Horrible… Obama to Young People: “The Republicans Are Radical… Their Vision Is Radica

What's ridiculous is the idea that a political party that depends on the support of the American people for its success would consciously go out to 'destroy' the country and thus, in the process, destroy any support FROM the American people that that party had or would have in the future.

Think before you post.

There's nothing ridiculous about that. Obama simply lies. Furthermore, his base is composed of people who want to destroy America. However, there is a vast mass of fools that he hornswoggled into voting for him.

However, the more obvious Obama's agenda becomes, the more of his support he destroys.

You're new at this, right?:lol:
[You're kidding, right? Obama had a filibuster-proof majority for two whole years. And he couldn't get shit done? And this is the GOP's fault how?

That's a lie. Or just another shining example of your ignorance. Or both :lol:
Like, most of what Obama ran off is not even in your link and more than that it says "stalled" for half the shit he has already failed to do...

ending torture, the wars, homeland security and bringing the parties together was some of the big stuff Obama ran off... Most the stuff Obama has done is so pointless and irrelevant in today’s world it hurts my eyes seeing you "flaunt it" as an accomplishment.

I can make a bigger list on important issues alone where Obama is just like or more "hardcore" than that neocon Bush.

Can you show where it was because of the PRESIDENT that the things you want done weren't done. He's gotta have backup and on many of the things he wanted to do, he was stopped by an obstructionist GnOP and some Dems that went along with them. You want more done, the President needs more Democrats to back him up.

You're kidding, right? Obama had a filibuster-proof majority for two whole years. And he couldn't get shit done? And this is the GOP's fault how?

I already called you on that straw man argument dum dum. :eusa_eh: Never heard of a bluedog then huh :eusa_liar:
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that shit only resonates with his k00k base.....maybe a handful of others. Wont mean crap in the general election. Only the k00ks think the class warfare nonsense resonates with the masses. It doesnt. When unemployment is epic, debt is historically high, food and gas prices are through the roof ( and going to get worse as inflation ramps up)..........you're fcukked.

This fraud knows he's lost the center......the November elections were a watershed. His only chance is to fire up his base and get more people on government subsistence in the coming 18 months to secure additional votes......and thats just to keep it marginally competitive even if Boob McNut runs for the GOP.

Heres the mood in a nutshell...........and dollar to 1000 dtale donuts you wont be seeing Obama's gay rainbow 2008 campaign ad in 2012!!


The k00ks will distract all day with drivel but it is what it is...........
you see the LEFTIES here won't comment on the Thread

or THIS..

Barack Obama is the biggest spender in the history of earth. He tripled the deficit in one year, he increased the debt by nearly $4 trillion in two years and Obama and democrats increased the budget by $1 trillion in the three years.

they have to circle jerk with personal attacks, nothing new.

Stephanie Teabirther, shame on you. Take the 3 trillion for two wars, the 2.4 trillion in tax cuts and Part D, the last two passed through reconciliation, and Obama is "worse"?

And Republicans gave Bin Laden a 10 year "head start". Shameful.

You should have "Mr. Teabirther explain to you how things work.
There's nothing ridiculous about that. Obama simply lies. Furthermore, his base is composed of people who want to destroy America. However, there is a vast mass of fools that he hornswoggled into voting for him.

However, the more obvious Obama's agenda becomes, the more of his support he destroys.

You're new at this, right?:lol:

Is your bag of tricks empty already?

that shit only resonates with his k00k base.....maybe a handful of others. Wont mean crap in the general election. Only the k00ks think the class warfare nonsense resonates with the masses. It doesnt. When unemployment is epic, debt is historically high, food and gas prices are through the roof ( and going to get worse as inflation ramps up)..........you're fcukked.

This fraud knows he's lost the center......the November elections were a watershed. His only chance is to fire up his base and get more people on government subsistence in the coming 18 months to secure additional votes......and thats just to keep it marginally competitive even if Boob McNut runs for the GOP.

Heres the mood in a nutshell...........and dollar to 1000 dtale donuts you wont be seeing Obama's gay rainbow 2008 campaign ad in 2012!!


The k00ks will distract all day with drivel but it is what it is...........

very true.
but as we see, he still has a lot of "kook faithful here"
Stephanie Teabirther, shame on you. Take the 3 trillion for two wars, the 2.4 trillion in tax cuts and Part D, the last two passed through reconciliation, and Obama is "worse"?

