'Hook Ups' Among College Students

This country is depraved. I remember when I was sixteen that holding hands and having a girl fall asleep in my arms was much more rewarding than having intercourse.

That shows you the quality of the sexual intercourse your were having. Nothing is more rewarding than falling asleep in the arms of the man you love after the two of you have engaged in the best sex of your life!

That one just never gets old!

Go to hell slut.

What a response. I am a respectable married woman, a grandmother, and an elder in my church. And I stand by my post you rude twit.
That shows you the quality of the sexual intercourse your were having. Nothing is more rewarding than falling asleep in the arms of the man you love after the two of you have engaged in the best sex of your life!

That one just never gets old!

Go to hell slut.

What a response. I am a respectable married woman, a grandmother, and an elder in my church. And I stand by my post you rude twit.

Well, you should start acting like a respectable person instead putting down people like myself who respected the Church and it's teachings. My statements had nothing to do whatsoever, with fornication. But it was you, church lady, who had to bring it into the discussion. What the hell was I supposed to take you for, Mother Teresa? Are you stupid? Do you not understand English? Women should be so honored that some men don't view them as cattle. Oh for heavens sake, I can't win with some idiots.
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Well, you should start acting like a respectable person instead putting down people like myself who respected the Church and it's teachings. My statements had nothing to do whatsoever, with fornication.

Nor did mine, but that is the view you took.

Sex is not evil, but that seems to be your view.
Well, you should start acting like a respectable person instead putting down people like myself who respected the Church and it's teachings. My statements had nothing to do whatsoever, with fornication.

Nor did mine, but that is the view you took.

Sex is not evil, but that seems to be your view.

Sex is natural and good.

Its used both to create children and to bond with a mate.
Some of the best sex I had was in college.

My third day of freshman year, this strawberry blond gave me my first BJ.

it was amazing!!

what stunned Rush Limbaugh --cough

'Ivy League', Liberal school, feminism and all manner of Liberal ideas are rampant there, same campus where a religion professor said --'God is a white supremacist', and women are now using/abusing men rather than men degrading women'

he clearly had to really search for a topic --the article he referenced ?NY Times-=quoted a student as saying 'I'm too busy and those I am interested in are also too busy for meaningful relationships'---that could happen.

Just not something to cause me to lose my mind.

eta: NY Times article
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When I went to Roosevelt University I took physics, Differential Linear Equations, Analog and Digital Electronics, and so on. For an "elective", I took AutoCad and 3d and Customizing AutoCad. (These days I work exclusively with Inventor Professional which includes Finite Element Analysis. Trying to get the boss to give a class in Computation Fluid Dynamics.).

While I went to school, I studied every single night to at least 11. And all day Saturday and Sunday. With classes like that, you can't make it any other way.

So how do these kids today party all the time? What could they possibly be taking?

I got the GI Bill for serving from 75 to 79, a grant for Americans of Italian Ancestry and I stilled owed $56,000.00 by the time I finished. And I was paying while I was going. And I still payed it off years ago.

So what are they studying.

Let me tell you, after such an experience and the difficulty of the work, it's clear most right wingers know nothing about college. I believe it was the stress and the hard work that led to me coming down with pneumonia twice. I even had to be hospitalized. Thank God for insurance.
Now the colleges offer degrees in things like Transgendered studies, Feminist studies, Black History, Ancient Pottery Techniques, LGTBQ studies, etc.

Not too challenging and doesn't cramp the students party and hook up time. .. :cool:
A college professor friend of mine in the midwest says that her school doesn't want any students to fail and drop out. They need the tuition money. So if a student is not doing well in class, it is up to the professor to ensure they achieve a passing grade. Failing a student is now a no-no.
When I went to Roosevelt University I took physics, Differential Linear Equations, Analog and Digital Electronics, and so on. For an "elective", I took AutoCad and 3d and Customizing AutoCad. (These days I work exclusively with Inventor Professional which includes Finite Element Analysis. Trying to get the boss to give a class in Computation Fluid Dynamics.).

While I went to school, I studied every single night to at least 11. And all day Saturday and Sunday. With classes like that, you can't make it any other way.

So how do these kids today party all the time? What could they possibly be taking?

I got the GI Bill for serving from 75 to 79, a grant for Americans of Italian Ancestry and I stilled owed $56,000.00 by the time I finished. And I was paying while I was going. And I still payed it off years ago.

So what are they studying.

Let me tell you, after such an experience and the difficulty of the work, it's clear most right wingers know nothing about college. I believe it was the stress and the hard work that led to me coming down with pneumonia twice. I even had to be hospitalized. Thank God for insurance.
Now the colleges offer degrees in things like Transgendered studies, Feminist studies, Black History, Ancient Pottery Techniques, LGTBQ studies, etc.

