HOORAY!!! Wicked Witch is Out

Miss Nasty is out of the race. Thank god, I couldn't take looking at that nasty bitch's face another minute.


(I wonder how long it will take for her to pay her campaign staff this time? Hopefully not 5 years, like her senate campaign).

Carly Fiorina might not have done well in New Hampshire had the RNC demanded that she was in the last ABC debate. The primary responsibility of the RNC is to insure that all candidates are treated equally and fairly. Carly Fiorina beat John Kasich & Chris Christie with real votes in Iowa, and she was well ahead of Ben Carson in New Hampshire. They were on the debate stage, she was excluded.

Polling data in New Hampshire--came in that debate showed that the overwhelming majority in New Hampshire changed their minds after watching this debate.

Republicans have serious issues with women already--as they were the reason Barack Obama got a 2nd term. This action only confirms to women, the majority voting block in this country, that the Republican Party will not allow women to participate, much less win. REPUBLICAN GENDER BIAS IN FULL VIEW.

The GOP's woman problem goes beyond Trump
Gender Gap in 2012 Vote Is Largest in Gallup's History
Why Romney Lost And Republicans Keep Losing

Carly Fiorina was winning in every single Republican women's straw poll across this country.

So what does it say about a party that does not respect it's women base enough (who are the real workers of this party) to NOT demand that she was on that ABC debate stage, & in a place that she rightfully won.

She had donors and supporters out their walking the streets and knocking on doors, how do you think they feel?

So since the Republican Party didn't lift a finger to get Carly Fiorina on that ABC debate stage, Fiorina supporters--mainly Republican women who are the workers of this party have decided to lift their finger to the Republican party. Many have already changed party status and will be voting for Hillary Clinton.


You reap what you sew
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Miss Nasty is out of the race. Thank god, I couldn't take looking at that nasty bitch's face another minute.


(I wonder how long it will take for her to pay her campaign staff this time? Hopefully not 5 years, like her senate campaign).


Hillary dropped out after getting Schlonged in NH???????
Miss Nasty is out of the race. Thank god, I couldn't take looking at that nasty bitch's face another minute.


(I wonder how long it will take for her to pay her campaign staff this time? Hopefully not 5 years, like her senate campaign).
Would you mind posting a picture of yourself so I can decide if I like you or not?

Also, your weight or pants size.

Also, if you want to play stupid and pretend all these videos of planned parenthood are fake and they do nothing despicable in those chambers or horror, that is your choice. But it is those like you who are causing an alarming moral decline in this nation. IMO.
Ruh-roh. The righties have lost their woman. How can they attack Hillary now without looking sexist?

Answer? They can't.

Sure, normal people could attack Hillary without looking sexist. Just look at Sanders.

However, the Hillary-haters are a seriously vile bunch of creeps, and are incapable of attacking Hillary without sexism.

LOL, he's being called sexist by the Hillary nutters, and ironically so are Female Bernie supporters (actually they are being called Gender-traitors).

When your side has no real counter arguments, they run right to the "ists, isms, and obias".
BTW how sad is it to be afraid of someone who barely registered on the polls?
Miss Nasty is out of the race. Thank god, I couldn't take looking at that nasty bitch's face another minute.


(I wonder how long it will take for her to pay her campaign staff this time? Hopefully not 5 years, like her senate campaign).

It was not a fake PP video.

No, The Planned Parenthood Videos Have Not Been ‘Deceptively Edited’

Media Censors Analysis On Planned Parenthood Videos

PP has flat-out lied about the content and editing of those videos. But, what would you expect from people who make money by killing babies?
I seriously thought you were trashing Hillary for losing..
What a disappointment..

Sorry, but at least Hillary pays her campaign staff. Carly Fiorina waited 5 years to pay hers after she lost her senate race in California.

If Fiorina had millions in Wall St donations and "speaking" fees, she'd have paid her campaign staff too.

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"If Fiorina had millions in Wall St donations and "speaking" fees, she'd have paid her campaign staff too."

I thought the fiscally responsible thing to do was to never spend more money than you can afford.
Carly Fiorina had nothing on Rubio as far as memorizing a 25 second speech to be used time and time again.
Thankfully she left HP before she bankrupted them too.
Actually it seems that Hilda lost the Iowa caucus but the DNC pretended that she won. Since nobody cared in the media or otherwise monitored the DNC's cheating they made it seem as if Hilda won all the coin flips and the delegates.

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