Hope you Trumpers are vegetarians.....

This is what it looks like when you have someone in the Oval Office who wasted a month (February), defunded the NIH and CDC and has fought off any kind of crazy idea like mandatory testing.

Like mandatory testing for the plants where our food is processed.

The big meat processors have only just started testing their workers...YES, like this month....and now having to close plants.

Hope you fuckers like beans. You'd think your STABLE GENIUS would think to protect our national food supply.


Pork producers could euthanize hogs to offset financial losses from coronavirus
By Fox News
April 21, 2020

I like bat meat myself.

Have you tried snake yet? Rattlesnake tastes like chicken but it does tend to be boney.
This is what it looks like when you have someone in the Oval Office who wasted a month (February), defunded the NIH and CDC and has fought off any kind of crazy idea like mandatory testing.

Like mandatory testing for the plants where our food is processed.

The big meat processors have only just started testing their workers...YES, like this month....and now having to close plants.

Hope you fuckers like beans. You'd think your STABLE GENIUS would think to protect our national food supply.


Pork producers could euthanize hogs to offset financial losses from coronavirus
By Fox News
April 21, 2020

This may be an unpopular opinion, but I for one would not a shed a tear if those "pork producers" permanently shut down, in fact I would celebrate. Smithsfield is one of the worst companies. But they are all horrible.

This is what it looks like when you have someone in the Oval Office who wasted a month (February), defunded the NIH and CDC and has fought off any kind of crazy idea like mandatory testing.

Like mandatory testing for the plants where our food is processed.

The big meat processors have only just started testing their workers...YES, like this month....and now having to close plants.

Hope you fuckers like beans. You'd think your STABLE GENIUS would think to protect our national food supply.


Pork producers could euthanize hogs to offset financial losses from coronavirus
By Fox News
April 21, 2020

No problemo, just hunker down with your freezer stocked with chocolate Ice Creme.

You could try eating fish too. Pork isn't really so good for you.
This is what it looks like when you have someone in the Oval Office who wasted a month (February), defunded the NIH and CDC and has fought off any kind of crazy idea like mandatory testing.

Like mandatory testing for the plants where our food is processed.

The big meat processors have only just started testing their workers...YES, like this month....and now having to close plants.

Hope you fuckers like beans. You'd think your STABLE GENIUS would think to protect our national food supply.


Pork producers could euthanize hogs to offset financial losses from coronavirus
By Fox News
April 21, 2020

It's what happens when people are free to do as they please because we don't need any stupid lockdown stay at home orders. When private companies can be free to not do the right thing to provide proper PPE and testing at their companies, the virus spreads and the whole plant has to be shut down.

So now, pork plants are shutting down. I think four in total have been shut down now. I wonder what will happen to beef and poultry plants.

This is just another benefit I get from not eating meat. On top of all the health benefits.

My mom was from Texas so I grew up with half a cow in the freezer along with pork and some poultry.

I have never in my life liked the smell or taste of meat. When I moved out of my parents house, I was able to stop eating it.

Sorry all you meat eaters. Those who put money ahead of public health screwed up your sources of cheap meat. Now you won't have the meat and the owners of the processing plants won't have the money.

Looks to me like a very good example of stay at home orders were the right thing to do but I don't expect any of the extremely stupid trump people to see that.
This is what it looks like when you have someone in the Oval Office who wasted a month (February), defunded the NIH and CDC and has fought off any kind of crazy idea like mandatory testing.

Like mandatory testing for the plants where our food is processed.

The big meat processors have only just started testing their workers...YES, like this month....and now having to close plants.

Hope you fuckers like beans. You'd think your STABLE GENIUS would think to protect our national food supply.


This is what it looks like when you have someone in the Oval Office who wasted a month (February), defunded the NIH and CDC and has fought off any kind of crazy idea like mandatory testing.

Like mandatory testing for the plants where our food is processed.

The big meat processors have only just started testing their workers...YES, like this month....and now having to close plants.

Hope you fuckers like beans. You'd think your STABLE GENIUS would think to protect our national food supply.


Pork producers could euthanize hogs to offset financial losses from coronavirus
By Fox News
April 21, 2020

You sure can pack a lot of bullshit into one post. :abgg2q.jpg:

Can't attack the message so attack the messenger.
Fucking coward.

