Honest question: what constitutes an ideal world, GOP perspective?

Honest question: what constitutes an ideal world, GOP perspective?
Is it anything the rest of us could buy into? If not, why not? And if not, is that truly ideal?

An honest answer about a segment of the GOP and maybe even a smaller minority in the Democratic party


I got some bad news for you Sunshine.:eusa_hand:

So ya
Thought ya
Might like to
Go to the show.
To feel that warm thrill of confusion,
That space cadet glow.
I've got some bad news for you sunshine,
Pink isn't well, he stayed back at the hotel
And they sent us along as a surrogate band
We're gonna find out where you folks really stand.

Are there any queers in the theater tonight?
Get them up against the wall!
There's one in the spotlight, he don't look right to me,
Get him up against the wall!
That one looks Jewish!
And that one's a coon!
Who let all of this riff-raff into the room?
There's one smoking a joint,
And another with spots!
If I had my way,
I'd have all of you shot!
Is it anything the rest of us could buy into? If not, why not? And if not, is that truly ideal?

I have no idea what you'll buy into. In my ideal world government was withered to the point where it is almost non-existent. All the functions government used to perform are no perform by private firms. Taxes are close to zero, it not non-existent. There are no bureaucrats, regulations, civil servants to harass you. The standard of living would be multiple times what it is today. Poverty would almost entirely disappear. Private charity would be more than sufficient to provide for the few human wrecks that were unable to support themselves.

Sounds like a socialist utopia to me. Remember Marx's "withering away of the State?"
Is it anything the rest of us could buy into? If not, why not? And if not, is that truly ideal?

I have no idea what you'll buy into. In my ideal world government was withered to the point where it is almost non-existent. All the functions government used to perform are no perform by private firms. Taxes are close to zero, it not non-existent. There are no bureaucrats, regulations, civil servants to harass you. The standard of living would be multiple times what it is today. Poverty would almost entirely disappear. Private charity would be more than sufficient to provide for the few human wrecks that were unable to support themselves.

Sounds like a socialist utopia to me. Remember Marx's "withering away of the State?"

Some of these people are unaware Utopia doesn't exist. They have difficulties enough living in the real world. My money is on: If they ever walked into a Utopian society they would ruin it before they could appreciate it. Unhappy and miserable people will always have some baggage .. themselves.
Is it anything the rest of us could buy into? If not, why not? And if not, is that truly ideal?

I have no idea what you'll buy into. In my ideal world government was withered to the point where it is almost non-existent. All the functions government used to perform are no perform by private firms. Taxes are close to zero, it not non-existent. There are no bureaucrats, regulations, civil servants to harass you. The standard of living would be multiple times what it is today. Poverty would almost entirely disappear. Private charity would be more than sufficient to provide for the few human wrecks that were unable to support themselves.

Sounds like a socialist utopia to me. Remember Marx's "withering away of the State?"

what???????? he said "All the functions government used to perform are now performed by private firms." Under Marx there were no private firms, everything was to be owned in common!!

Oh well, the liberal got something else 100% backwards. What a surprise.
The ideal GOP world?
Total corporate control.

Well that is the line they follow for their masters anyway.
Along with at least 1/2 of the dems.

how can there be corporate control under capitalism when there are millions of corporations all over the world competing with each other??

This shows that a Marxist liberal will be 100% stupid.
So, an ideal GOP world, sounds like, would be a global, totalitarian military state. and only intelligent people would buy into it. Great. If that's the case, stupidity sounds like a really good deal, since I'd really rather not have this "ideal". Ah, isn't this called faschism, and isn't that actually worse than socialism? And socialism is hell, because then all those who wanted to be evil-doers would be thwarted, extremely poor babies, is that it? We can kiss the concept of an ideal world good-bye because of the evil-does then, can't we? Also great. Question: why is it desirable for those of us who aren't evil, to kowtow to evil-doers and try to live at peace with them?

(My definition of evil is denial of the infinite, and it is those who can't handle infinity who are not just evil, but stupid as well.)

That description of an ideal world dubbed here as "socialist" sounds like a good, decent fate to me; please explain in detail why it is, in fact, otherwise. You honestly don't want any of those things? Why not? My ideal world: where nobody has to fight for what's right (the infinite) because everything is already right. Fat chance, eh? Nobody in their "right mind" wants any such thing, eh? That's intelligence, all right. Huh. Don't you wish?
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There's no such thing as an ideal world. People have free will, and some will always use that for evil ends. The best we can do is to foster a climate which enhances individual liberty with a proper rule of law to hold individuals accountable for their actions.

Idealistic Utopias are always nightmares in actual application.

