Homosexual Agenda Is Greatest Threat To Liberty

"1977 Florida gay rights/privileges ordinance sparks strong opposition . Former Miss Oklahoma beauty pageant winner, and outspoken critic of homosexuality Anita Bryant led the campaign that successfully had the law repealed and she paid dearly. Her career came to a screeching halt, her credibility and reputation was viciously assaulted . She was at one point physically assaulted with a pie while attempting to exercise her right to Free Speech. Beware all those who oppose the Gay Agenda Anita Bryant's career was destroyed by her campaign against "militant homosexuality" She ultimately suffered a divorce, needed counseling, and was bankrupted."

:clap: She was a total nasty bitch and karma got her.
Karma spanks...
"1977 Florida gay rights/privileges ordinance sparks strong opposition . Former Miss Oklahoma beauty pageant winner, and outspoken critic of homosexuality Anita Bryant led the campaign that successfully had the law repealed and she paid dearly. Her career came to a screeching halt, her credibility and reputation was viciously assaulted . She was at one point physically assaulted with a pie while attempting to exercise her right to Free Speech. Beware all those who oppose the Gay Agenda Anita Bryant's career was destroyed by her campaign against "militant homosexuality" She ultimately suffered a divorce, needed counseling, and was bankrupted."

:clap: She was a total nasty bitch and karma got her.
Karma spanks...
Yep. Funny thing is, the current crop of idiots just recycle her madness.

"If gays are granted rights, next we'll have to give rights to prostitutes and to people who sleep with St. Bernards and to nail biters." - Anita Bryant

I bet she's in hell.
"1977 Florida gay rights/privileges ordinance sparks strong opposition . Former Miss Oklahoma beauty pageant winner, and outspoken critic of homosexuality Anita Bryant led the campaign that successfully had the law repealed and she paid dearly. Her career came to a screeching halt, her credibility and reputation was viciously assaulted . She was at one point physically assaulted with a pie while attempting to exercise her right to Free Speech. Beware all those who oppose the Gay Agenda Anita Bryant's career was destroyed by her campaign against "militant homosexuality" She ultimately suffered a divorce, needed counseling, and was bankrupted."

:clap: She was a total nasty bitch and karma got her.

A pie, huh?

Imagine if Anita were gay....

A Texas dad disgusted with his daughter’s lesbian lifestyle murdered the young woman and her lover, the girl’s mother said in a shocking twist to a gruesome case.

James Cosby, 46, bludgeoned his daughter Britney Cosby to death and shot her lover, Crystal Jackson, on March 6 before dumping the bodies near the ferry gate in Port Bolivar, Texas, police believe.

Dad killed daughter lesbian lover because they were gay mom - NY Daily News

But yeah, a pie.
"1977 Florida gay rights/privileges ordinance sparks strong opposition . Former Miss Oklahoma beauty pageant winner, and outspoken critic of homosexuality Anita Bryant led the campaign that successfully had the law repealed and she paid dearly. Her career came to a screeching halt, her credibility and reputation was viciously assaulted . She was at one point physically assaulted with a pie while attempting to exercise her right to Free Speech. Beware all those who oppose the Gay Agenda Anita Bryant's career was destroyed by her campaign against "militant homosexuality" She ultimately suffered a divorce, needed counseling, and was bankrupted."

:clap: She was a total nasty bitch and karma got her.

A pie, huh?

Imagine if Anita were gay....

A Texas dad disgusted with his daughter’s lesbian lifestyle murdered the young woman and her lover, the girl’s mother said in a shocking twist to a gruesome case.

James Cosby, 46, bludgeoned his daughter Britney Cosby to death and shot her lover, Crystal Jackson, on March 6 before dumping the bodies near the ferry gate in Port Bolivar, Texas, police believe.

Dad killed daughter lesbian lover because they were gay mom - NY Daily News

But yeah, a pie.
Anita Bryant had a hand in inciting that murder if you follow right wing logic.
"1977 Florida gay rights/privileges ordinance sparks strong opposition . Former Miss Oklahoma beauty pageant winner, and outspoken critic of homosexuality Anita Bryant led the campaign that successfully had the law repealed and she paid dearly. Her career came to a screeching halt, her credibility and reputation was viciously assaulted . She was at one point physically assaulted with a pie while attempting to exercise her right to Free Speech. Beware all those who oppose the Gay Agenda Anita Bryant's career was destroyed by her campaign against "militant homosexuality" She ultimately suffered a divorce, needed counseling, and was bankrupted."

:clap: She was a total nasty bitch and karma got her.

