Homosexuals trying to force their perverse lifestyle on Hetro majority.

You think money goes on trees there
Seriously what's your first language? How old are you? My guess is teenager now, which explains the inability to comprehend certain words, the idiom mistakes, the SAT analogy references, and the insecurities about job and salary.

You're arguing because you are IN such a school that promotes sexual equality, aren't you?

I don't know where you're from, but most areas of the country do not need approval for a mandatory class that teaches sex ed, let alone one that teaches human equality at any grade. But as you said, it is part of the mandatory curriculum, which means parents can at any time view the curriculum and syllabus of any given class. This is not something that is hidden to them if it is a part of the curriculum, so stop victimizing those poor parents who don't take it upon themselves to take initiative and figure out what is being taught to their own children.

False. Bigots don't like their children learning about human equality. It has nothing to do with the sexuality of the parents. Are you starting to notice your own prejudices yet when you make statements like that?

Did you get that through your thick skull(s)? These are examples of civil rights being violated in favor of a gay agenda. Cry babies? It's gays who whine and squeal like pigs, crying bigotry when they hear or see something that disagrees. And you have the AUDACITY to call us cry babies.
Well, based on the amount of crying you're doing about stolen civil rights, despite the fact that you have yet to point to a single right that is being infringed upon, yes I'd say you are crying quite loudly.

You wish I was only in high school. It is you who is not educated and uses pseudo tactics. I seriously doubt you even have an AA, or AS degree, let alone a high school diploma/GED. Stanford University and it's School of Medicine are my Alma Matures. So go ahead and continue to play "editor in chief", because that's all the ammo you have. And you are shooting blanks.

1. I'm from the BAY AREA, California. and it is NOT MANDATORY for kids to take sex ed here.

Current law requires public elementary and secondary schools that teach “sex
education” (including Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome prevention) to notify the
parent or guardian of each pupil in writing of such instruction at the beginning of the
school year or at the time of the pupil’s enrollment. School districts and local school
boards must provide parents and guardians with the opportunity to request that their
child not receive such instruction. An alternative educational activity shall be provided
to pupils whose parents or guardians have requested that they not receive the
instruction. Districts and school boards also are required to inform parents or guardians
of their right to inspect any written or audiovisual materials related to sex education.
Current law specifies that if a nonschool employee will be providing the instruction,
parents must receive the following information: (1) date of the instruction, (2) name of
the organization or affiliation of the instructor, and (3) notification regarding the right
to request copies of the instructional materials. After the initial notification, if
arrangements are made for an outside organization or guest speaker to provide sexual
instruction, parents or guardians must be made aware of such changes before the
instruction is delivered.
Under existing law, individuals responsible for notifying parents or guardians of the
school’s sex education courses and related materials may have their certification
(teaching or administrative credential) revoked or suspended if they fail to fulfill such
responsibilities. Furthermore, persons who require a pupil to attend a sex education class when the parent requested otherwise can also have their certification revoked or


This is California law.
In the cases I provided earlier, parents weren't even informed of the education.

At issue is the district not allowing parents to opt out from having their children watch the videos. Parents say they have the right to control what their children learn but the videos are being shown.

District Superintendant Floyd Gonella disagrees in this case.

"We do not feel that this is an area that students can opt out and we feel this is an area we don't have to give prior notification," he said.

But Karen England with the Capitol Resource institute said "no where in the state law does it prohibit you as a school board from doing an opt in policy."

This is not a victimization of parents, you imbecile. These are bigots according to you.

"Alma Matures":lol:
Quit Bull Shitting us.
You wish I was only in high school. It is you who is not educated and uses pseudo tactics. I seriously doubt you even have an AA, or AS degree, let alone a high school diploma/GED. Stanford University and it's School of Medicine are my Alma Matures.
AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA That is HILARIOUS. So you're trying to claim you're an MD working in a biotech company with no understanding of the application of basic physics, while you directly contradict all medical knowledge on the topic of homosexuality?

Here's an interesting little test: how many other medical students were in your class?

1. I'm from the BAY AREA, California. and it is NOT MANDATORY for kids to take sex ed here.

Current law requires public elementary and secondary schools that teach “sex
education” (including Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome prevention) to notify the
parent or guardian of each pupil in writing of such instruction at the beginning of the
school year or at the time of the pupil’s enrollment. School districts and local school
boards must provide parents and guardians with the opportunity to request that their
child not receive such instruction. An alternative educational activity shall be provided
to pupils whose parents or guardians have requested that they not receive the
instruction. Districts and school boards also are required to inform parents or guardians
of their right to inspect any written or audiovisual materials related to sex education.
Current law specifies that if a nonschool employee will be providing the instruction,
parents must receive the following information: (1) date of the instruction, (2) name of
the organization or affiliation of the instructor, and (3) notification regarding the right
to request copies of the instructional materials. After the initial notification, if
arrangements are made for an outside organization or guest speaker to provide sexual
instruction, parents or guardians must be made aware of such changes before the
instruction is delivered.
Under existing law, individuals responsible for notifying parents or guardians of the
school’s sex education courses and related materials may have their certification
(teaching or administrative credential) revoked or suspended if they fail to fulfill such
responsibilities. Furthermore, persons who require a pupil to attend a sex education class when the parent requested otherwise can also have their certification revoked or


