Homosexual Agenda Is Greatest Threat To Liberty

Gays are responsible for 1/3 of all sex crimes against Children- that's approximately 30 - 35%

And when Iook into the victim numbers, that dog won't hunt. 1 in 5 girls are sexually abused. But only 1 in 20 boys.

Child Sexual Abuse Statistics

Which means that 20% of women are abused, but only 5% of boys. And we know that there are a shit load of self professed heterosexuals that molest boys. So how can your numbers possible work? Are homosexual men molesting girls? Which makes no sense at all.

When I look for info on your stat, I get the "Family Research Council', a Christian policy making ministry. Which already sets off some red flags. And if you go to the Journal of Sex Research, it counts every man that sexually abuses a boy as a 'homosexual pedophile', even when that person is a self proclaimed heterosexual and has an ongoing sexual relationship with women.

In a study of 269 cases of child sex abuse, only two offenders where found to be gay or lesbian. More relevant was the finding that of the cases involving molestation of a boy by a man, seventy-four percent of the men were or had been in a heterosexual relationship with the boys mother or another female relative.

Gay and Lesbian Adoptive Parents Issues and Concerns - FindLaw

Meaning every single one of these men that were in a heterosexual relationship with the boys mothers or female relative.....you're counting as a homosexual. Despite the fact that they self identify as a heterosexual, sleep with women and have ongoing sexual relationships with women.

That's ridiculous. These are heterosexual men molesting those boy. And the same study found this:

The conclusion was found that "a child's risk of being molested by his or her relative's heterosexual partner is over one hundred times greater than by someone who might be identifiable as being homosexual." -

Gay and Lesbian Adoptive Parents Issues and Concerns - FindLaw

And this is your great 'gay scourge'?

Um, no.

What else have you got?

You do realize that pedophiles and gay pederasts marry and raise a family to mask their true intentions and lifestyle, don't you?

You do realize that heterosexual men can molest boys, don't you? Because the stats being aped by your ilk don't account for that at all. Despite nearly 75% of the men that molested boys being in a relationship with that child's mother or female relative.

And nearly 99% of the molesters self identifying as heterosexual.

And nearly 99% of the molesters self identifying as heterosexual

As has been aptly demonstrated "self identification" means very little. When a male engages in sexual activity with another male - regardless of "self identification" .... he's a queer.

You do realize that heterosexual men can molest boys, don't you?


When a male engages in sexual activity with another male - regardless of "self identification" .... he's a queer. If he also has an attraction to females he's half a queer [a bisexual] .

No Semantic side step shuffle shoe is going to change reality pal - a faggot is a faggot and many are also pedophiles to boot

Pedophiles love homophobes like you.

Seriously- you help pedophiles- you enable pedophiles- you help pedophiles gain access to children.

Because homophobes like you tell the world that homosexuals are the pedophiles.

Leaving monsters like Jerry Sandusky- openly heterosexual husband and father, an iconic sports coach- unsuspected by parents who feel safe knowing he isn't a homosexual, so their little boys could be dropped off with him.

Homophobic bigots like yourself endanger children.
Skyler, even Christ lost it and went on a rampage.

Yeah... Christ said that a person who harms a child. Would be better off to go out to sea and tie a MILLSTONE around their neck and drop it into the water... than to let themselves die. Because when they stand before God... being drug mercilessly to the bottom of the ocean is going to look like a SUPERIOR WAY TO GO!

In terms of 'war' and merciless carnage on homosexuals... THAT is the LAST WORD right there.

IF you really believed that, then you would leave the judgement to Jesus, and stop trying to persecute homosexuals.

No one wants to persecute homosexuals. What people want is to leave them alone. It's the homosexuals that don't tolerate being let alone. They want to insinuate themselves into everyone else's lives.

There is a long history of people persecuting homosexuals. Just last year, Baton Rouge police were arresting men for responding to adds for sex.

History shows it is the bigots that do not tolerate homosexuals and do not want them left alone.

It certainly isn't homosexuals telling heterosexuals that they can't get married.
...that the U.S. has ever seen, Bryan Fischer claims.

On his "Focal Point" radio show, the American Family Association's Bryan Fischer recently claimed that the "active, aggressive homosexual lobby" represented a threat to U.S. democracy.

As Right Wing Watch first reported, Fischer, who is no stranger to anti-gay declarations, told listeners, "I firmly believe the homosexual agenda represents the greatest single threat to religious liberty we have ever seen in the history of our existence as a nation."

Homosexual Agenda Is Greatest Threat To Liberty That The U.S. Has Ever Seen Bryan Fischer Claims

I also believe homosexuality is wrong. I have good reasons for opposing homosexuality as a normative lifestyle based on science, medicine, and faith. Normal people do not define themselves solely on the basis of who they are sexually attracted to.

Certainly ONE of the greatest threats to America's foundational standards. Just as bad, though, is the Globalist agenda (no more borders; international trade agreements/treaties; etc.). Just as bad is our general but purposeful move towards Socialism (both sides of the aisle are guilty).

Yeah....treaties......because our founding fathers never wanted the United States to have treaties or trade agreements.......
Anybody who thinks there's a "homosexual agenda" is a moron. /thread.

Obviously you've never read , or if you did - it's evident you were incapable of comprehending the works the works of Marshall Kirk and Hunter Madsden . Do you even know who they are ?

You are truly unqualified to debate this topic - you are completely unarmed and I'm in no mood to get into a battle of wits with an unarmed person. Have a nice day little fella.
Anybody who thinks there's a "homosexual agenda" is a moron. /thread.

Obviously you've never read , or if you did - it's evident you were incapable of comprehending the works the works of Marshall Kirk and Hunter Madsden . Do you even know who they are ?
Yes, how terrible, faggots being treated like anyone else:

By Marshall Kirk and Erastes Pill

The first order of business is desensitization of the American public concerning gays and gay rights. To desensitize the public is to help it view homosexuality with indifference instead of with keen emotion. Ideally, we would have straights register differences in sexual preference the way they register different tastes for ice cream or sports games: she likes strawberry and I like vanilla; he follows baseball and I follow football. No big deal.

At least in the beginning, we are seeking public desensitization and nothing more. We do not need and cannot expect a full "appreciation" or "understanding" of homosexuality from the average American. You can forget about trying to persuade the masses that homosexuality is a good thing. But if only you can get them to think that it is just another thing, with a shrug of their shoulders, then your battle for legal and social rights is virtually won. And to get to shoulder-shrug stage, gays as a class must cease to appear mysterious, alien, loathsome and contrary. A large-scale media campaign will be required in order to change the image of gays in America. And any campaign to accomplish this turnaround should do six things."
Gays are responsible for 1/3 of all sex crimes against Children- that's approximately 30 - 35%

And when Iook into the victim numbers, that dog won't hunt. 1 in 5 girls are sexually abused. But only 1 in 20 boys.