A pie, huh?

Imagine if Anita were gay....

A Texas dad disgusted with his daughter’s lesbian lifestyle murdered the young woman and her lover, the girl’s mother said in a shocking twist to a gruesome case.

James Cosby, 46, bludgeoned his daughter Britney Cosby to death and shot her lover, Crystal Jackson, on March 6 before dumping the bodies near the ferry gate in Port Bolivar, Texas, police believe.

Dad killed daughter lesbian lover because they were gay mom - NY Daily News

But yeah, a pie.
Anita Bryant had a hand in inciting that murder if you follow right wing logic.

If Sharpton is guilty of the murder of the two cops for incitement, then yes. By the same logic, Bryant is guilty of those two murders.

I don't subscribe to that logic, personally. As neither Sharpton nor Bryant advocated violence against those they criticized. But many on the right do use that reasoning.
This is why it's the looney left.

Something Anita Bryant said in 1977 caused a black guy to kill two lesbians in 2014.
Celibacy and masturbation do not breed disease , they are normal and healthy. Homosexuality , being unnatural as well as abnormal is not healthy. It is a sexual perversion most frequently having its roots in early childhood trauma.

[..., men who have sex with men (MSM) accounted for 75% of primary and secondary syphilis cases in the United States. MSM often are diagnosed with other STDs, including chlamydia and gonorrhea infections.....{gay} men are 17 times more likely to develop anal cancer than heterosexual men. Men who are HIV-positive are even more likely than those who are uninfected to develop anal cancer.

  • HIV;
  • Syphilis;
  • Hepatitis B;
  • Hepatitis C among gay men born from 1945 to 1965 or with risk behaviors;
  • Chlamydia and gonorrhea of the rectum if you’ve had receptive anal sex, or been a “bottom” in the past year;
  • Chlamydia and gonorrhea of the penis (urethra) if you have had insertive anal or oral sex in the past year;
  • Gonorrhea of the throat if you’ve performed oral sex (i.e., your mouth on your partner’s penis, vagina, or anus) in the past year;
CDC - Sexually Transmitted Diseases - Gay and Bisexual Men s Health

In addition gay males are the most common victims of shigelosis - shigelosis comes from ingesting Human feces - basically Gay men are shit eaters
The shit eater is you little man. People present shit that reinforces your fears of gay men, and you swallow it right down, and smile.
You say that like shit eating is a bad thing. Gay men love it.
No, they don't
Yes they do

Perhaps that is your specific thing you do with your gay lovers.

but you are not speaking for all homosexuals.
Neither are you
Remember folks, this is natural. Tolerate it!

There ain't nuttin wrong wit bein a fecal faggot fiend!
Urban Dictionary poop doodle

poop doodle
penial discharge during morning urination of fecal matter after having a nasty faggot night of unprotected faggot sex.
wee hours of the morning at the commode

faggot 1: ahh...shit that stings!
faggot 2: what is it cuddle bums?
faggot 1: ahh....a fucking poop doodle!!!!!
Man, you can just smell the fear dripping off you. Look at you. Obsessing over gay anal sex and feces. Hoo boy!
This is why it's the looney left.

Something Anita Bryant said in 1977 caused a black guy to kill two lesbians in 2014.
Right, and two people acting gay is going to destroy America and threaten your well being.

LMAO you are stupid.
The shit eater is you little man. People present shit that reinforces your fears of gay men, and you swallow it right down, and smile.
You say that like shit eating is a bad thing. Gay men love it.
No, they don't
Yes they do

Perhaps that is your specific thing you do with your gay lovers.

but you are not speaking for all homosexuals.
Neither are you

Actually I don't speak for any homosexuals. So I can't speak about what you do with your gay lovers.
Remember folks, this is natural. Tolerate it!

There ain't nuttin wrong wit bein a fecal faggot fiend!
Urban Dictionary poop doodle

poop doodle
penial discharge during morning urination of fecal matter after having a nasty faggot night of unprotected faggot sex.
wee hours of the morning at the commode

faggot 1: ahh...shit that stings!
faggot 2: what is it cuddle bums?
faggot 1: ahh....a fucking poop doodle!!!!!
Man, you can just smell the fear dripping off you. Look at you. Obsessing over gay anal sex and feces. Hoo boy!

Fel Friend of Fecal Faggot Fiend detected.

Are you going to tell me that poop noodles are natural?
You actually had to go out of your way to even find out about those, didn't you. You are working hard to learn all you can about gay anal sex, you poor thing. Your obsession is taking you down some dark alleys, as it were.