This is California law.
In the cases I provided earlier, parents weren't even informed of the education.
Ah I see. You picked the Stanford SOM because you're from that area and just picked the closest one you knew. What you stated earlier was that "kids have to have their PARENTS' signature of APPROVAL" for sex ed classes. You claimed there was an opt-in policy that required signed approval, when this clearly shows it is an opt-OUT policy that informs parents but does not require their approval whatsoever.

Please, go back to electromagnetic forces and the "woman role" so I can laugh at you more.
Maybe reality struck the poor fucker with a two by four Smarter than Hick.

Reality Strikes? You're more like "Insanity Bites" because of your narrow minded and bigoted views.

Where is the "pushing a secret gay agenda"? Because, if it's part of the class, then the parents are allowed to view it for themselves.

The only "secret agenda" that I see comes from the GOP and their ilk because they are doing a whole scale war on allowing gays to serve in the military. Incidentally, I'm a retired 20 year veteran, and have known there were gays in the U.S. Military since 1983, and they were still there in 2002 when I retired.

Oh.......incidentally...........Britain is considering allowing same sex unions. Personally? I think it should be allowed world wide. Yeshua (Jesus to you Christians) told everyone......."Love God above all else, and love one another as you love God". Gender wasn't specified.

Oh yeah.........the nation of Israel back in the OT times, formally recognized a same sex union between David and Jonathan.
You wish I was only in high school. It is you who is not educated and uses pseudo tactics. I seriously doubt you even have an AA, or AS degree, let alone a high school diploma/GED. Stanford University and it's School of Medicine are my Alma Matures.
AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA That is HILARIOUS. So you're trying to claim you're an MD working in a biotech company with no understanding of the application of basic physics, while you directly contradict all medical knowledge on the topic of homosexuality?

Here's an interesting little test: how many other medical students were in your class?

1. I'm from the BAY AREA, California. and it is NOT MANDATORY for kids to take sex ed here.

Current law requires public elementary and secondary schools that teach “sex
education” (including Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome prevention) to notify the
parent or guardian of each pupil in writing of such instruction at the beginning of the
school year or at the time of the pupil’s enrollment. School districts and local school
boards must provide parents and guardians with the opportunity to request that their
child not receive such instruction. An alternative educational activity shall be provided
to pupils whose parents or guardians have requested that they not receive the
instruction. Districts and school boards also are required to inform parents or guardians
of their right to inspect any written or audiovisual materials related to sex education.
Current law specifies that if a nonschool employee will be providing the instruction,
parents must receive the following information: (1) date of the instruction, (2) name of
the organization or affiliation of the instructor, and (3) notification regarding the right
to request copies of the instructional materials. After the initial notification, if
arrangements are made for an outside organization or guest speaker to provide sexual
instruction, parents or guardians must be made aware of such changes before the
instruction is delivered.
Under existing law, individuals responsible for notifying parents or guardians of the
school’s sex education courses and related materials may have their certification
(teaching or administrative credential) revoked or suspended if they fail to fulfill such
responsibilities. Furthermore, persons who require a pupil to attend a sex education class when the parent requested otherwise can also have their certification revoked or


This is California law.
In the cases I provided earlier, parents weren't even informed of the education.
Ah I see. You picked the Stanford SOM because you're from that area and just picked the closest one you knew. What you stated earlier was that "kids have to have their PARENTS' signature of APPROVAL" for sex ed classes. You claimed there was an opt-in policy that required signed approval, when this clearly shows it is an opt-OUT policy that informs parents but does not require their approval whatsoever.

Please, go back to electromagnetic forces and the "woman role" so I can laugh at you more.

You are pathetic. no concept of physics? Are you kidding me? Dude, take what I say with a grain of salt if you choose, because you don't pay my bills, put food on my table, or put clothes on my back. So I really could care less if you doubt my education. It is you who lacks education and arguing your points of view based on your own pseudo perception, and not facts. And in my profession, we concentrate on (bio)chemistry, biology, micro/molecular biology, neurology, physiology etc. and not physics. I don't work for NASA at some space center idiot. But I do have a good grasp on physics, unlike yourself. and according to medical research, there is no homosexual gene present at birth. so how do I contradict medical knowledge? I contradict homosexual justification, not medical research idiot.
Mr. Pseudo this is where you have failed thus far,
1. It was you who created some bogus law/rule stating that synonymous pairs can't become resultants. I proved you wrong with credible evidence to back me.
2. It was you who argued that actions aren't reactions. Now this was so pathetic. You were once again proven wrong.
3. It was you who continuously used the word "redundant" when comparing resultants, only to hit a brick wall. That word shouldn't even have come up. Pseudo trying to sound intellectual and failed miserably.
4. Now you are saying that humans aren't electric and have no magnetic responses. (Now it is down right shocking to hear this ignorant disagreement). Let's prove you wrong once again, Mr. pseudo. starting with us "supposedly" not being electric. Before I show some proof, in elementary, you should have learned (I guess you didn't pay attention) that we are natural conductors of electricity(static and bio-electricity in particular). How else do you think our nerve impulses reach our muscles? If you lick your arm, you may notice a salty taste. It's because our bodies contain natural salt and water (electrolytes) in order to conduct electricity. Ever hit your funny bone? That's electric. Now here is the evidence to once again reveal your Pseudo ways.

