Honored Democrat Caught Vote Stealing in MI

The fraud was detected and fixed. Here's what you don't want readers to read:
“All valid votes in the election were ultimately counted accurate,”
Yet cons pretended that all these Mexicans go around altering vote outcomes without being caught and without Fox ever finding out.
The unsuccessful cheater was an American citizen, by the way.
Oh, your stupidity doesn't end there. This wasn't voter fraud. The official (not "voters") was the one unsuccessfully cheating.
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Yet cons pretended that all these Mexicans go around altering vote outcomes without being caught and without Fox ever finding out.

How long has it been since you watched Fox? Maybe you should put it back on your channel list bagain, cause Fox has gone full leftard Faux in the last few months. You'll like it.
The fraud was detected and fixed. Here's what you don't want readers to read:
“All valid votes in the election were ultimately counted accurate,”
Yet cons pretended that all these Mexicans go around altering vote outcomes without being caught and without Fox ever finding out.
The unsuccessful cheater was an American citizen, by the way.
Oh, your stupidity doesn't end there. This wasn't voter fraud. The official (not "voters") was the one unsuccessfully cheating.
30 million illegal Latinos voting in our election influencing our elections

I tried to follow the time line on this one. It didn't track. Supposedly, it happened in 2017 for the 2018 election. But it was caught before the election and those votes were counted. The guilty party was arrested, charged and allowed out on bail. Here it is, 2 years later and it's supposedly just now going to court. It was corrected in 2017 and all votes were then counted. These were found under the after election audit that Moscow Mitch won't allow the financial assistance for the states to go to the senate floor.

After Election Audits work and mistakes are found and corrected. This one had no affect since only 193 votes were affected. But in NC, it was in the thousands and they had to redo the election. Stop with the pointing of party fingers. After Election Audits work and sometimes it leads to arrests of people and even redo on elections. So there is still almost zero election fraud going on as long as we allow the states to do their jobs.
Voter fraud is the Democratic parties number one priority. Without voter fraud they couldn't possibly win any tossup district.
Helpful hint. Note the top of your story. Says it was posted 2 days ago. Anything that is two days old has likely been discussed already. Do a quick check. This one has.

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