Child Sexual Abuse Statistics

Which means that 20% of women are abused, but only 5% of boys. And we know that there are a shit load of self professed heterosexuals that molest boys. So how can your numbers possible work? Are homosexual men molesting girls? Which makes no sense at all.

When I look for info on your stat, I get the "Family Research Council', a Christian policy making ministry. Which already sets off some red flags. And if you go to the Journal of Sex Research, it counts every man that sexually abuses a boy as a 'homosexual pedophile', even when that person is a self proclaimed heterosexual and has an ongoing sexual relationship with women.

In a study of 269 cases of child sex abuse, only two offenders where found to be gay or lesbian. More relevant was the finding that of the cases involving molestation of a boy by a man, seventy-four percent of the men were or had been in a heterosexual relationship with the boys mother or another female relative.

Gay and Lesbian Adoptive Parents Issues and Concerns - FindLaw

Meaning every single one of these men that were in a heterosexual relationship with the boys mothers or female relative.....you're counting as a homosexual. Despite the fact that they self identify as a heterosexual, sleep with women and have ongoing sexual relationships with women.

That's ridiculous. These are heterosexual men molesting those boy. And the same study found this:

The conclusion was found that "a child's risk of being molested by his or her relative's heterosexual partner is over one hundred times greater than by someone who might be identifiable as being homosexual." -

Gay and Lesbian Adoptive Parents Issues and Concerns - FindLaw

And this is your great 'gay scourge'?

Um, no.

What else have you got?

You do realize that pedophiles and gay pederasts marry and raise a family to mask their true intentions and lifestyle, don't you?

You do realize that heterosexual men can molest boys, don't you? Because the stats being aped by your ilk don't account for that at all. Despite nearly 75% of the men that molested boys being in a relationship with that child's mother or female relative.

And nearly 99% of the molesters self identifying as heterosexual.

And nearly 99% of the molesters self identifying as heterosexual

As has been aptly demonstrated "self identification" means very little. When a male engages in sexual activity with another male - regardless of "self identification" .... he's a queer.

You do realize that heterosexual men can molest boys, don't you?


When a male engages in sexual activity with another male - regardless of "self identification" .... he's a queer. If he also has an attraction to females he's half a queer [a bisexual] .

No Semantic side step shuffle shoe is going to change reality pal - a faggot is a faggot and many are also pedophiles to boot

Pedophiles love homophobes like you.

Seriously- you help pedophiles- you enable pedophiles- you help pedophiles gain access to children.

Because homophobes like you tell the world that homosexuals are the pedophiles.

Leaving monsters like Jerry Sandusky- openly heterosexual husband and father, an iconic sports coach- unsuspected by parents who feel safe knowing he isn't a homosexual, so their little boys could be dropped off with him.

Homophobic bigots like yourself endanger children.

Wow ... everything said on this thread went right over your head - didn't it. Do yourself a favor - google percentages,per capita, statistics , --- try the search term "Gay Pedophile" do some reading -educate yourself if that is at all possible , I do realize you are working with the most minimal mental capacity - but give it a shot --- go ahead fire up those neurons little fella - you can do it !
And here you are again with your pompous and condescending attitude like you are a scholar.
You are so , partly , entertaining if it were not for the fact that you really believe all your own bullshit.

The Judicial Branch] may truly be said to have neither FORCE nor WILL, but merely judgment; and must ultimately depend upon the aid of the executive arm even for the efficacy of its judgments. — Alexander Hamilton, Federalist No. 78

Hamilton you say? Federalist Paper 78 you say? Why lets dig in.

The interpretation of the laws is the proper and peculiar province of the courts. A constitution is, in fact, and must be regarded by the judges, as a fundamental law. It therefore belongs to them to ascertain its meaning, as well as the meaning of any particular act proceeding from the legislative body. If there should happen to be an irreconcilable variance between the two, that which has the superior obligation and validity ought, of course, to be preferred; or, in other words, the Constitution ought to be preferred to the statute, the intention of the people to the intention of their agents.

Alexander Hamilton
Federalist Paper 78

Huh. Its almost as if you never read Federalist Paper 78, have no idea what's in it, and have never once fact checked your claims.

See, Mike, that's the difference between us. You copy and paste lists. I actually do research and read the sources.

Incorrect as usual, and I'm sure you're just as much a "constitutional scholar" as the poop stain in the White House.

Alexander Hamilton argued for a Supreme Court that was confirmed by the Senate and not the House of Representatives saying:

A body so fluctuating and at the same time so numerous, can never be deemed proper for the exercise of that power. Its unfitness will appear manifest to all, when it is recollected that in half a century it may consist of three or four hundred persons. All the advantages of the stability, both of the Executive and of the Senate, would be defeated by this union, and infinite delays and embarrassments would be occasioned.

In retrospect, Hamilton could only have been arguing for input from the States on judiciary appointments since at the time, Senators were appointed by state legislators, not by popular vote. Hamilton pointedly warned of the danger of judges being appointed by popular winds, saying:

the necessity of their [the Senate’s] concurrence would have a powerful, though, in general, a silent operation. It would be an excellent check upon a spirit of favoritism in the President, and would tend greatly to prevent the appointment of unfit characters from State prejudice, from family connection, from personal attachment, or from a view to popularity. In addition to this, it would be an efficacious source of stability in the administration.

One can only guess that Hamilton might have had a different view of Senate confirmations if the 17th Amendment were already passed. It might also be noted that the Constitution would never have been ratified to begin with had it been written in such way as to give the States no representation whatsoever in Washington D.C.
And here you are again with your pompous and condescending attitude like you are a scholar.
You are so , partly , entertaining if it were not for the fact that you really believe all your own bullshit.

The Judicial Branch] may truly be said to have neither FORCE nor WILL, but merely judgment; and must ultimately depend upon the aid of the executive arm even for the efficacy of its judgments. — Alexander Hamilton, Federalist No. 78

Hamilton you say? Federalist Paper 78 you say? Why lets dig in.

The interpretation of the laws is the proper and peculiar province of the courts. A constitution is, in fact, and must be regarded by the judges, as a fundamental law. It therefore belongs to them to ascertain its meaning, as well as the meaning of any particular act proceeding from the legislative body. If there should happen to be an irreconcilable variance between the two, that which has the superior obligation and validity ought, of course, to be preferred; or, in other words, the Constitution ought to be preferred to the statute, the intention of the people to the intention of their agents.

