Homosexual Agenda Is Greatest Threat To Liberty

Skylar is actually very intelligent. He felt the need to bury me in his astonishing intellectual prowess. So the numbers you post aren't lost on him. He just doesn't care that homosexuals represent a higher per capita risk to children than heterosexuals. Intelligence is of little value when one sequesters their intellect to only entertain those facts that fit within their philosophical narrative.

For this reason, some of the most educated people on the planet are actually pretty stupid.

Skylar is a lot of things... however, 'intelligent' and 'he' aren't part of whatever might otherwise be present in that lot. I'd need a report from a fully certified investigator and a medical professional with impeccable credentials, chosen by an objective third party to convince me otherwise.

And that's not intellectual prowess, its minutia swiped from any of a hundred Sexual Abnormality advocacy websites... debate the Advocacy to Normalize Sexual Abnormality long enough and you become familiar with most of it.

For whatever reason, they feel that it's a volume game, wherein who ever can spew the most verbiage, the fastest, wins. It's like debating a 15 year old girl... she rattles off at 90 mph speaking non-stop for 5 minutes, hoping that she'll lose ya in the maze of her empty head. Skylar's game is designed to wear ya down.

But you'll quickly figure out that the only point she's making is in the first paragraph... the rest is just filler to which she wants you to invest time responding, so you'll just give up.

Also, as an FYI: The fem-lesbians carry 95% of the militant-homo water. But they are far and away more intelligent than those of the butch variety and their counter parts, the feminized males. It's all part and parcel of the "Daddy Issues"... the little woman's got somethin' to prove.

I know ya didn't ask, but that's two decades (debating on the web, nearly every day) of experience talkin' so... take it for what its worth.
Gays are responsible for 1/3 of all sex crimes against Children- that's approximately 30 - 35%

And when Iook into the victim numbers, that dog won't hunt. 1 in 5 girls are sexually abused. But only 1 in 20 boys.

Child Sexual Abuse Statistics

Which means that 20% of women are abused, but only 5% of boys. And we know that there are a shit load of self professed heterosexuals that molest boys. So how can your numbers possible work? Are homosexual men molesting girls? Which makes no sense at all.

When I look for info on your stat, I get the "Family Research Council', a Christian policy making ministry. Which already sets off some red flags. And if you go to the Journal of Sex Research, it counts every man that sexually abuses a boy as a 'homosexual pedophile', even when that person is a self proclaimed heterosexual and has an ongoing sexual relationship with women.

In a study of 269 cases of child sex abuse, only two offenders where found to be gay or lesbian. More relevant was the finding that of the cases involving molestation of a boy by a man, seventy-four percent of the men were or had been in a heterosexual relationship with the boys mother or another female relative.

Gay and Lesbian Adoptive Parents Issues and Concerns - FindLaw

Meaning every single one of these men that were in a heterosexual relationship with the boys mothers or female relative.....you're counting as a homosexual. Despite the fact that they self identify as a heterosexual, sleep with women and have ongoing sexual relationships with women.

That's ridiculous. These are heterosexual men molesting those boy. And the same study found this:

The conclusion was found that "a child's risk of being molested by his or her relative's heterosexual partner is over one hundred times greater than by someone who might be identifiable as being homosexual." -

Gay and Lesbian Adoptive Parents Issues and Concerns - FindLaw

And this is your great 'gay scourge'?

Um, no.

What else have you got?
Skylar is actually very intelligent. He felt the need to bury me in his astonishing intellectual prowess. So the numbers you post aren't lost on him. He just doesn't care that homosexuals represent a higher per capita risk to children than heterosexuals. Intelligence is of little value when one sequesters their intellect to only entertain those facts that fit within their philosophical narrative.

For this reason, some of the most educated people on the planet are actually pretty stupid.

Skylar is a lot of things... however, 'intelligent' and 'he' aren't part of whatever might otherwise be present in that lot. I'd need a report from a fully certified investigator and a medical professional with impeccable credentials, chosen by an objective third party to convince me otherwise.

And that's not intellectual prowess, its minutia swiped from any of a hundred Sexual Abnormality advocacy websites... debate the Advocacy to Normalize Sexual Abnormality long enough and you become familiar with most of it.

For whatever reason, they feel that it's a volume game, wherein who ever can spew the most verbiage, the fastest, wins. It's like debating a 15 year old girl... she rattles off at 90 mph speaking non-stop for 5 minutes, hoping that she'll lose ya in the maze of her empty head. Skylar's game is designed to wear ya down.

