Horrific Death Of Innocence In U.K.,,How Can Any American Call Themselves A Democrat Now?

UK is being run by Conservatives
The US is being run by Conservatives

Is there any doubt why terrorism is rampant?


How conservatives keep us safe

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What happened in the UK was definitely an example of what can happen when a nation does not secure its borders, do not exercise due diligence, and look to protect its citizens 1st and foremost....

That being said, I can not fault the Democratic Party for the terrorist attack, The blame lays solely on the perpetrator / perpetrators.

Evil will most always find a way; however, our job is not to make it's job easier.
I blame all of us. The left are the enablers. They are hypocrites and nothing but pathetic blobs with predictable one track drugged out minds.

These stink bombs would not be able to carry out what they carry out and there certainly would not be the high frequency of these attacks if they knew the response to these attacks was going to be 20 times more devastating.

Just watch this scene from The Untouchables to see what I am saying.

Instead we ALWAYS give this limp wristed pathetic milquetoast response and ONLY say we will chase down those responsible.

Here come the flowers and teddy bears and the prayers and left wing obfuscation by endlessly proclaiming how it is never their fault and only the fault of white Christians.

We, all allow them to get away with it. We do nothing more than post on websites.

It is all our fault.
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:cranky: :eusa_snooty: :omg: What happened last night in England can only be tied to one particular political party, and we all know who they are here in the USA.
Liberal Judges openly support open borders and show no concern/sorrow every time a Democrat blows himself up or takes out a building/school/mass shooting,,etc. etc. etc.
And we know of at least two Democrat Judges that are trying to stop President Trump and his travel ban.
Yup,,,,"Democrat Judges".
So are they still for open borders? Let anyone from any nation enter our country without any proper paper work? any vetting whatsoever? :smoke:

Trump let it happen

How can it be a Democratic problem?

your attempt at humor fails as do all of your posts. These murderous acts are the direct result of a liberal progressive mind set that is held by most democrats and liberals both in Europe and the USA.

the link between PC and Islamic terrorist murders is clear.

The Conservatives are currently in charge in the UK, in case you missed it.

LOL, sure, the BBC is conservative, don't be such an idiot.

The BBC is a broadcaster. The Tories are in charge. They are the conservative party in the UK.

Goddam you never fail to amuse us.
What the hell does being a democrat in the US have anything to do with a bombing in England?

those 22 innocent people are dead because of political correctness and its false belief that everyone just loves everyone else and wants to live in peace. Europe will become a muslim area in a few short years unless the European people and governments wake up and face the real threat that is in their midst.

Muslims are mandated by their holy book to take over and dominate the "infidels" who practice any religion except islam. It took the crusaders hundreds of years to push the invading muslims back into the mid east. They understood the threat. When will we?
I read an interesting piece in the op ed section this a.m. from a guy who had spent 9 months among jihadists in Jordan trying to understand what is fueling the recruitment to terrorists.
He says it's ..... guess...... socioeconomic. There is an amazing bunch of young people coming up in the Middle East and North Africa and unemployment is around 30% with no hope of getting better. Guess what makes people spout blood from their eyes, their wherever..... being poor and being helpless. So terrorists give them a chance to feel important, to feel like winners. Sick solution, but it makes sense. Part of it anyway.

Sounds like gang members here in the U.S.
One of the more lucrative jobs in some neighborhoods.
What the hell does being a democrat in the US have anything to do with a bombing in England?

those 22 innocent people are dead because of political correctness and its false belief that everyone just loves everyone else and wants to live in peace. Europe will become a muslim area in a few short years unless the European people and governments wake up and face the real threat that is in their midst.

Muslims are mandated by their holy book to take over and dominate the "infidels" who practice any religion except islam. It took the crusaders hundreds of years to push the invading muslims back into the mid east. They understood the threat. When will we?
I read an interesting piece in the op ed section this a.m. from a guy who had spent 9 months among jihadists in Jordan trying to understand what is fueling the recruitment to terrorists.
He says it's ..... guess...... socioeconomic. There is an amazing bunch of young people coming up in the Middle East and North Africa and unemployment is around 30% with no hope of getting better. Guess what makes people spout blood from their eyes, their wherever..... being poor and being helpless. So terrorists give them a chance to feel important, to feel like winners. Sick solution, but it makes sense. Part of it anyway.

