Hormone Questions Regarding Children

Independent thinker

Diamond Member
Oct 15, 2015
I've been wondering this for quite some time now. Leftists are quick to convince children that they can identify themselves as to which gender they want to be and will then pump some of these kids with opposite sex hormones or puberty blockers, and even do surgeries, all known as "gender affirming care". So, my questions are these:

Does it ever occur to anyone that kids with gender dysphoria ought to have their estrogen or testosterone levels checked to see if they are in the normal range as per the sex they were born?

And, if those hormone levels are not in the normal range, shouldn't we be pumping them with their same sex hormones in connection to the sex they were born?

Wouldn't that be the logical first step to do instead of just pumping them with opposite sex hormones or puberty blockers because they have gender dysphoria?

Shouldn't "gender affirming care" be first about making sure their hormone levels are in the normal range of the sex they were born before doing anything else?
I've been wondering this for quite some time now. Leftists are quick to convince children that they can identify themselves as to which gender they want to be and will then pump some of these kids with opposite sex hormones or puberty blockers, and even do surgeries, all known as "gender affirming care". So, my questions are these:

Does it ever occur to anyone that kids with gender dysphoria ought to have their estrogen or testosterone levels checked to see if they are in the normal range as per the sex they were born?

And, if those hormone levels are not in the normal range, shouldn't we be pumping them with their same sex hormones in connection to the sex they were born?

Wouldn't that be the logical first step to do instead of just pumping them with opposite sex hormones or puberty blockers because they have gender dysphoria?

Shouldn't "gender affirming care" be first about making sure their hormone levels are in the normal range of the sex they were born before doing anything else?
all they want to do is mentally fuck up these kids in any way possible to become mindless cyborg worker bees
I think they should have blood work done, but we should also know what's in their diet. Lots of GMO crap is eaten these days; sugar; soy (which contains plant based estrogen which causes “man boobs.” Thus, the term, “soy boy”); etc.

But I also think that a confused kid who isn't sure about whom he/she is should put any permanent surgery on hold for at least a year. Minds and circumstances can change on a dime.
I've been wondering this for quite some time now. Leftists are quick to convince children that they can identify themselves as to which gender they want to be and will then pump some of these kids with opposite sex hormones or puberty blockers, and even do surgeries, all known as "gender affirming care". So, my questions are these:

Does it ever occur to anyone that kids with gender dysphoria ought to have their estrogen or testosterone levels checked to see if they are in the normal range as per the sex they were born?

And, if those hormone levels are not in the normal range, shouldn't we be pumping them with their same sex hormones in connection to the sex they were born?

Wouldn't that be the logical first step to do instead of just pumping them with opposite sex hormones or puberty blockers because they have gender dysphoria?

Shouldn't "gender affirming care" be first about making sure their hormone levels are in the normal range of the sex they were born before doing anything else?
At the age the lunatics start transitioning children, their bodies aren't producing any hormones. Jazz Jennings started puberty blockers at 9.
Does it ever occur to anyone that kids with gender dysphoria ought to have their estrogen or testosterone levels checked to see if they are in the normal range as per the sex they were born?

And, if those hormone levels are not in the normal range, shouldn't we be pumping them with their same sex hormones in connection to the sex they were born?

Wouldn't that be the logical first step to do instead of just pumping them with opposite sex hormones or puberty blockers because they have gender dysphoria?

Shouldn't "gender affirming care" be first about making sure their hormone levels are in the normal range of the sex they were born before doing anything else?
Have been waiting for years to see proven connections with poisoned air, food , water and medications.
Which will then relate to hormone levels etc etc .

Has always seemed to me to be the obvious dot connector .
Still waiting for any other reasonable hypotheses .
No posts from lefties yet. Why does that not surprise me? To them the term "gender dysphoria" only means you want to be the opposite sex, not that they have questions about what they might be so bring on the opposite sex hormones, puberty blockers and sharpen the scalpels.

The #1 Reason Humans Are Suddenly being Born Genderless | Dr. Shanna Swan​

I've been wondering this for quite some time now. Leftists are quick to convince children that they can identify themselves as to which gender they want to be and will then pump some of these kids with opposite sex hormones or puberty blockers, and even do surgeries, all known as "gender affirming care". So, my questions are these:

Does it ever occur to anyone that kids with gender dysphoria ought to have their estrogen or testosterone levels checked to see if they are in the normal range as per the sex they were born?

And, if those hormone levels are not in the normal range, shouldn't we be pumping them with their same sex hormones in connection to the sex they were born?

Wouldn't that be the logical first step to do instead of just pumping them with opposite sex hormones or puberty blockers because they have gender dysphoria?

Shouldn't "gender affirming care" be first about making sure their hormone levels are in the normal range of the sex they were born before doing anything else?
My medical experience in hormone therapy only extends to grown male patients, but there isn’t as much a connection between one’s natural hormone levels and their sexuality/gender identity as you seem to think.

No correlation between naturally low test levels and feminine men. Gay men have normal levels. Even men who want to transition to be female have normal levels before they begin their (test reducing) therapy:

Plus, they DO check hormone levels on kids before beginning any sort of transition therapies. Like I said, it’s basic practice.