But you'll quickly figure out that the only point she's making is in the first paragraph... the rest is just filler to which she wants you to invest time responding, so you'll just give up.

Also, as an FYI: The fem-lesbians carry 95% of the militant-homo water. But they are far and away more intelligent than those of the butch variety and their counter parts, the feminized males. It's all part and parcel of the "Daddy Issues"... the little woman's got somethin' to prove.

I know ya didn't ask, but that's two decades (debating on the web, nearly every day) of experience talkin' so... take it for what its worth.

It's why I didn't respond to her last post...variations on the same theme masking the fact that she has an opinion that there's a constitutional right to gay butt sex marriage.

The two gay people I know are very close friends of mine, two women one of them being a teacher of mine when I was in Middle School (now retired). Even so, it would be an unlikely friendship except that they hate LGBT about as much as I do. They also can't stand much of what the gay movement is doing, especially with the gay marriage thing, forcing people into their point of view by judicial fiat rather than persuading them. When I deal with the FAGGOTS on this forum, I keep these two classy ladies in mind to remind me that there's some very decent gay couples out there who don't have an agenda and don't push their lifestyle down anyone's throat. I didn't even know my teacher was gay until I was an adult, nobody did. She was that discreet.

There are some gay people out there that are worth knowing. You just have to sift through all the FAGGOTS to find them.
Gays are responsible for 1/3 of all sex crimes against Children- that's approximately 30 - 35%

And when Iook into the victim numbers, that dog won't hunt. 1 in 5 girls are sexually abused. But only 1 in 20 boys.

Child Sexual Abuse Statistics

Which means that 20% of women are abused, but only 5% of boys. And we know that there are a shit load of self professed heterosexuals that molest boys. So how can your numbers possible work? Are homosexual men molesting girls? Which makes no sense at all.

When I look for info on your stat, I get the "Family Research Council', a Christian policy making ministry. Which already sets off some red flags. And if you go to the Journal of Sex Research, it counts every man that sexually abuses a boy as a 'homosexual pedophile', even when that person is a self proclaimed heterosexual and has an ongoing sexual relationship with women.

In a study of 269 cases of child sex abuse, only two offenders where found to be gay or lesbian. More relevant was the finding that of the cases involving molestation of a boy by a man, seventy-four percent of the men were or had been in a heterosexual relationship with the boys mother or another female relative.

Gay and Lesbian Adoptive Parents Issues and Concerns - FindLaw

Meaning every single one of these men that were in a heterosexual relationship with the boys mothers or female relative.....you're counting as a homosexual. Despite the fact that they self identify as a heterosexual, sleep with women and have ongoing sexual relationships with women.

That's ridiculous. These are heterosexual men molesting those boy. And the same study found this:

The conclusion was found that "a child's risk of being molested by his or her relative's heterosexual partner is over one hundred times greater than by someone who might be identifiable as being homosexual." -

Gay and Lesbian Adoptive Parents Issues and Concerns - FindLaw

And this is your great 'gay scourge'?

Um, no.

What else have you got?

You do realize that pedophiles and gay pederasts marry and raise a family to mask their true intentions and lifestyle, don't you?

Most people don't have to have that explained to them. But for a brainiac like you, an exception must be made.
Skylar is actually very intelligent. He felt the need to bury me in his astonishing intellectual prowess.

Nah. Just the facts. What you call 'astounding intellectual prowess', I call being informed.

So the numbers you post aren't lost on him. He just doesn't care that homosexuals represent a higher per capita risk to children than heterosexuals.

Oh, you may want to look at my evisceration of that preconception on page 77. I took the numbers on and applied some of that 'being informed' on that issue.

As for the anecdotal examples of gays molesting adopted kids, you can find many, many more straights doing the same thing. Argument by anecdote is a logical fallacy for a reason.

Intelligence is of little value when one sequesters their intellect to only entertain those facts that fit within their philosophical narrative.

Says the fellow that insists that unless I accept your personal religious beliefs without question, I'm too stupid to talk to.

For this reason, some of the most educated people on the planet are actually pretty stupid.

Or maybe you just don't like talking to people that are informed.
Gays are responsible for 1/3 of all sex crimes against Children- that's approximately 30 - 35%

And when Iook into the victim numbers, that dog won't hunt. 1 in 5 girls are sexually abused. But only 1 in 20 boys.

Child Sexual Abuse Statistics

Which means that 20% of women are abused, but only 5% of boys. And we know that there are a shit load of self professed heterosexuals that molest boys. So how can your numbers possible work? Are homosexual men molesting girls? Which makes no sense at all.

