Hope you Trumpers are vegetarians.....

This is what it looks like when you have someone in the Oval Office who wasted a month (February), defunded the NIH and CDC and has fought off any kind of crazy idea like mandatory testing.

Like mandatory testing for the plants where our food is processed.

The big meat processors have only just started testing their workers...YES, like this month....and now having to close plants.

Hope you fuckers like beans. You'd think your STABLE GENIUS would think to protect our national food supply.


Pork producers could euthanize hogs to offset financial losses from coronavirus
By Fox News
April 21, 2020

LOL....We've told you morons over and over that we dont need to get our meat from the grocery store.
You claimed fly over country had better bow down to your will or you'd punish us somehow.
It seems you may be in for a real life lesson for your arrogance.
Have fun eating asphalt while I dine on fresh fish,squirrel,rabbit,hog,deer,duck and a host of other delicacies Mother Nature provides me.
The chinese eat dogs cats and bats
This is what it looks like when you have someone in the Oval Office who wasted a month (February), defunded the NIH and CDC and has fought off any kind of crazy idea like mandatory testing.

Like mandatory testing for the plants where our food is processed.

The big meat processors have only just started testing their workers...YES, like this month....and now having to close plants.

Hope you fuckers like beans. You'd think your STABLE GENIUS would think to protect our national food supply.


Pork producers could euthanize hogs to offset financial losses from coronavirus
By Fox News
April 21, 2020

LOL....We've told you morons over and over that we dont need to get our meat from the grocery store.
You claimed fly over country had better bow down to your will or you'd punish us somehow.
It seems you may be in for a real life lesson for your arrogance.
Have fun eating asphalt while I dine on fresh fish,squirrel,rabbit,hog,deer,duck and a host of other delicacies Mother Nature provides me.
The chinese eat dogs cats and bats

And it looks like dems will follow suite.
View attachment 326656

As you progressives so often point out the Trump supporters are in those red rural areas. I'm just planning on buying a couple three hogs since they aren't going to the closed down packing plant dirt cheap. That there is called supply and demand a capitalistic term most progressives don't understand. Then I can listen to all the blue state people whine about the cost of their pork chops and bacon as prices skyrocket.



In Texas country folk dont even have to buy hogs

they run wild all over the countryside

So much for the pig bomb problem.
This is what it looks like when you have someone in the Oval Office who wasted a month (February), defunded the NIH and CDC and has fought off any kind of crazy idea like mandatory testing.

Like mandatory testing for the plants where our food is processed.

The big meat processors have only just started testing their workers...YES, like this month....and now having to close plants.

Hope you fuckers like beans. You'd think your STABLE GENIUS would think to protect our national food supply.


Pork producers could euthanize hogs to offset financial losses from coronavirus
By Fox News
April 21, 2020

It's what happens when people are free to do as they please because we don't need any stupid lockdown stay at home orders. When private companies can be free to not do the right thing to provide proper PPE and testing at their companies, the virus spreads and the whole plant has to be shut down.

So now, pork plants are shutting down. I think four in total have been shut down now. I wonder what will happen to beef and poultry plants.

This is just another benefit I get from not eating meat. On top of all the health benefits.

My mom was from Texas so I grew up with half a cow in the freezer along with pork and some poultry.

I have never in my life liked the smell or taste of meat. When I moved out of my parents house, I was able to stop eating it.

Sorry all you meat eaters. Those who put money ahead of public health screwed up your sources of cheap meat. Now you won't have the meat and the owners of the processing plants won't have the money.

Looks to me like a very good example of stay at home orders were the right thing to do but I don't expect any of the extremely stupid trump people to see that.
We will all be Euell Gibbons it like you driving the costs of anything including meats up a lot higher. You should be more concerned about the United States being enveloped into the global government. That means we get less. Understand! Some people might have to die.

Eat what you want. That's one of the problems with you people. You have a weird need to attack what isn't like you.

It's sick.

If you want to eat meat go for it. I'm not here condemning you for doing so. I don't give a rat's ass what you put in your mouth. It's your body. Not mine. You do what you want with your body. You are just going to have to pay a lot more money to do it now. That's on top of all the damage it's doing to your health.