Without taking account of the relation between bio-electrical processes in the human body and electromagnetic processes in the earth, in other words body electricity and earth electricity, it will not be possible to understand clearly by what means the scientific-technological development of modem times has influenced, and continues to influence with increasing severity, the moral nature of human beings (1). Naturally, the discovery of electricity and electromagnetism as well as their practical application, show a variety of facets. Electricity and electromagnetism are, of course, forces of nature that can affect the life of beings either beneficially or destructively, depending on their application. In medicine, electric therapy can assist the healing process if correctly applied. But precisely the effects of magnetic fields have not been sufficiently investigated regarding their role in, say, the emergence of various disorders of the immune system like AIDS, in allergies, in chronic fatigue syndrome or certain types of cancer.
Electricity and Human Consciousness

Without electricity, you wouldn't be reading this article right now. And it's not because your computer wouldn't work. It's because your brain wouldn't work.

Everything we do is controlled and enabled by electrical signals running through our bodies. As we learned in intro physics, everything is made up of atoms, and atoms are made up of protons, neutrons and electrons. Protons have a positive charge, neutrons have a neutral charge, and electrons have a negative charge. When these charges are out of balance, an atom becomes either positively or negatively charged. The switch between one type of charge and the other allows electrons to flow from one atom to another. This flow of electrons, or a negative charge, is what we call electricity. Since our bodies are huge masses of atoms, we can generate electricity

When we talk about the nervous system sending "signals" to the brain, or synapses "firing," or the brain telling our hands to contract around a door handle, what we're talking about is electricity carrying messages between point A and point B. It's sort of like the digital cable signal carrying 1s and 0s that deliver "Law & Order." Except in our bodies, electrons aren't flowing along a wire; instead, an electrical charge is jumping from one cell to the next until it reaches its destination.

Discovery Health "How does the body make electricity -- and how does it use it?"

Now for magnetic responses:

The human body is a magnificent creation. It is endowed with all of the universe’s powers and energies. For thousands of years the Earth has done a good job of supporting human life in all aspects: food, modest temperatures, fresh water renewal, and a magnetic field. As industry continues to prosper, many of Earth’s natural resources are being depleted. An unseen (but often felt) depletion is of Earth’s magnetic field, which is essential to the human body. Magnetism can work wonders for the body, and the depletion of Earth’s magnetic field could prove to be a danger to humans.
Magnetism and the Human Body

The magnetic power in human blood influences the therapeutic effects of human ailments. The magnetic force works on the human body through the circulatory system. It is important to know the functions of the blood, the heart and the circulatory system to know the method of magnetic treatment.

The blood is a fluid in human body that circulates through the heart, arteries, capillaries and veins. It carries nourishment and oxygen to the tissues of the body and takes away waste matter and carbon dioxide from them. The body of a healthy human adult consists of about 5-6 liters of blood, which weighs about one-thirteenth or one-fourteenth of the total body weight. A single molecule of hemoglobin of blood has approximately 10,000 atoms, of which 4 are iron. These iron atoms contain enough iron to make the red blood cells weakly paramagnetic so that they are influenced by magnetic fields.

Magnetism in Blood of Human Body

Now let me ask how many times do you want to be proven wrong, Mr. Pseudo?
Wanna make it 5 times?
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Maybe reality struck the poor fucker with a two by four Smarter than Hick.

Reality Strikes? You're more like "Insanity Bites" because of your narrow minded and bigoted views.

Where is the "pushing a secret gay agenda"? Because, if it's part of the class, then the parents are allowed to view it for themselves.

The only "secret agenda" that I see comes from the GOP and their ilk because they are doing a whole scale war on allowing gays to serve in the military. Incidentally, I'm a retired 20 year veteran, and have known there were gays in the U.S. Military since 1983, and they were still there in 2002 when I retired.

Oh.......incidentally...........Britain is considering allowing same sex unions. Personally? I think it should be allowed world wide. Yeshua (Jesus to you Christians) told everyone......."Love God above all else, and love one another as you love God". Gender wasn't specified.