Alexander Hamilton
Federalist Paper 78

Huh. Its almost as if you never read Federalist Paper 78, have no idea what's in it, and have never once fact checked your claims.

See, Mike, that's the difference between us. You copy and paste lists. I actually do research and read the sources.

Incorrect as usual, and I'm sure you're just as much a "constitutional scholar" as the poop stain in the White House.

Alexander Hamilton argued for a Supreme Court that was confirmed by the Senate and not the House of Representatives saying:

A body so fluctuating and at the same time so numerous, can never be deemed proper for the exercise of that power. Its unfitness will appear manifest to all, when it is recollected that in half a century it may consist of three or four hundred persons. All the advantages of the stability, both of the Executive and of the Senate, would be defeated by this union, and infinite delays and embarrassments would be occasioned.

In retrospect, Hamilton could only have been arguing for input from the States on judiciary appointments since at the time, Senators were appointed by state legislators, not by popular vote. Hamilton pointedly warned of the danger of judges being appointed by popular winds, saying:

the necessity of their [the Senate’s] concurrence would have a powerful, though, in general, a silent operation. It would be an excellent check upon a spirit of favoritism in the President, and would tend greatly to prevent the appointment of unfit characters from State prejudice, from family connection, from personal attachment, or from a view to popularity. In addition to this, it would be an efficacious source of stability in the administration.

One can only guess that Hamilton might have had a different view of Senate confirmations if the 17th Amendment were already passed. It might also be noted that the Constitution would never have been ratified to begin with had it been written in such way as to give the States no representation whatsoever in Washington D.C.
What, pray tell is that image supposed to be - are you picking your nose and flinging your boogers ? because it's obvious you have nothing of any value to add -regards booger finger.
I have no quarrel with Gays per se.

I do, however, take exception with the Gay "Community" branding me as well as my family "homophobes" for the mere fact that we hold dear our own heterosexual family unit as sacrosanct.

We feel unprotected and threatened, By Gays. By Golly. :beer:

Hey to all you Gay ass-fuckers out there- please do not threaten my heterosexual family unit.

I thank you in advance. :thup:

Why is it that we need to expect the homos to be perfect? The ones I have known are mostly annoying self absorbed jerks that are paranoid about how they are pigeon holed and in the same breath swishy in your face faggots.

THAT doesn't make them a danger to society.

There are probably just as many if not more pervs that prey on kids in the hetro society as there are in the gay/homo society.

I think for the most part abuse is a learned behavior. I doubt strongly that homosexuality is a learned behavior.

What the homos find attractive I personally find STRANGE and DISGUSTING.. but I really don't see how it affects me. I gain nor lose any potential partners by what they practice.
...that the U.S. has ever seen, Bryan Fischer claims.

On his "Focal Point" radio show, the American Family Association's Bryan Fischer recently claimed that the "active, aggressive homosexual lobby" represented a threat to U.S. democracy.

As Right Wing Watch first reported, Fischer, who is no stranger to anti-gay declarations, told listeners, "I firmly believe the homosexual agenda represents the greatest single threat to religious liberty we have ever seen in the history of our existence as a nation."

Homosexual Agenda Is Greatest Threat To Liberty That The U.S. Has Ever Seen Bryan Fischer Claims

I also believe homosexuality is wrong. I have good reasons for opposing homosexuality as a normative lifestyle based on science, medicine, and faith. Normal people do not define themselves solely on the basis of who they are sexually attracted to.

This dude spends way too much time thinking about who sticks or licks someone else where on their bodies. Irregardless of what the homos are doing this freak has too much access to a video camera and a microphone. What he needs is a couple of serious court orders to cease and desist. His income seems highly likely tied to his rants that obviously or more likely probably violate laws on harrassment based on sexual orientation.

Well, I tell ya what... you get their sex life out of public policy and you'll find that our interest in their sex life drops off immediately.

OR... you'll all find out why and how the homosexuals ended up in the closest in the fist place. (It was the safest place to BE.)

Hate crimes are very real and involve everything from harrassment and hate mail all the way to 1st degree murder.

There is nothing intrusive about the existance of this type of legislation and consequenses for participating in this kind of activiy.

If YOU feel YOUR rights are violated by the existance of these laws then there is something very sick about your character.

Hate crimes are a fascist PC means to push offensive destructive behavior onto a sheepish culture.

And your position here is a classic demonstration of the evil inherent to such.

We're not hating anyone sparky... but we dam' sure do not intend to allow these pervs to cripple the culture in which we live and in which we raise our children. If this cult doesn't sit down and shut the fuck up, they're going to ignite a war that will make 'hate crimes' look like a lovely Sunday brunch. And if you need that to be the fault of the defense... that's fine. But that will not help ya get through it, in the slightest.

You people are screwin' with forces that you've no means to comprehend... you think that such crap can't happen here... You're entire existence is watching people tolerate intolerable shit, so you just assume that that's how the world works... just as the people in every country, in every culture thought that it couldn't happen to them, when most of them had FAR LESS REASON TO BELIEVE IT.


You're siding with EVIL... and that's all there is to it. It's a lie bent around a myth, resting upon a horrible fraudulence. And one of two things is going to happen: Either the homosexuals shut the fuck up... or we're going to shut them up and >IF< THAT is how it goes, we're shutting up the entire Left right along with you ladies.

Believe it, reject it... I don't give a dam'. But that doesn't change the fact that neither I, nor anyone else here represents what is in play... we are but a spec on the wing of a gnat, circling a boil that is festering on the whale that is swimming in the sea of crap that sits over the caldera which is about to blow... and again, all I'm doing is lettin ya know that the water is gettin' mighty hot, so maybe ya shouldn't be droppin all these bombs and drillin' here... .

So if you need to believe that it's the looming eruption is the spec's fault, there's nothing I can do to help ya with that.

You really are a hate filled sick mofo. All this talk of civil wars and bunk is just in yours and your friends little pea brains.

It seems your venom has rotted your brain way past correction. I sincerely hope your stupidity catches up with you before you do any damage to innocents.
...that the U.S. has ever seen, Bryan Fischer claims.

On his "Focal Point" radio show, the American Family Association's Bryan Fischer recently claimed that the "active, aggressive homosexual lobby" represented a threat to U.S. democracy.

As Right Wing Watch first reported, Fischer, who is no stranger to anti-gay declarations, told listeners, "I firmly believe the homosexual agenda represents the greatest single threat to religious liberty we have ever seen in the history of our existence as a nation."

