Homosexual Agenda Is Greatest Threat To Liberty

I would suggest that a greater threat to liberty would be one group of people denying commonly accepted rights to another group of people. But that's just me.

Now, before you bigots and haters go all crazy and get your noses bent out of shape let me assure you that you and your lifestyles will not be affected. "Gay" is not contagious, granting the right of marriage to same sex couples does not mean that you must do it and it in no way nullifies your own martial status, it won't lessen the meaning. No one is going to stop you from hating gays... Even those in your own families, should you so choose.

I realize that this is an unpopular POV with conservatives around here, but what the hell, I'll risk being called a "lib," it wouldn't be the first time... The price I pay for believing there are more important issues which need addressing...
This thread is no doubt far to excruciatingly inane for one to bother reading in full, so I'll just provide one summary comment:

The biggest threats to Liberty are busybodies of all flavors who cannot leave other people alone to live their lives as they see fit.
I would suggest that a greater threat to liberty would be one group of people denying commonly accepted rights to another group of people. But that's just me.

I think the responses from some of the opponents of gay marriage demonstrate its far worse than that.

We've had posters ponder how 'intelligent' Putin is for cracking down on homosexuality, limiting their speech and criminalizing it. Others insist (often in all caps) that if this 'cult' doesn't 'sit down and shut the fuck up' that they'll be in for a 'war' that will 'make hate crimes look like Sunday Brunch'.

You get a very strong sense that if not for the Federal Government preventing it, they'd strip the rights from gays in a heart beat. Not merely the right to marriage. But speech, assembly, perhaps even freedom. And barring that, they'll try to hurt and kill them. "After all" some of them have pondered "even Jesus lost his temper".

Using Christ to try justify that hateful shit is straight up loathsome.

And when you ask them *why* they believe as they do, you get a pretty predictable answer: Religion. Which if you question, you're too stupid to talk to.

Its a very closed, very hateful, very violent circle. That seemingly *really* wants to hurt people and strip them of rights.
You bigots went too far and now the backpedaling begins.

You are liars, and now everyone knows you are liars. You know yourselves you are liars. And you have to live with it.
Do you or do you not support lowering the age of consent? Stop your bitching and answer the question.
You should change your name as your continual lies make a mockery of Christianity.
I would suggest that a greater threat to liberty would be one group of people denying commonly accepted rights to another group of people. But that's just me.

I think the responses from some of the opponents of gay marriage demonstrate its far worse than that.

We've had posters ponder how 'intelligent' Putin is for cracking down on homosexuality, limiting their speech and criminalizing it. Others insist (often in all caps) that if this 'cult' doesn't 'sit down and shut the fuck up' that they'll be in for a 'war' that will 'make hate crimes look like Sunday Brunch'.

You get a very strong sense that if not for the Federal Government preventing it, they'd strip the rights from gays in a heart beat. Not merely the right to marriage. But speech, assembly, perhaps even freedom. And barring that, they'll try to hurt and kill them. "After all" some of them have pondered "even Jesus lost his temper".

Using Christ to try justify that hateful shit is straight up loathsome.

And when you ask them *why* they believe as they do, you get a pretty predictable answer: Religion. Which if you question, you're too stupid to talk to.

Its a very closed, very hateful, very violent circle. That seemingly *really* wants to hurt people and strip them of rights.

Requoting because I agree with your exact words:

We've had posters ponder how 'intelligent' Putin is for cracking down on homosexuality, limiting their speech and criminalizing it. Others insist (often in all caps) that if this 'cult' doesn't 'sit down and shut the fuck up' that they'll be in for a 'war' that will 'make hate crimes look like Sunday Brunch'.

You get a very strong sense that if not for the Federal Government preventing it, they'd strip the rights from gays in a heart beat. Not merely the right to marriage. But speech, assembly, perhaps even freedom. And barring that, they'll try to hurt and kill them. "After all" some of them have pondered "even Jesus lost his temper".

Using Christ to try justify that hateful shit is straight up loathsome.

And when you ask them *why* they believe as they do, you get a pretty predictable answer: Religion. Which if you question, you're too stupid to talk to.

Its a very closed, very hateful, very violent circle. That seemingly *really* wants to hurt people and strip them of rights.

The same people who complain about 'bullying by gays' then proceed to imply that gays will be physically attacked for this.

Yet no one is suggesting that gays are physically attacking those who don't comply with public accomodation laws.
You bigots went too far and now the backpedaling begins.

You are liars, and now everyone knows you are liars. You know yourselves you are liars. And you have to live with it.
Do you or do you not support lowering the age of consent? Stop your bitching and answer the question.
You should change your name as your continual lies make a mockery of Christianity.

Just the lies?
Mmmmmm...his rabid hatred of gay people isn't helping either.
Yet you only mention child abuse when you can accuse homosexuals.


Now that's not even a remotely debatable point...

The difference is that hetero-sexuality is NORMAL HUMAN SEXUALITY... and Homosexuality is ABNORMAL SEXUALITY.

Therefore, just BEING homosexual lends to the likelihood, t.

Just being a homosexual lends to the likelihood that you and your fellow homophobes will bully, physically assault or call for homosexuals to be imprisoned.
When I went to high school, the Malay ambassador kids were the worst - would say their parents taught them to hate gays.

Obviously back in Malaysia homosexuality is used as an excuse to round up and imprison the political opposition, much like they did in the Soviet Union.

Homophobes would love to turn the US into Malaysia, where people are put in prison for being gay. And where the opposition leader is accused of sodomy and threatened on made up and fabricated evidence by the government.

