Honoring Rabbi Killer Ovadia Yosef!


VIP Member
Sep 30, 2009
It seems that Jews like honoring killers and bearded crows.
Thousands attend Shas rally for anniversary of death of Rabbi Ovadia Yosef - Israel News - Jerusalem Post

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You mean Europe who persecuted jews for centuries or zionist states thay destroyed churches and mosques since decades.
You mean Europe who persecuted jews for centuries or zionist states thay destroyed churches and mosques since decades.

Mohammed Freeman really exemplifies the type of Muslim mentioned in a book written by a Muslim -- that the Muslims are in denial and will blame everything on others and never take the blame themselves for what they have done. As one can see, not only has Freeman's brethren destroyed churches but also mosques of Muslims of other sects. In fact, there was a site by a Hindu listing all the Hindu temples destroyed by the Muslims and mosques built on the land where the temples once stood. The following are some incidents that Mohammed Freeman should be aware of so that he can see what his brethren have done..

ISIS Destroys Shiite Mosques And Shrines In Iraq Dangerously Fracturing Country PHOTOS

Nigeria Boko Haram Torch 185 Churches in Captured Towns of Borno and Adamawa

BBC News - Pakistan Ahmadis bury Lahore mosque attacks victims

37 Churches Destroyed in Egypt Authorities Do Little or Nothing According to Human Rights Watch VIDEO

Hmm, wonder if the good Muslim Mohammed Freeman will be saying a prayer each Friday for the killer in Denmark.

You mean Europe who persecuted jews for centuries or zionist states thay destroyed churches and mosques since decades.

Now, freeman----You claimed that Ovadia Josef murdered people. ----you lied for the honor of the stinking rapist pig muhummad of mecca. Ovadia never murdered anyone-------whilst pig muhummad raped and murdered all his depraved life and his
disgusting followers then murdered 100s of millions ----AND COUNTING in shariah shit holes and in any land they entered and defiled with their creed and
in emulating the filth of the dog that they worship
You mean Europe who persecuted jews for centuries or zionist states thay destroyed churches and mosques since decades.

Mohammed Freeman really exemplifies the type of Muslim mentioned in a book written by a Muslim -- that the Muslims are in denial and will blame everything on others and never take the blame themselves for what they have done. As one can see, not only has Freeman's brethren destroyed churches but also mosques of Muslims of other sects. In fact, there was a site by a Hindu listing all the Hindu temples destroyed by the Muslims and mosques built on the land where the temples once stood. The following are some incidents that Mohammed Freeman should be aware of so that he can see what his brethren have done..

ISIS Destroys Shiite Mosques And Shrines In Iraq Dangerously Fracturing Country PHOTOS

Nigeria Boko Haram Torch 185 Churches in Captured Towns of Borno and Adamawa

BBC News - Pakistan Ahmadis bury Lahore mosque attacks victims

37 Churches Destroyed in Egypt Authorities Do Little or Nothing According to Human Rights Watch VIDEO

Hmm, wonder if the good Muslim Mohammed Freeman will be saying a prayer each Friday for the killer in Denmark.


There are synagogues UNDER mosques in just about every land invaded by the dogs of mecca------even in Pakistan-----a synagogue under a mosque----the mosque constructed of materials pillaged from the synagogue---in LAHORE----an
action of the moghul dogs
Well FREEMANNN...... ya gonna tell us who your imam claimed was killed
by Ovadia Josef???
You mean Europe who persecuted jews for centuries or zionist states thay destroyed churches and mosques since decades.

Mohammed Freeman really exemplifies the type of Muslim mentioned in a book written by a Muslim -- that the Muslims are in denial and will blame everything on others and never take the blame themselves for what they have done. As one can see, not only has Freeman's brethren destroyed churches but also mosques of Muslims of other sects. In fact, there was a site by a Hindu listing all the Hindu temples destroyed by the Muslims and mosques built on the land where the temples once stood. The following are some incidents that Mohammed Freeman should be aware of so that he can see what his brethren have done..

ISIS Destroys Shiite Mosques And Shrines In Iraq Dangerously Fracturing Country PHOTOS

Nigeria Boko Haram Torch 185 Churches in Captured Towns of Borno and Adamawa

BBC News - Pakistan Ahmadis bury Lahore mosque attacks victims

37 Churches Destroyed in Egypt Authorities Do Little or Nothing According to Human Rights Watch VIDEO

Hmm, wonder if the good Muslim Mohammed Freeman will be saying a prayer each Friday for the killer in Denmark.