Yes, but nothing forces us to resign to a world far from it.
"socialist" sounds like a good, decent fate to me; please explain in detail why it is, in fact, otherwise.

well dear, socialism did slowly starve 120 million to death in the USSR and Red China.

See why we are 100% positive a liberal will be very very slow??
"socialist" sounds like a good, decent fate to me; please explain in detail why it is, in fact, otherwise.

well dear, socialism did slowly starve 120 million to death in the USSR and Red China.

See why we are 100% positive a liberal will be very very slow??

So they say; thanks, lovey, but I've learned not to trust everything they say in the history books. Now what about your ideal of the global totalitarian military state? Or does the GOP control this message board? Ducking and dodging, as always. Others at least started out pretty active here...
"socialist" sounds like a good, decent fate to me; please explain in detail why it is, in fact, otherwise.

well dear, socialism did slowly starve 120 million to death in the USSR and Red China.

See why we are 100% positive a liberal will be very very slow??

"What caused the Dust Bowl?"

The seeds of the Dust Bowl may have been sowed during the early 1920s. A post-World War I recession led farmers to try new mechanized farming techniques as a way to increase profits. Many bought plows and other farming equipment, and between 1925 and 1930 more than 5 million acres of previously unfarmed land was plowed [source: CSA]. With the help of mechanized farming, farmers produced record crops during the 1931 season. However, overproduction of wheat coupled with the Great Depression led to severely reduce*d market prices. The wheat market was flooded, and people were too poor to buy. Farmers were unable to earn back their production costs and expanded their fields in an effort to turn a profit -- they covered the prairie with wheat in place of the natural drought-resistant grasses and left any unused fields bare.
But plow-based farming in this re*gion cultivated an unexpected yield: the loss of fertile topsoil that literally blew away in the winds, leaving the land vulnerable to drought and inhospitable for growing crops. In a brutal twist of fate, the rains stopped. By 1932, 14 dust storms, known as black blizzards were reported, and in just one year, the number increased to nearly 40.
Millions of people fled the region.


This is like the GOP of today. Stupid fuckers who damage and destroy everything they touch because all they know is ignorance and greed. We've seen it before. They want to do it again.
Is it anything the rest of us could buy into? If not, why not? And if not, is that truly ideal?

I have no idea what you'll buy into. In my ideal world government was withered to the point where it is almost non-existent. All the functions government used to perform are no perform by private firms. Taxes are close to zero, it not non-existent. There are no bureaucrats, regulations, civil servants to harass you. The standard of living would be multiple times what it is today. Poverty would almost entirely disappear. Private charity would be more than sufficient to provide for the few human wrecks that were unable to support themselves.

Sounds like a socialist utopia to me. Remember Marx's "withering away of the State?"

Marx and Engels at least cared about the condition of labor. Minarchy is just another label for the withering away of democracy and workers' rights.
"socialist" sounds like a good, decent fate to me; please explain in detail why it is, in fact, otherwise.

well dear, socialism did slowly starve 120 million to death in the USSR and Red China.

See why we are 100% positive a liberal will be very very slow

So they say; thanks, lovey, but I've learned not to trust everything they say in the history books.

yes Stalin was probably a nice guy after all. Is this why the liberals spied for him and gave him the A bomb???? His death toll was probably a more friendly 10-20 million, right??

Now what about your ideal of the global totalitarian military state? Or does the GOP control this message board? Ducking and dodging, as always. Others at least started out pretty active here...

IF you have a shred of evidence of this I will pay you $10,000. Bet??? or admit to being a typical liberal.

Besides, isn't odd for a Hitler/Stalin lover to be opposed to a totalitarian military state???
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"socialist" sounds like a good, decent fate to me; please explain in detail why it is, in fact, otherwise.

well dear, socialism did slowly starve 120 million to death in the USSR and Red China.

See why we are 100% positive a liberal will be very very slow??

"What caused the Dust Bowl?"

The seeds of the Dust Bowl may have been sowed during the early 1920s. A post-World War I recession led farmers to try new mechanized farming techniques as a way to increase profits. Many bought plows and other farming equipment, and between 1925 and 1930 more than 5 million acres of previously unfarmed land was plowed [source: CSA]. With the help of mechanized farming, farmers produced record crops during the 1931 season. However, overproduction of wheat coupled with the Great Depression led to severely reduce*d market prices. The wheat market was flooded, and people were too poor to buy. Farmers were unable to earn back their production costs and expanded their fields in an effort to turn a profit -- they covered the prairie with wheat in place of the natural drought-resistant grasses and left any unused fields bare.
But plow-based farming in this re*gion cultivated an unexpected yield: the loss of fertile topsoil that literally blew away in the winds, leaving the land vulnerable to drought and inhospitable for growing crops. In a brutal twist of fate, the rains stopped. By 1932, 14 dust storms, known as black blizzards were reported, and in just one year, the number increased to nearly 40.
Millions of people fled the region.


