Honest question: what constitutes an ideal world, GOP perspective?

I wish you would defend your stance for us in full detail, but you never will, will you? Why not?

too stupid by 1000% Conservatism is 2000 years old. That you need me to defend it is testimony that you are 100% illiterate and Still a Stalin defender!

you wish a police state for an ideal world.

too stupid by 1000%. Conservatives sign the pledge to shrink government, not expand it. 100% illiterate.
There's no such thing as an ideal world. People have free will, and some will always use that for evil ends. The best we can do is to foster a climate which enhances individual liberty with a proper rule of law to hold individuals accountable for their actions.

Idealistic Utopias are always nightmares in actual application.

In a successful society, we help each other. That happens in many ways. People like Mitt Romney, George Bush and John McCain are helped by successful and fabulously wealthy and connected parents.

For those that aren't so "lucky", we may need the help of our neighbors and our community. Especially when illness or disasters happen. We hope we are a society that is compassionate enough, the government steps in to help. If millions of people are affected, like with Katrina or Sandy, the local community isn't enough. And I personally don't believe people should pay to be rescued or in "let him die" like so many Americans seem to.

I wonder who paid for Obama's education and helped him cover up his lack of academic achievement?

Here's what you are missing: TO HELP is a voluntary action. It is not help when the government forcibly taxes one to subsidize behavior one finds to be appalling and destructive.
Is it anything the rest of us could buy into?

if the rest were intelligent they could buy into it:

1) support of the family rather than liberal attack on and destruction of it

2) economy in which free voluntary capitalist transactions prevailed and social programs were designed to promote independence rather than always increasing dependency and a voting block

3) national defense/police force that was in effect an empire of Republican liberty in order to pacify and civilize the world.

support of the family rather than liberal attack on and destruction of it

Daily Kos: Reaganomics - The Destruction of the Family

economy in which free voluntary capitalist transactions prevailed and social programs were designed to promote independence rather than always increasing dependency and a voting block

How Ronald Reagan Destroyed America... // Current TV
Don't know about an ideal world for the GOP.
Mine would be where people are responsible for their own selves.
The gov't doesn't tell them what to do, though there are laws of what you "cannot" do to others.
The gov't exists to protect the borders and the citizens from invasion.
Schools (supported by the community, if your community doesn't want to support the children, then it is left to the parents to see to the education, not the "state") teach children the academics (not social engineering), if children do not want to learn, they are told to leave (to allow those that want to learn to be able to learn without rude distractions)
Universities are supported by larger communities (county or state) or are private (no federal dollars for education).
Charity is used to provide assistance to people that need help at a community level. If that community can support additional aid, the "community" can set up the means or taxes to do this. (The system is not abused by people that are "stealing" from the taxpayers)
The Bill of Rights would be posted at every police station, every courthouse and every public building so that the citizens and the gov't workers would be reminded there is a higher power than gov't.
The fourteenth amendment would be gone. "Men" is the proper term for large groups of people, male and female, any race. There would be no "anchor babies". There would be no excuse for the gov't to overstep the Constitution.
EVERYONE would pay taxes at a set percentage (like 10%). If you could not pay taxes, another could pay them for you, or you would do community service instead.
Holidays would be federal only for Thanksgiving (established at the founding of the early settlement), Forth of July, and President's Day. Other holidays would be "floating holidays" (decided by the individual), so that people could take off for their own religious days. There would be no Christmas holiday for congress and Presidents (unless they used their floaters).

In short, I cannot think of a better system than the founders of this country established two hundred and thirty seven years ago. For the life of me, I cannot understand why so many on the left want to take us away from the gov't that established the most prosperous country in the history of the world with the highest standard of living to a country where there is less freedom, more tax burden, more gov't, and a lower standard of living.
In short, I cannot think of a better system than the founders of this country established two hundred and thirty seven years ago. For the life of me, I cannot understand why so many on the left want to take us away from the gov't that established the most prosperous country in the history of the world with the highest standard of living to a country where there is less freedom, more tax burden, more gov't, and a lower standard of living.

well don't forget it took 1000's of years of development before American wisdom emerged in the form of our Constitution. It may have been an odd and short lived accident from which we and civilization will soon revert back to type.

