"Horses and Bayonets"

Following the obama lack of logic, why increase funding for police and firefighters. They drive around in motorized vehicles. What a relief, for a minute it looked like he wanted to put more first responders on the streets.

He does. ANd conversely, Romney wants to put more of our military personnel in harm's way to put first responders on OTHER country's streets. At OUR taxpayer expense, too! Why are you OK with that?

Becuase the military is well aware that such is their job.

Would you prefer citizens on our shores be in harms way becuase we dont want our military to be in harms way?

“The first time we used our horses to train Special Forces was right after 9/11,” explains Mark Rossignol, business manager for Smith Lake Stables. Fort Bragg is home to the U.S. Army’s Special Operations Forces. “They were being sent to Afghanistan, and often the only way they can travel over there is by horse.”


Additionally, a sculpture depicting a US soldier riding horseback during the invasion of Afghanistan was unveiled near its new home on Friday near One World Trade Center in Lower Manhattan. The 16-foot-tall bronze statue, titled “De Opresso Liber,” depicts a Special Operations soldier in Afghanistan after the 9/11 attacks, and commemorates the first time US troops used horses in combat since 1942.

AS MANY! Not. "We don't use".....

I swear to God.....You guys are the right wing's useful idiots.
We don't need more first responders. They don't walk, they ride around in cars. Firefighters no longer have a bucket brigade, they have hoses and hyrants. Following the failed obamalogic we don't need more, we need fewer first responders because they have better technology.

From last night's debate, Romney doesn't want to put anyone in harms way. To me, neither of them had appropriate responses to the Iran question on nuclear arms and neither of them understand that we need to prepare for nuclear war whether or not Iran stops its program or not.

We are already prepared for a nuclear war and have been since the 1960s. Where have you been hiding?
Following the obama lack of logic, why increase funding for police and firefighters. They drive around in motorized vehicles. What a relief, for a minute it looked like he wanted to put more first responders on the streets.

He does. ANd conversely, Romney wants to put more of our military personnel in harm's way to put first responders on OTHER country's streets. At OUR taxpayer expense, too! Why are you OK with that?

Becuase the military is well aware that such is their job.

Would you prefer citizens on our shores be in harms way becuase we dont want our military to be in harms way?

I don't want our troops in harm's way protecting other country's citizens. As Obama pointed out so elegantly last night, after more than 10 years of war, it is time to do some nation building at HOME.
So, NOW it is a bad thing for the President to point out Romney's obvious stupidity as it refers to our military???? In the first debate, Obama was flat as a pancake and you righties jumped all over him for that. Now, he was on his game, accurate and knowledgeable about the debate questions and that is bad TOO? Maybe you righties just need to grow some balls and buck up a little?

Romneys stupidity as it pertains to the military?

Pointing out that we have less ships now than we did in 1916 yet need to protect many more square miles of shipping lanes and open sea...not to mention the need to have CSG's iin many different parts of the world at any given time for national security....and, of course, a CV group usually consists of the flat top, a few destroyers, a few warships, etc....

It was not showing stupidity. It was actually a valid point. Having a CV group within a days sail of any of our enemies can prove to be very helpful if someone wants to do something not in our best interest.

Our Navy is our best defense as it allows us nearly immediate offense. Without it, we are days away...leaving a better chance of the front being our shores.

BALONEY. We have NO need to have all of the warships we have now, much less the additional ones that are in Obama's 2013 budget, and certainly not the additional ones Romney wants to buy. WE ARE NOT BEING PAID TO BE THE WORLD'S POLICE.

World police?

Who wants to be world police?

We simply want top keep any attmepts to bring a war front to OUR shores AWAY from our shores.

It is not so difficult to understand.

The best defense is a strong offense.

If you study military ops...especially Naval ops.....once a fleet hits the open sea, it can take days to find them....you have a fleet near their shores, you can track them from the moment they lift anchor.

I love it when civilians with absolutely no military training or education try to talk about how useless the military is.
He does. ANd conversely, Romney wants to put more of our military personnel in harm's way to put first responders on OTHER country's streets. At OUR taxpayer expense, too! Why are you OK with that?

Becuase the military is well aware that such is their job.

Would you prefer citizens on our shores be in harms way becuase we dont want our military to be in harms way?

I don't want our troops in harm's way protecting other country's citizens. As Obama pointed out so elegantly last night, after more than 10 years of war, it is time to do some nation building at HOME.

Our military scattered throughout the world is not protecting OTHER countrys citizens....with the exception of current fronts....they are there to be readsy to make a move if necessary for OUR national security.

You truly think we have military in Japan to protcet the Japanese? Really?
Romneys stupidity as it pertains to the military?

Pointing out that we have less ships now than we did in 1916 yet need to protect many more square miles of shipping lanes and open sea...not to mention the need to have CSG's iin many different parts of the world at any given time for national security....and, of course, a CV group usually consists of the flat top, a few destroyers, a few warships, etc....