Homosexual Agenda Is Greatest Threat To Liberty That The U.S. Has Ever Seen Bryan Fischer Claims

I also believe homosexuality is wrong. I have good reasons for opposing homosexuality as a normative lifestyle based on science, medicine, and faith. Normal people do not define themselves solely on the basis of who they are sexually attracted to.

This dude spends way too much time thinking about who sticks or licks someone else where on their bodies. Irregardless of what the homos are doing this freak has too much access to a video camera and a microphone. What he needs is a couple of serious court orders to cease and desist. His income seems highly likely tied to his rants that obviously or more likely probably violate laws on harrassment based on sexual orientation.

Well, I tell ya what... you get their sex life out of public policy and you'll find that our interest in their sex life drops off immediately.

OR... you'll all find out why and how the homosexuals ended up in the closest in the fist place. (It was the safest place to BE.)

Hate crimes are very real and involve everything from harrassment and hate mail all the way to 1st degree murder.

There is nothing intrusive about the existance of this type of legislation and consequenses for participating in this kind of activiy.

If YOU feel YOUR rights are violated by the existance of these laws then there is something very sick about your character.

Hate crimes are a fascist PC means to push offensive destructive behavior onto a sheepish culture.

And your position here is a classic demonstration of the evil inherent to such.

We're not hating anyone sparky... but we dam' sure do not intend to allow these pervs to cripple the culture in which we live and in which we raise our children. If this cult doesn't sit down and shut the fuck up, they're going to ignite a war that will make 'hate crimes' look like a lovely Sunday brunch. And if you need that to be the fault of the defense... that's fine. But that will not help ya get through it, in the slightest.

You people are screwin' with forces that you've no means to comprehend... you think that such crap can't happen here... You're entire existence is watching people tolerate intolerable shit, so you just assume that that's how the world works... just as the people in every country, in every culture thought that it couldn't happen to them, when most of them had FAR LESS REASON TO BELIEVE IT.


You're siding with EVIL... and that's all there is to it. It's a lie bent around a myth, resting upon a horrible fraudulence. And one of two things is going to happen: Either the homosexuals shut the fuck up... or we're going to shut them up and >IF< THAT is how it goes, we're shutting up the entire Left right along with you ladies.

Believe it, reject it... I don't give a dam'. But that doesn't change the fact that neither I, nor anyone else here represents what is in play... we are but a spec on the wing of a gnat, circling a boil that is festering on the whale that is swimming in the sea of crap that sits over the caldera which is about to blow... and again, all I'm doing is lettin ya know that the water is gettin' mighty hot, so maybe ya shouldn't be droppin all these bombs and drillin' here... .

So if you need to believe that it's the looming eruption is the spec's fault, there's nothing I can do to help ya with that.

You really are a hate filled sick mofo. All this talk of civil wars and bunk is just in yours and your friends little pea brains.

It seems your venom has rotted your brain way past correction. I sincerely hope your stupidity catches up with you before you do any damage to innocents.
None of which has anything to do with the equal protection rights of same-sex couples to marry or public accommodations laws.

Marriage is the joining of one man and one woman.

Fortunately that is becoming less the call of haters like you more and more. Your attitude is a shining example that religion has no place in governing the public.
Greenbean originally posted this and it is such a profound report on the history of "The Homosexual Movement" OKA: THE GAY AGENDA, that I am reporting it here:

We're not hating anyone sparky... but we dam' sure do not intend to allow these pervs to cripple the culture in which we live and in which we raise our children.
Yeah, that's why you described gays as loathsome, ahborred, despised, depraved, deranged, and evil. All with vague threats of violence if they keep making themselves so public.

Because you don't hate them?

If this is the product of your 'objective' religion, you are the poster child for what can go wrong with theism.

If this cult doesn't sit down and shut the fuck up, they're going to ignite a war that will make 'hate crimes' look like a lovely Sunday brunch. And if you need that to be the fault of the defense... that's fine. But that will not help ya get through it, in the slightest.

Nope. Here's the part that you forget, Keyes. Most of the hateful bigots in the world like yourself....are natural chickenshits. They don't want to bleed. They want to hurt people, but they don't want to have to hurt. Your 'war' requires shit loads of bleeding. Not someone else's. But yours.

And you won't do it. Neither will your fellow chickenshits.

Oh, I have no doubt that if you find someone gay guy who is sick, or old, or vulnerable.....you'll want to try and hurt them. But those opportunities are comparatively rare. And after you'd done hurting that person, we'll come find you and put you in a cage. And you and your fellow chickenshits know that.

Which is why you're here talking. Rather than doing. There's always an excuse why you can't actually back up your words with actions. And there always will be. Until you and your generations of bigots have died off from the ravages of old age. And a younger, more tolerant group of folks has taken your place.

Your own cowardice protects you as much as it protects the gays you want to hurt. And will likely result to you living to a ripe old age. And a much more tolerant society that doesn't want to hurt people as much you do.

You're siding with EVIL... and that's all there is to it. It's a lie bent around a myth, resting upon a horrible fraudulence. And one of two things is going to happen: Either the homosexuals shut the fuck up... or we're going to shut them up and >IF< THAT is how it goes, we're shutting up the entire Left right along with you ladies.

Nope. You're the one that wants to hurt and wage war against folks you don't know, have never met, and have never done you an ounce of harm. People just trying to raise their families and live their lives. People you hate for no other reason than you were told to. And opposing such stupidity isn't evil. Its the duty of any moral person.

Oh, and Mike....this is your team. Keyes is your people. If you think this is a 'Christ like' way to live, then you really need to crack that book of yours open again. Because you're really not getting it.

Skyler, even Christ lost it and went on a rampage. That's what happens when people get pushed, and you people are pushing us around everywhere. The homosexual agenda is everywhere, which is odd because it's supposed to be a private lifestyle. But here it is shoved in our faces in the workplace, on the football field, in politics, in the media, everywhere. WTF makes you people think you're so important?

You're not seeing anyone actually threaten violence, you're seeing people get frustrated that you "victims" have become the biggest asshole bullies in the country. Makes a person just want to go find a faggot and beat the shit out of him. But not really.

You were told many times on this thread, stop with the aggressive homosexual agenda and you'll see conservatives backing down too. We don't care if you have gay butt sex in your own homes, just keep it out of our lives.

Chronology of Gay Activism and Terrorism

1970 New York Post columnist Pete Hamill refers to gays as “slim-waisted freakcreeps” Gay activists picketed the Post and demanded Hamill be fired. The editor apologized, but defended the editorial freedom of his writers.