What are your thoughts about guys who fuck women up the ass? Are they immune to these poop doodles?
And in my experience...

What experience is that? Specifically?

I've met genuinely dangerous men. And they don't tell you how dangerous they are. They don't need to.

But the wannabes? They bend over backwards to try and convince you who they could hurt. And how bad it will be if they're crossed.

As I said, you're trying too hard.
I hear a lot of parents express a promise of vigilante justice if someone hurts their kids. I've said as much myself. A lot of us parents feel that way, lots of them being Dems too. I can only conclude you aren't a parent, don't talk to many parents, and generally surround yourself with pussies who have never committed to defending anything greater than themselves.
Skyler, even Christ lost it and went on a rampage. That's what happens when people get pushed, and you people are pushing us around everywhere. The homosexual agenda is everywhere, which is odd because it's supposed to be a private lifestyle. But here it is shoved in our faces in the workplace, on the football field, in politics, in the media, everywhere. WTF makes you people think you're so important?

It just burns your ass that gays are finally able to come out of the closet and refuse to stay there, eh? You just want to go back to the days where they take their beatings and their lynchings quietly, right?

It just burns your ass they are finally starting to push back, doesn't it. They aren't going back in the closet. How ironic you resent their rampage which your kind brought about.

They are out, and you are going to hear about it until society accepts them as equals. You don't get to dictate their silence and their abuse and their oppression any more.

Tough shit. You deserve it.
Skyler, even Christ lost it and went on a rampage. That's what happens when people get pushed, and you people are pushing us around everywhere. The homosexual agenda is everywhere, which is odd because it's supposed to be a private lifestyle. But here it is shoved in our faces in the workplace, on the football field, in politics, in the media, everywhere. WTF makes you people think you're so important?

It just burns your ass that gays are finally able to come out of the closet and refuse to stay there, eh? You just want to go back to the days where they take their beatings and their lynchings quietly, right?

It just burns your ass they are finally starting to push back, doesn't it. They aren't going back in the closet. How ironic you resent their rampage which your kind brought about.

They are out, and you are going to hear about it until society accepts them as equals.

But it doesn't burn your ass the animal sex brothels have been legalized in Denmark and the age of consent has dropped to 13 and 14 in Eurotrash progressive nations (advanced by the gay community).

Does these developments in Eurotrash nations not unnerve you, fecal faggot fiend?
Skyler, even Christ lost it and went on a rampage. That's what happens when people get pushed, and you people are pushing us around everywhere.

And by 'pushed', you mean being 'exposed' to equal rights, marriage, adoption and family?

Um, yeah. Clearly Christ would have lost his shit.

The homosexual agenda is everywhere, which is odd because it's supposed to be a private lifestyle. But here it is shoved in our faces in the workplace, on the football field, in politics, in the media, everywhere. WTF makes you people think you're so important?

Gays are people. That makes them important. Their rights are important. Their families are important. Why would you think they were anything less?

You're not seeing anyone actually threaten violence, you're seeing people get frustrated that you "victims" have become the biggest asshole bullies in the country. Makes a person just want to go find a faggot and beat the shit out of him. But not really.

So no one is threatening violence?

If this cult doesn't sit down and shut the fuck up, they're going to ignite a war that will make 'hate crimes' look like a lovely Sunday brunch. And if you need that to be the fault of the defense... that's fine. But that will not help ya get through it, in the slightest.


Wars that will make 'hate crimes' look like Sunday brunch sounds pretty violent.

And 'victims'? What has been done to you? What has been taken from you? Is your marriage somehow less valid because gays are allowed to marry? Is extending equal rights to them mean that you have less rights? Do you have some constitutional right to 'freedom from exposure to views you don't like'?

Of course not. Nothing has happened to you. Nothing has been taken from you. People just aren't using your religious beliefs to determine our laws anymore. If the response of your ilk response is to start hurting and killing gay people in retribution, then clearly your religion hasn't done much for you.

And lets not forget, you're the one waxing eloquent on the intelligence of Putin for cracking down on the right to free speech, right to assembly of gays. It sounds like you're a far greater threat to their freedoms than they are to yours.

You were told many times on this thread, stop with the aggressive homosexual agenda and you'll see conservatives backing down too. We don't care if you have gay butt sex in your own homes, just keep it out of our lives.

And by 'aggressive homosexual agenda, you mean folks demanding their rights? Equal protection under the law? To not be criminally prosecuted for consensual sexual behavior in their own homes?