And Republicans gave Bin Laden a 10 year "head start". Shameful.

You should have "Mr. Teabirther explain to you how things work.

Your numbers are all made up.

You obviously can't defend your messiah without lying.
So trying to cut Federal Guberment Spending IS NOW RADICAL to Obama.He also told the (unemployed?) kids that Republicans will reduce the deficit “on your backs.”

Barack Obama is the biggest spender in the history of earth. He tripled the deficit in one year, he increased the debt by nearly $4 trillion in two years and Obama and democrats increased the budget by $1 trillion in the three years.

And the interesting thing is there are way too many wacky way out there lefties who are really pissed at him because he didn't spend anywhere nearly enough for their tastes.
If that doesn't give you chills down your spine nothing will.:eek:
Can you show where it was because of the PRESIDENT that the things you want done weren't done. He's gotta have backup and on many of the things he wanted to do, he was stopped by an obstructionist GnOP and some Dems that went along with them. You want more done, the President needs more Democrats to back him up.

You're kidding, right? Obama had a filibuster-proof majority for two whole years. And he couldn't get shit done? And this is the GOP's fault how?

I already called you on that straw man argument dum dum. :eusa_eh: Never heard of a bluedog then huh :eusa_liar:

Name this so called 'Blue dog' Democrat that prevented Obama's agenda, like Health care.

OMG I am so outraged at this benign comment after the entire right wing has been calling him a "Radical" since the fucking election.

Good gawd you are dense! :rolleyes:

Yes, I agree, that is true.

However , yes there is a however, he, He labeled himself the novus homo, "we are the ones we've been waiting for", he was going to transcend all the old paradigms and bring a new cooperative attitude and mechanism damning the old Washington ways.

Yes yes, I am aware of the defense, the reps made him do it, they are the party of no, they obstruct ( hard to do with a supra majority but I digress) and he is merely 'playing their game now giving it back to them'....either way, not much "transcending" going on here it appears.

Some are quick to place the mantel of double standard on rep’s who diddle outside matrimonial bounds as they have created a ‘family’ persona for themselves that belays their transgression crossing into crass hypocrisy, okay, that’s fair. So?

*shrugs* Okay, so, I guess then, hes become what he purportedly despises or hates.

I read a piece today, I think it captures this perfectly, I'll post a portion for you....looking at this apolitically, I think it bears some scrutiny and serious thought;

Obama today is different than the 2008 candidate.

The Barack Obama we've been seeing lately is a different personality than the one that made a miracle run to the White House in 2008.

Obama.2008 was engaging, patient, open, optimistic and a self-identified conciliator.

Obama.2011 has been something else—testy, petulant, impatient, arrogant and increasingly a divider.

Never forget: That historic 2008 victory came with 52.9% of the total vote and 52% of independent voters. David Axelrod recently noted "how small the margin for error is."

Presidential personality is well inside the margin of error for 2012, but the one on display recently has not been attractive. And it's happening a lot.
This Monday, after wrapping up a White House interview with a Dallas TV reporter, the station reported that Mr. Obama said: "Let me finish my answers the next time we do an interview, alright?"

The Obama migration from the high road to the low road is evident even in nonpolitical settings. Here he is last weekend talking about the White House phone system: "You know the Oval Office always thought I was going to have like real cool phones and stuff. I'm like 'come on guys, I'm the president of the United States.' Where's the fancy buttons and stuff, and the big screen comes up? It doesn't happen."
I'm like? Real cool phones and stuff? Would Franklin Roosevelt or John F. Kennedy ever have affected whatever their generational equivalent was of "Where's the fancy buttons and stuff?"

Some will say that this is making a mountain out of a molehill, that polls show independent voters like his proposals to tax the rich and keep every entitlement intact. But if we have learned anything in the media age, it's that molehills can send anyone to a destructive fall, even presidents. Ask George W. Bush about just two defining words: mission accomplished.

In 2007-08, Obama's high-toned, consistent persona was everything. What else was there? Barack Obama took a blank slate and wrote a masterpiece of a presidential campaign across it. From nothing, this fresh Obama persona defeated the familiar, experienced Hillary Clinton in the primaries. In the general election, he ran famously on "hope and change," gave a stirring speech on race in America, and persuaded enough moderate and independent voters to turn 2008 into a "historic" American election.