There is a reason why people who don't eat meat live longer and healthier lives than those who do eat meat.

So go ahead, pay over 5 dollars for a pound of pork. Pay close to 20 dollars a pound for beef. I don't care. It's your money, you worked hard to earn it, you have all the right in the world to spend it any way you want.

I just wish people like you had the same respect for people like me.
What you eat is your business. But pushing glee because meat is going to go up in price is not a good thing. Everything is attached to everything. People will eat more of what you do if it is vegetable based. That will cause supply and demand rules to kick in on top of any issues virus related. One thing. Dairy Supports have massive excesses of milk, butter and cheese products. An article said that pizzas you purchase from chain stores will have a couple more ounces of mozzarella on it. For what its worth.

I couldn't get past the lie in the second sentence.

I'm not happy with what is happening in the meat processing plants.

Just pointed out that this is another benefit I get from not eating meat.

I'm not like you. I don't take joy in other people's misfortune or suffering. There are hundreds of people who are sick now who worked in those plants. Some will die. That's nothing to be happy about.

I could care less what you eat. You're just going to have to pay a lot more money to do so. For example. I just looked at the weekly ad for Safeway in my area. In the meat section they have 12 oz, not even a pound, of Farmland Bacon on sale for 4.99 a package. I don't ever recall seeing bacon selling at that high price. I used to buy it for my ex. It used to be around 2 dollars a pound. Even less on sale.

Screen Shot 2020-04-22 at 1.46.29 PM.png
This is what it looks like when you have someone in the Oval Office who wasted a month (February), defunded the NIH and CDC and has fought off any kind of crazy idea like mandatory testing.

Like mandatory testing for the plants where our food is processed.

The big meat processors have only just started testing their workers...YES, like this month....and now having to close plants.

Hope you fuckers like beans. You'd think your STABLE GENIUS would think to protect our national food supply.


Pork producers could euthanize hogs to offset financial losses from coronavirus
By Fox News
April 21, 2020

It's what happens when people are free to do as they please because we don't need any stupid lockdown stay at home orders. When private companies can be free to not do the right thing to provide proper PPE and testing at their companies, the virus spreads and the whole plant has to be shut down.

So now, pork plants are shutting down. I think four in total have been shut down now. I wonder what will happen to beef and poultry plants.

This is just another benefit I get from not eating meat. On top of all the health benefits.

My mom was from Texas so I grew up with half a cow in the freezer along with pork and some poultry.

I have never in my life liked the smell or taste of meat. When I moved out of my parents house, I was able to stop eating it.

Sorry all you meat eaters. Those who put money ahead of public health screwed up your sources of cheap meat. Now you won't have the meat and the owners of the processing plants won't have the money.

Looks to me like a very good example of stay at home orders were the right thing to do but I don't expect any of the extremely stupid trump people to see that.
We will all be Euell Gibbons it like you driving the costs of anything including meats up a lot higher. You should be more concerned about the United States being enveloped into the global government. That means we get less. Understand! Some people might have to die.

Eat what you want. That's one of the problems with you people. You have a weird need to attack what isn't like you.

It's sick.

If you want to eat meat go for it. I'm not here condemning you for doing so. I don't give a rat's ass what you put in your mouth. It's your body. Not mine. You do what you want with your body. You are just going to have to pay a lot more money to do it now. That's on top of all the damage it's doing to your health.

There is a reason why people who don't eat meat live longer and healthier lives than those who do eat meat.

So go ahead, pay over 5 dollars for a pound of pork. Pay close to 20 dollars a pound for beef. I don't care. It's your money, you worked hard to earn it, you have all the right in the world to spend it any way you want.

I just wish people like you had the same respect for people like me.

Why are you eating all the animals food you sick bitch!!!
This is what it looks like when you have someone in the Oval Office who wasted a month (February), defunded the NIH and CDC and has fought off any kind of crazy idea like mandatory testing.

Like mandatory testing for the plants where our food is processed.

