'Hook Ups' Among College Students


Senior Member
Nov 14, 2012
A topic introduced by Limbaugh today--some article about life on PA university campus.

He tried--femnazi college women 'using' men.

It didn't have much punch.

A father is outraged--things like that.

That has been going on a while I suppose I should have some concern but I don't.

Having to scrape up a news item each day to provoke response--must be tough.

CNN has chosen heroin--due to the death of the young Glee star. By all means--if anyone doesn't know the dangers of heroin, this is a timely message.

There are now so many topics that are of no interest to me.

Just go right ahead and do whatever it is--if you cannot anticipate any consequences--school of hard knocks.
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I would think that drunk college guys would line up for those women to take advantage of them. Saves them the trouble of finding a willing girl.
I would think that drunk college guys would line up for those women to take advantage of them. Saves them the trouble of finding a willing girl.

oh but--This is an Ivy League school in the NE---the women have been liberally programmed.

Don't ask me--'a million years ago' when I was in college--there were 'hook ups'--sometimes. College aged daughters of my friends--more prone toward 'hook ups'. Some found deep meaningful relationships, got married, got divorced.

I don't see the excitement over this.

If there were any way to ever turn on the TV and not hear intimate details of anyone/everyone's life I would be excited.

lol--Feminism has ruined life as we know it. It has been so long since I heard a remark like that. Nostalgic for the mid 90's--a hot topic.
hook ups are bad cause they don't reinforce the value of commitment and a loving relationship.

I mean, we all did it. But its still unhelpful for ones development.
This country is depraved. I remember when I was sixteen that holding hands and having a girl fall asleep in my arms was much more rewarding than having intercourse.
This country is depraved. I remember when I was sixteen that holding hands and having a girl fall asleep in my arms was much more rewarding than having intercourse.

That shows you the quality of the sexual intercourse your were having. Nothing is more rewarding than falling asleep in the arms of the man you love after the two of you have engaged in the best sex of your life!

That one just never gets old!
This country is depraved. I remember when I was sixteen that holding hands and having a girl fall asleep in my arms was much more rewarding than having intercourse.

That shows you the quality of the sexual intercourse your were having. Nothing is more rewarding than falling asleep in the arms of the man you love after the two of you have engaged in the best sex of your life!

That one just never gets old!

Go to hell slut.
sex with a stranger can be awesome!!!

but sex with a loved one is best.

....but I still will always remember those hot nights at college with girls I just met that day.

When I went to Roosevelt University I took physics, Differential Linear Equations, Analog and Digital Electronics, and so on. For an "elective", I took AutoCad and 3d and Customizing AutoCad. (These days I work exclusively with Inventor Professional which includes Finite Element Analysis. Trying to get the boss to give a class in Computation Fluid Dynamics.).

While I went to school, I studied every single night to at least 11. And all day Saturday and Sunday. With classes like that, you can't make it any other way.

So how do these kids today party all the time? What could they possibly be taking?

I got the GI Bill for serving from 75 to 79, a grant for Americans of Italian Ancestry and I stilled owed $56,000.00 by the time I finished. And I was paying while I was going. And I still payed it off years ago.

So what are they studying.

Let me tell you, after such an experience and the difficulty of the work, it's clear most right wingers know nothing about college. I believe it was the stress and the hard work that led to me coming down with pneumonia twice. I even had to be hospitalized. Thank God for insurance.
Some of the best sex I had was in college.

My third day of freshman year, this strawberry blond gave me my first BJ.

it was amazing!!
Save us the details you knave. We're unconcerned with your degenerate use of women as a 3 minute instrument of your pleasure.
Are you going to cry or some more or do want it to just go away?

In any event, I'm not trolling, rather I'm trying to help you. You look like you could use a lot of help son.

Do you need help? I believe you do.

Your choice kid just let me know.
Are you going to cry or some more or do want it to just go away?

In any event, I'm not trolling, rather I'm trying to help you. You look like you could use a lot of help son.

Do you need help? I believe you do.

Your choice kid just let me know.

You should stop trolling me.

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