Liberals have no where near the IQ needed to know how we got to be the world's savior and moral/economic leader so they have no idea how to preserve what we have acheived either.
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It died because it had nothing to offer, nothing to say, and did nothing.

One would have to be a picture perfect liberal idiot to say freedom from liberal government is nothing when it is what our Constitution is based on and what made us the greatest country in human history by far!!
Right, so the wig party is still out there. Ed, me boy, you are a tool. Funny tool, but a tool.
Don't know about an ideal world for the GOP.
Mine would be where people are responsible for their own selves.
The gov't doesn't tell them what to do, though there are laws of what you "cannot" do to others.
The gov't exists to protect the borders and the citizens from invasion.
Schools (supported by the community, if your community doesn't want to support the children, then it is left to the parents to see to the education, not the "state") teach children the academics (not social engineering), if children do not want to learn, they are told to leave (to allow those that want to learn to be able to learn without rude distractions)
Universities are supported by larger communities (county or state) or are private (no federal dollars for education).
Charity is used to provide assistance to people that need help at a community level. If that community can support additional aid, the "community" can set up the means or taxes to do this. (The system is not abused by people that are "stealing" from the taxpayers)
The Bill of Rights would be posted at every police station, every courthouse and every public building so that the citizens and the gov't workers would be reminded there is a higher power than gov't.
The fourteenth amendment would be gone. "Men" is the proper term for large groups of people, male and female, any race. There would be no "anchor babies". There would be no excuse for the gov't to overstep the Constitution.
EVERYONE would pay taxes at a set percentage (like 10%). If you could not pay taxes, another could pay them for you, or you would do community service instead.
Holidays would be federal only for Thanksgiving (established at the founding of the early settlement), Forth of July, and President's Day. Other holidays would be "floating holidays" (decided by the individual), so that people could take off for their own religious days. There would be no Christmas holiday for congress and Presidents (unless they used their floaters).

In short, I cannot think of a better system than the founders of this country established two hundred and thirty seven years ago. For the life of me, I cannot understand why so many on the left want to take us away from the gov't that established the most prosperous country in the history of the world with the highest standard of living to a country where there is less freedom, more tax burden, more gov't, and a lower standard of living.
Well, but then, not everyone is a congenital idiot. If you want to live in your ideal little world, point it out to us. You see, dipshit, it does not exist except in your puny little conservative mind. But, best of luck to you. The rest of us, by a huge majority, think you are a congenital idiot.

And thanks so much for your ideas. Not sure why you think they are of any value at all. But thanks anyway.
Don't know about an ideal world for the GOP.
Mine would be where people are responsible for their own selves.
The gov't doesn't tell them what to do, though there are laws of what you "cannot" do to others.
The gov't exists to protect the borders and the citizens from invasion.
Schools (supported by the community, if your community doesn't want to support the children, then it is left to the parents to see to the education, not the "state") teach children the academics (not social engineering), if children do not want to learn, they are told to leave (to allow those that want to learn to be able to learn without rude distractions)
Universities are supported by larger communities (county or state) or are private (no federal dollars for education).
Charity is used to provide assistance to people that need help at a community level. If that community can support additional aid, the "community" can set up the means or taxes to do this. (The system is not abused by people that are "stealing" from the taxpayers)
The Bill of Rights would be posted at every police station, every courthouse and every public building so that the citizens and the gov't workers would be reminded there is a higher power than gov't.
The fourteenth amendment would be gone. "Men" is the proper term for large groups of people, male and female, any race. There would be no "anchor babies". There would be no excuse for the gov't to overstep the Constitution.
EVERYONE would pay taxes at a set percentage (like 10%). If you could not pay taxes, another could pay them for you, or you would do community service instead.
Holidays would be federal only for Thanksgiving (established at the founding of the early settlement), Forth of July, and President's Day. Other holidays would be "floating holidays" (decided by the individual), so that people could take off for their own religious days. There would be no Christmas holiday for congress and Presidents (unless they used their floaters).

In short, I cannot think of a better system than the founders of this country established two hundred and thirty seven years ago. For the life of me, I cannot understand why so many on the left want to take us away from the gov't that established the most prosperous country in the history of the world with the highest standard of living to a country where there is less freedom, more tax burden, more gov't, and a lower standard of living.
Well, but then, not everyone is a congenital idiot. If you want to live in your ideal little world, point it out to us. You see, dipshit, it does not exist except in your puny little conservative mind. But, best of luck to you. The rest of us, by a huge majority, think you are a congenital idiot.