The big meat processors have only just started testing their workers...YES, like this month....and now having to close plants.

Hope you fuckers like beans. You'd think your STABLE GENIUS would think to protect our national food supply.


Pork producers could euthanize hogs to offset financial losses from coronavirus
By Fox News
April 21, 2020

It's what happens when people are free to do as they please because we don't need any stupid lockdown stay at home orders. When private companies can be free to not do the right thing to provide proper PPE and testing at their companies, the virus spreads and the whole plant has to be shut down.

So now, pork plants are shutting down. I think four in total have been shut down now. I wonder what will happen to beef and poultry plants.

This is just another benefit I get from not eating meat. On top of all the health benefits.

My mom was from Texas so I grew up with half a cow in the freezer along with pork and some poultry.

I have never in my life liked the smell or taste of meat. When I moved out of my parents house, I was able to stop eating it.

Sorry all you meat eaters. Those who put money ahead of public health screwed up your sources of cheap meat. Now you won't have the meat and the owners of the processing plants won't have the money.

Looks to me like a very good example of stay at home orders were the right thing to do but I don't expect any of the extremely stupid trump people to see that.
We will all be Euell Gibbons it like you driving the costs of anything including meats up a lot higher. You should be more concerned about the United States being enveloped into the global government. That means we get less. Understand! Some people might have to die.

Eat what you want. That's one of the problems with you people. You have a weird need to attack what isn't like you.

It's sick.

If you want to eat meat go for it. I'm not here condemning you for doing so. I don't give a rat's ass what you put in your mouth. It's your body. Not mine. You do what you want with your body. You are just going to have to pay a lot more money to do it now. That's on top of all the damage it's doing to your health.

There is a reason why people who don't eat meat live longer and healthier lives than those who do eat meat.

So go ahead, pay over 5 dollars for a pound of pork. Pay close to 20 dollars a pound for beef. I don't care. It's your money, you worked hard to earn it, you have all the right in the world to spend it any way you want.

I just wish people like you had the same respect for people like me.
What you eat is your business. But pushing glee because meat is going to go up in price is not a good thing. Everything is attached to everything. People will eat more of what you do if it is vegetable based. That will cause supply and demand rules to kick in on top of any issues virus related. One thing. Dairy Supports have massive excesses of milk, butter and cheese products. An article said that pizzas you purchase from chain stores will have a couple more ounces of mozzarella on it. For what its worth.

I couldn't get past the lie in the second sentence.

I'm not happy with what is happening in the meat processing plants.

Just pointed out that this is another benefit I get from not eating meat.

I'm not like you. I don't take joy in other people's misfortune or suffering. There are hundreds of people who are sick now who worked in those plants. Some will die. That's nothing to be happy about.

I could care less what you eat. You're just going to have to pay a lot more money to do so. For example. I just looked at the weekly ad for Safeway in my area. In the meat section they have 12 oz, not even a pound, of Farmland Bacon on sale for 4.99 a package. I don't ever recall seeing bacon selling at that high price. I used to buy it for my ex. It used to be around 2 dollars a pound. Even less on sale.

Oh stop with the sanctimonious veggie crap. If the price of meat rises I'll just buy less vegetables and grow my own. I don't have grazing land otherwise I'd raise my own meat but I do have lots of Bambies running around and own several guns.
This is what it looks like when you have someone in the Oval Office who wasted a month (February), defunded the NIH and CDC and has fought off any kind of crazy idea like mandatory testing.

Like mandatory testing for the plants where our food is processed.

The big meat processors have only just started testing their workers...YES, like this month....and now having to close plants.

Hope you fuckers like beans. You'd think your STABLE GENIUS would think to protect our national food supply.


Pork producers could euthanize hogs to offset financial losses from coronavirus
By Fox News
April 21, 2020

It's what happens when people are free to do as they please because we don't need any stupid lockdown stay at home orders. When private companies can be free to not do the right thing to provide proper PPE and testing at their companies, the virus spreads and the whole plant has to be shut down.

So now, pork plants are shutting down. I think four in total have been shut down now. I wonder what will happen to beef and poultry plants.