1970 Gay activists occupied the offices of Harpers Magazine after the magazine ran a cover story “Homo/Hetero: The Struggle for Sexual Identity.” that described homosexuality as "an affront to our rationality living evidence of our despair of ever finding a sensible, an explainable design to the world."

1972 - The Gay Media Task Force is created by the National Gay Task Force to be an organization to manipulate and control network television programming, theoretically as it addressed gay issues.

1972 ..... the networks tilted against the guardians of morality. They began to send scripts to gay Gay consultants routinely. "Anything that crops up in a script that is even remotely gay" said the writer Allan Burns , "They get it and they really make themselves heard" **Inside Prime Time
** by Todd Gitlin

1972 Gay activist, turned journalist Mark Segal feigns disdain that he couldn’t dance with a gay partner on a dance show, infiltrates an ABC affiliate in Philadelphia and interrupts the news broadcast. He later pulled similar charades against the Johnny Carson on the Tonight Show when he stormed out of the Audience during a live show, on the Mike Douglas show and Today shows. Variety claimed that the activities of Segal alone, not to mention other gay activities had cost the entertainment industry $750,000 in costs including lost advertising revenue.

1973 - Gay propagandist/activist invades CBS News with Walter Cronkite.

1974 A popular and long-running medical drama on ABC - Marcus Welby MD tells the story of a teen boy who is sexually molested by his gay science teacher. The episode, “The Outrage” aired October 8, 1974. Gays squawked immediately - a campaign against the network ensued, gays bombarded over 200 organizations with hate mail and lobbied vigorously. Many major sponsors pulled out ,17 affiliates dropped the program. Some of the affiliates dropping the program were coerced by threats of reprisal if they failed to pull it from their stations . ...Like other media activists Loretta Lotman already had established ties with the management of ... local ABC Affiliate.... she warned that if something were not done about the program they would be hit with protests the likes of which thaye had never seen before.. **Target: Prime Time: Advocacy Groups and the Struggle Over Entertainment Television (Communication and Society)

1977 Florida gay rights/privileges ordinance sparks strong opposition . Former Miss Oklahoma beauty pageant winner, and outspoken critic of homosexuality Anita Bryant led the campaign that successfully had the law repealed and she paid dearly. Her career came to a screeching halt, her credibility and reputation was viciously assaulted . She was at one point physically assaulted with a pie while attempting to exercise her right to Free Speech. Beware all those who oppose the Gay Agenda Anita Bryant's career was destroyed by her campaign against "militant homosexuality" She ultimately suffered a divorce, needed counseling, and was bankrupted.

**The Anita Bryant Story

Anita Bryant assaulted - YouTube

Like Satan, Anita Bryant keeps coming back. 2009

Uma Thurman to Play Notorious Anti-Gay Activist in ‘Anita’ 2013

1978 - A Question of Love, ABC TV movie airs based on a lesbian mother and her struggle for custody of her children. Part of manipulated trend to positive TV images of gays , acknowledged as a result of gay activists.

1980 - CBS Reports Episode “Gay Power, Gay Politics” draws strong criticism for what the gay camp referred to as malicious inaccuracies and slanting of the news. The program did heavily focus on the sexual practices of gay males , in particular sadomasochism. The National News Council, stated that CBS had violated journalistic standards through misrepresentation as well as through deceptive editing. I find it curious that the National News Council never says anything when CBS manipulates in favor of the Left leaning liberals and democrats which it has consistently for decades. **See Dan Rather**

1983 NY Times did not cover a fundraiser for Gay Men’s Health Crisis in Madison Square Garden - leads to protests and eventual apology from the Times for not helping in promoting the Gay Agenda

1985 "....You can handle homosexuality - as long as you handle it a lovely, tolerant fashion that will not upset the gay liberation lobby" - Earnest Kinov writer, screenwriter and playwright.

1987 Marshall K. Kirk and Erastes Pill wrote a strategy series of articles entitled "The Overhauling of Straight America" which appeared in Guide Magazine. They wrote ... "In the early states of any campaign to reach straight America, the masses should not be shocked and repelled by premature exposure to homosexual behavior itself. Instead, the imagery of sex should be downplayed and gay rights should be reduced to an abstract social question as much as possible. First let the camel get his nose inside the tent -- and only later his unsightly derriere! "

1987 A study by The Center for Media and Public Affairs reported that only 9% of the characters depicted on TV with AIDS are identified as homosexual ,while in actuality, over 70 percent of such persons have AIDS or HIV. This is in accordance with the unwritten homosexual lobby's demand to define AIDS as non-gay disease.

1988, a conference of 175 gay activist leaders convened near Washington, D.C. to establish an agenda. After that meeting, Harvard-trained social scientists and homosexual activists Marshall Kirk and Hunter Madsen wrote the Gay manifesto After The Ball

1988 episode of NBC's "Midnight Caller" originally portrayed a homosexual as an AIDS carrier who deliberately infects straight woman, a gaggle of gays gathered and more rapidly flocked to NBC Studios and vigorously protested loudly outside the set. The script was changed to appease the pervs, and the program executives humbly kissed their royal infected derrieres while apologizing profusely.

1988, Cosmopolitan magazine published an article "Reassuring News About AIDS: A Doctor Tells Why You May Not Be At Risk." which attempted to inform the public that in unprotected vaginal sex between a man and a woman , the risk of HIV transmission was basically nonexistant, even if the man was infected. This did not fit within the narrow confines of the warped reality that the Homosexual agenda was attempting to ram down societies throat. When lobbying and coercion against the Author and Cosmopolitan failed, the gay agendaites decided they "had to shut down Cosmo." They produced a video entitled, "Doctor, Liars, and Women: AIDS Activists Say No To Cosmo." Activists protested vigorously at the Hearst building (parent company of Cosmopolitan) chanting "Say no to Cosmo!"

1989 Andy Rooney states on air that the year had brought recognition “of the fact that many of the ills which kill us are self-induced: too much alcohol, too much food, drugs, homosexual unions, cigarettes. They’re all known to lead quite often to premature death.” shortly thereafter Rooney made a racial comment “I’ve believed all along that most people are born with equal intelligence, but blacks have watered down their genes because the less intelligent ones are the ones that have the most children. They drop out of school early, do drugs, and get pregnant.” he is suspended for the racial comment , a Gay uproar follows because he was not disciplined for the Gay comment.

1990 The Sacramento Union publishes several editorials against pro-homosexual activities. Vandals quickly destroyed over a hundred of the newspaper's vending machines. The vandalized machines were plastered with stickers from the AIDS Coalition to Unleash Power / ACT UP .

