's false, despite having advanced it as truth... . But either way does not bode well for the culture which tolerates such speech. Either they believe that which is demonstrably false is true, in which case their delusional... or they're intentionally stating that which they know to be false as truth, in which case they're sociopaths seeking to advance deceit, as a fraudulent means to influence the ignorant, which is SUBVERSION of the culture.

Both represent a clear and present threat to the viability of the United States and NEITHER IS PROTECTED BY ANY SENSE OF HUMAN OR CIVIL RIGHTS! )
Yet you only mention child abuse when you can accuse homosexuals.


Now that's not even a remotely debatable point...

The difference is that hetero-sexuality is NORMAL HUMAN SEXUALITY... and Homosexuality is ABNORMAL SEXUALITY.

Therefore, just BEING homosexual lends to the likelihood, or to the potential that an individual who has already rejected all sense of reason, all cultural mores, all notions of sound morality in preference to satisfying their own subjective needs in terms of their sexual cravings, will be less likely to adhere to ALL OF THE ABOVE OBJECTIVELY REASONED CONSIDERATIONS WHERE THEY FIND THEMSELVES DESIROUS OF SEXUAL GRATIFICATION WITH A CHILD!

Again... it's not even a debatable point.
We're not hating anyone sparky... but we dam' sure do not intend to allow these pervs to cripple the culture in which we live and in which we raise our children.
Yeah, that's why you described gays as loathsome, ahborred, despised, depraved, deranged, and evil. All with vague threats of violence if they keep making themselves so public.

Because you don't hate them?

If this is the product of your 'objective' religion, you are the poster child for what can go wrong with theism.

If this cult doesn't sit down and shut the fuck up, they're going to ignite a war that will make 'hate crimes' look like a lovely Sunday brunch. And if you need that to be the fault of the defense... that's fine. But that will not help ya get through it, in the slightest.

Nope. Here's the part that you forget, Keyes. Most of the hateful bigots in the world like yourself....are natural chickenshits. They don't want to bleed. They want to hurt people, but they don't want to have to hurt. Your 'war' requires shit loads of bleeding. Not someone else's. But yours.

And you won't do it. Neither will your fellow chickenshits.

Oh, I have no doubt that if you find someone gay guy who is sick, or old, or vulnerable.....you'll want to try and hurt them. But those opportunities are comparatively rare. And after you'd done hurting that person, we'll come find you and put you in a cage. And you and your fellow chickenshits know that.

Which is why you're here talking. Rather than doing. There's always an excuse why you can't actually back up your words with actions. And there always will be. Until you and your generations of bigots have died off from the ravages of old age. And a younger, more tolerant group of folks has taken your place.

Your own cowardice protects you as much as it protects the gays you want to hurt. And will likely result to you living to a ripe old age. And a much more tolerant society that doesn't want to hurt people as much you do.

You're siding with EVIL... and that's all there is to it. It's a lie bent around a myth, resting upon a horrible fraudulence. And one of two things is going to happen: Either the homosexuals shut the fuck up... or we're going to shut them up and >IF< THAT is how it goes, we're shutting up the entire Left right along with you ladies.

Nope. You're the one that wants to hurt and wage war against folks you don't know, have never met, and have never done you an ounce of harm. People just trying to raise their families and live their lives. People you hate for no other reason than you were told to. And opposing such stupidity isn't evil. Its the duty of any moral person.

Oh, and Mike....this is your team. Keyes is your people. If you think this is a 'Christ like' way to live, then you really need to crack that book of yours open again. Because you're really not getting it.
One has to wonder if Putin is far more intelligent than any leader in this country. He sees the danger of the unrestrained homosexual agenda that we just don't want to look at, and like any patriotic Russian, he's taking measures to protect his people. His move to make it illegal for homos to proselytize children was in response to Russian children being adopted to faggots who later abused them. Were I the leader of Russia, that might piss me off too; a reasonable reaction. Besides which, why do homos want to inject their lifestyle into children anyway unless they're perverts? See, this isn't so hard to understand.

In Iran, Saudi Arabia and other countries, homosexuals are hung in the streets. They would only wish to be left alone and not punished for their private lifestyle. I think that not killing or otherwise punishing gay people is enough. Anything more than that is the "victim" turning into a bully.

What is it about Conservatives and their love of the dictator Putin?

And yes- I am sure that homosexuals and negroes are both grateful that they are not hung in the streets in the United States anymore.