This is just another benefit I get from not eating meat. On top of all the health benefits.

My mom was from Texas so I grew up with half a cow in the freezer along with pork and some poultry.

I have never in my life liked the smell or taste of meat. When I moved out of my parents house, I was able to stop eating it.

Sorry all you meat eaters. Those who put money ahead of public health screwed up your sources of cheap meat. Now you won't have the meat and the owners of the processing plants won't have the money.

Looks to me like a very good example of stay at home orders were the right thing to do but I don't expect any of the extremely stupid trump people to see that.
We will all be Euell Gibbons it like you driving the costs of anything including meats up a lot higher. You should be more concerned about the United States being enveloped into the global government. That means we get less. Understand! Some people might have to die.

Eat what you want. That's one of the problems with you people. You have a weird need to attack what isn't like you.

It's sick.

If you want to eat meat go for it. I'm not here condemning you for doing so. I don't give a rat's ass what you put in your mouth. It's your body. Not mine. You do what you want with your body. You are just going to have to pay a lot more money to do it now. That's on top of all the damage it's doing to your health.

There is a reason why people who don't eat meat live longer and healthier lives than those who do eat meat.

So go ahead, pay over 5 dollars for a pound of pork. Pay close to 20 dollars a pound for beef. I don't care. It's your money, you worked hard to earn it, you have all the right in the world to spend it any way you want.

I just wish people like you had the same respect for people like me.
What you eat is your business. But pushing glee because meat is going to go up in price is not a good thing. Everything is attached to everything. People will eat more of what you do if it is vegetable based. That will cause supply and demand rules to kick in on top of any issues virus related. One thing. Dairy Supports have massive excesses of milk, butter and cheese products. An article said that pizzas you purchase from chain stores will have a couple more ounces of mozzarella on it. For what its worth.

I couldn't get past the lie in the second sentence.

I'm not happy with what is happening in the meat processing plants.

Just pointed out that this is another benefit I get from not eating meat.

I'm not like you. I don't take joy in other people's misfortune or suffering. There are hundreds of people who are sick now who worked in those plants. Some will die. That's nothing to be happy about.

I could care less what you eat. You're just going to have to pay a lot more money to do so. For example. I just looked at the weekly ad for Safeway in my area. In the meat section they have 12 oz, not even a pound, of Farmland Bacon on sale for 4.99 a package. I don't ever recall seeing bacon selling at that high price. I used to buy it for my ex. It used to be around 2 dollars a pound. Even less on sale.

View attachment 326717

Wait until the oil industry shuts down.
You'll be paying $20 bucks for a bag of your precious Kale.
This is what it looks like when you have someone in the Oval Office who wasted a month (February), defunded the NIH and CDC and has fought off any kind of crazy idea like mandatory testing.

Like mandatory testing for the plants where our food is processed.

The big meat processors have only just started testing their workers...YES, like this month....and now having to close plants.

Hope you fuckers like beans. You'd think your STABLE GENIUS would think to protect our national food supply.


Pork producers could euthanize hogs to offset financial losses from coronavirus
By Fox News
April 21, 2020

LOL....We've told you morons over and over that we dont need to get our meat from the grocery store.
You claimed fly over country had better bow down to your will or you'd punish us somehow.
It seems you may be in for a real life lesson for your arrogance.
Have fun eating asphalt while I dine on fresh fish,squirrel,rabbit,hog,deer,duck and a host of other delicacies Mother Nature provides me.
The chinese eat dogs cats and bats

This is what it looks like when you have someone in the Oval Office who wasted a month (February), defunded the NIH and CDC and has fought off any kind of crazy idea like mandatory testing.

Like mandatory testing for the plants where our food is processed.

The big meat processors have only just started testing their workers...YES, like this month....and now having to close plants.

Hope you fuckers like beans. You'd think your STABLE GENIUS would think to protect our national food supply.