And thanks so much for your ideas. Not sure why you think they are of any value at all. But thanks anyway.

I think he was trying to tell you to find your own path, dipshit.
Don't know about an ideal world for the GOP.
Mine would be where people are responsible for their own selves.
The gov't doesn't tell them what to do, though there are laws of what you "cannot" do to others.
The gov't exists to protect the borders and the citizens from invasion.
Schools (supported by the community, if your community doesn't want to support the children, then it is left to the parents to see to the education, not the "state") teach children the academics (not social engineering), if children do not want to learn, they are told to leave (to allow those that want to learn to be able to learn without rude distractions)
Universities are supported by larger communities (county or state) or are private (no federal dollars for education).
Charity is used to provide assistance to people that need help at a community level. If that community can support additional aid, the "community" can set up the means or taxes to do this. (The system is not abused by people that are "stealing" from the taxpayers)
The Bill of Rights would be posted at every police station, every courthouse and every public building so that the citizens and the gov't workers would be reminded there is a higher power than gov't.
The fourteenth amendment would be gone. "Men" is the proper term for large groups of people, male and female, any race. There would be no "anchor babies". There would be no excuse for the gov't to overstep the Constitution.
EVERYONE would pay taxes at a set percentage (like 10%). If you could not pay taxes, another could pay them for you, or you would do community service instead.
Holidays would be federal only for Thanksgiving (established at the founding of the early settlement), Forth of July, and President's Day. Other holidays would be "floating holidays" (decided by the individual), so that people could take off for their own religious days. There would be no Christmas holiday for congress and Presidents (unless they used their floaters).

In short, I cannot think of a better system than the founders of this country established two hundred and thirty seven years ago. For the life of me, I cannot understand why so many on the left want to take us away from the gov't that established the most prosperous country in the history of the world with the highest standard of living to a country where there is less freedom, more tax burden, more gov't, and a lower standard of living.
Well, but then, not everyone is a congenital idiot. If you want to live in your ideal little world, point it out to us. You see, dipshit, it does not exist except in your puny little conservative mind. But, best of luck to you. The rest of us, by a huge majority, think you are a congenital idiot.

And thanks so much for your ideas. Not sure why you think they are of any value at all. But thanks anyway.

I think he was trying to tell you to find your own path, dipshit.
That would be your opinion. And you must know how much I value your opinion.
Reagan/Neocons opposed programs that helped middle class and poor families

any examples or is the liberal just lying???????
But, of course, ed, the con tool that he is, does not even bother to try to list the things the neocons have done to help the middle class.

too stupid! Conservatives and libertarians have supported capitalism which has produced so much wealth that a poor man today is better off than a rich man 50 years ago.

Liberals have supported socialism which slowly starved to death 125 million people.
any examples or is the liberal just lying???????
But, of course, ed, the con tool that he is, does not even bother to try to list the things the neocons have done to help the middle class.

too stupid! Conservatives and libertarians have supported capitalism which has produced so much wealth that a poor man today is better off than a rich man 50 years ago.

Liberals have supported socialism which slowly starved to death 125 million people.
As i said, you can not support anything that you ever say. Just more con dogma. What a complete dipshit. Do they really pay you enough to be a liar, ed. What a sad existance.
But, of course, ed, the con tool that he is, does not even bother to try to list the things the neocons have done to help the middle class.

too stupid! Conservatives and libertarians have supported capitalism which has produced so much wealth that a poor man today is better off than a rich man 50 years ago.

Liberals have supported socialism which slowly starved to death 125 million people.
As i said, you can not support anything that you ever say. Just more con dogma. What a complete dipshit. Do they really pay you enough to be a liar, ed. What a sad existance.

too stupid! Conservatives and libertarians have supported capitalism which has produced so much wealth that a poor man today is better off than a rich man 50 years ago.