How very white of you.

I'm not white, you jackass.
Yeah, that's why you described gays as loathsome, ahborred, despised, depraved, deranged, and evil. All with vague threats of violence if they keep making themselves so public.

I've never threatened anyone with any thing. I have merely pointed to the absolute certainty that your obtuse nature, your refusal to reason soundly, is the precise formula which has caused every war which has ever happened... .

That is simply a fact. If you're threatened by that fact and cannot find the strength of character to alter your behavior to avoid the historical consequences of your very actions... that is on YOU.
One has to wonder if Putin is far more intelligent than any leader in this country. He sees the danger of the unrestrained homosexual agenda that we just don't want to look at, and like any patriotic Russian, he's taking measures to protect his people. His move to make it illegal for homos to proselytize children was in response to Russian children being adopted to faggots who later abused them. Were I the leader of Russia, that might piss me off too; a reasonable reaction. Besides which, why do homos want to inject their lifestyle into children anyway unless they're perverts? See, this isn't so hard to understand.

In Iran, Saudi Arabia and other countries, homosexuals are hung in the streets. They would only wish to be left alone and not punished for their private lifestyle. I think that not killing or otherwise punishing gay people is enough. Anything more than that is the "victim" turning into a bully.

What is it about Conservatives and their love of the dictator Putin?

And yes- I am sure that homosexuals and negroes are both grateful that they are not hung in the streets in the United States anymore.

How very white of you.

I'm not white, you jackass.

That's ok... She doesn't care... you're conservative, therefore your get treated as white.

Try to not let it bother ya. We're used to it, but sometimes we forget that not everyone knows what its like to be white in a fucked up, bass-ackward, far-side Leftist world.
Yet you only mention child abuse when you can accuse homosexuals.


No, it isn't. As 75% of the molesters of boys were in heterosexual relationships with the mother or female relative of the boy they molested. With more than 99% of the molesters self identifying as heterosexual.

And less than 1% being gay.

You've swallowed a lie, Keyes. A lie you wanted to swallow because your religion taught you to hate gay people. This is the folly of your so called 'objective morality': mindless hatred for no particular reason. The desire to hurt, even kill people that have never done you an ounce of harm for no particular reason.

You don't have to hate. You don't have to want to hurt people. Its a choice.

The difference is that hetero-sexuality is NORMAL HUMAN SEXUALITY... and Homosexuality is ABNORMAL SEXUALITY.

Therefore, just BEING homosexual lends to the likelihood, or to the potential that an individual who has already rejected all sense of reason, all cultural mores, all notions of sound morality in preference to satisfying their own subjective needs in terms of their sexual cravings, will be less likely to adhere to ALL OF THE ABOVE OBJECTIVELY REASONED CONSIDERATIONS WHERE THEY FIND THEMSELVES DESIROUS OF SEXUAL GRATIFICATION WITH A CHILD!

Your conclusion doesn't follow your evidence. As almost all molesters self identify as heterosexual. And 3/4s of the molesters of boys are in relationships with their mothers or female relatives. In fact, a child is more than a hundred times more likely to be molested by a heterosexual man in a relationship with their mother or a female relative than they are by someone who is homosexual.

The issue clearly isn't the gays.
We're not hating anyone sparky... but we dam' sure do not intend to allow these pervs to cripple the culture in which we live and in which we raise our children.
Yeah, that's why you described gays as loathsome, ahborred, despised, depraved, deranged, and evil. All with vague threats of violence if they keep making themselves so public.

Because you don't hate them?

If this is the product of your 'objective' religion, you are the poster child for what can go wrong with theism.

If this cult doesn't sit down and shut the fuck up, they're going to ignite a war that will make 'hate crimes' look like a lovely Sunday brunch. And if you need that to be the fault of the defense... that's fine. But that will not help ya get through it, in the slightest.

Nope. Here's the part that you forget, Keyes. Most of the hateful bigots in the world like yourself....are natural chickenshits. They don't want to bleed. They want to hurt people, but they don't want to have to hurt. Your 'war' requires shit loads of bleeding. Not someone else's. But yours.

And you won't do it. Neither will your fellow chickenshits.

Oh, I have no doubt that if you find someone gay guy who is sick, or old, or vulnerable.....you'll want to try and hurt them. But those opportunities are comparatively rare. And after you'd done hurting that person, we'll come find you and put you in a cage. And you and your fellow chickenshits know that.