1990 The Wall Street Journal editorialized that it seems to be entirely permissible to discuss homosexuality.....only if you maintain "the approved point of view."

1991 During the height of Operation Desert Storm, ACT UP activist John Weir and two other activists entered the studio of the CBS Evening News at the beginning of the broadcast. They shouted "AIDS is news. Fight AIDS, not Arabs!" Even anchorman Dan Rather, that befuddled bastion of left wing lunacy was not immune to the Gay onslaught. . The same night ACT UP demonstrated at the studios of the MacNeil/Lehrer Newshour. The next day activists displayed banners in Grand Central Terminal that said "Money for AIDS, not for war" and "One AIDS death every 8 minutes." One of the banners was handheld and displayed across the train timetable and the other attached to bundles of balloons that lifted it up to the ceiling of the station's enormous main room. These actions were part of a coordinated protest called "Day of Desperation."[Wikipedia]

1992 Marketing reports indicate that gays have more expendable income than normal people, mainstream advertisers began pouring money into gay publications. Some advertising revenues nearly double.

1994 Roseanne TV episode features a kiss between two females.

1997 Lesbian Television personality Ellen Degenerate .... uh I mean Degeneres, has her TV character also come out, ratings climb.

1996 Los Angeles magazine cover story by gay journalist David Ehrenstein,, argued that gay material was more persuasive than the average viewer might have thought. "You may not have noticed, but your favorite sitcoms are written by gays and lesbians." informed readers with a tongue in cheek nod to the idea of a gay sitcom writer mafia." {Gay TV and Straight America
Pg. 163}

(I don't have time to go find it now, but around this time, the APA releases the white Paper: "A Meta-Analytic Examination of Assumed Properties of Child Sexual Abuse Using College Samples.", which turned into a Barn Burner, when Dr. Laura Schlesinger came off the chain over the paper's conclusion that "... some children may actually benefit from a loving sexual relationship, with a caring adult...". As a result the Dr. Schlesinger was inundated with death threats and a massive, vile public attack by the Homosexual Community. The APA subsequently denounced the 'findings' of the report, claiming that it was unaware of its contents... which was total BS, as that very paper is the cornerstone of the current movement's mindset... .)

2012 DC Comics relaunches its Green Lantern character as Gay, the original character was a married father of two who first appeared in 1940

2011 - Gallup poll shows that U.S. adults estimate that 25% of Americans are gay or lesbian.

52% of American Adults estimate that at least one in five Americans are gay or lesbian

35% estimate that more than one in four are.

Few put the figure at less than 15%.

The actual number ??? .... drum roll .... envelope please ..... and the answer is ....... LESS THAN 4% are Gay !!!!!

That's correct only 1 - 4% of the U.S. population is Gay or Lesbian. Why in Gods name would so many allegedly educated {or indoctrinated as the case may be} and supposedly informed American Adults believe that so very many of their countrymen are homosexuals ? .... drum roll ..... the answer is ....Gross over representation and coverage by the Media, both in Entertainment Fiction {Soaps, Sitcoms, Movies..} as well as News coverage.

Almost any show currently airing on television features at least one homosexual. Daytime talk shows, Soaps, and comedies are rampant with out of closet card carrying homosexual characters. In addition, all these characters are not permitted to display character flaws, they are either wealthy, educated, and happy OR depressed and oppressed by perceived mistreatment from normal people.

2013 FemTechNet - A feminist internet group is organizing a program entitled "Storming Wikipedia," and are calling for women to edit the site and add feminist stories . Now I see nothing wrong with giving equal representation to the contributions of Women to science , history, the arts and so on, the problem lies in the adverse and perverted agenda which the controlling agents for this organization espouse. A warped world view, generally completely out of context is what they envision and will attempt to implant within the pages of the most trafficked reference site available.

Yale University, Brown University, Pennsylvania State University and many others will offer college credits to students who help to impose the feminist view on wikipedia readers. ‘Storming Wikipedia’: Colleges offer credit to students who enter ‘feminist thinking’ into Wikipedia

2014 A Religious group known as Focus on the Family is trying to release a movie in theaters entitled “Irreplaceable” which presents their views of the value of the traditional family, and dares to suggest the importance of fathers being involved in the lives of their children. I can't comment reliably on the entertainment value or worthiness of the film , as I haven't seen it, and if the Gay Mafia has their way I will never have the opportunity - nor will you.

LGBT advocates, pawns of the Gay Mafia, have launched an intensive campaign to discredit the movie online. The Campaign to shut the Movie Down are being coordinated on Facebook, Twitter and a Change.org petition begun by a gay teacher from California. They have petitioned against it and are working vigorously to ensure that “Irreplaceable” is never seen in local theaters. The President of Focus on Family, Jim Daly reported that some of the more than 700 theaters nationwide scheduled to show the film are backing out under pressure from the Gay Mafia. [See Gay mafia' attacks Focus on the Family movie]

Where was all the righteous indignation when the gay propaganda film broke back mountain came out, Or when pedophile Bryan Singer and his co-conspirators blasted his self admitted subliminal gay propaganda at kids via XMen ? [See : Comic Books and the Gay Agenda]

Gay and Lesbian Media influences
One has to wonder if Putin is far more intelligent than any leader in this country. He sees the danger of the unrestrained homosexual agenda that we just don't want to look at, and like any patriotic Russian, he's taking measures to protect his people. His move to make it illegal for homos to proselytize children was in response to Russian children being adopted to faggots who later abused them. Were I the leader of Russia, that might piss me off too; a reasonable reaction. Besides which, why do homos want to inject their lifestyle into children anyway unless they're perverts? See, this isn't so hard to understand.

In Iran, Saudi Arabia and other countries, homosexuals are hung in the streets. They would only wish to be left alone and not punished for their private lifestyle. I think that not killing or otherwise punishing gay people is enough. Anything more than that is the "victim" turning into a bully.

What is it about Conservatives and their love of the dictator Putin?

And yes- I am sure that homosexuals and negroes are both grateful that they are not hung in the streets in the United States anymore.

How very white of you.

I'm not white, you jackass.

That's ok... She doesn't care... you're conservative, therefore your get treated as white.

Try to not let it bother ya. We're used to it, but sometimes we forget that not everyone knows what its like to be white in a fucked up, bass-ackward, far-side Leftist world.

I'm white and I REALLY wish you would stop using that term as it is excrutiatingly embarrassing having you think you speak for me in any way whatsoever. I don't know or care how you turned out to be such a biggoted hateful pig. No one in my family has ever turned out to be like you thank goodness.

