homosexual marriage

Gay marriage is happening and soon will be nationwide.

Get over it.

There's no such thing as "Gay-Marriage".

Marriage is the joining of one man and one wo-man.

Gays always could marry

Just like Blacks and White could always marry.

Just not always to each other.

That was tragic

Black males with white females can make children.

Same sex coupling never will

Get my drift?

You think that adults should only have sex to make babies- and you want police to enforce that?
Gay marriage is happening and soon will be nationwide.

Get over it.

There's no such thing as "Gay-Marriage".

You are right- there is only marriage.

Between two adults- and in 31 states and multiple countries that includes both opposite sex couples and same sex couples.

You mean Loving didn't fix that polygamy/incest problem?

Just like Gay marriage doesn't mean polygamy and incest- Mixed race marriage didn't mean polygamy or incest either.
Of course since the courts disagree with you- since the courts didn't find that Government should be deciding what kind of sex you are allowed to have- you think that the courts are wrong.

God save us from you and the Bedroom police.

LOL! I suppose I'll never get my fill of watching the Left chronically throw their sexual needs into the face of the culture, while simultaneously crying that their sexual behavior is a VERY PERSONAL, PRIVATE MATTER.

Here's a clue scamp: The Right to Privacy is sustained ONLY through the responsibility to keep that which you feel is private: PRIVATE! Otherwise, you forfeit your right to privacy.

Its sorta like how where you claim a right to your life, you CAN'T take the lives of others (without a sound moral justification0 without forfeiting your own right to your own life.

See how that works?

They seem more than happy to put their noses in hetros bedrooms when they speak of some hetros inability to procreate.

Curious aye?

I wonder who that is you speak of.

Certainly not anyone who is for the privacy of adults to be free from the Government Sex Police telling them how they can- or cannot have sex.

I don't care how anyone gets off

Only one of those ways can, and often does creates a child

Doing so is not without considerable risk.

And is far far different then the others

Clearly you do care- or maybe you don't know what we are discussing?

We are discussing Lawrence v. Texas which made it clear that adults have a right to privacy that includes private sexual activity.

If you don't care, then you are agreeing with me, that the courts were correct in Lawrence v. Texas.

If you think the courts were wrong in Lawrence v. Texas- then you do care want Sex Police who tell adults how they can have sex.

Sex and humping is two different things
Gay marriage is happening and soon will be nationwide.

Get over it.

There's no such thing as "Gay-Marriage".

You are right- there is only marriage.

Between two adults- and in 31 states and multiple countries that includes both opposite sex couples and same sex couples.

You mean Loving didn't fix that polygamy/incest problem?

Just like Gay marriage doesn't mean polygamy and incest- Mixed race marriage didn't mean polygamy or incest either.

Guess we can't have true marriage equality then aye?
Indeed, the Advocacy to Normalize Sexual Abnormality is founded upon the greatest of all evils: The desire to legalize the sexual pursuit of children.

It is exceedingly difficult to disagree with you given the LGBT cult icon Harvey Milk and his sodomizing his adopted minor ward and many other "young waifs with substance abuse problems"...0% of any LGBT person denouncing that. And the same with lewd acts performed on purpose in gay pride parades where children invited to watch and attend.

Anyone supporting/not denouncing either of those two revealing governing LGBT tenets belongs on a sex-offenders' registry.

Indeed... Homosexuality is spread best by the imprinting of homosexual activity upon children. !

Of course there is no evidence that is actually happening. If it were true- where did the first homosexual come from? Do you believe that God created some homosexual Adam to start imprinting homosexuality on children?

In reality scientific authorities are not certain how someone ends being attracted to the same gender.

One of the most intriguing and newest theories has to do with Epigenetics:

For an evolutionary biologist, homosexuality is something of a puzzle. It’s a common trait, found inup to 10% of the population. It appears to be run in families, suggesting that it is hereditary, at least in part. And yet it defies the very reason why traits are passed on from generation to generation. How could something that hinders childbearing be passed down so frequently from parents to children?