When I look for info on your stat, I get the "Family Research Council', a Christian policy making ministry. Which already sets off some red flags. And if you go to the Journal of Sex Research, it counts every man that sexually abuses a boy as a 'homosexual pedophile', even when that person is a self proclaimed heterosexual and has an ongoing sexual relationship with women.

In a study of 269 cases of child sex abuse, only two offenders where found to be gay or lesbian. More relevant was the finding that of the cases involving molestation of a boy by a man, seventy-four percent of the men were or had been in a heterosexual relationship with the boys mother or another female relative.

Gay and Lesbian Adoptive Parents Issues and Concerns - FindLaw

Meaning every single one of these men that were in a heterosexual relationship with the boys mothers or female relative.....you're counting as a homosexual. Despite the fact that they self identify as a heterosexual, sleep with women and have ongoing sexual relationships with women.

That's ridiculous. These are heterosexual men molesting those boy. And the same study found this:

The conclusion was found that "a child's risk of being molested by his or her relative's heterosexual partner is over one hundred times greater than by someone who might be identifiable as being homosexual." -

Gay and Lesbian Adoptive Parents Issues and Concerns - FindLaw

And this is your great 'gay scourge'?

Um, no.

What else have you got?

You do realize that pedophiles and gay pederasts marry and raise a family to mask their true intentions and lifestyle, don't you?

You do realize that heterosexual men can molest boys, don't you? Because the stats being aped by your ilk don't account for that at all. Despite nearly 75% of the men that molested boys being in a relationship with that child's mother or female relative.

And nearly 99% of the molesters self identifying as heterosexual.
...that the U.S. has ever seen, Bryan Fischer claims.

On his "Focal Point" radio show, the American Family Association's Bryan Fischer recently claimed that the "active, aggressive homosexual lobby" represented a threat to U.S. democracy.

As Right Wing Watch first reported, Fischer, who is no stranger to anti-gay declarations, told listeners, "I firmly believe the homosexual agenda represents the greatest single threat to religious liberty we have ever seen in the history of our existence as a nation."

Homosexual Agenda Is Greatest Threat To Liberty That The U.S. Has Ever Seen Bryan Fischer Claims

I also believe homosexuality is wrong. I have good reasons for opposing homosexuality as a normative lifestyle based on science, medicine, and faith. Normal people do not define themselves solely on the basis of who they are sexually attracted to.

This dude spends way too much time thinking about who sticks or licks someone else where on their bodies. Irregardless of what the homos are doing this freak has too much access to a video camera and a microphone. What he needs is a couple of serious court orders to cease and desist. His income seems highly likely tied to his rants that obviously or more likely probably violate laws on harrassment based on sexual orientation.
Skylar is actually very intelligent. He felt the need to bury me in his astonishing intellectual prowess. So the numbers you post aren't lost on him. He just doesn't care that homosexuals represent a higher per capita risk to children than heterosexuals. Intelligence is of little value when one sequesters their intellect to only entertain those facts that fit within their philosophical narrative.

For this reason, some of the most educated people on the planet are actually pretty stupid.

Skylar is a lot of things... however, 'intelligent' and 'he' aren't part of whatever might otherwise be present in that lot. I'd need a report from a fully certified investigator and a medical professional with impeccable credentials, chosen by an objective third party to convince me otherwise.

And that's not intellectual prowess, its minutia swiped from any of a hundred Sexual Abnormality advocacy websites... debate the Advocacy to Normalize Sexual Abnormality long enough and you become familiar with most of it.

For whatever reason, they feel that it's a volume game, wherein who ever can spew the most verbiage, the fastest, wins. It's like debating a 15 year old girl... she rattles off at 90 mph speaking non-stop for 5 minutes, hoping that she'll lose ya in the maze of her empty head. Skylar's game is designed to wear ya down.

But you'll quickly figure out that the only point she's making is in the first paragraph... the rest is just filler to which she wants you to invest time responding, so you'll just give up.

Also, as an FYI: The fem-lesbians carry 95% of the militant-homo water. But they are far and away more intelligent than those of the butch variety and their counter parts, the feminized males. It's all part and parcel of the "Daddy Issues"... the little woman's got somethin' to prove.

I know ya didn't ask, but that's two decades (debating on the web, nearly every day) of experience talkin' so... take it for what its worth.

It's why I didn't respond to her last post...variations on the same theme masking the fact that she has an opinion that there's a constitutional right to gay butt sex marriage.