Which is why you're here talking. Rather than doing. There's always an excuse why you can't actually back up your words with actions. And there always will be. Until you and your generations of bigots have died off from the ravages of old age. And a younger, more tolerant group of folks has taken your place.

Your own cowardice protects you as much as it protects the gays you want to hurt. And will likely result to you living to a ripe old age. And a much more tolerant society that doesn't want to hurt people as much you do.

You're siding with EVIL... and that's all there is to it. It's a lie bent around a myth, resting upon a horrible fraudulence. And one of two things is going to happen: Either the homosexuals shut the fuck up... or we're going to shut them up and >IF< THAT is how it goes, we're shutting up the entire Left right along with you ladies.

Nope. You're the one that wants to hurt and wage war against folks you don't know, have never met, and have never done you an ounce of harm. People just trying to raise their families and live their lives. People you hate for no other reason than you were told to. And opposing such stupidity isn't evil. Its the duty of any moral person.

Oh, and Mike....this is your team. Keyes is your people. If you think this is a 'Christ like' way to live, then you really need to crack that book of yours open again. Because you're really not getting it.

Skyler, even Christ lost it and went on a rampage. That's what happens when people get pushed, and you people are pushing us around everywhere. The homosexual agenda is everywhere, which is odd because it's supposed to be a private lifestyle. But here it is shoved in our faces in the workplace, on the football field, in politics, in the media, everywhere. WTF makes you people think you're so important?

You're not seeing anyone actually threaten violence, you're seeing people get frustrated that you "victims" have become the biggest asshole bullies in the country. Makes a person just want to go find a faggot and beat the shit out of him. But not really.

You were told many times on this thread, stop with the aggressive homosexual agenda and you'll see conservatives backing down too. We don't care if you have gay butt sex in your own homes, just keep it out of our lives.
No, it isn't. As 75% of the molesters of boys were in heterosexual relationships with the mother or female relative of the boy they molested. With more than 99% of the molesters self identifying as heterosexual.

Yet they're homosexual. Meaning that they were demonstrating sexually abnormal behavior, wherein they craved sexual gratification with a person of their own gender...

So by your own testimony, 75-99% of boys who are sexually molested, were molested by the sexually abnormal.





*The other 1 - 25% of boys who were sexually molested, were also molested by the sexually abnormal.

Go figure, huh?
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Skyler, even Christ lost it and went on a rampage.

Yeah... Christ said that a person who harms a child. Would be better off to go out to sea and tie a MILLSTONE around their neck and drop it into the water... than to let themselves die. Because when they stand before God... being drug mercilessly to the bottom of the ocean is going to look like a SUPERIOR WAY TO GO!

In terms of 'war' and merciless carnage on homosexuals... THAT is the LAST WORD right there.
Yeah, that's why you described gays as loathsome, ahborred, despised, depraved, deranged, and evil. All with vague threats of violence if they keep making themselves so public.

I've never threatened anyone with any thing. I have merely pointed to the absolute certainty that your obtuse nature, your refusal to reason soundly, is the precise formula which has caused every war which has ever happened... .

That is simply a fact. If you're threatened by that fact and cannot find the strength of character to alter your behavior to avoid the historical consequences of your very actions... that is on YOU.


If this cult doesn't sit down and shut the fuck up, they're going to ignite a war that will make 'hate crimes' look like a lovely Sunday brunch. And if you need that to be the fault of the defense... that's fine. But that will not help ya get through it, in the slightest.


But you're not threatening anyone, huh? As I said, there will be no 'war'. As your ilk are natural chickenshits. Even now you're giving us excuses why YOU won't be fighting in your 'war'. Its always someone else that has to bleed. Someone else that has to sacrifice.

Here's the problem, Keyes: your fellow chickenshits say the same thing. Because you and your ilk know the consequences of hurting these people. And you're not willing to pay that price.

So you'll talk. You'll describe them as 'abhorred' and 'loathsome' and 'despised' and 'depraved' and 'deranged' and all the most hateful language you can think of. You'll make vague threats. You'll share your fantasies about how badly they'll be hurt.

But you'll do nothing. Just like your fellow chickenshits.

All the while, folks will be meeting and interacting with gay and lesbian couples. Meeting their families. Spending thanksgiving with them. Getting tired of listening to 'Let it Go' with them. Going to church with them. And seeing the warmth and love of family that gays and lesbians generally live in.