Checking serum testosterone levels is routine for anyone taking testosterone for any reason, whether it be an old dude who wants to get boners again, a young dude looking to build muscle or a kid looking to “transition”

For the record, I’m totally against providing transition health care to minors. But that’s a separate topic.
My medical experience in hormone therapy only extends to grown male patients, but there isn’t as much a connection between one’s natural hormone levels and their sexuality/gender identity as you seem to think.

No correlation between naturally low test levels and feminine men. Gay men have normal levels. Even men who want to transition to be female have normal levels before they begin their (test reducing) therapy:

Plus, they DO check hormone levels on kids before beginning any sort of transition therapies. Like I said, it’s basic practice.

Checking serum testosterone levels is routine for anyone taking testosterone for any reason, whether it be an old dude who wants to get boners again, a young dude looking to build muscle or a kid looking to “transition”

For the record, I’m totally against providing transition health care to minors. But that’s a separate topic.
How do we know if we don't even check?
Well, if a child patient is pursuing gender reassignment therapy, one of the first things they’ll check is hormone levels
I've never seen any evidence of this. I've checked. The standard medical procedure for a child coming in with gender dysphoria lists nothing about checking hormone levels. Do you have any proof that they do?
I've never seen any evidence of this. I've checked. The standard medical procedure for a child coming in with gender dysphoria lists nothing about checking hormone levels. Do you have any proof that they do?
If hormone therapy is going to be initiated, they will automatically draw some blood levels to establish a baseline.

It’s the most basic of standards. Not doing so would be like treating an unstable diabetic without ever checking their blood glucose. It makes no sense.
If hormone therapy is going to be initiated, they will automatically draw some blood levels to establish a baseline.

It’s the most basic of standards. Not doing so would be like treating an unstable diabetic without ever checking their blood glucose. It makes no sense.
Which is exactly my point. I have seen zero evidence that they do this.
Which is exactly my point. I have seen zero evidence that they do this.
Well it’s such a basic standard of care, it might not be listed anywhere.

I doubt it “says anywhere” that they check a set of vitals before initiating therapy, but of course they do. No clinic would initiate hormone therapy without drawing blood first.
I've been wondering this for quite some time now. Leftists are quick to convince children that they can identify themselves as to which gender they want to be and will then pump some of these kids with opposite sex hormones or puberty blockers, and even do surgeries, all known as "gender affirming care". So, my questions are these:

Does it ever occur to anyone that kids with gender dysphoria ought to have their estrogen or testosterone levels checked to see if they are in the normal range as per the sex they were born?

And, if those hormone levels are not in the normal range, shouldn't we be pumping them with their same sex hormones in connection to the sex they were born?

Wouldn't that be the logical first step to do instead of just pumping them with opposite sex hormones or puberty blockers because they have gender dysphoria?

Shouldn't "gender affirming care" be first about making sure their hormone levels are in the normal range of the sex they were born before doing anything else?
6 But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.
Well it’s such a basic standard of care, it might not be listed anywhere.

I doubt it “says anywhere” that they check a set of vitals before initiating therapy, but of course they do. No clinic would initiate hormone therapy without drawing blood first.
I've checked. I've asked. I have heard of no one who checks. In fact, you are the very first who has said what you have said, even though it is no proof. All of this is EXACTLY my point, there is zero evidence that they even check. None. And it should be the first thing they do.
I've checked. I've asked. I have heard of no one who checks. In fact, you are the very first who has said what you have said, even though it is no proof. All of this is EXACTLY my point, there is zero evidence that they even check. None. And it should be the first thing they do.
What sort of evidence do you want?

I’ve been a nurse since 2009 and I have worked in the past in clinics for testosterone replacement therapy (TRT).

No matter what the age of the patient, they are going to check some blood work before beginning a course of hormone replacement and/or blockers. They *have* to have a baseline before they start injecting
Which is exactly my point. I have seen zero evidence that they do this.
Well it’s such a basic standard of care, it might not be listed anywhere.

I doubt it “says anywhere” that they check a set of vitals before initiating therapy, but of course they do. No clinic would initiate hormone therapy without drawing blood first.
I've checked. I've asked. I have heard of no one who checks. In fact, you are the very first who has said what you have said, even though it is no proof. All of this is EXACTLY my point, there is zero evidence that they even check. None. And it should be the first thing they do.
This is a key issue that you've brought up. I'll bet many Americans believe that there are all kinds of checks and balances, therapies, attempts to resolve the gender dysphoria through non-medical means and a team of multi-discipline professionals who consult before a child starts getting the hormones.


Those things may be done (and charged for, of course) for all other kinds of medical therapies. But the common theme from parents who report their experiences with taking children to gender specialists is the rush and sense of urgency. They are told that the sooner the better, and are pressured due to the trans suicide rate (even though that rate is not changed by medical treatments).

I recommend the Max documentary "transhood." I don't know if the film makers meant to, but it exposes those exact kinds of practices.

There is a false idea making the rounds that there is evidence that the brains of transpeople are different, and that the brain of a transwoman is more like the brain of a woman than that of a man. When I see people who believe that, I ask them, "if this is true, should each trans patient have a scan to see if they have this brain difference before they are allowed to be given hormones.

Needless to say, I'm sure - I get crickets in response. The point is not to be safe, healthy, cautious or deliberative. The point is the get the kids on the expensive, intrusive, and lifelong treatment plans.

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