Sounds like gang members here in the U.S.
One of the more lucrative jobs in some neighborhoods.
The Hillbilly mafia(chapter 428), does pretty well also...
:cranky: :eusa_snooty: :omg: What happened last night in England can only be tied to one particular political party, and we all know who they are here in the USA.
Liberal Judges openly support open borders and show no concern/sorrow every time a Democrat blows himself up or takes out a building/school/mass shooting,,etc. etc. etc.
And we know of at least two Democrat Judges that are trying to stop President Trump and his travel ban.
Yup,,,,"Democrat Judges".
So are they still for open borders? Let anyone from any nation enter our country without any proper paper work? any vetting whatsoever? :smoke:

Trump let it happen

How can it be a Democratic problem?

your attempt at humor fails as do all of your posts. These murderous acts are the direct result of a liberal progressive mind set that is held by most democrats and liberals both in Europe and the USA.

the link between PC and Islamic terrorist murders is clear.

The Conservatives are currently in charge in the UK, in case you missed it.

LOL, sure, the BBC is conservative, don't be such an idiot.

The BBC is a broadcaster. The Tories are in charge. They are the conservative party in the UK.

Goddam you never fail to amuse us.
Everything is just one thing...
What the hell does being a democrat in the US have anything to do with a bombing in England?

They support open borders and oppose any type of restrictions against terrorists and Muslim countries overrun with terrorism. That's how it's connected.

Nonsense! Liberals do not support open borders or restrictions on Muslims entering this country.

There has been an extreme vetting process in place since 9/11. Repug dupes have been fed a lie.
Trump knows more about ISIS than the Generals do

How could he allow an attack like this to happen?
:cranky: :eusa_snooty: :omg: What happened last night in England can only be tied to one particular political party, and we all know who they are here in the USA.
Liberal Judges openly support open borders and show no concern/sorrow every time a Democrat blows himself up or takes out a building/school/mass shooting,,etc. etc. etc.
And we know of at least two Democrat Judges that are trying to stop President Trump and his travel ban.
Yup,,,,"Democrat Judges".
So are they still for open borders? Let anyone from any nation enter our country without any proper paper work? any vetting whatsoever? :smoke:

Trump let it happen

How can it be a Democratic problem?

your attempt at humor fails as do all of your posts. These murderous acts are the direct result of a liberal progressive mind set that is held by most democrats and liberals both in Europe and the USA.

the link between PC and Islamic terrorist murders is clear.

The Conservatives are currently in charge in the UK, in case you missed it.

LOL, sure, the BBC is conservative, don't be such an idiot.

The BBC is a broadcaster. The Tories are in charge. They are the conservative party in the UK.

Goddam you never fail to amuse us.

there may be 2 or 3 conservatives in parliament, the rest of them are liberals or socialists.

your continued ignorance coupled with your juvenile arrogance makes you a source of ridicule and laughter.
What the hell does being a democrat in the US have anything to do with a bombing in England?

They support open borders and oppose any type of restrictions against terrorists and Muslim countries overrun with terrorism. That's how it's connected.

Nonsense! Liberals do not support open borders or restrictions on Muslims entering this country.

There has been an extreme vetting process in place since 9/11. Repug dupes have been fed a lie.

if you support sanctuary cities, you support open borders. So are you saying you don't support sanctuary cities?
What the hell does being a democrat in the US have anything to do with a bombing in England?

those 22 innocent people are dead because of political correctness and its false belief that everyone just loves everyone else and wants to live in peace. Europe will become a muslim area in a few short years unless the European people and governments wake up and face the real threat that is in their midst.

Muslims are mandated by their holy book to take over and dominate the "infidels" who practice any religion except islam. It took the crusaders hundreds of years to push the invading muslims back into the mid east. They understood the threat. When will we?
I read an interesting piece in the op ed section this a.m. from a guy who had spent 9 months among jihadists in Jordan trying to understand what is fueling the recruitment to terrorists.
He says it's ..... guess...... socioeconomic. There is an amazing bunch of young people coming up in the Middle East and North Africa and unemployment is around 30% with no hope of getting better. Guess what makes people spout blood from their eyes, their wherever..... being poor and being helpless. So terrorists give them a chance to feel important, to feel like winners. Sick solution, but it makes sense. Part of it anyway.

Sounds like gang members here in the U.S.
One of the more lucrative jobs in some neighborhoods.
The Hillbilly mafia(chapter 428), does pretty well also...
So I hear!
Trump knows more about ISIS than the Generals do

How could he allow an attack like this to happen?

count on winger, when losing the argument based on facts, resort to failed attempts at humor.

In retaliation....Trump did call them "Evil Losers"

Their ears are still ringing

when the next MOAB hits, more than their ears will be ringing.

Didn't seem to stop them yesterday
the Mayor of London. one Sadiq Aman Khan, an elected raghead who wants the immigration doors left open there and here. anti-trump


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