Pork producers could euthanize hogs to offset financial losses from coronavirus
By Fox News
April 21, 2020

LOL....We've told you morons over and over that we dont need to get our meat from the grocery store.
You claimed fly over country had better bow down to your will or you'd punish us somehow.
It seems you may be in for a real life lesson for your arrogance.
Have fun eating asphalt while I dine on fresh fish,squirrel,rabbit,hog,deer,duck and a host of other delicacies Mother Nature provides me.
The chinese eat dogs cats and bats

You shouldn't denigrate the Chinese people like that.
Libs will go back to work when the helicopt money runs out and THEY get hungry
The libs are the first responders...the trumpanzees are the morons crying about not being able to go to their fav bar and bowling alleys.

Go hide under your bedcovers from covid-19 lib while we reopen the country and get the economy going again. Stay there for all we care.
This is what it looks like when you have someone in the Oval Office who wasted a month (February), defunded the NIH and CDC and has fought off any kind of crazy idea like mandatory testing.

Like mandatory testing for the plants where our food is processed.

The big meat processors have only just started testing their workers...YES, like this month....and now having to close plants.

Hope you fuckers like beans. You'd think your STABLE GENIUS would think to protect our national food supply.


Pork producers could euthanize hogs to offset financial losses from coronavirus
By Fox News
April 21, 2020

I have thousands of rounds of ammunition and a property full of deer. You liberals are the ones that are fucked.
Butt Fucked Democrats?
This is what it looks like when you have someone in the Oval Office who wasted a month (February), defunded the NIH and CDC and has fought off any kind of crazy idea like mandatory testing.

Like mandatory testing for the plants where our food is processed.

The big meat processors have only just started testing their workers...YES, like this month....and now having to close plants.

Hope you fuckers like beans. You'd think your STABLE GENIUS would think to protect our national food supply.


Pork producers could euthanize hogs to offset financial losses from coronavirus
By Fox News
April 21, 2020

LOL....We've told you morons over and over that we dont need to get our meat from the grocery store.
You claimed fly over country had better bow down to your will or you'd punish us somehow.
It seems you may be in for a real life lesson for your arrogance.
Have fun eating asphalt while I dine on fresh fish,squirrel,rabbit,hog,deer,duck and a host of other delicacies Mother Nature provides me.
The chinese eat dogs cats and bats
And any fucking thing else that walks, waddles, crawls, swims, flys or slithers.
This is what it looks like when you have someone in the Oval Office who wasted a month (February), defunded the NIH and CDC and has fought off any kind of crazy idea like mandatory testing.

Like mandatory testing for the plants where our food is processed.

The big meat processors have only just started testing their workers...YES, like this month....and now having to close plants.

Hope you fuckers like beans. You'd think your STABLE GENIUS would think to protect our national food supply.


Pork producers could euthanize hogs to offset financial losses from coronavirus
By Fox News
April 21, 2020

It's what happens when people are free to do as they please because we don't need any stupid lockdown stay at home orders. When private companies can be free to not do the right thing to provide proper PPE and testing at their companies, the virus spreads and the whole plant has to be shut down.

So now, pork plants are shutting down. I think four in total have been shut down now. I wonder what will happen to beef and poultry plants.

This is just another benefit I get from not eating meat. On top of all the health benefits.

My mom was from Texas so I grew up with half a cow in the freezer along with pork and some poultry.

I have never in my life liked the smell or taste of meat. When I moved out of my parents house, I was able to stop eating it.

Sorry all you meat eaters. Those who put money ahead of public health screwed up your sources of cheap meat. Now you won't have the meat and the owners of the processing plants won't have the money.

Looks to me like a very good example of stay at home orders were the right thing to do but I don't expect any of the extremely stupid trump people to see that.
We will all be Euell Gibbons it like you driving the costs of anything including meats up a lot higher. You should be more concerned about the United States being enveloped into the global government. That means we get less. Understand! Some people might have to die.

Eat what you want. That's one of the problems with you people. You have a weird need to attack what isn't like you.

It's sick.

If you want to eat meat go for it. I'm not here condemning you for doing so. I don't give a rat's ass what you put in your mouth. It's your body. Not mine. You do what you want with your body. You are just going to have to pay a lot more money to do it now. That's on top of all the damage it's doing to your health.