The ISIS group is just a scarecrow of secret services, they are not officials or recognized while your rabbi killer is honored by a stamp in this stamp!

Postal Service issues commemorative stamp for Rabbi Ovadia Yosef - Israel News - Jerusalem Post
You mean Europe who persecuted jews for centuries or zionist states thay destroyed churches and mosques since decades.

Mohammed Freeman really exemplifies the type of Muslim mentioned in a book written by a Muslim -- that the Muslims are in denial and will blame everything on others and never take the blame themselves for what they have done. As one can see, not only has Freeman's brethren destroyed churches but also mosques of Muslims of other sects. In fact, there was a site by a Hindu listing all the Hindu temples destroyed by the Muslims and mosques built on the land where the temples once stood. The following are some incidents that Mohammed Freeman should be aware of so that he can see what his brethren have done..

ISIS Destroys Shiite Mosques And Shrines In Iraq Dangerously Fracturing Country PHOTOS

Nigeria Boko Haram Torch 185 Churches in Captured Towns of Borno and Adamawa

BBC News - Pakistan Ahmadis bury Lahore mosque attacks victims

37 Churches Destroyed in Egypt Authorities Do Little or Nothing According to Human Rights Watch VIDEO

Hmm, wonder if the good Muslim Mohammed Freeman will be saying a prayer each Friday for the killer in Denmark.

The ISIS group is just a scarecrow of secret services, they are not officials or recognized while your rabbi killer is honored by a stamp in this stamp!

a postage stamp bothers you?-------BTW---whom did Ovadia Josef kill.? Pig muhummad both murdered and raped and a billion slobs repeat his cursed name in
PRAYER-----five times per day------a postage stamp bothers you? RUDOLF
THE RED NOSED REINDEER is on a postage stamp, too.

Postal Service issues commemorative stamp for Rabbi Ovadia Yosef - Israel News - Jerusalem Post
You mean Europe who persecuted jews for centuries or zionist states thay destroyed churches and mosques since decades.

Mohammed Freeman really exemplifies the type of Muslim mentioned in a book written by a Muslim -- that the Muslims are in denial and will blame everything on others and never take the blame themselves for what they have done. As one can see, not only has Freeman's brethren destroyed churches but also mosques of Muslims of other sects. In fact, there was a site by a Hindu listing all the Hindu temples destroyed by the Muslims and mosques built on the land where the temples once stood. The following are some incidents that Mohammed Freeman should be aware of so that he can see what his brethren have done..

ISIS Destroys Shiite Mosques And Shrines In Iraq Dangerously Fracturing Country PHOTOS

Nigeria Boko Haram Torch 185 Churches in Captured Towns of Borno and Adamawa

BBC News - Pakistan Ahmadis bury Lahore mosque attacks victims

37 Churches Destroyed in Egypt Authorities Do Little or Nothing According to Human Rights Watch VIDEO

Hmm, wonder if the good Muslim Mohammed Freeman will be saying a prayer each Friday for the killer in Denmark.

The ISIS group is just a scarecrow of secret services, they are not officials or recognized while your rabbi killer is honored by a stamp in this stamp!

Postal Service issues commemorative stamp for Rabbi Ovadia Yosef - Israel News - Jerusalem Post

Does it really disturb you, Mohammed Freeman, for an old rabbi to have a stamp in his honor, a rabbi who never murdered anyone and who knew first hand how your brethren treated the Jews living in Muslim countries since he himself originated from one of them.

However, Mohammed Freeman, when someone tries to help a Christian woman who is rotting away in a Pakistani prison for allegedly committing blasphemy, his own bodyguard kills him because of this. If you read about this, you probably enjoyed reading that the people threw flower petals on the bodyguard when he exited the courthouse. Say, why don't you tell us what you think of the blasphemy law? It seems to me that this is a good way to get rid of someone you don't like, such as a neighbor.

Pakistan mosque built to honour politician s killer to double in size World news The Guardian

Perhaps Mohammed Freeman can tell us if the Ayatollah Khomeini has a stamp in his honor. For all we know Mohammed Freeman might have a huge poster of the Ayatollah Khomeini hung on one of his walls, an Ayatollah who caused an awful lot of deaths and who is responsible for so many Iranians being desperate enough to leave their country.
You mean Europe who persecuted jews for centuries or zionist states thay destroyed churches and mosques since decades.