You probably know exactly why you have devolved into what you are but like I said...I don't care.

I will just take solice knowing that your kind is fading away into the dustbin of history as more knowledge is available to more and more people and this war you warn of just evaporates with what's left of your poisoned brain cells.
...that the U.S. has ever seen, Bryan Fischer claims.

On his "Focal Point" radio show, the American Family Association's Bryan Fischer recently claimed that the "active, aggressive homosexual lobby" represented a threat to U.S. democracy.

As Right Wing Watch first reported, Fischer, who is no stranger to anti-gay declarations, told listeners, "I firmly believe the homosexual agenda represents the greatest single threat to religious liberty we have ever seen in the history of our existence as a nation."

Homosexual Agenda Is Greatest Threat To Liberty That The U.S. Has Ever Seen Bryan Fischer Claims

I also believe homosexuality is wrong. I have good reasons for opposing homosexuality as a normative lifestyle based on science, medicine, and faith. Normal people do not define themselves solely on the basis of who they are sexually attracted to.

This dude spends way too much time thinking about who sticks or licks someone else where on their bodies. Irregardless of what the homos are doing this freak has too much access to a video camera and a microphone. What he needs is a couple of serious court orders to cease and desist. His income seems highly likely tied to his rants that obviously or more likely probably violate laws on harrassment based on sexual orientation.

Well, I tell ya what... you get their sex life out of public policy and you'll find that our interest in their sex life drops off immediately.

OR... you'll all find out why and how the homosexuals ended up in the closest in the fist place. (It was the safest place to BE.)

Hate crimes are very real and involve everything from harrassment and hate mail all the way to 1st degree murder.

There is nothing intrusive about the existance of this type of legislation and consequenses for participating in this kind of activiy.

If YOU feel YOUR rights are violated by the existance of these laws then there is something very sick about your character.

Hate crimes are a fascist PC means to push offensive destructive behavior onto a sheepish culture.

And your position here is a classic demonstration of the evil inherent to such.

We're not hating anyone sparky... but we dam' sure do not intend to allow these pervs to cripple the culture in which we live and in which we raise our children. If this cult doesn't sit down and shut the fuck up, they're going to ignite a war that will make 'hate crimes' look like a lovely Sunday brunch. And if you need that to be the fault of the defense... that's fine. But that will not help ya get through it, in the slightest.

You people are screwin' with forces that you've no means to comprehend... you think that such crap can't happen here... You're entire existence is watching people tolerate intolerable shit, so you just assume that that's how the world works... just as the people in every country, in every culture thought that it couldn't happen to them, when most of them had FAR LESS REASON TO BELIEVE IT.


You're siding with EVIL... and that's all there is to it. It's a lie bent around a myth, resting upon a horrible fraudulence. And one of two things is going to happen: Either the homosexuals shut the fuck up... or we're going to shut them up and >IF< THAT is how it goes, we're shutting up the entire Left right along with you ladies.

Believe it, reject it... I don't give a dam'. But that doesn't change the fact that neither I, nor anyone else here represents what is in play... we are but a spec on the wing of a gnat, circling a boil that is festering on the whale that is swimming in the sea of crap that sits over the caldera which is about to blow... and again, all I'm doing is lettin ya know that the water is gettin' mighty hot, so maybe ya shouldn't be droppin all these bombs and drillin' here... .

So if you need to believe that it's the looming eruption is the spec's fault, there's nothing I can do to help ya with that.

You really are a hate filled sick mofo. All this talk of civil wars and bunk is just in yours and your friends little pea brains.

It seems your venom has rotted your brain way past correction. I sincerely hope your stupidity catches up with you before you do any damage to innocents.

Yeah.... because war never happens and if it ever did happen, it wasn't because a group of people shoved a bunch of crap onto another group of people who didn't want any part of the crap.

You seem to have put a LOT of thought into this, so I will see if I can find any evidence to support my position that every war that has ever happened anywhere, throughout all of human history, have started because of crap just like the crap you ladies are flinging.

But if you would like to "Google" any war... anywhere, at any time and look how it started, maybe that would sped things up.
One has to wonder if Putin is far more intelligent than any leader in this country. He sees the danger of the unrestrained homosexual agenda that we just don't want to look at, and like any patriotic Russian, he's taking measures to protect his people. His move to make it illegal for homos to proselytize children was in response to Russian children being adopted to faggots who later abused them. Were I the leader of Russia, that might piss me off too; a reasonable reaction. Besides which, why do homos want to inject their lifestyle into children anyway unless they're perverts? See, this isn't so hard to understand.

In Iran, Saudi Arabia and other countries, homosexuals are hung in the streets. They would only wish to be left alone and not punished for their private lifestyle. I think that not killing or otherwise punishing gay people is enough. Anything more than that is the "victim" turning into a bully.

What is it about Conservatives and their love of the dictator Putin?

And yes- I am sure that homosexuals and negroes are both grateful that they are not hung in the streets in the United States anymore.

How very white of you.

I'm not white, you jackass.

That's ok... She doesn't care... you're conservative, therefore your get treated as white.

Try to not let it bother ya. We're used to it, but sometimes we forget that not everyone knows what its like to be white in a fucked up, bass-ackward, far-side Leftist world.

I'm white and I REALLY wish you would stop using that term as it is excrutiatingly embarrassing having you think you speak for me in any way whatsoever. I don't know or care how you turned out to be such a biggoted hateful pig. No one in my family has ever turned out to be like you thank goodness.

You probably know exactly why you have devolved into what you are but like I said...I don't care.

I will just take solice knowing that your kind is fading away into the dustbin of history as more knowledge is available to more and more people and this war you warn of just evaporates with what's left of your poisoned brain cells.

What ya are, is an imbecile... we're not happy about you being white, but there's not much we can do about it. If we had a choice we'd make ya pink. So... I hope that helps, although I 'feel' that it probably won't.
...that the U.S. has ever seen, Bryan Fischer claims.

On his "Focal Point" radio show, the American Family Association's Bryan Fischer recently claimed that the "active, aggressive homosexual lobby" represented a threat to U.S. democracy.

As Right Wing Watch first reported, Fischer, who is no stranger to anti-gay declarations, told listeners, "I firmly believe the homosexual agenda represents the greatest single threat to religious liberty we have ever seen in the history of our existence as a nation."