Oh yeah.........the nation of Israel back in the OT times, formally recognized a same sex union between David and Jonathan.

I guess you are just as blind as the rest. That is if you bothered to read the articles I presented earlier. And it's not a secret, just an agenda. Maybe you should wait before jumping the gun. Scroll up and the agenda is there for you to see. Parents were not informed in this case. they had no idea until the kids told them after the fact.
School District Forces Kindergartners to Embrace Homosexuality
CULTURE NEWS: American Voters Getting Message - Gay Agenda Targets Children

“We do not feel that this is an area that students can opt-out and we feel that this is an area that we do not have to give prior notification,” Superintendent Floyd Gonella told KNTV-11 after a recent school board hearing.

School District Forces Kindergartners to Embrace Homosexuality |

I hope this opens your eyes.
Maybe reality struck the poor fucker with a two by four Smarter than Hick.

Reality Strikes? You're more like "Insanity Bites" because of your narrow minded and bigoted views.

Where is the "pushing a secret gay agenda"? Because, if it's part of the class, then the parents are allowed to view it for themselves.

The only "secret agenda" that I see comes from the GOP and their ilk because they are doing a whole scale war on allowing gays to serve in the military. Incidentally, I'm a retired 20 year veteran, and have known there were gays in the U.S. Military since 1983, and they were still there in 2002 when I retired.

Oh.......incidentally...........Britain is considering allowing same sex unions. Personally? I think it should be allowed world wide. Yeshua (Jesus to you Christians) told everyone......."Love God above all else, and love one another as you love God". Gender wasn't specified.

Oh yeah.........the nation of Israel back in the OT times, formally recognized a same sex union between David and Jonathan.

I guess you are just as blind as the rest. That is if you bothered to read the articles I presented earlier. And it's not a secret, just an agenda. Maybe you should wait before jumping the gun. Scroll up and the agenda is there for you to see. Parents were not informed in this case. they had no idea until the kids told them after the fact.
School District Forces Kindergartners to Embrace Homosexuality
CULTURE NEWS: American Voters Getting Message - Gay Agenda Targets Children

“We do not feel that this is an area that students can opt-out and we feel that this is an area that we do not have to give prior notification,” Superintendent Floyd Gonella told KNTV-11 after a recent school board hearing.

School District Forces Kindergartners to Embrace Homosexuality |

I hope this opens your eyes.

Free Republic source....what a joke. :lmao:

So, you a Freeper, RealityStrikes?
Last edited:
Maybe reality struck the poor fucker with a two by four Smarter than Hick.

Reality Strikes? You're more like "Insanity Bites" because of your narrow minded and bigoted views.

Where is the "pushing a secret gay agenda"? Because, if it's part of the class, then the parents are allowed to view it for themselves.

The only "secret agenda" that I see comes from the GOP and their ilk because they are doing a whole scale war on allowing gays to serve in the military. Incidentally, I'm a retired 20 year veteran, and have known there were gays in the U.S. Military since 1983, and they were still there in 2002 when I retired.

Oh.......incidentally...........Britain is considering allowing same sex unions. Personally? I think it should be allowed world wide. Yeshua (Jesus to you Christians) told everyone......."Love God above all else, and love one another as you love God". Gender wasn't specified.

Oh yeah.........the nation of Israel back in the OT times, formally recognized a same sex union between David and Jonathan.

I guess you are just as blind as the rest. That is if you bothered to read the articles I presented earlier. And it's not a secret, just an agenda. Maybe you should wait before jumping the gun. Scroll up and the agenda is there for you to see. Parents were not informed in this case. they had no idea until the kids told them after the fact.
School District Forces Kindergartners to Embrace Homosexuality
CULTURE NEWS: American Voters Getting Message - Gay Agenda Targets Children

“We do not feel that this is an area that students can opt-out and we feel that this is an area that we do not have to give prior notification,” Superintendent Floyd Gonella told KNTV-11 after a recent school board hearing.

School District Forces Kindergartners to Embrace Homosexuality |

I hope this opens your eyes.

Free Republic source....what a joke. :lmao:

So are you for being ignorant. So do you think these are all made up stories in order to bash gays?
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Mr. Pseudo (A.k.A. SmarterThanHick) said.........
"You've said some pretty dumb things in this thread, but that one is hilarious. So you think there is an elecromagnetic force between two people when they are attracted to one another? Seeing as we are neither electric nor magnetic, how do you propose such physical attractions, in the lay meaning of the word attraction, translates to the physical property of applying an acceleration to a mass using electromagnetism to create a force? This is hilarious. Please, continue equating lay meanings of words to unrelated physics laws."

:eusa_shhh: We aren't electric. That means we can't have any electricity working in our bodies.

:eusa_shhh: We aren't magnetic either. so that means we have no circulatory system.