Researchers at the National Institute for Mathematical and Biological Synthesis (NIMBioS) think they may have an answer. It’s not in written in our DNA sequence itself, they suggest, which explains why scientists have failed so far to find “gay genes,” despite intensive investigations. Instead, it’s written in how our genes are expressed: that is, in certain modifications to how and when DNA is activated. These changes can have environmental roots, so are not normally permanent enough to be passed from parent to child. But occasionally, they are.

“It’s not genetics. It’s not DNA. It’s not pieces of DNA. It’s epigenetics,” says Sergey Gavrilets, a NIMBioS researcher and an author on the paper that outlines the new theory of homosexuality, published in The Quarterly Review of Biology. “The hypothesis we put forward is based on epigenetic marks,” he says.

To be specific, the new theory suggests that homosexuality is caused by epigenetic marks, or “epi-marks,” related to sensitivity to hormones in the womb. These are compounds that sit on DNA and regulate how active, or inactive certain genes are, and also control when during development these genes are most prolific.

But I am sure you won't let science get in the way of arguing that homosexuals should be discriminated against.

Homosexuality is found in the greatest numbers, in pockets of the culture which are experiencing major stress..

Or we could go with science.

One of the most intriguing and newest theories has to do with Epigenetics:

For an evolutionary biologist, homosexuality is something of a puzzle. It’s a common trait, found inup to 10% of the population. It appears to be run in families, suggesting that it is hereditary, at least in part. And yet it defies the very reason why traits are passed on from generation to generation. How could something that hinders childbearing be passed down so frequently from parents to children?

Researchers at the National Institute for Mathematical and Biological Synthesis (NIMBioS) think they may have an answer. It’s not in written in our DNA sequence itself, they suggest, which explains why scientists have failed so far to find “gay genes,” despite intensive investigations. Instead, it’s written in how our genes are expressed: that is, in certain modifications to how and when DNA is activated. These changes can have environmental roots, so are not normally permanent enough to be passed from parent to child. But occasionally, they are.

“It’s not genetics. It’s not DNA. It’s not pieces of DNA. It’s epigenetics,” says Sergey Gavrilets, a NIMBioS researcher and an author on the paper that outlines the new theory of homosexuality, published in The Quarterly Review of Biology. “The hypothesis we put forward is based on epigenetic marks,” he says.

To be specific, the new theory suggests that homosexuality is caused by epigenetic marks, or “epi-marks,” related to sensitivity to hormones in the womb. These are compounds that sit on DNA and regulate how active, or inactive certain genes are, and also control when during development these genes are most prolific.
But I am sure you won't let science get in the way of arguing that homosexuals should be discriminated against.
LOL! I suppose I'll never get my fill of watching the Left chronically throw their sexual needs into the face of the culture, while simultaneously crying that their sexual behavior is a VERY PERSONAL, PRIVATE MATTER.

Here's a clue scamp: The Right to Privacy is sustained ONLY through the responsibility to keep that which you feel is private: PRIVATE! Otherwise, you forfeit your right to privacy.

Its sorta like how where you claim a right to your life, you CAN'T take the lives of others (without a sound moral justification0 without forfeiting your own right to your own life.

See how that works?

They seem more than happy to put their noses in hetros bedrooms when they speak of some hetros inability to procreate.

Curious aye?

I wonder who that is you speak of.

Certainly not anyone who is for the privacy of adults to be free from the Government Sex Police telling them how they can- or cannot have sex.

I don't care how anyone gets off

Only one of those ways can, and often does creates a child

Doing so is not without considerable risk.

And is far far different then the others

Clearly you do care- or maybe you don't know what we are discussing?

We are discussing Lawrence v. Texas which made it clear that adults have a right to privacy that includes private sexual activity.

If you don't care, then you are agreeing with me, that the courts were correct in Lawrence v. Texas.

If you think the courts were wrong in Lawrence v. Texas- then you do care want Sex Police who tell adults how they can have sex.