Unfortunately there is this minor little thing called the Bill of Rights, the US Constitution, and US Law, which won't let them set up an anti gay theocracy down here.

There's literally no such thing as 'homophobia'.

Such is a myth; a total fabrication, deceitfully advanced as a fraudulently means to influence the Ignorant, such as yourself.

The word was created by The Advocacy to Normalize Sexual Abnormality as a means to cow those who oppose the popular acceptance of abnormal sexuality as normal, because they understand that to do so, is insane.
There's literally no such thing as 'homophobia'.
Oh but there is, and we see it in your kind day after day. Don't worry, there's a six feet under solution that will find you eventually and your phobia will be resolved.

As crass a description as that is, its sadly true. There's only so far you can bring some folks of a generation in terms of the abandonment of pointless bigotry. My grandfather is a great man. Yet still drops the n bomb on occasion and refers to the Japanese as 'them Japs'.

He is a product of his age. The generation that came after him can go farther, and the generation that came after them, farther still.

With the attrition of age taking with it much of the sharper edges of irrational bigotry.

Outside of the theory that I'll lose my house & car if gay marriage is allowed, I'm not seeing many substantive reasons why I should care if the guys across the street get hitched.


Marriage is the joining of one man and one woman. So there's that...

Plus, there's no potential upside to reasoning that claims that abnormal sexuality is normal, living across the street... .
There's literally no such thing as 'homophobia'.
Oh but there is, and we see it in your kind day after day. Don't worry, there's a six feet under solution that will find you eventually and your phobia will be resolved.

You bet there is...and it encompasses so much. It could mean the individual who wants to discriminate against gays or it could be the individual that fears the gay in themselves. Such a versatile word.
Marriage is the joining of one man and one woman. So there's that...

Plus, there's no potential upside to reasoning that claims that abnormal sexuality is normal, living across the street... .

And you can continue to believe that as gays get married around the country. You can cling to whatever belief system makes you comfortable. And gays gain the legal recognition access to rights and protections that everyone else has.

Its a win-win for everyone!
The majority doesn't matter a fucking damn either way. How long before you get that?
Until the Constitution is rewritten to include sexual behavior lifestyles as equivalent to race. So far, American law is based on local communities being able to regulate human behaviors. Not so with race. Of which "gays" are not.
So discrimination is OK with you until it's listed in the constitution? Got it.

Discrimination? It's a fundamental instinct which is crucial to the survival of the individual, thus by extension, the species.

Are you saying that you're against people discriminating?

Do you realize that such a position can only and has only EVER resulted on pain, death and destruction?
Because discriminating against rotten food and dirty water is EXACTLY the same as discriminating against blacks, women and Hispanics. Is that what you are saying?

So, you feel that one should never discriminate against blacks, hispanics and women?




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There's literally no such thing as 'homophobia'.
Oh but there is, and we see it in your kind day after day. Don't worry, there's a six feet under solution that will find you eventually and your phobia will be resolved.

You bet there is...and it encompasses so much. It could mean the individual who wants to discriminate against gays or it could be the individual that fears the gay in themselves. Such a versatile word.

It could be that a person might fear their potential for murder, the theft, libel or some other presentation of cognitive deviancy, OKA: mental disorder, in themselves.

LOL! Of course, recognizing that as a human being one is potentially capable of every manner of deviancy, thus recognizing such and disciplining one's self to turn from deviant impulses, is a presentation of a sound mind.

But how cool is it that YOU a professed advocate of deviant reasoning, would be in here advocating that people should not 'fear' their own potential for deviancy... thus there you are ENCOURAGING people to EMBRACE DEVIANT BEHAVIOR!





Anyone need anything else?
There's literally no such thing as 'homophobia'.
Oh but there is, and we see it in your kind day after day. Don't worry, there's a six feet under solution that will find you eventually and your phobia will be resolved.

You bet there is...and it encompasses so much. It could mean the individual who wants to discriminate against gays or it could be the individual that fears the gay in themselves. Such a versatile word.

It could be that a person might fear their potential for murder, the theft, libel or some other presentation of cognitive deviancy, OKA: mental disorder, in themselves.

There's no special connection between being gay and theft. or libel. Or murder. Or 'cognitive deviancy'.

Though the fact that you irrationally believe there is is a rather elegant demonstration of SW's point, don't you think?
Where are the "we"...

Oh... We're the "Americans".

We're people who recognize, respect, defend and adhere to the principles that define America.

You aren't likely to actually know any of us.

So this...

If this cult doesn't sit down and shut the fuck up, they're going to ignite a war that will make 'hate crimes' look like a lovely Sunday brunch. And if you need that to be the fault of the defense... that's fine. But that will not help ya get through it, in the slightest.


.....adheres to the principles that define America? Dear God, lets hope not.
Skyler, even Christ lost it and went on a rampage.

Yeah... Christ said that a person who harms a child. Would be better off to go out to sea and tie a MILLSTONE around their neck and drop it into the water... than to let themselves die. Because when they stand before God... being drug mercilessly to the bottom of the ocean is going to look like a SUPERIOR WAY TO GO!

In terms of 'war' and merciless carnage on homosexuals... THAT is the LAST WORD right there.

IF you really believed that, then you would leave the judgement to Jesus, and stop trying to persecute homosexuals.

No one wants to persecute homosexuals. What people want is to leave them alone. It's the homosexuals that don't tolerate being let alone. They want to insinuate themselves into everyone else's lives.
Just when you think the stupid is as stupid as it can get.

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