Mohammed Freeman really exemplifies the type of Muslim mentioned in a book written by a Muslim -- that the Muslims are in denial and will blame everything on others and never take the blame themselves for what they have done. As one can see, not only has Freeman's brethren destroyed churches but also mosques of Muslims of other sects. In fact, there was a site by a Hindu listing all the Hindu temples destroyed by the Muslims and mosques built on the land where the temples once stood. The following are some incidents that Mohammed Freeman should be aware of so that he can see what his brethren have done..

ISIS Destroys Shiite Mosques And Shrines In Iraq Dangerously Fracturing Country PHOTOS

Nigeria Boko Haram Torch 185 Churches in Captured Towns of Borno and Adamawa

BBC News - Pakistan Ahmadis bury Lahore mosque attacks victims

37 Churches Destroyed in Egypt Authorities Do Little or Nothing According to Human Rights Watch VIDEO

Hmm, wonder if the good Muslim Mohammed Freeman will be saying a prayer each Friday for the killer in Denmark.


There are synagogues UNDER mosques in just about every land invaded by the dogs of mecca------even in Pakistan-----a synagogue under a mosque----the mosque constructed of materials pillaged from the synagogue---in LAHORE----an
action of the moghul dogs

The following article was written by a Pakistani Muslim journalist about a synagogue in Karachi.

The Jews built Karachi but we built shopping plazas on their synagogue The Express Tribune
You mean Europe who persecuted jews for centuries or zionist states thay destroyed churches and mosques since decades.

Mohammed Freeman really exemplifies the type of Muslim mentioned in a book written by a Muslim -- that the Muslims are in denial and will blame everything on others and never take the blame themselves for what they have done. As one can see, not only has Freeman's brethren destroyed churches but also mosques of Muslims of other sects. In fact, there was a site by a Hindu listing all the Hindu temples destroyed by the Muslims and mosques built on the land where the temples once stood. The following are some incidents that Mohammed Freeman should be aware of so that he can see what his brethren have done..

ISIS Destroys Shiite Mosques And Shrines In Iraq Dangerously Fracturing Country PHOTOS

Nigeria Boko Haram Torch 185 Churches in Captured Towns of Borno and Adamawa

BBC News - Pakistan Ahmadis bury Lahore mosque attacks victims

37 Churches Destroyed in Egypt Authorities Do Little or Nothing According to Human Rights Watch VIDEO

Hmm, wonder if the good Muslim Mohammed Freeman will be saying a prayer each Friday for the killer in Denmark.


There are synagogues UNDER mosques in just about every land invaded by the dogs of mecca------even in Pakistan-----a synagogue under a mosque----the mosque constructed of materials pillaged from the synagogue---in LAHORE----an
action of the moghul dogs

The following article was written by a Pakistani Muslim journalist about a synagogue in Karachi.

The Jews built Karachi but we built shopping plazas on their synagogue The Express Tribune

Why your rabbi is calling for a genocide in the region?

The Worst Things Rabbi Ovadia Yosef Ever Said - FailedMessiah.com

You mean Europe who persecuted jews for centuries or zionist states thay destroyed churches and mosques since decades.

Mohammed Freeman really exemplifies the type of Muslim mentioned in a book written by a Muslim -- that the Muslims are in denial and will blame everything on others and never take the blame themselves for what they have done. As one can see, not only has Freeman's brethren destroyed churches but also mosques of Muslims of other sects. In fact, there was a site by a Hindu listing all the Hindu temples destroyed by the Muslims and mosques built on the land where the temples once stood. The following are some incidents that Mohammed Freeman should be aware of so that he can see what his brethren have done..

ISIS Destroys Shiite Mosques And Shrines In Iraq Dangerously Fracturing Country PHOTOS

Nigeria Boko Haram Torch 185 Churches in Captured Towns of Borno and Adamawa

BBC News - Pakistan Ahmadis bury Lahore mosque attacks victims

37 Churches Destroyed in Egypt Authorities Do Little or Nothing According to Human Rights Watch VIDEO

Hmm, wonder if the good Muslim Mohammed Freeman will be saying a prayer each Friday for the killer in Denmark.


There are synagogues UNDER mosques in just about every land invaded by the dogs of mecca------even in Pakistan-----a synagogue under a mosque----the mosque constructed of materials pillaged from the synagogue---in LAHORE----an
action of the moghul dogs

The following article was written by a Pakistani Muslim journalist about a synagogue in Karachi.

The Jews built Karachi but we built shopping plazas on their synagogue The Express Tribune

Why your rabbi is calling for a genocide in the region?