Sex and humping is two different things

That is exactly what Bill Clinton said!
Indeed, the Advocacy to Normalize Sexual Abnormality is founded upon the greatest of all evils: The desire to legalize the sexual pursuit of children.

It is exceedingly difficult to disagree with you given the LGBT cult icon Harvey Milk and his sodomizing his adopted minor ward and many other "young waifs with substance abuse problems"...0% of any LGBT person denouncing that. And the same with lewd acts performed on purpose in gay pride parades where children invited to watch and attend.

Anyone supporting/not denouncing either of those two revealing governing LGBT tenets belongs on a sex-offenders' registry.

Indeed... Homosexuality is spread best by the imprinting of homosexual activity upon children. !

Of course there is no evidence that is actually happening. If it were true- where did the first homosexual come from? Do you believe that God created some homosexual Adam to start imprinting homosexuality on children?

In reality scientific authorities are not certain how someone ends being attracted to the same gender.

One of the most intriguing and newest theories has to do with Epigenetics:

For an evolutionary biologist, homosexuality is something of a puzzle. It’s a common trait, found inup to 10% of the population. It appears to be run in families, suggesting that it is hereditary, at least in part. And yet it defies the very reason why traits are passed on from generation to generation. How could something that hinders childbearing be passed down so frequently from parents to children?

Researchers at the National Institute for Mathematical and Biological Synthesis (NIMBioS) think they may have an answer. It’s not in written in our DNA sequence itself, they suggest, which explains why scientists have failed so far to find “gay genes,” despite intensive investigations. Instead, it’s written in how our genes are expressed: that is, in certain modifications to how and when DNA is activated. These changes can have environmental roots, so are not normally permanent enough to be passed from parent to child. But occasionally, they are.

“It’s not genetics. It’s not DNA. It’s not pieces of DNA. It’s epigenetics,” says Sergey Gavrilets, a NIMBioS researcher and an author on the paper that outlines the new theory of homosexuality, published in The Quarterly Review of Biology. “The hypothesis we put forward is based on epigenetic marks,” he says.

To be specific, the new theory suggests that homosexuality is caused by epigenetic marks, or “epi-marks,” related to sensitivity to hormones in the womb. These are compounds that sit on DNA and regulate how active, or inactive certain genes are, and also control when during development these genes are most prolific.

But I am sure you won't let science get in the way of arguing that homosexuals should be discriminated against.

Homosexuality is found in the greatest numbers, in pockets of the culture which are experiencing major stress..

Or we could go with science.

One of the most intriguing and newest theories has to do with Epigenetics:

For an evolutionary biologist, homosexuality is something of a puzzle. It’s a common trait, found inup to 10% of the population. It appears to be run in families, suggesting that it is hereditary, at least in part. And yet it defies the very reason why traits are passed on from generation to generation. How could something that hinders childbearing be passed down so frequently from parents to children?

Researchers at the National Institute for Mathematical and Biological Synthesis (NIMBioS) think they may have an answer. It’s not in written in our DNA sequence itself, they suggest, which explains why scientists have failed so far to find “gay genes,” despite intensive investigations. Instead, it’s written in how our genes are expressed: that is, in certain modifications to how and when DNA is activated. These changes can have environmental roots, so are not normally permanent enough to be passed from parent to child. But occasionally, they are.

“It’s not genetics. It’s not DNA. It’s not pieces of DNA. It’s epigenetics,” says Sergey Gavrilets, a NIMBioS researcher and an author on the paper that outlines the new theory of homosexuality, published in The Quarterly Review of Biology. “The hypothesis we put forward is based on epigenetic marks,” he says.

To be specific, the new theory suggests that homosexuality is caused by epigenetic marks, or “epi-marks,” related to sensitivity to hormones in the womb. These are compounds that sit on DNA and regulate how active, or inactive certain genes are, and also control when during development these genes are most prolific.
But I am sure you won't let science get in the way of arguing that homosexuals should be discriminated against.