Homosexual Agenda Is Greatest Threat To Liberty That The U.S. Has Ever Seen Bryan Fischer Claims

I also believe homosexuality is wrong. I have good reasons for opposing homosexuality as a normative lifestyle based on science, medicine, and faith. Normal people do not define themselves solely on the basis of who they are sexually attracted to.
What do you propose be done about it? Outlaw homosexuality? Kill all gay people?
For what it's worth... as a parent of three biological children... my policy was very simple. IF someone molested one of my children, there would be no charges filed, no cries for help, no ass beatin's causing all manner of drama... . The offending party would have just not made it to work one day.

Now I think the reason my children were never so molested is because that was 'THE WAY IT WAS'' that such permeated the air around my children. And as a result, any douchebag that may have ever considered it, without regard to whether or not they even knew of my existence, the moment that they may have considered such with one of my kids... a cold shiver shot up their spine. And without even realizing why, they just lost interest.

I could be wrong... but I expect that I'm pretty close.

FWIW, the same policy is standing in effect all around my grand-children.

Where are the "we" you keep prattling on and on about? I see YOU going on and on about how you are going to dissappear the homo/pedaphiles that are out to buttfuck you..your kids...their kids... Ya right. If YOU were serious you wouldn't come onto a message board to challenge the homo/pedaphiles. You would just simply be out there seeking them out and dispensing your justice.

I worked real hard and got a pedophile arrested on pot growing charges and he went away for a long time and he was financially ruined but honestly I found the victory hollow. As it turned out the people I had to work with were disgusting a-holes also which diminished much of the fun.

There are many people in the world deserving of being stopped in their tracks...far more than you or I could possibly put a dent in.

One thing for certain... ragging on and on about them in a MB is probably one of the least effective measures of retribution you can offer.
"1977 Florida gay rights/privileges ordinance sparks strong opposition . Former Miss Oklahoma beauty pageant winner, and outspoken critic of homosexuality Anita Bryant led the campaign that successfully had the law repealed and she paid dearly. Her career came to a screeching halt, her credibility and reputation was viciously assaulted . She was at one point physically assaulted with a pie while attempting to exercise her right to Free Speech. Beware all those who oppose the Gay Agenda Anita Bryant's career was destroyed by her campaign against "militant homosexuality" She ultimately suffered a divorce, needed counseling, and was bankrupted."

:clap: She was a total nasty bitch and karma got her.
This dude spends way too much time thinking about who sticks or licks someone else where on their bodies. Irregardless of what the homos are doing this freak has too much access to a video camera and a microphone. What he needs is a couple of serious court orders to cease and desist. His income seems highly likely tied to his rants that obviously or more likely probably violate laws on harrassment based on sexual orientation.

Well, I tell ya what... you get their sex life out of public policy and you'll find that our interest in their sex life drops off immediately.

OR... you'll all find out why and how the homosexuals ended up in the closest in the fist place. (It was the safest place to BE.)

Hate crimes are very real and involve everything from harrassment and hate mail all the way to 1st degree murder.

There is nothing intrusive about the existance of this type of legislation and consequenses for participating in this kind of activiy.

If YOU feel YOUR rights are violated by the existance of these laws then there is something very sick about your character.

Hate crimes are a fascist PC means to push offensive destructive behavior onto a sheepish culture.

And your position here is a classic demonstration of the evil inherent to such.

We're not hating anyone sparky... but we dam' sure do not intend to allow these pervs to cripple the culture in which we live and in which we raise our children. If this cult doesn't sit down and shut the fuck up, they're going to ignite a war that will make 'hate crimes' look like a lovely Sunday brunch. And if you need that to be the fault of the defense... that's fine. But that will not help ya get through it, in the slightest.

You people are screwin' with forces that you've no means to comprehend... you think that such crap can't happen here... You're entire existence is watching people tolerate intolerable shit, so you just assume that that's how the world works... just as the people in every country, in every culture thought that it couldn't happen to them, when most of them had FAR LESS REASON TO BELIEVE IT.


You're siding with EVIL... and that's all there is to it. It's a lie bent around a myth, resting upon a horrible fraudulence. And one of two things is going to happen: Either the homosexuals shut the fuck up... or we're going to shut them up and >IF< THAT is how it goes, we're shutting up the entire Left right along with you ladies.

Believe it, reject it... I don't give a dam'. But that doesn't change the fact that neither I, nor anyone else here represents what is in play... we are but a spec on the wing of a gnat, circling a boil that is festering on the whale that is swimming in the sea of crap that sits over the caldera which is about to blow... and again, all I'm doing is lettin ya know that the water is gettin' mighty hot, so maybe ya shouldn't be droppin all these bombs and drillin' here... .

So if you need to believe that it's the looming eruption is the spec's fault, there's nothing I can do to help ya with that.

You really are a hate filled sick mofo. All this talk of civil wars and bunk is just in yours and your friends little pea brains.

It seems your venom has rotted your brain way past correction. I sincerely hope your stupidity catches up with you before you do any damage to innocents.

Yeah.... because war never happens and if it ever did happen, it wasn't because a group of people shoved a bunch of crap onto another group of people who didn't want any part of the crap.

You seem to have put a LOT of thought into this, so I will see if I can find any evidence to support my position that every war that has ever happened anywhere, throughout all of human history, have started because of crap just like the crap you ladies are flinging.

But if you would like to "Google" any war... anywhere, at any time and look how it started, maybe that would sped things up.
This country has moved beyond you and your I Hate Faggots mentality. You'll have to find another Jesusland to live in, or you could start dealing with reality like a man? Your call.
Unfortunately -- to sane thinking people it's not a remotely debatable point - but to the indoctrinated and perverted it's just another step on the path to domination.......

Obviously its debatable. As most sane people don't begin with your irrational enmity of homosexuals. Almost all child molesters are self proclaimed heterosexuals that sleep with women and have relationships with women. Homosexuals make up less than a percent of the molesters, despite making up between 1.5 and 3% of the population.

In fact, 75% of the molesters of boys were heterosexual men who were engaged in relationships with their mothers or the child's female relative.

But against all reason, you insist that every single one of these heterosexual men, who have regular sexual relationships with women, who are attracted to adult women, who self identify as heterosexual, are homosexuals.

That's ridiculous
. And such silliness is absolutely debatable. As you're allowing your emotions about gays to cloud your reasoning. Those of us that don't begin with your prejudices and emotional investment in hatred toward gays aren't similarly crippled when reviewing the evidence.

And the evidence indicates that among those men who abuse boys, most are also attracted to adult women. A man who is sexually attracted to adult women isn't a homosexual. You can't process or assimilate this information because it doesn't feed your enmity toward gays.

A rational person can.

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