Liberals have supported socialism which slowly starved to death 125 million people.
Don't know about an ideal world for the GOP.
Mine would be where people are responsible for their own selves.
The gov't doesn't tell them what to do, though there are laws of what you "cannot" do to others.
The gov't exists to protect the borders and the citizens from invasion.
Schools (supported by the community, if your community doesn't want to support the children, then it is left to the parents to see to the education, not the "state") teach children the academics (not social engineering), if children do not want to learn, they are told to leave (to allow those that want to learn to be able to learn without rude distractions)
Universities are supported by larger communities (county or state) or are private (no federal dollars for education).
Charity is used to provide assistance to people that need help at a community level. If that community can support additional aid, the "community" can set up the means or taxes to do this. (The system is not abused by people that are "stealing" from the taxpayers)
The Bill of Rights would be posted at every police station, every courthouse and every public building so that the citizens and the gov't workers would be reminded there is a higher power than gov't.
The fourteenth amendment would be gone. "Men" is the proper term for large groups of people, male and female, any race. There would be no "anchor babies". There would be no excuse for the gov't to overstep the Constitution.
EVERYONE would pay taxes at a set percentage (like 10%). If you could not pay taxes, another could pay them for you, or you would do community service instead.
Holidays would be federal only for Thanksgiving (established at the founding of the early settlement), Forth of July, and President's Day. Other holidays would be "floating holidays" (decided by the individual), so that people could take off for their own religious days. There would be no Christmas holiday for congress and Presidents (unless they used their floaters).

In short, I cannot think of a better system than the founders of this country established two hundred and thirty seven years ago. For the life of me, I cannot understand why so many on the left want to take us away from the gov't that established the most prosperous country in the history of the world with the highest standard of living to a country where there is less freedom, more tax burden, more gov't, and a lower standard of living.
Well, but then, not everyone is a congenital idiot. If you want to live in your ideal little world, point it out to us. You see, dipshit, it does not exist except in your puny little conservative mind. But, best of luck to you. The rest of us, by a huge majority, think you are a congenital idiot.

And thanks so much for your ideas. Not sure why you think they are of any value at all. But thanks anyway.

You were not clear, enough. Were you saying that you are against the Constitution?
Don't know about an ideal world for the GOP.
Mine would be where people are responsible for their own selves.
The gov't doesn't tell them what to do, though there are laws of what you "cannot" do to others.
The gov't exists to protect the borders and the citizens from invasion.
Schools (supported by the community, if your community doesn't want to support the children, then it is left to the parents to see to the education, not the "state") teach children the academics (not social engineering), if children do not want to learn, they are told to leave (to allow those that want to learn to be able to learn without rude distractions)
Universities are supported by larger communities (county or state) or are private (no federal dollars for education).
Charity is used to provide assistance to people that need help at a community level. If that community can support additional aid, the "community" can set up the means or taxes to do this. (The system is not abused by people that are "stealing" from the taxpayers)
The Bill of Rights would be posted at every police station, every courthouse and every public building so that the citizens and the gov't workers would be reminded there is a higher power than gov't.
The fourteenth amendment would be gone. "Men" is the proper term for large groups of people, male and female, any race. There would be no "anchor babies". There would be no excuse for the gov't to overstep the Constitution.
EVERYONE would pay taxes at a set percentage (like 10%). If you could not pay taxes, another could pay them for you, or you would do community service instead.
Holidays would be federal only for Thanksgiving (established at the founding of the early settlement), Forth of July, and President's Day. Other holidays would be "floating holidays" (decided by the individual), so that people could take off for their own religious days. There would be no Christmas holiday for congress and Presidents (unless they used their floaters).

In short, I cannot think of a better system than the founders of this country established two hundred and thirty seven years ago. For the life of me, I cannot understand why so many on the left want to take us away from the gov't that established the most prosperous country in the history of the world with the highest standard of living to a country where there is less freedom, more tax burden, more gov't, and a lower standard of living.
Well, but then, not everyone is a congenital idiot. If you want to live in your ideal little world, point it out to us. You see, dipshit, it does not exist except in your puny little conservative mind. But, best of luck to you. The rest of us, by a huge majority, think you are a congenital idiot.

And thanks so much for your ideas. Not sure why you think they are of any value at all. But thanks anyway.

You were not clear, enough. Were you saying that you are against the Constitution?

Sure a liberal will be against the Consitution, but its so subversive and anti-American to say it, a liberal will lie. Its just like when Joe McCarthy asked them if they were communists. They took the 5th rather than lie outright. Or when Obama was asked what it meant that he voted to the left of Bernie Sanders. He lied and said, "that was just me resisting George Bush."

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