Last edited:
I guess you are just as blind as the rest. That is if you bothered to read the articles I presented earlier. And it's not a secret, just an agenda. Maybe you should wait before jumping the gun. Scroll up and the agenda is there for you to see. Parents were not informed in this case. they had no idea until the kids told them after the fact.
School District Forces Kindergartners to Embrace Homosexuality
CULTURE NEWS: American Voters Getting Message - Gay Agenda Targets Children

“We do not feel that this is an area that students can opt-out and we feel that this is an area that we do not have to give prior notification,” Superintendent Floyd Gonella told KNTV-11 after a recent school board hearing.

School District Forces Kindergartners to Embrace Homosexuality |

I hope this opens your eyes.

Free Republic source....what a joke. :lmao:

So are you for being ignorant. So do you think these are all made up stories in order to bash gays?

Are you a Freeper, RealityStrikes?
I have a good friend of mine. We grew up together and we used to trade gay jokes amongst each other. Now we know that was wrong. He went and served 25 years in the military, married a black woman and came out of his backwoods redneckiness earlier than me, about 20 years ago.
Many years ago he coined it best right about the time I was convinced the gay boogeyman issue was absurd, the majority of gays and lesbians are fine citizens and not abominations and they deserved the same rights as the rest of us.
"40 years from now we will look back and see how this gay thing was a ridiculous and non issue"
Well said Vike.
I really could care less if you doubt my education. It is you who lacks education and arguing your points of view based on your own pseudo perception, and not facts. And in my profession, we concentrate on (bio)chemistry, biology, micro/molecular biology, neurology, physiology etc. and not physics.
If you were an MD, which you're not, you would know that a third of the Medical College Admission Test better known as the MCAT is on physical sciences, and that most of human physiology relies on physics. It should be no surprise to an actual doctor that the roots of the words PHYSics and PHYSiology are the same.

Then again, if you were a real Stanford Med graduate, you'd have been able to tell me the number of students in your class. Which you didn't. Because you can't.

according to medical research, there is no homosexual gene present at birth. so how do I contradict medical knowledge?
US medicine, specifically psychiatry, in no way sees homosexuality as any pathology whatsoever, but does define it as attraction to a member of the same sex, regardless of sexual contact. Two posts ago, you claimed that the exact opposite was true: that it only "counts" if one acts on the attraction. Were you wrong then or are you wrong now? :lol:

According to medical research, sexuality is a combination of nature and nurture, and that regardless of the reasoning, people don't get to consciously choose their sexuality. There is not a single study that shows sexuality is a choice, and countless investigations that show religious zealots who force the matter with aversion therapy promote suicide and increased psychiatric problems.

4. Now you are saying that humans aren't electric and have no magnetic responses. (Now it is down right shocking to hear this ignorant disagreement). Let's prove you wrong once again, Mr. pseudo. starting with us "supposedly" not being electric. Before I show some proof, in elementary, you should have learned (I guess you didn't pay attention) that we are natural conductors of electricity(static and bio-electricity in particular). How else do you think our nerve impulses reach our muscles? If you lick your arm, you may notice a salty taste. It's because our bodies contain natural salt and water (electrolytes) in order to conduct electricity. Ever hit your funny bone? That's electric. Now here is the evidence to once again reveal your Pseudo ways.
Once again you seem to have trouble applying basic physics to the conversation, to instead go on these ridiculous tangents that have nothing to do with what is being discussed. Of course the human body contains electrical impulses. That wasn't being discussed in the least. What WAS being discussed was attraction between two people. You claimed it was an electromagnetic attraction, which would require an electromagnetic field to be formed between two people. Despite cells in the human body using electrical properties, the entire human body does not put out an electromagnetic field that interacts with other people to create attraction. That idea is preposterous. The fact that people can find attraction to others over the internet, half a world away from one another, should support that point.

So while the body does have electrical impulses within it, these impulses in no way form a physical electromagnetic field with another person that causes attraction. Let me know if you still need help with this topic, my dear hick.

So let's review the dumb things you've tried to say in this thread so far, leaving the semantic games aside:
  1. Homosexuality is a choice because no gene has been found
  2. Homosexuality only counts if acted upon, regardless of attraction to a member of the same sex
  3. Homosexuality is the same as gender identity
  4. Gender roles are defined by what you think they ought to be, without any reason or supporting evidence
  5. A secret homosexual agenda hurts public policy in what we say to Uganda
  6. Homosexuals should not be afforded the same civil liberties and equal rights as heterosexuals
  7. Equality and human civil rights in regards to sexuality should not be taught in schools for any reason
  8. California requires parent signatures for students to take sex ed
  9. Electromagnetic forces govern attraction between two individuals
  10. Physics is not a part of medicine

All of those points are incorrect.