There is a reason why people who don't eat meat live longer and healthier lives than those who do eat meat.

So go ahead, pay over 5 dollars for a pound of pork. Pay close to 20 dollars a pound for beef. I don't care. It's your money, you worked hard to earn it, you have all the right in the world to spend it any way you want.

I just wish people like you had the same respect for people like me.
What you eat is your business. But pushing glee because meat is going to go up in price is not a good thing. Everything is attached to everything. People will eat more of what you do if it is vegetable based. That will cause supply and demand rules to kick in on top of any issues virus related. One thing. Dairy Supports have massive excesses of milk, butter and cheese products. An article said that pizzas you purchase from chain stores will have a couple more ounces of mozzarella on it. For what its worth.

I couldn't get past the lie in the second sentence.

I'm not happy with what is happening in the meat processing plants.

Just pointed out that this is another benefit I get from not eating meat.

I'm not like you. I don't take joy in other people's misfortune or suffering. There are hundreds of people who are sick now who worked in those plants. Some will die. That's nothing to be happy about.

I could care less what you eat. You're just going to have to pay a lot more money to do so. For example. I just looked at the weekly ad for Safeway in my area. In the meat section they have 12 oz, not even a pound, of Farmland Bacon on sale for 4.99 a package. I don't ever recall seeing bacon selling at that high price. I used to buy it for my ex. It used to be around 2 dollars a pound. Even less on sale.

View attachment 326717
There are a lot of powerful people who are pushing the less meat to eat agenda on people. To me this can be one of the ploys to get the general population to eat less of it. Of course they will get all the meat they want. We see more and more plant based fake meats being sold whether we want it or not. Its harder for me to trust with so many lies over the years.
This is what it looks like when you have someone in the Oval Office who wasted a month (February), defunded the NIH and CDC and has fought off any kind of crazy idea like mandatory testing.

Like mandatory testing for the plants where our food is processed.

The big meat processors have only just started testing their workers...YES, like this month....and now having to close plants.

Hope you fuckers like beans. You'd think your STABLE GENIUS would think to protect our national food supply.


Pork producers could euthanize hogs to offset financial losses from coronavirus
By Fox News
April 21, 2020

I hear bat taste just like pork
This is what it looks like when you have someone in the Oval Office who wasted a month (February), defunded the NIH and CDC and has fought off any kind of crazy idea like mandatory testing.

Like mandatory testing for the plants where our food is processed.

The big meat processors have only just started testing their workers...YES, like this month....and now having to close plants.

Hope you fuckers like beans. You'd think your STABLE GENIUS would think to protect our national food supply.


Pork producers could euthanize hogs to offset financial losses from coronavirus
By Fox News
April 21, 2020

LOL....We've told you morons over and over that we dont need to get our meat from the grocery store.
You claimed fly over country had better bow down to your will or you'd punish us somehow.
It seems you may be in for a real life lesson for your arrogance.
Have fun eating asphalt while I dine on fresh fish,squirrel,rabbit,hog,deer,duck and a host of other delicacies Mother Nature provides me.
The chinese eat dogs cats and bats

Chinks are really not funny because they often boil dogs alive or even burn their hair off while they are still alive.

They all deserve to die, the Earth would clearly be better off
Two meat processing plants temporarily close and libtards go nuts....Do any of you tards see meat prices rising?...no you don't...because its not as big of a deal as you make it out to be....bacon is cheaper today due to lower fuel costs.....the workers will be back in 14 days some sooner....
This is what it looks like when you have someone in the Oval Office who wasted a month (February), defunded the NIH and CDC and has fought off any kind of crazy idea like mandatory testing.

Like mandatory testing for the plants where our food is processed.

The big meat processors have only just started testing their workers...YES, like this month....and now having to close plants.

Hope you fuckers like beans. You'd think your STABLE GENIUS would think to protect our national food supply.


Pork producers could euthanize hogs to offset financial losses from coronavirus
By Fox News
April 21, 2020

There was no shortage of bacon and sausage with the free breakfast we had at work. :)

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