Barack Obama had levitated himself above the usual, dispiriting muck of politics. This new person seemed to be precisely what a disgusted electorate wanted. Candidate Obama embedded that image in the American psyche. He built it. He fed it.

Now he's deconstructing himself into another Obama. The latest Obama, which seems genuine, routinely ridicules and mocks his opposition. He mocks pretty much anyone who disagrees with him about anything.

More at
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Can you show where it was because of the PRESIDENT that the things you want done weren't done. He's gotta have backup and on many of the things he wanted to do, he was stopped by an obstructionist GnOP and some Dems that went along with them. You want more done, the President needs more Democrats to back him up.

You're kidding, right? Obama had a filibuster-proof majority for two whole years. And he couldn't get shit done? And this is the GOP's fault how?

I already called you on that straw man argument dum dum. :eusa_eh: Never heard of a bluedog then huh :eusa_liar:

Oh so democrats were only democrats before they weren't?:lol:
[You're kidding, right? Obama had a filibuster-proof majority for two whole years. And he couldn't get shit done? And this is the GOP's fault how?

That's a lie. Or just another shining example of your ignorance. Or both :lol:

that time-line is off yes, BUT he DID have a supra majority for 8 months and a reconciliation proof majority for how long? I make it 18 months....
[You're kidding, right? Obama had a filibuster-proof majority for two whole years. And he couldn't get shit done? And this is the GOP's fault how?

That's a lie. Or just another shining example of your ignorance. Or both :lol:

that time-line is off yes, BUT he DID have a supra majority for 8 months and a reconciliation proof majority for how long? I make it 18 months....

The 'filibuster proof majority' is a media concoction based on the ludicrous false premise that just because a Senator is in the same party as a president makes him a sure vote.

It's nonsense.

OMG I am so outraged at this benign comment after the entire right wing has been calling him a "Radical" since the fucking election.

Good gawd you are dense! :rolleyes:

you would know about DENSE my dear. and we wouldn't EXPECT anything else out of you OBAMABOTS. He could kill someone on National T.V, and you all would make some excuse for him:lol:

Actually, this is how it has been playing out.....Obama does something benign that has been done by presidents before him for a long time and you guys accuse him of murder.
How come every little thing Obama does that you all whine about, is something (in this case, very SPECIFIC SOMETHING), you all have done yourselves? Get a grip.

I think I understand now...Stephanie is upset that a president might act like her.
Truth sucks, huh?

If I had lost something and satan or obama knew were the object was I was missing I would believe satan before I would obama and satan is the father of a lie.
Truth and lie get's really fuzzy with obama. Oh what am I saying nothing that comes out of obama's mouth is the truth.

Example when satan told eve she would not die if she ate the fruit. True she didn't die right then, but death did come to her slowly. With obama no truth comes from him.
Truth sucks, huh?

If I had lost something and satan or obama knew were the object was I was missing I would believe satan before I would obama and satan is the father of a lie.
Truth and lie get's really fuzzy with obama. Oh what am I saying nothing that comes out of obama's mouth is the truth.

Example when satan told eve she would not die if she ate the fruit. True she didn't die right then, but death did come to her slowly. With obama no truth comes from him.

Only thing that eminates from the 'O' is his power...and even that is dwindling.
That's a lie. Or just another shining example of your ignorance. Or both :lol:

that time-line is off yes, BUT he DID have a supra majority for 8 months and a reconciliation proof majority for how long? I make it 18 months....

The 'filibuster proof majority' is a media concoction based on the ludicrous false premise that just because a Senator is in the same party as a president makes him a sure vote.

It's nonsense.

you know, you play some rigged game.

After all the vitriol, previous posts ala republicans the party of obstruction the party of no, complain about bills they reps not even rinos would swallow, and all the rest built around that construct, you have just demonstrated the largest single dose of intellectual dishonesty and/or hypocrisy I have seen since I have become a member here.

You had rabbi on his timeline but not in substance, but your response to me? The correct response would have been no response.

This is the internet, if you misspeak its not the end of the world.
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Truth sucks, huh?

If I had lost something and satan or obama knew were the object was I was missing I would believe satan before I would obama and satan is the father of a lie.
Truth and lie get's really fuzzy with obama. Oh what am I saying nothing that comes out of obama's mouth is the truth.

Example when satan told eve she would not die if she ate the fruit. True she didn't die right then, but death did come to her slowly. With obama no truth comes from him.

Only thing that eminates from the 'O' is his power...and even that is dwindling.


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