This is like the GOP of today. Stupid fuckers who damage and destroy everything they touch because all they know is ignorance and greed. We've seen it before. They want to do it again.

Republicans have a lot of nerve talking about "hungry people" when they want to cut school lunches and have leaders who say, "Feed the poor and they will breed".
Is it anything the rest of us could buy into?

3) national defense/police force that was in effect an empire of Republican liberty in order to pacify and civilize the world.

Cannot take this to mean a global totalitarian military state? Really? How so?

Shall I start calling you names, conservative? Guaranteed, I have a whole lot less respect for conservatives than you could ever have for, ahem, liberals. But guess what? I don't really side with them any more -- I reached the point where I can't care about politics at all any more, because I figure there isn't an elected political soul alive that won't do what he or she pleases regardless of how votes go --- loads of proof in my neck of the woods.

Stalin? Don't know, but can you say demonization? How about propaganda and outright lying? Get that in history books and accounts all the time, and I've read a lot. Probably not a nice guy, but maybe not quite the horror he's made out to be.

Hey. Newspaper just dissed Russians as "criminally careless" drivers who need and use "dash cams" -- that really possible? I think they're lying their heads off. Every Russian born person I've ever met would certainly be offended by this. Ah, in case you didn't notice, none of this is the point of my original question. I would like clarification on, well, suppose I don't paraphrase it this time, I'll just copy it below again instead:

Eddy's words:

3) national defense/police force that was in effect an empire of Republican liberty in order to pacify and civilize the world.

End Eddy's words.

Oh, ah Republic, as in, The Republic, as in before the Roman Empire during the BC era... I looked that up, and that's the world's first form of despotism, tyranny, and dictatorship. That what you lot are modeled on? Crikey.

But this is already too much typing = effort for the one-by-one from the jawbone likes of you. How easily sidetracked. By the way, I don't bet, I'll be nice this one last time, with conservatives. They're a bunch of sidewinders. Or can you stick to my question at the top of my reply, copied again just two scant paragraphs ago, and answer it after all? Do you have any capacity for that at all, sir?
Besides, isn't odd for a Hitler/Stalin lover to be opposed to a totalitarian military state???

Yeah, it would be, if I was one.

Excuse me? Since when did I say that? Are you calling me out on the carpet? I don't usually engage in a battle of wits with an unarmed person, but you want, you got.

Note: I absolutely do not take kindly to this.

Aren't you a fine one to talk, Republican? See my last post. In the case you can't, I typed:

Start my own quote:

Oh, ah Republic, as in, The Republic, as in before the Roman Empire during the BC era... I looked that up, and that's the world's first form of despotism, tyranny, and dictatorship. That what you lot are modeled on? Crikey.

End my own quote.

So, o great freedom lover, explain this, or concede failure. Dodge it this time, I win.
Besides, isn't it odd for a Hitler/Stalin lover to be opposed to a totalitarian military state???

Yeah, it would be, if I was one.

well dear, socialism did slowly starve 120 million to death in the USSR and Red China.

See why we are 100% positive a liberal will be very very slow

So they say; thanks, lovey, but I've learned not to trust everything they say in the history books.

ok you're defending HItler Stalin and Mao but don't love them as fellow communist travelers??? So why defend them and deny that they killed 100 million???

Note: I absolutely do not take kindly to this.

give me a break!! Liberals spied for Stalin and gave him the bomb and you just defended Stalin against the judgement of history, but you don't love Stalin????!!!

Oh, ah Republic, as in, The Republic, as in before the Roman Empire during the BC era... I looked that up, and that's the world's first form of despotism, tyranny, and dictatorship. That what you lot are modeled on? Crikey.

no not modeled on that and can't imagine why you would think so unless you were 100% retarded!!
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Is it anything the rest of us could buy into? If not, why not? And if not, is that truly ideal?

I have no idea what you'll buy into. In my ideal world government has withered to the point where it is almost non-existent. All the functions government used to perform are now perform by private firms. Taxes are close to zero, if not non-existent. There are no bureaucrats, regulations or civil servants to harass you. The standard of living would be multiple times what it is today. Poverty would almost entirely disappear. Private charity would be more than sufficient to provide for the few human wrecks that were unable to support themselves.

Sounds like a socialist utopia to me. Remember Marx's "withering away of the State?"