Birth defects? I can go with that
Gay marriage is happening and soon will be nationwide.

Get over it.

There's no such thing as "Gay-Marriage".

You are right- there is only marriage.

Between two adults- and in 31 states and multiple countries that includes both opposite sex couples and same sex couples.

You mean Loving didn't fix that polygamy/incest problem?

Just like Gay marriage doesn't mean polygamy and incest- Mixed race marriage didn't mean polygamy or incest either.

Guess we can't have true marriage equality then aye?

Why do you think that?

When blacks and whites were allowed to legally marry each other did you feel that we couldn't have true marriage equality?
There's no such thing as "Gay-Marriage".

You are right- there is only marriage.

Between two adults- and in 31 states and multiple countries that includes both opposite sex couples and same sex couples.

You mean Loving didn't fix that polygamy/incest problem?

Just like Gay marriage doesn't mean polygamy and incest- Mixed race marriage didn't mean polygamy or incest either.

Guess we can't have true marriage equality then aye?

Why do you think that?

When blacks and whites were allowed to legally marry each other did you feel that we couldn't have true marriage equality?

You missed the post of mine stating that was tragic.

The demographic group remains the only one that can create children
You're invited to state IN SPECIFIC TERMS THE "RIGHT(S)" which you feel are being usurped... you will produce no legitimate examples of such usurpations... I can 'know' this due to my deep understanding of what rights are, from where they come and the responsibilities that sustain such.

You haven't demonstrated any 'deep understanding' so far.

Marriage is a right in the United States- that is well established.

Loving v Virginia

"The freedom to marry has long been recognized as one of the vital personal rights essential to the orderly pursuit of happiness by free men."

"Marriage is one of the 'basic civil rights of man,' fundamental to our very existence and survival."

In Griswold v. Connecticut,381 U. S. 479(1965), the Court observed:

"We deal with a right of privacy older than the Bill of Rights -- older than our political parties, older than our school system. Marriage is a coming together for better or for worse, hopefully enduring, and intimate to the degree of being sacred. It is an association that promotes a way of life, not causes; a harmony in living, not political faiths; a bilateral loyalty, not commercial or social projects. Yet it is an association for as noble a purpose as any involved in our prior decisions

So does the well established right to marriage extend to homosexuals?

Multiple courts have found that yes it does- such as the Court in Wisconsin

It is DECLARED that art. XIII, § 13 of the Wisconsin Constitution violates
plaintiffs’ fundamental right to marry and their right to equal protection of laws under the
Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution. Any Wisconsin statutory
provisions, including those in Wisconsin Statutes chapter 765, that limit marriages to a
“husband” and a “wife,” are unconstitutional as applied to same-sex couples.

Marriage is the joining of one man and one woman... that is all anyone needs to understand.

Some are simply poorly equipped for such complex equations... understand?
Repeatedly stating your opinion as if it were fact does not magically make it fact.
You are right- there is only marriage.

Between two adults- and in 31 states and multiple countries that includes both opposite sex couples and same sex couples.

You mean Loving didn't fix that polygamy/incest problem?

Just like Gay marriage doesn't mean polygamy and incest- Mixed race marriage didn't mean polygamy or incest either.

Guess we can't have true marriage equality then aye?

Why do you think that?

When blacks and whites were allowed to legally marry each other did you feel that we couldn't have true marriage equality?

You missed the post of mine stating that was tragic.

The demographic group remains the only one that can create children

You: Guess we can't have true marriage equality then aye?

Why do you think that?

When blacks and whites were allowed to legally marry each other did you feel that we couldn't have true marriage equality?