Not too challenging and doesn't cramp the students party and hook up time. .. :cool:

surely some of the students find time for academics. --
Partying is a part of college life--for some. Just not that upsetting to me.
If I were a parent footing the bills I would feel differently, I'm certain.

<For A., college is an endless series of competitions: to get into student clubs, some of which demand multiple rounds of interviews; to be selected for special research projects and the choicest internships; and, in the end, to land the most elite job offers.

As A. explained her schedule, &#8220;If I&#8217;m sober, I&#8217;m working.&#8221;

In such an overburdened college life, she said, it was rare for her and her friends to find a relationship worth investing time in, and many people avoided commitment because they assumed that someone better would always come along. >
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A topic introduced by Limbaugh today--some article about life on PA university campus.

He tried--femnazi college women 'using' men.

It didn't have much punch.

A father is outraged--things like that.

That has been going on a while I suppose I should have some concern but I don't.

Having to scrape up a news item each day to provoke response--must be tough.

CNN has chosen heroin--due to the death of the young Glee star. By all means--if anyone doesn't know the dangers of heroin, this is a timely message.

There are now so many topics that are of no interest to me.

Just go right ahead and do whatever it is--if you cannot anticipate any consequences--school of hard knocks.

College kids getting laid.....

Never thought I would see the day
A topic introduced by Limbaugh today--some article about life on PA university campus.

He tried--femnazi college women 'using' men.

It didn't have much punch.

A father is outraged--things like that.

That has been going on a while I suppose I should have some concern but I don't.

Having to scrape up a news item each day to provoke response--must be tough.

CNN has chosen heroin--due to the death of the young Glee star. By all means--if anyone doesn't know the dangers of heroin, this is a timely message.

There are now so many topics that are of no interest to me.

Just go right ahead and do whatever it is--if you cannot anticipate any consequences--school of hard knocks.

I hooked up with a collage girl in the 90's. 3 hours of booze fueled sex. It was awesome. I thought hooking up is what collage folks did.
When I went to Roosevelt University I took physics, Differential Linear Equations, Analog and Digital Electronics, and so on. For an "elective", I took AutoCad and 3d and Customizing AutoCad. (These days I work exclusively with Inventor Professional which includes Finite Element Analysis. Trying to get the boss to give a class in Computation Fluid Dynamics.).

While I went to school, I studied every single night to at least 11. And all day Saturday and Sunday. With classes like that, you can't make it any other way.

So how do these kids today party all the time? What could they possibly be taking?

I got the GI Bill for serving from 75 to 79, a grant for Americans of Italian Ancestry and I stilled owed $56,000.00 by the time I finished. And I was paying while I was going. And I still payed it off years ago.

So what are they studying.

Let me tell you, after such an experience and the difficulty of the work, it's clear most right wingers know nothing about college. I believe it was the stress and the hard work that led to me coming down with pneumonia twice. I even had to be hospitalized. Thank God for insurance.
Now the colleges offer degrees in things like Transgendered studies, Feminist studies, Black History, Ancient Pottery Techniques, LGTBQ studies, etc.

Not too challenging and doesn't cramp the students party and hook up time. .. :cool:

So I go and try to find a degree in Transgendered studies and I could find a 'certificate" or a psychology degree with a minor in sexuality. And why do we need these things? Think about Alan Turing. A man so brilliant that in his thirties, he was correcting Albert Einstein's equations. He broke unbreakable codes during WWII but when it was discovered he was gay, he was arrested, thrown in a mental hospital, tortured with shock therapy and chemicals and he finally committed suicide. He was all of what? 42 I think. And he is most well known as the "father of modern computer language". Most men like him have their great achievements in their 60's and 70's. What did the world lose?
Seems like most of the time, the tragedy of being gay is because of what scared straights do to them. Only now straights are learning not to fear gays and with social change, it's institutions of learning that lead the way.

White I agree that spending a fortune to get a degree in a field that is already "overbooked", is a mistake, to mock institutions of higher learning is, well, stupid. They are centers of learning. They study everything. It's what they do.
Well, you should start acting like a respectable person instead putting down people like myself who respected the Church and it's teachings. My statements had nothing to do whatsoever, with fornication.

Nor did mine, but that is the view you took.

Sex is not evil, but that seems to be your view.

I never said it was evil but your statements came across slutty. To my embarrassment, I took them the wrong way but on the surface they seemed like the ravings of a 19 year old college girl in heat although I think it's odd that any church "elder" would talk down to me about holding some you care for in your arms in a loving embrace without sex being a part of the hook up. I suppose people in CANaDUH are different.
This country is depraved. I remember when I was sixteen that holding hands and having a girl fall asleep in my arms was much more rewarding than having intercourse.

That shows you the quality of the sexual intercourse your were having. Nothing is more rewarding than falling asleep in the arms of the man you love after the two of you have engaged in the best sex of your life!

That one just never gets old!

one step at a time.

still the chills of pre-intercourse time in teenage love are much more potent and remembered.

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