There are no private firms in a socialist utopia. However, that fact is academic since the socialist reality is that socialism always leads to totalitarianism and mass starvation.
I have no idea what you'll buy into. In my ideal world government was withered to the point where it is almost non-existent. All the functions government used to perform are no perform by private firms. Taxes are close to zero, it not non-existent. There are no bureaucrats, regulations, civil servants to harass you. The standard of living would be multiple times what it is today. Poverty would almost entirely disappear. Private charity would be more than sufficient to provide for the few human wrecks that were unable to support themselves.

Sounds like a socialist utopia to me. Remember Marx's "withering away of the State?"

Marx and Engels at least cared about the condition of labor. Minarchy is just another label for the withering away of democracy and workers' rights.

That's actually correct. "Democracy" and "workers' rights" are just left-wing euphemisms meaning "socialism." Democracy is mostly a means to implement mass plunder. It invariably leads to socialism and the collapse of society.
I have no idea what you'll buy into. In my ideal world government has withered to the point where it is almost non-existent. All the functions government used to perform are now perform by private firms. Taxes are close to zero, if not non-existent. There are no bureaucrats, regulations or civil servants to harass you. The standard of living would be multiple times what it is today. Poverty would almost entirely disappear. Private charity would be more than sufficient to provide for the few human wrecks that were unable to support themselves.

Sounds like a socialist utopia to me. Remember Marx's "withering away of the State?"

There are no private firms in a socialist utopia. However, that fact is academic since the socialist reality is that socialism always leads to totalitarianism and mass starvation.

ah but that's because they've only tried it 133 times! The next time will be the charm!! It just needs a little more fine tuning; then en masse slow starvation by the 10's of millions will somehow turn into a Marxist heaven on earth!!
Besides, isn't it odd for a Hitler/Stalin lover to be opposed to a totalitarian military state???

Yeah, it would be, if I was one.

well dear, socialism did slowly starve 120 million to death in the USSR and Red China.

See why we are 100% positive a liberal will be very very slow

So they say; thanks, lovey, but I've learned not to trust everything they say in the history books.

ok you're defending HItler Stalin and Mao but don't love them as fellow communist travelers??? So why defend them and deny that they killed 100 million???

Note: I absolutely do not take kindly to this.

give me a break!! Liberals spied for Stalin and gave him the bomb and you just defended Stalin against the judgement of history, but you don't love Stalin????!!!

Oh, ah Republic, as in, The Republic, as in before the Roman Empire during the BC era... I looked that up, and that's the world's first form of despotism, tyranny, and dictatorship. That what you lot are modeled on? Crikey.

no not modeled on that and can't imagine why you would think so unless you were 100% retarded!!

So sorry, I cannot buy simple statements with no dissertation. Dissertation is everything, and you consistently fail to provide it. I wish you would defend your stance for us in full detail, but you never will, will you? Why not? Would such be beyond your own level of intellect? Can't back up what you say to save your life, can you? Not with detailed dissertation. Certainly not with anything remotely civilized. Or how do you define civility?

No talking to you, is there? You won't listen. You still haven't addressed my question about your very own response fully and very literally, verbatim, indicating you wish a police state for an ideal world. Therefore, by the parameters I declared for any further discussion, you lose. At no point have I ever said anything you apply to me. Furthermore, I have an IQ of 132. I don't think that constitutes my being a retard. You on the other hand are acting very poorly in response to my posts. Very clearly, you are not a civilized individual. I have no further use in exchanging any further form of communication with you, not that I care to call your postings genuine communication.

Your true character, by way of Frank Herbert, Heretics of Dune:

"By your belief in granular singularities, you deny all movement -- evolutionary or devolutionary. Belief fixes a granular universe, and causes that universe to persist. Nothing can be allowed to change, because that way your non-moving universe would vanish. But it moves of itself when you do not move. It evolves beyond you, and is no longer accessible to you."

Get what this means? I doubt it. I get it, and I, according to your granular universe for me, am a 100% retard, and I don't buy into granular universes. Ever. Here's living proof of me being a 100% retard, eh? Clearly, I now demonstrate your designation for me most vividly, don't I? We retards do this all the time, don't we? Go ahead, quote this out of context. Looks like it's what you do best.

Here is my true character, also by way of Frank Herbert's Heretics of Dune:

"Life cannot find reason to sustain it, cannot be a source of decent mutual regard, unless each of us resolves to breathe such qualities into it."

I am thus resolved, but you make it hard... as do all other such individuals. I am also resolved, inasmuch as it's possible with individuals like you in the world, to breathe as many good, positive, wholesome qualities into it as well, such that life can find reason to sustain them. This too difficult for you?

Sir, I have just reported you to the system as abusive. Good day, sir.

Forget this forum. No one writes in whole entire paragraphs any more; not like the good old days of OneNet. No genuinely good discussions.

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