Do you support incest and polygamous marriages since they can have children?
What bigoted BS

What you call 'normalize Sexual abnormality'- the Supreme Court calls invasion of privacy

Lawrence v Texas the court said:

The Court held that homosexuals had a protected liberty interest to engage in private, sexual activity; that homosexuals' moral and sexual choices were entitled to constitutional protection; and that moral disapproval did not provide a legitimate justification for Texas's law criminalizing sodomy.[36]

Holding that "the Texas statute furthers no legitimate state interest which can justify its intrusion into the personal and private life of the individual", the court struck down the anti-sodomy law as unconstitutional. Kennedy underscored the decision's focus on consensual adult sexual conduct in a private setting:

The present case does not involve minors. It does not involve persons who might be injured or coerced or who are situated in relationships where consent might not easily be refused. It does not involve public conduct or prostitution. It does not involve whether the government must give formal recognition to any relationship that homosexual persons seek to enter

The court was wrong; their reasoning was vacuous, their ruling specious and as is always the case in such decisions, the ramifications of such are going to be catastrophic..

Of course since the courts disagree with you- since the courts didn't find that Government should be deciding what kind of sex you are allowed to have- you think that the courts are wrong.

God save us from you and the Bedroom police.

LOL! I suppose I'll never get my fill of watching the Left chronically throw their sexual needs into the face of the culture, while simultaneously crying that their sexual behavior is a VERY PERSONAL, PRIVATE MATTER.

Here's a clue scamp: The Right to Privacy is sustained ONLY through the responsibility to keep that which you feel is private: PRIVATE! Otherwise, you forfeit your right to privacy.

Its sorta like how where you claim a right to your life, you CAN'T take the lives of others (without a sound moral justification0 without forfeiting your own right to your own life.

See how that works?

They seem more than happy to put their noses in hetros bedrooms when they speak of some hetros inability to procreate.

Curious aye?

I wonder who that is you speak of.

Certainly not anyone who is for the privacy of adults to be free from the Government Sex Police telling them how they can- or cannot have sex.

Oh that's not the government telling you how you can have sex. That's your neighbors who recognize that HOW you have sex deviates from the design of the species and that your lack of character to refrain from such behavior through a sound respect for cultural standards, represents a tendency to accept and otherwise respond to aberrant impulses, thus indicating that you and others like you represent a clear and present threat to the viability of their culture. Which is part and parcel of their bearing of their right sustaining responsibilities... set upon them by no less an authority than the Creator of the Universe, to whom they are beholden, as a result of the Creator having given them their life... .

See the difference?
Gay marriage is happening and soon will be nationwide.

Get over it.

There's no such thing as "Gay-Marriage".

Marriage is the joining of one man and one wo-man.
Well, there are now a whole host of Gay married people who don't really care about your opinion of gay marriage.

Gay married people are gay people married to people of the opposite gender... why would they care about any of this?

This is about the Advocacy to Normalize Sexual Abnormality who demand others accept their pretense that two people of the same gender are legitimate people, who can be legitimately married.

LOL! Can ya IMAGINE? LOL... Militant Pervs... they're HYSTERICAL!
You mean Loving didn't fix that polygamy/incest problem?

Just like Gay marriage doesn't mean polygamy and incest- Mixed race marriage didn't mean polygamy or incest either.

Guess we can't have true marriage equality then aye?

Why do you think that?

When blacks and whites were allowed to legally marry each other did you feel that we couldn't have true marriage equality?

You missed the post of mine stating that was tragic.

The demographic group remains the only one that can create children

You: Guess we can't have true marriage equality then aye?

Why do you think that?

When blacks and whites were allowed to legally marry each other did you feel that we couldn't have true marriage equality?

Do you support incest and polygamous marriages since they can have children?

There's no such thing as Marriage Equality... Marriage is the joining of one man and one wo-man. But that's only because that's how Nature designed things.
The court was wrong; their reasoning was vacuous, their ruling specious and as is always the case in such decisions, the ramifications of such are going to be catastrophic..

Of course since the courts disagree with you- since the courts didn't find that Government should be deciding what kind of sex you are allowed to have- you think that the courts are wrong.

God save us from you and the Bedroom police.

LOL! I suppose I'll never get my fill of watching the Left chronically throw their sexual needs into the face of the culture, while simultaneously crying that their sexual behavior is a VERY PERSONAL, PRIVATE MATTER.