Let's see. You took them off of a message board. The author of the first story is only referred to as "H8LIBERALS" and has no credentials, no citations, and no supporting evidence. So yes, I find it hard to believe the unaccredited opinions of other random internet users as factual. Perhaps you got your MD off of message boards too! :lol:
I really could care less if you doubt my education. It is you who lacks education and arguing your points of view based on your own pseudo perception, and not facts. And in my profession, we concentrate on (bio)chemistry, biology, micro/molecular biology, neurology, physiology etc. and not physics.
If you were an MD, which you're not, you would know that a third of the Medical College Admission Test better known as the MCAT is on physical sciences, and that most of human physiology relies on physics. It should be no surprise to an actual doctor that the roots of the words PHYSics and PHYSiology are the same.

Then again, if you were a real Stanford Med graduate, you'd have been able to tell me the number of students in your class. Which you didn't. Because you can't.

according to medical research, there is no homosexual gene present at birth. so how do I contradict medical knowledge?
US medicine, specifically psychiatry, in no way sees homosexuality as any pathology whatsoever, but does define it as attraction to a member of the same sex, regardless of sexual contact. Two posts ago, you claimed that the exact opposite was true: that it only "counts" if one acts on the attraction. Were you wrong then or are you wrong now? :lol:

According to medical research, sexuality is a combination of nature and nurture, and that regardless of the reasoning, people don't get to consciously choose their sexuality. There is not a single study that shows sexuality is a choice, and countless investigations that show religious zealots who force the matter with aversion therapy promote suicide and increased psychiatric problems.

4. Now you are saying that humans aren't electric and have no magnetic responses. (Now it is down right shocking to hear this ignorant disagreement). Let's prove you wrong once again, Mr. pseudo. starting with us "supposedly" not being electric. Before I show some proof, in elementary, you should have learned (I guess you didn't pay attention) that we are natural conductors of electricity(static and bio-electricity in particular). How else do you think our nerve impulses reach our muscles? If you lick your arm, you may notice a salty taste. It's because our bodies contain natural salt and water (electrolytes) in order to conduct electricity. Ever hit your funny bone? That's electric. Now here is the evidence to once again reveal your Pseudo ways.
Once again you seem to have trouble applying basic physics to the conversation, to instead go on these ridiculous tangents that have nothing to do with what is being discussed. Of course the human body contains electrical impulses. That wasn't being discussed in the least. What WAS being discussed was attraction between two people. You claimed it was an electromagnetic attraction, which would require an electromagnetic field to be formed between two people. Despite cells in the human body using electrical properties, the entire human body does not put out an electromagnetic field that interacts with other people to create attraction. That idea is preposterous. The fact that people can find attraction to others over the internet, half a world away from one another, should support that point.

So while the body does have electrical impulses within it, these impulses in no way form a physical electromagnetic field with another person that causes attraction. Let me know if you still need help with this topic, my dear hick.

So let's review the dumb things you've tried to say in this thread so far, leaving the semantic games aside:
  1. Homosexuality is a choice because no gene has been found
  2. Homosexuality only counts if acted upon, regardless of attraction to a member of the same sex
  3. Homosexuality is the same as gender identity
  4. Gender roles are defined by what you think they ought to be, without any reason or supporting evidence
  5. A secret homosexual agenda hurts public policy in what we say to Uganda
  6. Homosexuals should not be afforded the same civil liberties and equal rights as heterosexuals
  7. Equality and human civil rights in regards to sexuality should not be taught in schools for any reason
  8. California requires parent signatures for students to take sex ed
  9. Electromagnetic forces govern attraction between two individuals
  10. Physics is not a part of medicine

All of those points are incorrect.

Let's see. You took them off of a message board. The author of the first story is only referred to as "H8LIBERALS" and has no credentials, no citations, and no supporting evidence. So yes, I find it hard to believe the unaccredited opinions of other random internet users as factual. Perhaps you got your MD off of message boards too! :lol:

Why debate the fine points with him Moe?
It all boils down to:
Choice is defined as many options.
Sexuality DOES NOT work that way.
You know it, I know it so why debate someone that WILL NEVER know it?
I really could care less if you doubt my education. It is you who lacks education and arguing your points of view based on your own pseudo perception, and not facts. And in my profession, we concentrate on (bio)chemistry, biology, micro/molecular biology, neurology, physiology etc. and not physics.
If you were an MD, which you're not, you would know that a third of the Medical College Admission Test better known as the MCAT is on physical sciences, and that most of human physiology relies on physics. It should be no surprise to an actual doctor that the roots of the words PHYSics and PHYSiology are the same.

Then again, if you were a real Stanford Med graduate, you'd have been able to tell me the number of students in your class. Which you didn't. Because you can't.

US medicine, specifically psychiatry, in no way sees homosexuality as any pathology whatsoever, but does define it as attraction to a member of the same sex, regardless of sexual contact. Two posts ago, you claimed that the exact opposite was true: that it only "counts" if one acts on the attraction. Were you wrong then or are you wrong now? :lol:

According to medical research, sexuality is a combination of nature and nurture, and that regardless of the reasoning, people don't get to consciously choose their sexuality. There is not a single study that shows sexuality is a choice, and countless investigations that show religious zealots who force the matter with aversion therapy promote suicide and increased psychiatric problems.