The two gay people I know are very close friends of mine, two women one of them being a teacher of mine when I was in Middle School (now retired). Even so, it would be an unlikely friendship except that they hate LGBT about as much as I do. They also can't stand much of what the gay movement is doing, especially with the gay marriage thing, forcing people into their point of view by judicial fiat rather than persuading them. When I deal with the FAGGOTS on this forum, I keep these two classy ladies in mind to remind me that there's some very decent gay couples out there who don't have an agenda and don't push their lifestyle down anyone's throat. I didn't even know my teacher was gay until I was an adult, nobody did. She was that discreet.

There are some gay people out there that are worth knowing. You just have to sift through all the FAGGOTS to find them.

It's such a small world. I have numerous clients who are homosexual couples... and without exception they're polite, well spoken and wonderful human beings. If you did not know that they slept in the same bed, you'd have no idea that they were anything but besties with their partner. The fem-male in my least favorite gay couple tends to get a little catty... but his partner does a decent job scheduling around him. The Patron literally refers to him as a "Queer Hitler"; which is hysterical because he's a short little Jew who pretends to get outraged by it, but clearly enjoys the attention it brings shim.

Our lesbians are very bright gals, in their 60s, well read and both have a wonderful sense of humor. I tell you they're among my favorite people. They're very close and rarely have I seen them cross with one another. They're much more like best friends. When they start getting tense, they just go in different directions.

But as you have noted, without exception my group resents the maliciousness of the LGBT cult. "They need everyone to accept them, yet they do everything they can to make people hate them, they thrive on hate." then she turned the discussion to 'something pleasant to think about'.
Seriously -pretty lame - is that the best you've got ? Gay couples have a much higher rate of "divorce" and go through ridiculously larger amounts of partners in their lifetimes than do mentally healthy heterosexual couples.

And meanwhile back to my point- homosexuals adopt the children abandoned by their heterosexuals parents.

You know the parents you consider the 'real parents'- the fine upstanding heterosexual citizens who create babies then abandon them to society.

When are homophobes like yourself going to actually argue for something for children- and not just use children as a tool to attack homosexuals?

Oh, I am advocating for the children, as all moral people do.

And when a child is deprived of a mother or a father because of death or prison, it's a terrible thing.

But to deliberately create such circumstances, to put a child in a family that lacks a father or mother by design is just wrong; something that moral people understand, but reprobate, depraved minds miss altogether.

Letting queers adopt children is more than just an exercise in self delusion, making an unholy union look like a "family", but it also sucks an innocent child into a world of illusion that adults created for themselves to feign legitimacy for their illegitimate behavior. Children need both a mother and a father, and that doesn't mean a man and another man who kind of acts like a woman. Deprived of this, they are unable to develop psychologically as they would with a mother and father. It's selfish to sculpt a homosexual liaison into what perversely appears to be a "family" for the ego gratification of the adults while entirely dismissing the needs of every child to have an intact mother father home.

So you think leaving children abandoned by the their heterosexual parents, unadopted, is better for the children than allowing them to be adopted by a loving couple who wants to raise those children as their own- who happens to be homosexual?

Do you really hate these children that much? Or just homosexuals?

Facts and Statistics

In the U.S. 397,122 children are living without permanent families in the foster care system. 101,666 of these children are eligible for adoption, but nearly 32% of these children will wait over three years in foster care before being adopted.

Almost 400,000 children abandoned by their heterosexuals parents- 101,000 waiting for adoption- 32,000 will be in foster care over 3 years before being adopted.

To you that is all better than for the children than being adopted by a loving homosexual couple.

In 2012, 23,396 youth aged out of the U.S. foster care system without the emotional and financial support necessary to succeed. Nearly 40% had been homeless or couch surfed, nearly 60% of young men had been convicted of a crime, and only 48% were employed. 75% of women and 33% of men receive government benefits to meet basic needs. 50% of all youth who aged out were involved in substance use and 17% of the females were pregnant.

Thats right- 23,000 kids aging out of the system without any family to support them emotionally or financially.

You believe this too is preferable to those kids being adopted by homosexuals.

I applaud anyone who is brave enough to adopt children and raise them as their own. I know parents how are doing so- and man, they are just superior human beings.

Kids deserve parents. I have no objection to the concept that it would be best for children to have both a mother and a father- but the reality is that children are better off with a parent- or parents- than without them.

We cannot prevent irresponsible heterosexuals from having children and abandoning them. At least when homosexuals attempt to have children- they want those children and the children are brought into homes that welcome them.

There is no guarantee that any parent is going to be a 'fit' parent- but those who want to be parents at least are starting off with the right intentions.