Just like most everyone else. And what they personally see and experience won't match the hateful vitriol coming from you and people like you. Its the primary reason that support for gay marriage is rising so sharply. And why people like yourself are becoming increasingly rare and even more increasingly irrelevant.

Get used to the idea.
For what it's worth... as a parent of three biological children... my policy was very simple. IF someone molested one of my children, there would be no charges filed, no cries for help, no ass beatin's causing all manner of drama... . The offending party would have just not made it to work one day.

Now I think the reason my children were never so molested is because that was 'THE WAY IT WAS'' that such permeated the air around my children. And as a result, any douchebag that may have ever considered it, without regard to whether or not they even knew of my existence, the moment that they may have considered such with one of my kids... a cold shiver shot up their spine. And without even realizing why, they just lost interest.

I could be wrong... but I expect that I'm pretty close.

FWIW, the same policy is standing in effect all around my grand-children.
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No, it isn't. As 75% of the molesters of boys were in heterosexual relationships with the mother or female relative of the boy they molested. With more than 99% of the molesters self identifying as heterosexual.

Yet they're homosexual. Meaning that they were demonstrating sexually abnormal behavior, wherein they craved sexual gratification with a person of their own gender...

No, its craving sexual gratification with children that's the problematic part. And almost all the molesters self identified as heterosexual with 3 in 4 in heterosexual relationships with the mothers or female relatives of the boys they molest.

Worse, you're engaging in one most obtuse fallacies of logic. Let me demonstrate:

A tricyle has wheels
A fighter jet has wheels.
Thus a tricycle is the same thing as a fighter jet.

Lets try your version now.

Homosexuality is 'abnormal'.
Pedophilia is 'abnormal'
Thus homosexuality is the same as pedophilia.

It doesn't work there either. Rational people aren't convinced by such childish fallacies. Only those who already agree with you, already hate gay people or already condemn them because of religion will buy such idiocy.

And its the folks that *don't* agree with you that need to convince. And can't. Because your arguments are hateful, illogical clap trap.
Yeah, that's why you described gays as loathsome, ahborred, despised, depraved, deranged, and evil. All with vague threats of violence if they keep making themselves so public.

I've never threatened anyone with any thing. I have merely pointed to the absolute certainty that your obtuse nature, your refusal to reason soundly, is the precise formula which has caused every war which has ever happened... .

That is simply a fact. If you're threatened by that fact and cannot find the strength of character to alter your behavior to avoid the historical consequences of your very actions... that is on YOU.


Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.
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For what it's worth... as a parent of three biological children... my policy was very simple. IF someone molested one of my children, there would be no charges filed, no cries for help, no ass beatin's causing all manner of drama... . The offending party would have just not made it to work one day.

Now I think that because that was 'THE WAY IT WAS', that such permeated the air around my children. And as a result, any douchebag that may have ever considered it, without regard to whether or not they even knew of my existence, the moment that they may have considered such with one of my kids... a cold shiver shot up their spine. And without even realizing why, they just lost interest.

I could be wrong... but I expect that I'm pretty close.

FWIW, the same policy is standing in effect all around my grand-children.

You're kinda overplaying the 'wannabe Alpha male' card, aren't you? Is it us you're trying to convince...or yourself?
Yeah, that's why you described gays as loathsome, ahborred, despised, depraved, deranged, and evil. All with vague threats of violence if they keep making themselves so public.

I've never threatened anyone with any thing. I have merely pointed to the absolute certainty that your obtuse nature, your refusal to reason soundly, is the precise formula which has caused every war which has ever happened... .

That is simply a fact. If you're threatened by that fact and cannot find the strength of character to alter your behavior to avoid the historical consequences of your very actions... that is on YOU.


Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.

And Keyes....you just gave us your tell. Whenever your argument doesn't work, when you have no logical or rational position from which to argue......you always flee to the same place.

Awkward summary declarations of victory.

You don't need an excuse to run. Just run. You clearly can't defend your point. You and your fellow chickenshits clearly aren't going to be doing a thing, as there's always an excuse why someone else has to fight in your 'war'. So what else do you have left?
You're kinda overplaying the 'wannabe Alpha male' card...


Sweety, this is a text forum. There's no means to demonstrate the nature of my personality through this medium. But, suffice it to say that in terms of alpha males... My life has been one lived at the top of the food chain.

Now do I think that I am the world's most prolific bad ass? Nope... not even close. But I've been to their house, broke bread with 'em and we're close personal friends.

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