Here is the deal. Hopefully this gets over for all of us. We do not want to endup like after 9/11 with new Patriot Acts, Homeland Security and TSA fun. Both parties are involved in that. Do you want to be going to massive security supermarkets, box stores, bus stations, train stations, rental car agencies and more? I do not. But these pricks in D.C. will vote it in if we let them. Lok at sport stadiums. You used to have a few security people and could bring in huge coolers of food. Now it is like a controlled prison to get inside. Massive amounts of resources for security. No one says anything. But politicians caused this. Many of the ones who cry haters.
This is what it looks like when you have someone in the Oval Office who wasted a month (February), defunded the NIH and CDC and has fought off any kind of crazy idea like mandatory testing.

Like mandatory testing for the plants where our food is processed.

The big meat processors have only just started testing their workers...YES, like this month....and now having to close plants.

Hope you fuckers like beans. You'd think your STABLE GENIUS would think to protect our national food supply.


Pork producers could euthanize hogs to offset financial losses from coronavirus
By Fox News
April 21, 2020

It's what happens when people are free to do as they please because we don't need any stupid lockdown stay at home orders. When private companies can be free to not do the right thing to provide proper PPE and testing at their companies, the virus spreads and the whole plant has to be shut down.

So now, pork plants are shutting down. I think four in total have been shut down now. I wonder what will happen to beef and poultry plants.

This is just another benefit I get from not eating meat. On top of all the health benefits.

My mom was from Texas so I grew up with half a cow in the freezer along with pork and some poultry.

I have never in my life liked the smell or taste of meat. When I moved out of my parents house, I was able to stop eating it.

Sorry all you meat eaters. Those who put money ahead of public health screwed up your sources of cheap meat. Now you won't have the meat and the owners of the processing plants won't have the money.

Looks to me like a very good example of stay at home orders were the right thing to do but I don't expect any of the extremely stupid trump people to see that.
We will all be Euell Gibbons it like you driving the costs of anything including meats up a lot higher. You should be more concerned about the United States being enveloped into the global government. That means we get less. Understand! Some people might have to die.
This is what it looks like when you have someone in the Oval Office who wasted a month (February), defunded the NIH and CDC and has fought off any kind of crazy idea like mandatory testing.

Like mandatory testing for the plants where our food is processed.

The big meat processors have only just started testing their workers...YES, like this month....and now having to close plants.

Hope you fuckers like beans. You'd think your STABLE GENIUS would think to protect our national food supply.


Pork producers could euthanize hogs to offset financial losses from coronavirus
By Fox News
April 21, 2020

It's what happens when people are free to do as they please because we don't need any stupid lockdown stay at home orders. When private companies can be free to not do the right thing to provide proper PPE and testing at their companies, the virus spreads and the whole plant has to be shut down.

So now, pork plants are shutting down. I think four in total have been shut down now. I wonder what will happen to beef and poultry plants.

This is just another benefit I get from not eating meat. On top of all the health benefits.

My mom was from Texas so I grew up with half a cow in the freezer along with pork and some poultry.

I have never in my life liked the smell or taste of meat. When I moved out of my parents house, I was able to stop eating it.

Sorry all you meat eaters. Those who put money ahead of public health screwed up your sources of cheap meat. Now you won't have the meat and the owners of the processing plants won't have the money.

Looks to me like a very good example of stay at home orders were the right thing to do but I don't expect any of the extremely stupid trump people to see that.
We will all be Euell Gibbons it like you driving the costs of anything including meats up a lot higher. You should be more concerned about the United States being enveloped into the global government. That means we get less. Understand! Some people might have to die.

Eat what you want. That's one of the problems with you people. You have a weird need to attack what isn't like you.

It's sick.

If you want to eat meat go for it. I'm not here condemning you for doing so. I don't give a rat's ass what you put in your mouth. It's your body. Not mine. You do what you want with your body. You are just going to have to pay a lot more money to do it now. That's on top of all the damage it's doing to your health.

There is a reason why people who don't eat meat live longer and healthier lives than those who do eat meat.

So go ahead, pay over 5 dollars for a pound of pork. Pay close to 20 dollars a pound for beef. I don't care. It's your money, you worked hard to earn it, you have all the right in the world to spend it any way you want.