Here's a clue scamp: The Right to Privacy is sustained ONLY through the responsibility to keep that which you feel is private: PRIVATE! Otherwise, you forfeit your right to privacy.

Its sorta like how where you claim a right to your life, you CAN'T take the lives of others (without a sound moral justification0 without forfeiting your own right to your own life.

See how that works?

They seem more than happy to put their noses in hetros bedrooms when they speak of some hetros inability to procreate.

Curious aye?

I wonder who that is you speak of.

Certainly not anyone who is for the privacy of adults to be free from the Government Sex Police telling them how they can- or cannot have sex.

Oh that's not the government telling you how you can have sex.

Oh certainly it is the government- it is you wanting Big Brother in all of our bedrooms telling us which kind of sex each of us is allowed to have with each other.

Lawrence V. Texas was the case of two adults having sex in private.

Police broke into the house and observed two adults having sex in private and arrested them because Big Brother said that they couldn't have that kind of sex in private.

You want Big Brother in our bedrooms.

Because you don't trust Americans to have sex unless you personally approve of it
Just like Gay marriage doesn't mean polygamy and incest- Mixed race marriage didn't mean polygamy or incest either.

Guess we can't have true marriage equality then aye?

Why do you think that?

When blacks and whites were allowed to legally marry each other did you feel that we couldn't have true marriage equality?

You missed the post of mine stating that was tragic.

The demographic group remains the only one that can create children

You: Guess we can't have true marriage equality then aye?

Why do you think that?

When blacks and whites were allowed to legally marry each other did you feel that we couldn't have true marriage equality?

Do you support incest and polygamous marriages since they can have children?

There's no such thing as Marriage Equality... Marriage is the joining of one man and one wo-man. But that's only because that's how Nature designed things.

There is no marriage in nature.
Indeed, the Advocacy to Normalize Sexual Abnormality is founded upon the greatest of all evils: The desire to legalize the sexual pursuit of children.

It is exceedingly difficult to disagree with you given the LGBT cult icon Harvey Milk and his sodomizing his adopted minor ward and many other "young waifs with substance abuse problems"...0% of any LGBT person denouncing that. And the same with lewd acts performed on purpose in gay pride parades where children invited to watch and attend.

Anyone supporting/not denouncing either of those two revealing governing LGBT tenets belongs on a sex-offenders' registry.

Indeed... Homosexuality is spread best by the imprinting of homosexual activity upon children. !

Of course there is no evidence that is actually happening. If it were true- where did the first homosexual come from? Do you believe that God created some homosexual Adam to start imprinting homosexuality on children?

In reality scientific authorities are not certain how someone ends being attracted to the same gender.

One of the most intriguing and newest theories has to do with Epigenetics:

For an evolutionary biologist, homosexuality is something of a puzzle. It’s a common trait, found inup to 10% of the population. It appears to be run in families, suggesting that it is hereditary, at least in part. And yet it defies the very reason why traits are passed on from generation to generation. How could something that hinders childbearing be passed down so frequently from parents to children?

Researchers at the National Institute for Mathematical and Biological Synthesis (NIMBioS) think they may have an answer. It’s not in written in our DNA sequence itself, they suggest, which explains why scientists have failed so far to find “gay genes,” despite intensive investigations. Instead, it’s written in how our genes are expressed: that is, in certain modifications to how and when DNA is activated. These changes can have environmental roots, so are not normally permanent enough to be passed from parent to child. But occasionally, they are.

“It’s not genetics. It’s not DNA. It’s not pieces of DNA. It’s epigenetics,” says Sergey Gavrilets, a NIMBioS researcher and an author on the paper that outlines the new theory of homosexuality, published in The Quarterly Review of Biology. “The hypothesis we put forward is based on epigenetic marks,” he says.

To be specific, the new theory suggests that homosexuality is caused by epigenetic marks, or “epi-marks,” related to sensitivity to hormones in the womb. These are compounds that sit on DNA and regulate how active, or inactive certain genes are, and also control when during development these genes are most prolific.