The link you provided and copied and pasted from provides data on foster children / orphans but is only remotely relevant to the issue at hand - that issue being Homosexual abuse of Children and adoption -get with the program Pal .... unless of course you feel you are accomplishing something with long winded irrelevant data that does not prove your point .

Good Lord, Foster CARE?

What do ya want to know?

My wife and I adopted from Foster care... and I am an expert in that abyss of evil.

In sexual terms, the US Foster Care system is a LGBT TRAINING GROUND. The people who comprise the "Child Protective Services" are primarily illiterate, single mothers... you can't throw a dead cat without hitting either an "Abused" woman or a Lesbian.

The males who are there, could not produce enough testosterone to needed to match that common to a drag queen.

It's a hell hole of idiocy and despair and as noted, it is the training ground of all things LGBT and every other facet of Political Correctness.

Another pure bat shit crazy Keys post.
Skylar is actually very intelligent. He felt the need to bury me in his astonishing intellectual prowess. So the numbers you post aren't lost on him. He just doesn't care that homosexuals represent a higher per capita risk to children than heterosexuals. Intelligence is of little value when one sequesters their intellect to only entertain those facts that fit within their philosophical narrative.

For this reason, some of the most educated people on the planet are actually pretty stupid.

Skylar is a lot of things... however, 'intelligent' and 'he' aren't part of whatever might otherwise be present in that lot. I'd need a report from a fully certified investigator and a medical professional with impeccable credentials, chosen by an objective third party to convince me otherwise.

And that's not intellectual prowess, its minutia swiped from any of a hundred Sexual Abnormality advocacy websites... debate the Advocacy to Normalize Sexual Abnormality long enough and you become familiar with most of it.

For whatever reason, they feel that it's a volume game, wherein who ever can spew the most verbiage, the fastest, wins. It's like debating a 15 year old girl... she rattles off at 90 mph speaking non-stop for 5 minutes, hoping that she'll lose ya in the maze of her empty head. Skylar's game is designed to wear ya down.

But you'll quickly figure out that the only point she's making is in the first paragraph... the rest is just filler to which she wants you to invest time responding, so you'll just give up.

Also, as an FYI: The fem-lesbians carry 95% of the militant-homo water. But they are far and away more intelligent than those of the butch variety and their counter parts, the feminized males. It's all part and parcel of the "Daddy Issues"... the little woman's got somethin' to prove.

I know ya didn't ask, but that's two decades (debating on the web, nearly every day) of experience talkin' so... take it for what its worth.

It's why I didn't respond to her last post...variations on the same theme masking the fact that she has an opinion that there's a constitutional right to gay butt sex marriage.

Or...because I eviscerated your argument.

On your civil war fantasy, on Loving, on the Federal Government's authority to hold State marriage laws to certain constitutional guarantees, on the differences between laws and rights, on the what the Gonzalez decision was actually about (hint...it wasn't the judiciary's authority to overturn state laws based on rights), on Hamilton's position in Federalist 78 (which so far, only I've read), on the 14th amendment, and on the issues being addressed by the federal judiciary related to same sex marriage.

Your argument doesn't work. Which is why you abandoned it. And well you should. Your argument wasn't particularly informed or well thought through. That and I simply knew more about every one of those topics having done my research *before* posting

Its a neat trick. I highly recommend it.

There are some gay people out there that are worth knowing. You just have to sift through all the FAGGOTS to find them.

Its true of any group of people. The difference between you and most folks is that you rate a person worth knowing if they agree with you. By your own admission, you could be friends with the lesbian woman because she hated LGBT as much as you dd.

Whereas most folks have all sorts of friends that they disagree and very few based a friendship on hate. But on the character and kindness of the person they are talking to.

And most people are pretty cool.
...that the U.S. has ever seen, Bryan Fischer claims.

On his "Focal Point" radio show, the American Family Association's Bryan Fischer recently claimed that the "active, aggressive homosexual lobby" represented a threat to U.S. democracy.

As Right Wing Watch first reported, Fischer, who is no stranger to anti-gay declarations, told listeners, "I firmly believe the homosexual agenda represents the greatest single threat to religious liberty we have ever seen in the history of our existence as a nation."

Homosexual Agenda Is Greatest Threat To Liberty That The U.S. Has Ever Seen Bryan Fischer Claims

I also believe homosexuality is wrong. I have good reasons for opposing homosexuality as a normative lifestyle based on science, medicine, and faith. Normal people do not define themselves solely on the basis of who they are sexually attracted to.