It was not showing stupidity. It was actually a valid point. Having a CV group within a days sail of any of our enemies can prove to be very helpful if someone wants to do something not in our best interest.

Our Navy is our best defense as it allows us nearly immediate offense. Without it, we are days away...leaving a better chance of the front being our shores.

BALONEY. We have NO need to have all of the warships we have now, much less the additional ones that are in Obama's 2013 budget, and certainly not the additional ones Romney wants to buy. WE ARE NOT BEING PAID TO BE THE WORLD'S POLICE.

World police?

Who wants to be world police?

We simply want top keep any attmepts to bring a war front to OUR shores AWAY from our shores.

It is not so difficult to understand.

The best defense is a strong offense.

If you study military ops...especially Naval ops.....once a fleet hits the open sea, it can take days to find them....you have a fleet near their shores, you can track them from the moment they lift anchor.

I love it when civilians with absolutely no military training or education try to talk about how useless the military is.

Our Constitution calls for our defense. There is no way in hell our Foudning Fathers imagined a Navy that constantly circumvents the globe just in case somebody bad is out there staging an invasion. I know Romney is your guy, but you are really starting to lose your integrity by contiuing to defend his botched debate.
I cannot believe Willard decided to compare the number of ships in the 1916 Navy to our forces now. The debate coach that came up with that assertion is an idiot.

It did illustrate just how backwards Willard's thinking is, though. He made a good point for Obama.:clap2::clap2::clap2:

Yeah, Obama's reaction to it was childlike and stupid but it is pretty much what many have come to accept from Obama.

And if Romney did the same to Obama, you'd still be sitting in you recliner with your pants down and a box of tissues handy. Because "gotchas" are only cool when your boy does it.

As opposed to knowing your guy is a big-mouth that thinks everyone loves the way he shows zero respect to the opposition. A guy that under normal circumstances would let his alligator mouth overrule his hummingbird ass thus earning himself a severe ass-whipping.
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Yeah, Obama's reaction to it was childlike and stupid but it is pretty much what many have come to accept from Obama.

And if Romney did the same to Obama, you'd still be sitting in you recliner with your pants down and a box of tissues handy. Because "gotchas" are only cool when your boy does it.

As opposed to knowing your guy is a big-mouth that thinks everyone loves the way he shows zero respect to the opposition. A guy that under normal circumstances would let his alligator mouth overrule his hummingbird ass

Oh bullshit....you guys loved it when Romney did it in the first debate....You just don't like it when the "uppity N-word" does it to the caviar-boy.
And if Romney did the same to Obama, you'd still be sitting in you recliner with your pants down and a box of tissues handy. Because "gotchas" are only cool when your boy does it.

As opposed to knowing your guy is a big-mouth that thinks everyone loves the way he shows zero respect to the opposition. A guy that under normal circumstances would let his alligator mouth overrule his hummingbird ass

Oh bullshit....you guys loved it when Romney did it in the first debate....You just don't like it when the "uppity N-word" does it to the caviar-boy.

*Race-card alert*

Romney was always decent but he didn't lay down like Obama wanted.......so Obama got clobbered.
BALONEY. We have NO need to have all of the warships we have now, much less the additional ones that are in Obama's 2013 budget, and certainly not the additional ones Romney wants to buy. WE ARE NOT BEING PAID TO BE THE WORLD'S POLICE.

World police?

Who wants to be world police?

We simply want top keep any attmepts to bring a war front to OUR shores AWAY from our shores.

It is not so difficult to understand.

The best defense is a strong offense.

If you study military ops...especially Naval ops.....once a fleet hits the open sea, it can take days to find them....you have a fleet near their shores, you can track them from the moment they lift anchor.

I love it when civilians with absolutely no military training or education try to talk about how useless the military is.

Our Constitution calls for our defense. There is no way in hell our Foudning Fathers imagined a Navy that constantly circumvents the globe just in case somebody bad is out there staging an invasion. I know Romney is your guy, but you are really starting to lose your integrity by contiuing to defend his botched debate.

Very funny.

Obama blew it.

He was looking for a street-fight and Romney didn't bite.

Obama is losing and now he's lost the last opportunity he had......and made himself look like a jerk in the process. Now his likability is in question and Romney's is going up.
BALONEY. We have NO need to have all of the warships we have now, much less the additional ones that are in Obama's 2013 budget, and certainly not the additional ones Romney wants to buy. WE ARE NOT BEING PAID TO BE THE WORLD'S POLICE.

World police?

Who wants to be world police?

We simply want top keep any attmepts to bring a war front to OUR shores AWAY from our shores.

It is not so difficult to understand.

The best defense is a strong offense.

If you study military ops...especially Naval ops.....once a fleet hits the open sea, it can take days to find them....you have a fleet near their shores, you can track them from the moment they lift anchor.