The Worst Things Rabbi Ovadia Yosef Ever Said - FailedMessiah.com


Fellow posters------ Freeman lied again in honor of the pile of shit in the sky that he worships.- Ovadia Josef said some strange things but he never called for the
annihilation of arabs. For the record---his off the cuff comments that are considered THE WORST--- (assuming the report is accurate) are listed in the citation that freeman, the disgusting lying pig-----cites. For some background----
Ovadia Josef was about 90 years old when he made the comments ----and he is a survivor of the episode,, which is the focus of freeman's masturbatory fantasies,
namely pogroms in Baghdad----during which time the jewish community (2500 years old) in Baghdad was attacked and Freeman's like minded colleagues
dragged jews from their homes and slit their throats for the glory of the pile of shit in the sky that freeman worships. It is not uncommon for the very elderly to
recall and focus upon some of their most horrible experiences ----like the shit the excites Freeman ---the his PRIDE
Why you are defending this criminal bearded crow? Is he your guru in the region?
Why you are defending this criminal bearded crow? Is he your guru in the region?

why do you murder and rape, you disgusting dog----for the glory of lump of shit
allah.?? Ovadis Josef was not a criminal----he never killed anyone----..Muhummad---the vile dog of mecca, both murdered and raped----he was also a stinking thief and those who worship that dog----emulate his filth Even the meccaist sluts who worship him get their orgiastic thrills by murdering and mutilatiing children. In fact, in his youth---Ovaida Josef witnessed the filth and stink of your disgusting co-religionists in Baghdad-------at age 90---he began to
express his anger. I have witnessed this kind of phenomenon many times
in elderly people------
You mean Europe who persecuted jews for centuries or zionist states thay destroyed churches and mosques since decades.

Mohammed Freeman really exemplifies the type of Muslim mentioned in a book written by a Muslim -- that the Muslims are in denial and will blame everything on others and never take the blame themselves for what they have done. As one can see, not only has Freeman's brethren destroyed churches but also mosques of Muslims of other sects. In fact, there was a site by a Hindu listing all the Hindu temples destroyed by the Muslims and mosques built on the land where the temples once stood. The following are some incidents that Mohammed Freeman should be aware of so that he can see what his brethren have done..

ISIS Destroys Shiite Mosques And Shrines In Iraq Dangerously Fracturing Country PHOTOS

Nigeria Boko Haram Torch 185 Churches in Captured Towns of Borno and Adamawa

BBC News - Pakistan Ahmadis bury Lahore mosque attacks victims

37 Churches Destroyed in Egypt Authorities Do Little or Nothing According to Human Rights Watch VIDEO

Hmm, wonder if the good Muslim Mohammed Freeman will be saying a prayer each Friday for the killer in Denmark.


There are synagogues UNDER mosques in just about every land invaded by the dogs of mecca------even in Pakistan-----a synagogue under a mosque----the mosque constructed of materials pillaged from the synagogue---in LAHORE----an
action of the moghul dogs

The following article was written by a Pakistani Muslim journalist about a synagogue in Karachi.

The Jews built Karachi but we built shopping plazas on their synagogue The Express Tribune

Why your rabbi is calling for a genocide in the region?

The Worst Things Rabbi Ovadia Yosef Ever Said - FailedMessiah.com


You going to worry about what some old man said, Mohammed Freeman, when there are so many younger Muslim clergy who are saying the Infidels should be slaughered if they do not convert to Islam?

Mohammed Freeman is certainly letting us know that he as a Muslim hates the Jews as much as many other Muslims do. Do you look behind a tree to see if a Jew is hiding there, Mohammed, so that you can point to one of your brethren to kill him as it is directed in one of your holy writings. Meanwhile, in the world of today and even in the world of yesterday, Mohammed Freeman's brethren were having a good time killing innocent people.

In Memory Of The 50 Million Victims Of The Orthodox Christian Holocaust

In Memory Of The 50 Million Victims Of The Orthodox Christian Holocaust

Egypt: Another Christian man murdered in cold blood “only because he was a Copt”

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It's a shame that Mohammed Freeman doesn't attend the mosque of this Brooklyn Imam instead of the mosque he goes to where for all we know it is KILL, SLAUGHTER, just like this Imam in Brooklyn is mentioning. Mohammed Freeman is the type of Muslim that the West doesn't need and should have been told to stay in the Muslim country in which he was born. Let some Muslim who has tolerance for all the different religions take his place, and he can return to where he came from with the rest of the tolerant Muslims in his adopted country telling him "Good Riddance."

Brooklyn Imam Tareq Yousef Al-Masri on Paris Terror Attacks We Muslims Must Admit That We Are Time Bombs and We Hate Christians

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