This dude spends way too much time thinking about who sticks or licks someone else where on their bodies. Irregardless of what the homos are doing this freak has too much access to a video camera and a microphone. What he needs is a couple of serious court orders to cease and desist. His income seems highly likely tied to his rants that obviously or more likely probably violate laws on harrassment based on sexual orientation.

Well, I tell ya what... you get their sex life out of public policy and you'll find that our interest in their sex life drops off immediately.

OR... you'll all find out why and how the homosexuals ended up in the closest in the fist place. (It was the safest place to BE.)
...that the U.S. has ever seen, Bryan Fischer claims.

On his "Focal Point" radio show, the American Family Association's Bryan Fischer recently claimed that the "active, aggressive homosexual lobby" represented a threat to U.S. democracy.

As Right Wing Watch first reported, Fischer, who is no stranger to anti-gay declarations, told listeners, "I firmly believe the homosexual agenda represents the greatest single threat to religious liberty we have ever seen in the history of our existence as a nation."

Homosexual Agenda Is Greatest Threat To Liberty That The U.S. Has Ever Seen Bryan Fischer Claims

I also believe homosexuality is wrong. I have good reasons for opposing homosexuality as a normative lifestyle based on science, medicine, and faith. Normal people do not define themselves solely on the basis of who they are sexually attracted to.

This dude spends way too much time thinking about who sticks or licks someone else where on their bodies. Irregardless of what the homos are doing this freak has too much access to a video camera and a microphone. What he needs is a couple of serious court orders to cease and desist. His income seems highly likely tied to his rants that obviously or more likely probably violate laws on harrassment based on sexual orientation.

Well, I tell ya what... you get their sex life out of public policy and you'll find that our interest in their sex life drops off immediately.

Its not their sex life that they're putting into public policy. Its the fact that they want to marry the consenting adult that they love. And State laws forbid it for no particular reason.

You're the one fixating on their sexual preference. They're fixated on having the same rights as anyone else.

OR... you'll all find out why and how the homosexuals ended up in the closest in the fist place. (It was the safest place to BE.)

Ah, vaguely veiled threats of violence against gays and lesbians for no particular reason.

If this is the product of your 'objective religion', you can keep it.
Yep... and it will only get worse. We're only one more socialist majority away from the legalization of pedophilia.
Where do you people get this utter bullshit from?

Animal sex brothels were made legal by progressives and Denmark, and progressives in the Uk brought the age of consent down to 16, and other Eurotrash nations begot an age of consent as low as 13.

Such is slippery slope of fecal faggot fiends.

The age of consent in much of the United States is 16 years old- is that from the 'slippery slope of fecal heterosexual fiends' such as yourself?

Age of consent in the United States of course is far more strict that Europe- 14 in those liberal states Iowa and South Carolina.

That too must because of the 'fecal heterosexual' fiends I guess.

The only ones I ever hear suggesting the legalization of pedophilia are conservatives- ones sounding just like you.
...that the U.S. has ever seen, Bryan Fischer claims.

On his "Focal Point" radio show, the American Family Association's Bryan Fischer recently claimed that the "active, aggressive homosexual lobby" represented a threat to U.S. democracy.

As Right Wing Watch first reported, Fischer, who is no stranger to anti-gay declarations, told listeners, "I firmly believe the homosexual agenda represents the greatest single threat to religious liberty we have ever seen in the history of our existence as a nation."

Homosexual Agenda Is Greatest Threat To Liberty That The U.S. Has Ever Seen Bryan Fischer Claims

I also believe homosexuality is wrong. I have good reasons for opposing homosexuality as a normative lifestyle based on science, medicine, and faith. Normal people do not define themselves solely on the basis of who they are sexually attracted to.

This dude spends way too much time thinking about who sticks or licks someone else where on their bodies. Irregardless of what the homos are doing this freak has too much access to a video camera and a microphone. What he needs is a couple of serious court orders to cease and desist. His income seems highly likely tied to his rants that obviously or more likely probably violate laws on harrassment based on sexual orientation.

Well, I tell ya what... you get their sex life out of public policy and you'll find that our interest in their sex life drops off immediately.

OR... you'll all find out why and how the homosexuals ended up in the closest in the fist place. (It was the safest place to BE.)

Ah yes nothing says conservative Patriotism like an American threatening other Americans....for being different.
One has to wonder if Putin is far more intelligent than any leader in this country. He sees the danger of the unrestrained homosexual agenda that we just don't want to look at, and like any patriotic Russian, he's taking measures to protect his people. His move to make it illegal for homos to proselytize children was in response to Russian children being adopted to faggots who later abused them. Were I the leader of Russia, that might piss me off too; a reasonable reaction. Besides which, why do homos want to inject their lifestyle into children anyway unless they're perverts? See, this isn't so hard to understand.