The things being denied them and inflicted upon gays and lesbians sound far more aggressive than their demand that it stop.
Lesser people? So you're the Greatest Person on USMB?

Yes, by not reporting your lying ass, he is the "greater" person.
What's there to report, dumbass? Have you even read the rules?

Implying support for pedophilia, fuckwad. Read the rules.
I have. No violation. People imply a lot of things

Implying that will get you warned. Persist in implying it if you want to test it out.
Ok, I see the rule you're talking about, but I think it refers to a direct accusation of wrongdoing. But out of caution I'm editing this post.

Editing it was a very good call. Tread lightly - theDoc
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I was right. The rule was clarified by cereal killer and specifically applies to accusations of wrong doing. Instead, we are advised to call the police. See number 3. Doesn't really apply to name calling.

No, you're actually quite wrong. If you call someone a pedophile, or even imply it, you'll be banned - even if you think it's just "name calling".
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I strongly suggest you stop posting now. Lesser people would have reported you by now.

Lesser people? So you're the Greatest Person on USMB?

Yes, by not reporting your lying ass, he is the "greater" person.
What's there to report, dumbass? Have you even read the rules?

Implying support for pedophilia, fuckwad. Read the rules.

He hasn't condemned the European nations and South American nations that lowered age of consent to 13 and 14, when responding to my post about Denmark and Europe, therefore it is rightfully assumed that he supports lowering the age of consent.

18 obviously isn't low enough for him.
Skyler, even Christ lost it and went on a rampage. That's what happens when people get pushed, and you people are pushing us around everywhere. The homosexual agenda is everywhere, which is odd because it's supposed to be a private lifestyle. But here it is shoved in our faces in the workplace, on the football field, in politics, in the media, everywhere. WTF makes you people think you're so important?

It just burns your ass that gays are finally able to come out of the closet and refuse to stay there, eh? You just want to go back to the days where they take their beatings and their lynchings quietly, right?

It just burns your ass they are finally starting to push back, doesn't it. They aren't going back in the closet. How ironic you resent their rampage which your kind brought about.

They are out, and you are going to hear about it until society accepts them as equals.

But it doesn't burn your ass the animal sex brothels have been legalized in Denmark and the age of consent has dropped to 13 and 14 in Eurotrash progressive nations (advanced by the gay community).

Does these developments in Eurotrash nations not unnerve you, fecal faggot fiend?

Well lets talk about those claims shall we?

Animal sex brothels? They of course have nothing to do with homosexuals- unless of course they are homosexual animal sex brothels.

And how 'real' is that claim?

Well of course such brothels would be illegal
Sex with animals banned in Denmark after outcry over legal loophole Daily Mail Online

Now- to your slippery slope argument- sex with animals was previously legal in Denmark- up until 2014.

Apparently homosexuals rights in Denmark led to the banning of bestiality in Denmark.

Age of consent- 13 and 14 in Europe?

Well the age of consent is as low as 14 years old in Iowa and South Carolina.

The only European country that had an age of consent of 13 was Spain- it recently raised the age of consent to 16.
Spain raises age of consent from 13 to 16 World news The Guardian
Apparently homosexual rights in Spain led to an increase in the age of consent.

So lets go look at history- and see which direction age of consent is going.

In 1880 ages of consent in Europe ranged from 10 years old (Russia) to 15(Sweden).
In 1880 ages of consent in the United States ranged from 7(!) years old to 12 years old(most states it was 10 years old)

Were Americans in the 1880's all fecal fiends in your opinion?

The only fecal fiends I have seen are homophobes like yourself who are obsessed with feces and anuses.

Get some help.
I strongly suggest you stop posting now. Lesser people would have reported you by now.

Lesser people? So you're the Greatest Person on USMB?

Yes, by not reporting your lying ass, he is the "greater" person.
What's there to report, dumbass? Have you even read the rules?

Implying support for pedophilia, fuckwad. Read the rules.

He hasn't condemned the European nations and South American nations that lowered age of consent to 13 and 14, when responding to my post about Denmark and Europe, therefore it is rightfully assumed that he supports lowering the age of consent.

18 obviously isn't low enough for him.

What European nations that lowered their ages to 13 years old?

Spain was the only one who had an age of consent of 13- and that was up from 12 in 1920.
Children and Youth in History Age of Consent Laws Table
Have you condemned Iowa and South Carolina for having ages of consent as low as 14 years old?

Iowa Age of Consent Laws LegalMatch Law Library

Exactly what age is the appropriate age for consent in your opinion? And that anything below that should be condemned?

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