Once again you seem to have trouble applying basic physics to the conversation, to instead go on these ridiculous tangents that have nothing to do with what is being discussed. Of course the human body contains electrical impulses. That wasn't being discussed in the least. What WAS being discussed was attraction between two people. You claimed it was an electromagnetic attraction, which would require an electromagnetic field to be formed between two people. Despite cells in the human body using electrical properties, the entire human body does not put out an electromagnetic field that interacts with other people to create attraction. That idea is preposterous. The fact that people can find attraction to others over the internet, half a world away from one another, should support that point.

So while the body does have electrical impulses within it, these impulses in no way form a physical electromagnetic field with another person that causes attraction. Let me know if you still need help with this topic, my dear hick.

So let's review the dumb things you've tried to say in this thread so far, leaving the semantic games aside:
  1. Homosexuality is a choice because no gene has been found
  2. Homosexuality only counts if acted upon, regardless of attraction to a member of the same sex
  3. Homosexuality is the same as gender identity
  4. Gender roles are defined by what you think they ought to be, without any reason or supporting evidence
  5. A secret homosexual agenda hurts public policy in what we say to Uganda
  6. Homosexuals should not be afforded the same civil liberties and equal rights as heterosexuals
  7. Equality and human civil rights in regards to sexuality should not be taught in schools for any reason
  8. California requires parent signatures for students to take sex ed
  9. Electromagnetic forces govern attraction between two individuals
  10. Physics is not a part of medicine

All of those points are incorrect.

Let's see. You took them off of a message board. The author of the first story is only referred to as "H8LIBERALS" and has no credentials, no citations, and no supporting evidence. So yes, I find it hard to believe the unaccredited opinions of other random internet users as factual. Perhaps you got your MD off of message boards too! :lol:

Why debate the fine points with him Moe?
It all boils down to:
Choice is defined as many options.
Sexuality DOES NOT work that way.
You know it, I know it so why debate someone that WILL NEVER know it?

Here's the Truth...more and more people are realizing that their friends...their kids...their parents...their brothers...their sisters...their co-workers are gay PEOPLE and it no longer makes sense to them to discriminate against them.
Mr. Pseudo (A.k.A.SmarterThanHick) said........

"Despite cells in the human body using electrical properties, the entire human body does not put out an electromagnetic field that interacts with other people to create attraction. That idea is preposterous. The fact that people can find attraction to others over the internet, half a world away from one another, should support that point."

First off, I won't even bother to go any further with you regarding my education. That whole conversation is trashed. Let's cut the B.S. And get to the bottom line. you are now entering into my field of play. this right here is my forte. The human body not electromagnetic?:eek:......

Now let me prove you wrong again for the 6th time. But before I do that, not only do I believe our entire bodies may act as electromagnetic fields, (wwwwaaaallllaaaaa!!!!) our brains do too!!!!. The human body, let alone the brain acting as an electromagnetic field is considered preposterous to you? Pseudo is what Pseudo does.:eusa_shhh:

According to electromagnetic theory any current flowing through a conductor will produce a magnetic field. This is true in the human body of the electrical signals that are conducted through neurons and muscles. These magnetic fields can be measured using devices called magnetometers. Most of these use superconducting sensors cooled by liquid helium to measure the very small magnetic fields produced by the brain. By measuring these fields it is possible to determine the areas of the brain with migh electrical activity during various activities.

To my knowledge it is not possible to 'demagnetize' the body, but strong magnetic field pulses can be used to induce currents in muscles and neurons. One device called a transcranial nerve stimulator (or transcranial magnetic stimulator) can cause a person to move their arm or even put them into a seizure.


Are our thoughts made of the distributed kind of electromagnetic field that permeates space and carries the broadcast signal to the TV or radio.

Professor Johnjoe McFadden from the School of Biomedical and Life Sciences at the University of Surrey in the UK believes our conscious mind could be an electromagnetic field.

Our Conscious Mind Could Be An Electromagnetic Field

Mr Pseudo said...........

"the entire human body does not put out an electromagnetic field that interacts with other people to create attraction. That idea is preposterous. The fact that people can find attraction to others over the internet, half a world away from one another, should support that point."

You need to stop relying on your perception Pseudo. That's the Pseudo way. Use evidence to back your points, not yourself.

Look you seem valiant and all protecting what you believe is right. But you have gone a bit too far by stepping into no man's land on this topic. You have dug a hole so deep you have lost yourself, trying to bring me down. I have now officially proven you wrong 6 times (with evidence to back me). Yet you have only your pseudo perception? why don't you ever provide evidence about.....
1.synonymous pairs( but then later you argued nouns) that are nouns CAN'T be resultant.
2.Actions not being reactions
3.redundancy in comparison to resultants
4. We aren't electric
5.We aren't magnetic
6.The human body having an electromagnetic field is preposterous.