In Iran, Saudi Arabia and other countries, homosexuals are hung in the streets. They would only wish to be left alone and not punished for their private lifestyle. I think that not killing or otherwise punishing gay people is enough. Anything more than that is the "victim" turning into a bully.
...that the U.S. has ever seen, Bryan Fischer claims.

On his "Focal Point" radio show, the American Family Association's Bryan Fischer recently claimed that the "active, aggressive homosexual lobby" represented a threat to U.S. democracy.

As Right Wing Watch first reported, Fischer, who is no stranger to anti-gay declarations, told listeners, "I firmly believe the homosexual agenda represents the greatest single threat to religious liberty we have ever seen in the history of our existence as a nation."

Homosexual Agenda Is Greatest Threat To Liberty That The U.S. Has Ever Seen Bryan Fischer Claims

I also believe homosexuality is wrong. I have good reasons for opposing homosexuality as a normative lifestyle based on science, medicine, and faith. Normal people do not define themselves solely on the basis of who they are sexually attracted to.

This dude spends way too much time thinking about who sticks or licks someone else where on their bodies. Irregardless of what the homos are doing this freak has too much access to a video camera and a microphone. What he needs is a couple of serious court orders to cease and desist. His income seems highly likely tied to his rants that obviously or more likely probably violate laws on harrassment based on sexual orientation.

Well, I tell ya what... you get their sex life out of public policy and you'll find that our interest in their sex life drops off immediately.

OR... you'll all find out why and how the homosexuals ended up in the closest in the fist place. (It was the safest place to BE.)

Hate crimes are very real and involve everything from harrassment and hate mail all the way to 1st degree murder.

There is nothing intrusive about the existance of this type of legislation and consequenses for participating in this kind of activiy.

If YOU feel YOUR rights are violated by the existance of these laws then there is something very sick about your character.
...that the U.S. has ever seen, Bryan Fischer claims.

On his "Focal Point" radio show, the American Family Association's Bryan Fischer recently claimed that the "active, aggressive homosexual lobby" represented a threat to U.S. democracy.

As Right Wing Watch first reported, Fischer, who is no stranger to anti-gay declarations, told listeners, "I firmly believe the homosexual agenda represents the greatest single threat to religious liberty we have ever seen in the history of our existence as a nation."

Homosexual Agenda Is Greatest Threat To Liberty That The U.S. Has Ever Seen Bryan Fischer Claims

I also believe homosexuality is wrong. I have good reasons for opposing homosexuality as a normative lifestyle based on science, medicine, and faith. Normal people do not define themselves solely on the basis of who they are sexually attracted to.

This dude spends way too much time thinking about who sticks or licks someone else where on their bodies. Irregardless of what the homos are doing this freak has too much access to a video camera and a microphone. What he needs is a couple of serious court orders to cease and desist. His income seems highly likely tied to his rants that obviously or more likely probably violate laws on harrassment based on sexual orientation.

Well, I tell ya what... you get their sex life out of public policy and you'll find that our interest in their sex life drops off immediately.

OR... you'll all find out why and how the homosexuals ended up in the closest in the fist place. (It was the safest place to BE.)

Ah yes nothing says conservative Patriotism like an American threatening other Americans....for being different.

Why would you feel threatened? He only said that if you people push, there's going to be a push back. And you people are definitely pushing your lifestyle down everyone's throats.

So it stands to reason that everyone was better off when you were in the closet, no?
Or maybe if those who decry the horrors of gay marriage- to 'protect the children'- would actually do something to protect the children.

Like maybe not get divorced. Or abandon their kids. Or kick them out of the house for being gay.

Or maybe just do anything actually for kids- rather than trying to prevent the children of gay parents from having married parents.

Seriously -pretty lame - is that the best you've got ? Gay couples have a much higher rate of "divorce" and go through ridiculously larger amounts of partners in their lifetimes than do mentally healthy heterosexual couples.

And meanwhile back to my point- homosexuals adopt the children abandoned by their heterosexuals parents.

You know the parents you consider the 'real parents'- the fine upstanding heterosexual citizens who create babies then abandon them to society.

When are homophobes like yourself going to actually argue for something for children- and not just use children as a tool to attack homosexuals?

Oh, I am advocating for the children, as all moral people do.

And when a child is deprived of a mother or a father because of death or prison, it's a terrible thing.