But I am sure you won't let science get in the way of arguing that homosexuals should be discriminated against.

Homosexuality is found in the greatest numbers, in pockets of the culture which are experiencing major stress..

Or we could go with science.

One of the most intriguing and newest theories has to do with Epigenetics:

For an evolutionary biologist, homosexuality is something of a puzzle. It’s a common trait, found inup to 10% of the population. It appears to be run in families, suggesting that it is hereditary, at least in part. And yet it defies the very reason why traits are passed on from generation to generation. How could something that hinders childbearing be passed down so frequently from parents to children?

Researchers at the National Institute for Mathematical and Biological Synthesis (NIMBioS) think they may have an answer. It’s not in written in our DNA sequence itself, they suggest, which explains why scientists have failed so far to find “gay genes,” despite intensive investigations. Instead, it’s written in how our genes are expressed: that is, in certain modifications to how and when DNA is activated. These changes can have environmental roots, so are not normally permanent enough to be passed from parent to child. But occasionally, they are.

“It’s not genetics. It’s not DNA. It’s not pieces of DNA. It’s epigenetics,” says Sergey Gavrilets, a NIMBioS researcher and an author on the paper that outlines the new theory of homosexuality, published in The Quarterly Review of Biology. “The hypothesis we put forward is based on epigenetic marks,” he says.

To be specific, the new theory suggests that homosexuality is caused by epigenetic marks, or “epi-marks,” related to sensitivity to hormones in the womb. These are compounds that sit on DNA and regulate how active, or inactive certain genes are, and also control when during development these genes are most prolific.
But I am sure you won't let science get in the way of arguing that homosexuals should be discriminated against.

LOL! You're conflating science with the politically correct farce which advances subjective deceit, as a fraudulent means to influence the ignorant, OKA: SCIENCE...

Homosexuality is found in the greatest numbers, in pockets of the culture which are experiencing major stress... producing greater levels of competition for sexual partners, weeding out the weakest candidates who are predisposed to 'taking the easy way out'.

In the book, "The Population Bomb" the study shows that instances of homosexuality explode, just prior to the mass-insanity which engulfs the previously stable and content study group. Prior to the explosion in homosexuality came a collective sense of entitlement... where instances of theft and hoarding became prevalent in a fair percentage of the population.

The explosion of mayhem was manifested in the unbridled attack which consistently began by the leader of the theft cult upon a member of the stable group, which resulted in a simultaneous mass-response, by the stable group upon members of the theft and homo cults. And such continued, test after objective test... until the thieves and homos were eradicated, entirely, returning the study groups to a point assuring viability.

We can take from this that there exist within the mammalian DNA, some sort of warning system... of which the homosexual and the lowly socialist are part, acting as a harbinger of sorts; like a canary in a mine-shaft.

Therefore, it becomes obvious to all but the most pathetically addled that to NORMALIZE THE HARBINGER IS TANTAMOUNT TO CULTURAL SUICIDE!

"Hey George, did ya see Harry's dead Canary? Fred, Tom, Bill and I are bringing our own dead canaries in tomorrow, you should bring one too!"

(The Homosexual cultist should understand that the Canary is dead, because of the levels of toxic gas in the mine have risen to lethal volumes, thus ignoring the signs of such can only lead to the likelihood that the miners chance to avoid certain death slipped by them because they were distracted by the popular new trend of carrying dead canaries to work... If this still puzzles you, suffice it to say: THAT IS BAD!)
Gay marriage is happening and soon will be nationwide.

Get over it.

There's no such thing as "Gay-Marriage".

Marriage is the joining of one man and one wo-man.
Well, there are now a whole host of Gay married people who don't really care about your opinion of gay marriage.

Gay married people are gay people married to people of the opposite gender... why would they care about any of this?

Thousands- maybe millions of same gender couples are legally married.

Not their problem you can't accept it.

No more than it was the problem of mixed race couples when bigots couldn't accept their marriages.

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