I just wish people like you had the same respect for people like me.
This is what it looks like when you have someone in the Oval Office who wasted a month (February), defunded the NIH and CDC and has fought off any kind of crazy idea like mandatory testing.

Like mandatory testing for the plants where our food is processed.

The big meat processors have only just started testing their workers...YES, like this month....and now having to close plants.

Hope you fuckers like beans. You'd think your STABLE GENIUS would think to protect our national food supply.


Pork producers could euthanize hogs to offset financial losses from coronavirus
By Fox News
April 21, 2020

It's what happens when people are free to do as they please because we don't need any stupid lockdown stay at home orders. When private companies can be free to not do the right thing to provide proper PPE and testing at their companies, the virus spreads and the whole plant has to be shut down.

So now, pork plants are shutting down. I think four in total have been shut down now. I wonder what will happen to beef and poultry plants.

This is just another benefit I get from not eating meat. On top of all the health benefits.

My mom was from Texas so I grew up with half a cow in the freezer along with pork and some poultry.

I have never in my life liked the smell or taste of meat. When I moved out of my parents house, I was able to stop eating it.

Sorry all you meat eaters. Those who put money ahead of public health screwed up your sources of cheap meat. Now you won't have the meat and the owners of the processing plants won't have the money.

Looks to me like a very good example of stay at home orders were the right thing to do but I don't expect any of the extremely stupid trump people to see that.
We will all be Euell Gibbons it like you driving the costs of anything including meats up a lot higher. You should be more concerned about the United States being enveloped into the global government. That means we get less. Understand! Some people might have to die.

Eat what you want. That's one of the problems with you people. You have a weird need to attack what isn't like you.

It's sick.

If you want to eat meat go for it. I'm not here condemning you for doing so. I don't give a rat's ass what you put in your mouth. It's your body. Not mine. You do what you want with your body. You are just going to have to pay a lot more money to do it now. That's on top of all the damage it's doing to your health.

There is a reason why people who don't eat meat live longer and healthier lives than those who do eat meat.

So go ahead, pay over 5 dollars for a pound of pork. Pay close to 20 dollars a pound for beef. I don't care. It's your money, you worked hard to earn it, you have all the right in the world to spend it any way you want.

I just wish people like you had the same respect for people like me.
What you eat is your business. But pushing glee because meat is going to go up in price is not a good thing. Everything is attached to everything. People will eat more of what you do if it is vegetable based. That will cause supply and demand rules to kick in on top of any issues virus related. One thing. Dairy Supports have massive excesses of milk, butter and cheese products. An article said that pizzas you purchase from chain stores will have a couple more ounces of mozzarella on it. For what its worth.
This is what it looks like when you have someone in the Oval Office who wasted a month (February), defunded the NIH and CDC and has fought off any kind of crazy idea like mandatory testing.

Like mandatory testing for the plants where our food is processed.

The big meat processors have only just started testing their workers...YES, like this month....and now having to close plants.

Hope you fuckers like beans. You'd think your STABLE GENIUS would think to protect our national food supply.


Pork producers could euthanize hogs to offset financial losses from coronavirus
By Fox News
April 21, 2020

Thanks for campaigning for Trump

Way to go

You probably voted for him because you were so skeeered of that private email server of Hillary's.
This is a much better scenario, isn't it? A rudderless leader who claims to be a war-time president but refuses to fight the war.
There's enough space in Trump's ass for you, too.

Ok Hillary if you say so
This is what it looks like when you have someone in the Oval Office who wasted a month (February), defunded the NIH and CDC and has fought off any kind of crazy idea like mandatory testing.

Like mandatory testing for the plants where our food is processed.

The big meat processors have only just started testing their workers...YES, like this month....and now having to close plants.

Hope you fuckers like beans. You'd think your STABLE GENIUS would think to protect our national food supply.


Pork producers could euthanize hogs to offset financial losses from coronavirus
By Fox News
April 21, 2020

LOL....We've told you morons over and over that we dont need to get our meat from the grocery store.
You claimed fly over country had better bow down to your will or you'd punish us somehow.
It seems you may be in for a real life lesson for your arrogance.
Have fun eating asphalt while I dine on fresh fish,squirrel,rabbit,hog,deer,duck and a host of other delicacies Mother Nature provides me.

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