I love it when civilians with absolutely no military training or education try to talk about how useless the military is.

Our Constitution calls for our defense. There is no way in hell our Foudning Fathers imagined a Navy that constantly circumvents the globe just in case somebody bad is out there staging an invasion. I know Romney is your guy, but you are really starting to lose your integrity by contiuing to defend his botched debate.

First of all, I am not defending his botched debate. He had an excellent debate. Won? Nah. Neither did Obama. They both pretty much talked out of their asses for the most part.

Secondly, my integrity isa not being lost. You may allow my seeing things differently than you help define me in your eyes, but that is not a loss of my integrity. That would, instead, be you allowing your desire to be right helping yopu define someone.

Finally, I am defending what I know to be the reason for our strong military. For the exact reason you cited. To defend us....

now...listen carefully.....

If you find yourself defending yourself on your own shores, you are likely to have civilian losses. If you are able to intercept an attacker OFF your shores, you are likely to suffer ZERO civilian casualties.

Now...how does one accomplish that?

By having as many military personnel off our shores and in position to intercept.

BASIC military strategy.
And if Romney did the same to Obama, you'd still be sitting in you recliner with your pants down and a box of tissues handy. Because "gotchas" are only cool when your boy does it.

As opposed to knowing your guy is a big-mouth that thinks everyone loves the way he shows zero respect to the opposition. A guy that under normal circumstances would let his alligator mouth overrule his hummingbird ass

Oh bullshit....you guys loved it when Romney did it in the first debate....You just don't like it when the "uppity N-word" does it to the caviar-boy.

Nah...I just dont like it when the President of the United States feels the need to say "that is not true" and "all reporters will tell you differently" and "the biggest whopper of the campaign"...

Had absolutely nothing to do with his race.

Why is the left so fixated on our Presidents race?

Dont they realize one does not have to be black to suck?
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Obama can do a talk show when he loses in November, he looked more like a talk show host than President
He used 1916 as a point of reference as "lowest amount of ships since 1916"

That was not comparing...it was an actual point of reference.....

It was a lie.

Actually, it was not a lie.

And if it were, why did Obama rationalize WHY we have less ships?

Does he not know what his military has?

Actually it was a lie. And we do have less ships now than in 1916 but that doesn't mean it's the lowest amount since that time. Now you see why it's a lie?
World police?

Who wants to be world police?

We simply want top keep any attmepts to bring a war front to OUR shores AWAY from our shores.

It is not so difficult to understand.

The best defense is a strong offense.

If you study military ops...especially Naval ops.....once a fleet hits the open sea, it can take days to find them....you have a fleet near their shores, you can track them from the moment they lift anchor.

I love it when civilians with absolutely no military training or education try to talk about how useless the military is.

Our Constitution calls for our defense. There is no way in hell our Foudning Fathers imagined a Navy that constantly circumvents the globe just in case somebody bad is out there staging an invasion. I know Romney is your guy, but you are really starting to lose your integrity by contiuing to defend his botched debate.

First of all, I am not defending his botched debate. He had an excellent debate. Won? Nah. Neither did Obama. They both pretty much talked out of their asses for the most part.

Secondly, my integrity isa not being lost. You may allow my seeing things differently than you help define me in your eyes, but that is not a loss of my integrity. That would, instead, be you allowing your desire to be right helping yopu define someone.

Finally, I am defending what I know to be the reason for our strong military. For the exact reason you cited. To defend us....

now...listen carefully.....

If you find yourself defending yourself on your own shores, you are likely to have civilian losses. If you are able to intercept an attacker OFF your shores, you are likely to suffer ZERO civilian casualties.

Now...how does one accomplish that?

By having as many military personnel off our shores and in position to intercept.

BASIC military strategy.

Seeing as my father served 25 years in the USAF as part of multiple FIS units, I believe I possess some knowledge in this arena. Furthermore, since our USAF still employs multiple FIS units around our United States, how does bringing them up support your idea that we need CV groups staged across the GLOBE to provide for our defense?
As opposed to knowing your guy is a big-mouth that thinks everyone loves the way he shows zero respect to the opposition. A guy that under normal circumstances would let his alligator mouth overrule his hummingbird ass

Oh bullshit....you guys loved it when Romney did it in the first debate....You just don't like it when the "uppity N-word" does it to the caviar-boy.

Nah...I just dont like it when the President of the United States feels the need to say "that is not true" and "all reporters will tell you differently" and "the biggest whopper of the campaign"...

Had absolutely nothing to do with his race.

Why is the left so fixated on our Presidents race?

Dont they realize one does not have to be black to suck?

i can see where you wouldn't like that.

because you don't like when he whomps romney...

i have no doubt you liked it when he didn't correct romney's lies... that was so presidential he got his butt kicked in the first debate.

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