Horrific Death Of Innocence In U.K.,,How Can Any American Call Themselves A Democrat Now?

Trump let it happen

How can it be a Democratic problem?

your attempt at humor fails as do all of your posts. These murderous acts are the direct result of a liberal progressive mind set that is held by most democrats and liberals both in Europe and the USA.

the link between PC and Islamic terrorist murders is clear.

The Conservatives are currently in charge in the UK, in case you missed it.

LOL, sure, the BBC is conservative, don't be such an idiot.

The BBC is a broadcaster. The Tories are in charge. They are the conservative party in the UK.

Goddam you never fail to amuse us.

there may be 2 or 3 conservatives in parliament, the rest of them are liberals or socialists.

your continued ignorance coupled with your juvenile arrogance makes you a source of ridicule and laughter.

Of course they look like liberals to you. Everyone to the left of Hitler looks like a liberal to you.
god forbid something like this happens in time square,,,and then lets see who the loony left blames.
And the RW'ers think that this attack could have been stopped if British kids were allowed to carry guns.
If Briish kids attending a concert were armed and all Muslims were banned from England, none of this would have happened
the Mayor of London. one Sadiq Aman Khan, an elected raghead who wants the immigration doors left open there and here. anti-trump


Until they have a truly British mayor again London will remain safe from terrorist attacks. Them cats don't want to risk hurting one of their...............
No, I don't believe that American Democrat Party officials or even members had anything to do with the Manchester attack.

But it's just normal to expect them to applaud it.
i would imagine that after last nights horror,,,Im guessing about 100 Million Americans were saying,,,"M. F. Democrats !!!!"...{more or less}
:cranky: :eusa_snooty: :omg: What happened last night in England can only be tied to one particular political party, and we all know who they are here in the USA.
Liberal Judges openly support open borders and show no concern/sorrow every time a Democrat blows himself up or takes out a building/school/mass shooting,,etc. etc. etc.
And we know of at least two Democrat Judges that are trying to stop President Trump and his travel ban.
Yup,,,,"Democrat Judges".
So are they still for open borders? Let anyone from any nation enter our country without any proper paper work? any vetting whatsoever? :smoke:
Only a stone-cold fucking idiot could come to that conclusion you've derived!

Nah...he's pretty much spot on.
Leftist are leftist no matter their location.
Leftist are for open borders and thus they are responsible for terrorist attacks caused by so called refugees.
Look at the posts by the Regressive Left since the (latest) atrocity: Most of them have been deflection, personal insults and name-calling, or both.

This is who they are. They've made their choice, and that's it.

No doubt many of these people have children. And it doesn't fucking matter.

At least a few of them have been smart enough to just avoid the threads altogether. That would be the intelligent thing to do.
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What the hell does being a democrat in the US have anything to do with a bombing in England?

those 22 innocent people are dead because of political correctness and its false belief that everyone just loves everyone else and wants to live in peace. Europe will become a muslim area in a few short years unless the European people and governments wake up and face the real threat that is in their midst.

Muslims are mandated by their holy book to take over and dominate the "infidels" who practice any religion except islam. It took the crusaders hundreds of years to push the invading muslims back into the mid east. They understood the threat. When will we?
Political correctness had nothing to do with allowing refugees into countries....It's been going on for a long time before now, and no matter what country the refugees come from there are bad ones....Just like you have bad people that are native to the country...
And this mandated idea you have of the Muslims wanting to rule the world, it's been done by white christians also....Chinese....It's a human trait with some people that is a scourge upon humanity...

No other religion teaches that its followers should kill all non-believers. Yes, other countries like China have tried to take the territory of others, but not in the name of a religion.

You need to do a little study of the Koran, because it does mandate that muslims "rule the world" Being naïve and ignorant can get you killed. It is happening in Europe as we speak.

You need to study a little bible and realize that plenty of shit in there is seriously grotesque if taken seriously (smite your neighbor for not keeping sabbath anyone?) and yet we eventually have found a way to take seriously only the parts we like. So can (and for the most part does) Islam.

Yeah...those Christians are really smiten the shit out of everyone......
:cranky: :eusa_snooty: :omg: What happened last night in England can only be tied to one particular political party, and we all know who they are here in the USA.
Liberal Judges openly support open borders and show no concern/sorrow every time a Democrat blows himself up or takes out a building/school/mass shooting,,etc. etc. etc.
And we know of at least two Democrat Judges that are trying to stop President Trump and his travel ban.
Yup,,,,"Democrat Judges".
So are they still for open borders? Let anyone from any nation enter our country without any proper paper work? any vetting whatsoever? :smoke:
I suspect the murderer was a conservative.
:cranky: :eusa_snooty: :omg: What happened last night in England can only be tied to one particular political party, and we all know who they are here in the USA.
Liberal Judges openly support open borders and show no concern/sorrow every time a Democrat blows himself up or takes out a building/school/mass shooting,,etc. etc. etc.
And we know of at least two Democrat Judges that are trying to stop President Trump and his travel ban.
Yup,,,,"Democrat Judges".
So are they still for open borders? Let anyone from any nation enter our country without any proper paper work? any vetting whatsoever? :smoke:
I suspect the murderer was a conservative.
Most religious fanatics are
:cranky: :eusa_snooty: :omg: What happened last night in England can only be tied to one particular political party, and we all know who they are here in the USA.

What kind of asshole uses a tragedy like this for partisanship?

Oh right Rexx is that kind of asshole.

For Rexx- partisan support for Trump and the GOP comes before country, God, or compassion.
:cranky: :eusa_snooty: :omg: What happened last night in England can only be tied to one particular political party, and we all know who they are here in the USA.

What kind of asshole uses a tragedy like this for partisanship?

Oh right Rexx is that kind of asshole.

For Rexx- partisan support for Trump and the GOP comes before country, God, or compassion.

I never much cared for republicans, but I voted for Trump as the only one who can put a stop to this terrorism. He may not be able to, with so many partisan dems against him as well as the many backstabbers from his own party, but he will at least try.
:cranky: :eusa_snooty: :omg: What happened last night in England can only be tied to one particular political party, and we all know who they are here in the USA.

What kind of asshole uses a tragedy like this for partisanship?

Oh right Rexx is that kind of asshole.

For Rexx- partisan support for Trump and the GOP comes before country, God, or compassion.

I never much cared for republicans, but I voted for Trump as the only one who can put a stop to this terrorism. He may not be able to, with so many partisan dems against him as well as the many backstabbers from his own party, but he will at least try.

Oh I have no doubt that President Trump will try- just as President Obama and President Bush tried.

I think he will find out- that like many things- is that its not simple.

Can we agree that using this tragedy to score partisan points is an asshole move?

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