Horrible Facts Americans Need to Know about MS-13


Intensity Factor 4-Fold
May 31, 2009
They are beyond evil, and not surprised they are referred to as Animals.


The brutal, largely illegal immigrant-filled MS-13 street gang has become a major focus of the U.S. Department of Justice recently and Americans should know the facts about them. The gang is dangerous and they are spread across the U.S. Here are five facts every American should know about MS-13.
1. Most of the members of MS-13 are foreign nationals from El Salvador or first-generation immigrants from Central America.

Most U.S. citizens are unaware that our porous border with Mexico is used by MS-13 to sneak into the country and perpetrate crimes on U.S. soil. Foreign nationals exploit our border and some fill the ranks of this brutal street gang. A threat assessment from the FBI states, “Members of Mara Salvatrucha, better known as MS-13, who are mostly Salvadoran nationals or first generation Salvadoran-Americans, but also Hondurans, Guatemalans, Mexicans, and other Central and South American immigrants.”

2. MS-13 members work as foot soldiers for Mexican cartels on U.S. soil.

Two Minnesota teens were kidnapped and tortured — with one nearly having a finger cut off — by MS-13 members working on behalf of the Mexican Sinaloa Federation (cartel). A Sinaloa Cartel stash house for methamphetamine was robbed in St. Paul, Minnesota. The Sinaloa Cartel hired MS-13 gang members from Los Angeles, California, to fly to Minnesota and investigate. The MS-13 members found two local teens and tortured them in an effort to obtain information.

3. MS-13 originated from illegal immigrants in California, yet liberals blame deportations for the gang’s creation.

According to information published by the National Gang Crime Research Center, MS-13 was started by Salvadoran illegal immigrants who fled to the U.S. in an attempt to escape a raging civil war in that country that had killed more than 70,000 people. When the illegal immigrants arrived in California, they began to band together as a way to protect themselves from the Mexican Mafia, the dominant gang in California at the time. By 1993, the MS-13 and the Mexican Mafia had become allies and further developed their criminal activities. What pushed the gang out of the U.S. and into Central America was the 1996 Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act which called for the deportation of illegal immigrants convicted of crimes. The arrest and deportation of MS-13 gang members spread the gang’s presence throughout Central America; or as most conservatives would likely argue, none of this would have occurred had the illegal immigrants not been in the U.S. in the first place.

Read the rest here

5 Facts Every American Must Know About the Brutal MS-13 Gang
I find it interesting California was the root cause MS-13 came to be

I'd would turn San Francisco into a MS-13 sanctuary space. They have diplomatic as long as they remain within the city, they can do whatever they want in their safe space but are shot on site as soon as they step outside of the City
All I got to say is that if someone showed up on my front lawn tattooed like that, I'd would be armed and would be of the mindset to shoot first.
All I got to say is that if someone showed up on my front lawn tattooed like that, I'd would be armed and would be of the mindset to shoot first.

What's the problem? You sound racist. :21:

A huge majority of Americans concur with the President on the animals statement. We already know the prolific level of fAiL identity politics is for the DUMS. This is yet another example. Duh
In the early 1980s a violent civil war began in El Salvador, which would last more than 12 years. Approximately 100,000 people were killed in the war, more than one million people fled from El Salvador to the United States. The Salvadorian refugees and immigrants initially settled primarily in Southern California and Washington, D.C., Some of the refugees and immigrants had ties with La Mara, a violent street gang from El Salvador. Others had been members of Paramilitary groups like the Farabundo Marti National Liberation front (FMNL) during the civil war. FMNL was made up of Salvadorian peasants who were trained as guerilla fighters. Many were adept at using explosives, firearms and booby traps. Most of the Salvadorian refugees settled in the established Hispanic neighborhoods of the "Rampart" area of Los Angeles. In the late 1980s, some refugees and refugee members of La Mara and FMNL formed what is know today as the Mara Salvatrucha (MS) street gang in Los Angeles. Like many street gangs, MS initially formed for protection, but quickly developed a reputation for being organized and extremely violent. MS membership continues to be fed by refugee from groups like FMNL. (Valdez, 2000)

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