But to deliberately create such circumstances, to put a child in a family that lacks a father or mother by design is just wrong; something that moral people understand, but reprobate, depraved minds miss altogether.

Letting queers adopt children is more than just an exercise in self delusion, making an unholy union look like a "family", but it also sucks an innocent child into a world of illusion that adults created for themselves to feign legitimacy for their illegitimate behavior. Children need both a mother and a father, and that doesn't mean a man and another man who kind of acts like a woman. Deprived of this, they are unable to develop psychologically as they would with a mother and father. It's selfish to sculpt a homosexual liaison into what perversely appears to be a "family" for the ego gratification of the adults while entirely dismissing the needs of every child to have an intact mother father home.

So you think leaving children abandoned by the their heterosexual parents, unadopted, is better for the children than allowing them to be adopted by a loving couple who wants to raise those children as their own- who happens to be homosexual?

Do you really hate these children that much? Or just homosexuals?

Facts and Statistics

In the U.S. 397,122 children are living without permanent families in the foster care system. 101,666 of these children are eligible for adoption, but nearly 32% of these children will wait over three years in foster care before being adopted.

Almost 400,000 children abandoned by their heterosexuals parents- 101,000 waiting for adoption- 32,000 will be in foster care over 3 years before being adopted.

To you that is all better than for the children than being adopted by a loving homosexual couple.

In 2012, 23,396 youth aged out of the U.S. foster care system without the emotional and financial support necessary to succeed. Nearly 40% had been homeless or couch surfed, nearly 60% of young men had been convicted of a crime, and only 48% were employed. 75% of women and 33% of men receive government benefits to meet basic needs. 50% of all youth who aged out were involved in substance use and 17% of the females were pregnant.

Thats right- 23,000 kids aging out of the system without any family to support them emotionally or financially.

You believe this too is preferable to those kids being adopted by homosexuals.

I applaud anyone who is brave enough to adopt children and raise them as their own. I know parents how are doing so- and man, they are just superior human beings.

Kids deserve parents. I have no objection to the concept that it would be best for children to have both a mother and a father- but the reality is that children are better off with a parent- or parents- than without them.

We cannot prevent irresponsible heterosexuals from having children and abandoning them. At least when homosexuals attempt to have children- they want those children and the children are brought into homes that welcome them.

There is no guarantee that any parent is going to be a 'fit' parent- but those who want to be parents at least are starting off with the right intentions.

The link you provided and copied and pasted from provides data on foster children / orphans but is only remotely relevant to the issue at hand - that issue being Homosexual abuse of Children and adoption -get with the program Pal .... unless of course you feel you are accomplishing something with long winded irrelevant data that does not prove your point .

the issue of course is you preferring children to languish in foster care, and be termed out to live on the streets rather than let them be adopted by a loving couple who happens to be gay.

Do try to stay on point.
...that the U.S. has ever seen, Bryan Fischer claims.

On his "Focal Point" radio show, the American Family Association's Bryan Fischer recently claimed that the "active, aggressive homosexual lobby" represented a threat to U.S. democracy.

As Right Wing Watch first reported, Fischer, who is no stranger to anti-gay declarations, told listeners, "I firmly believe the homosexual agenda represents the greatest single threat to religious liberty we have ever seen in the history of our existence as a nation."

Homosexual Agenda Is Greatest Threat To Liberty That The U.S. Has Ever Seen Bryan Fischer Claims

I also believe homosexuality is wrong. I have good reasons for opposing homosexuality as a normative lifestyle based on science, medicine, and faith. Normal people do not define themselves solely on the basis of who they are sexually attracted to.

This dude spends way too much time thinking about who sticks or licks someone else where on their bodies. Irregardless of what the homos are doing this freak has too much access to a video camera and a microphone. What he needs is a couple of serious court orders to cease and desist. His income seems highly likely tied to his rants that obviously or more likely probably violate laws on harrassment based on sexual orientation.

Well, I tell ya what... you get their sex life out of public policy and you'll find that our interest in their sex life drops off immediately.

OR... you'll all find out why and how the homosexuals ended up in the closest in the fist place. (It was the safest place to BE.)

Hate crimes are very real and involve everything from harrassment and hate mail all the way to 1st degree murder.

There is nothing intrusive about the existance of this type of legislation and consequenses for participating in this kind of activiy.

If YOU feel YOUR rights are violated by the existance of these laws then there is something very sick about your character.
Right now in California people's junior high school daughters will have to share the school restroom with any boy who at the time feels like a girl and wants to use the girls restroom.

Don't tell me we're not being affected by your sick, evil, twisted God-damned agenda!

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