..........before you impulsively continue to disagree and be proven wrong. This is getting ridiculous.:eusa_hand:
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Are you a Freeper, RealityStrikes?

I have no idea what a Freeper is. So the answer is no.

Then why are you using Free Republic (a message board) as a source of information as if anything they say is true?

Look I'm not a message board groupie like the rest of you. I'm in a rush the majority of the time I'm on here. It is obvious you guys judge posts based on how credible you believe the site to be. That's fine. However, if that same post that you labeled unreliable, had the exact same message as a credible site, would there be any kind of redemption towards that particular post on your part? Not the site itself, but the post only. the reason I ask this is because there are other credible sites that aren't blogs/message boards that say the exact same thing.
Mr Pseudo (A.k.A SmaterThanHick) said............

"So let's review the dumb things you've tried to say in this thread so far, leaving the semantic games aside:

1. Homosexuality is a choice because no gene has been found
2. Homosexuality only counts if acted upon, regardless of attraction to a member of the same sex
3. Homosexuality is the same as gender identity
4. Gender roles are defined by what you think they ought to be, without any reason or supporting evidence
5. A secret homosexual agenda hurts public policy in what we say to Uganda
6. Homosexuals should not be afforded the same civil liberties and equal rights as heterosexuals
7. Equality and human civil rights in regards to sexuality should not be taught in schools for any reason
8. California requires parent signatures for students to take sex ed
9. Electromagnetic forces govern attraction between two individuals
10. Physics is not a part of medicine

All of those points are incorrect."

Wrong again Pseudo.
1. this can't be proven either way officially, so #1 cancels out.
2. according to God's Laws it's true. So I stick by that.
3. I never equated homosexuality to self identity in general. So don't put words in my mouth.
4. No, gender roles are created by society. You NEVER see panties and bras being sold in the Men's section of a clothing store in any mall, do you? I wonder why? Every mall in the USA and around the world are bigots too?
5.Gays interfering in poor 3rd world countries business's (Africa in particular)is definitely signs of an agenda.
6. Putting stupid words in my mouth again
7.no, Homosexuality or ANY sexuality PERIOD should not be FORCED on kindergartners.
8. Dummy, each district creates their own policies on how to implement sex ed classes. Many districts require signatures of parents' approval. But they must do this WITHIN CALIFORNIA LAW. And in the Vallejo case, it's not being done, under the law. A judge made their own ruling and turned from what the law states. That's why there is an appeal going on as we speak. You aren't even from here so you wouldn't even know.
9. you were proven wrong again
10. Physics isn't part of MY profession, I NEVER said it isn't part of medicine in general. Stop putting words in my mouth Pseudo.
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Mr Pseudo (A.k.A SmaterThanHick) said............

"So let's review the dumb things you've tried to say in this thread so far, leaving the semantic games aside:

1. Homosexuality is a choice because no gene has been found
2. Homosexuality only counts if acted upon, regardless of attraction to a member of the same sex
3. Homosexuality is the same as gender identity
4. Gender roles are defined by what you think they ought to be, without any reason or supporting evidence
5. A secret homosexual agenda hurts public policy in what we say to Uganda
6. Homosexuals should not be afforded the same civil liberties and equal rights as heterosexuals
7. Equality and human civil rights in regards to sexuality should not be taught in schools for any reason
8. California requires parent signatures for students to take sex ed
9. Electromagnetic forces govern attraction between two individuals
10. Physics is not a part of medicine

All of those points are incorrect."

Wrong again Pseudo.
1. this can't be proven either way officially, so #1 cancels out.
2. according to God's Laws it's true. So I stick by that.
3. I never equated homosexuality to self identity in general. So don't put words in my mouth.
4. No, gender roles are created by society. You NEVER see panties and bras being sold in the Men's section of a clothing store in any mall, do you? I wonder why? Every mall in the USA and around the world are bigots too?
5.Gays interfering in poor 3rd world countries business's (Africa in particular)is definitely signs of an agenda.
6. Putting stupid words in my mouth again
7.no, Homosexuality or ANY sexuality PERIOD should not be FORCED on kindergartners.
8. Dummy, each district creates their own policies on how to implement sex ed classes. Many districts require signatures of parents' approval. But they must do this WITHIN CALIFORNIA LAW. And in the Vallejo case, it's not being done, under the law. A judge made their own ruling and turned from what the law states. That's why there is an appeal going on as we speak. You aren't even from here so you wouldn't even know.
9. you were proven wrong again
10. Physics isn't part of MY profession, I NEVER said it isn't part of medicine in general. Stop putting words in my mouth Pseudo.

Everyone of them are incorrect....but you will never see that.....unless some day, someone close to you comes out at gay and you finally realize that we are people too, due the same legal considerations as any other American and that we are not "out to get you."

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