"Horses and Bayonets"

The first questions to Romney should be, when he goes off on any rant about how much more we need to spend on defense,

how do we pay for it? Where does the money to pay for it come from?

1. Are you going to raise revenues to pay for it?

2. Will you cut government spending elsewhere to pay for it? If so, where, exactly?

3. Will you just borrow more to pay for it?

That is where that conversation should stop until Romney produces some satisfactory, plausible, palatable answers.
No...it was a snarky ilinformed attempt to belittle Romney. It overlooked the context and made Obama look like a smart-ass.

Nahhhh...it was Romney trying to get one in on Obama....but instead he opened a door and Obama slammed it in his face.

Making Obama look like a condescending asshole...no matter that it's a natural look on him :D

BTW-We don't use fewer bayonets and our Navy corpsmen are not corpses...

What in the fuck are you babbling about with the corpsmen shit? Did Obama mispronounce something? If so, I didn't catch it....and if he did....who looks like the condescending asshole?

Like I said...you fuckers are so desperate to find another "you didn't build that" that you look like psychopaths trying to come up with something....and most people that aren't hard right douchebags knew what he meant with THAT statement.
Why are we the only nation, apparently, that needs ships all over the world, all in the name of defense?

Is the rest of the world defenseless? Are all those other nations that don't have ships all over the world, and don't spend the trillions over time to accomplish that,

are they in peril of being destroyed? Why do we have to do it, but they don't???
I can't believe Obama compared ships to horses and bayonets.

(Never mind that our current armed forces still use all three)
The first questions to Romney should be, when he goes off on any rant about how much more we need to spend on defense,

how do we pay for it? Where does the money to pay for it come from?

1. Are you going to raise revenues to pay for it?

2. Will you cut government spending elsewhere to pay for it? If so, where, exactly?

3. Will you just borrow more to pay for it?

That is where that conversation should stop until Romney produces some satisfactory, plausible, palatable answers.

Yeah... Simply falling for the words hope and change doesn't cut it. :lol:
Nahhhh...it was Romney trying to get one in on Obama....but instead he opened a door and Obama slammed it in his face.

Making Obama look like a condescending asshole...no matter that it's a natural look on him :D

BTW-We don't use fewer bayonets and our Navy corpsmen are not corpses...

What in the fuck are you babbling about with the corpsmen shit? Did Obama mispronounce something? If so, I didn't catch it....and if he did....who looks like the condescending asshole?

Like I said...you fuckers are so desperate to find another "you didn't build that" that you look like psychopaths trying to come up with something....and most people that aren't hard right douchebags knew what he meant with THAT statement.

Of course you missed Obama calling a Naval Corpsman a corpseman... Thereby displaying his actual ignorance. You also missed the fact that his assholiness directed at Romney was further proof of his ignorance on all things military since we don't use fewer bayonets.

President Barack Obama has offended the bayonet community ... TMZ has learned.

TMZ spoke with multiple people in the bayonet industry who tell us they were shocked and even offended when Obama brought up the weapon during last night's debate.

FYI -- Obama was going after Romney when he said, "You mentioned the Navy, for example, and that we have fewer ships than we did in 1916. Well, Governor, we also have fewer horses and bayonets, because the nature of our military's changed."

According to the official U.S. Marine Corps website, every Marine is STILL required to complete a bayonet training program ... because "the weapon becomes just as effective [as a rifle] in close combat situations."

We spoke with Dan Riker from Bayonet Inc. -- a leading military surplus outlet that specializes in bayonets -- who tells us he believes Obama's comment was "ignorant ... because our soldiers still use bayonets."

He adds, “[Bayonets] are still distributed to the military all the time -- he should get educated on it”

For the record, Riker says he won't be voting for Obama ... "and I didn't vote for him last election either."

Read more: Barack Obama RIPPED By Bayonet Company -- We're Still Relevant, Dammit! | TMZ.com
In the fall of 1970, Karl Rove used a false identity to enter the campaign office of Democrat Alan J. Dixon, who was running for Treasurer of Illinois. He stole 1000 sheets of paper with campaign letterhead, printed fake campaign rally fliers promising "free beer, free food, girls and a good time for nothing", and distributed them at rock concerts and homeless shelters, with the effect of disrupting Dixon's rally.

This is the character of the Republican Party.
Why are we the only nation, apparently, that needs ships all over the world, all in the name of defense?

Is the rest of the world defenseless? Are all those other nations that don't have ships all over the world, and don't spend the trillions over time to accomplish that,

are they in peril of being destroyed? Why do we have to do it, but they don't???

Um... They do.
Romney's ignorance of middle-eastern geography was astounding.

He stated that Syria was Iran's route to the sea when in fact...

a) Iran has NO border with Syria

b) Iran has miles and miles of it's own coastline.
At the end of the day Romney is just a one term governor with NO foreign policy experience, who left Massachusetts with a 34% approval rating.
At the end of the day Romney is just a one term governor with NO foreign policy experience, who left Massachusetts with a 34% approval rating.

And yet you voted for Barry who in 2008 had no experience outside the classroom.

Kinda like hiring a 21 yo accounting graduate to be your CFO.


You're a fucking hack Chrissy.
Why are we the only nation, apparently, that needs ships all over the world, all in the name of defense?

Is the rest of the world defenseless? Are all those other nations that don't have ships all over the world, and don't spend the trillions over time to accomplish that,

are they in peril of being destroyed? Why do we have to do it, but they don't???

It all hinges on exactly what type of world situation you want. The left absolutely HATES the oil and gas industry, federal permits have fallen by 60% under Obama. So, as a result, we must import oil that comes through the Strait of Hormuz. If Iran blockades the strait and the gas at the pumps dry up, then what? Riots in the streets will be a very pleasant way of saying it.

You going to keep the straits open or not? If you commute to work, $10.00 a gallon gasoline will not be far off. Can you afford that? Will your paycheck keep up with inflation given that situation? Then the effect that the price of gas will have on food is not far behind. Remember, there is exactly THREE DAYS of supplies at distribution centers around the country. Three days and if suppliers and manufacturers don't ship, the supplies drys up. So tomorrow there is no milk and no flour. None, and chances are you won't have any for a month. Now what?

YOU have to make up your mind what it is you want. You want cheap energy, but you don't want to get your hands dirty providing it. Who is going to make sure that when you flip a switch in your house, the lights come on? Or that you have gas to even get to work? Or that there is gas for ambulances, fire trucks and police cars. And what about those big rigs? That's how 80% of the supplies get to places where you can purchase them.

The left NEVER STOPS AMAZING ME. It's like they live in a fantasy world of kum-ba-ya or something. Let's give billions of dollars to people because we are so compassionate. Without ever considering or taking care of the reality of things.
I cannot believe Willard decided to compare the number of ships in the 1916 Navy to our forces now. The debate coach that came up with that assertion is an idiot.

It did illustrate just how backwards Willard's thinking is, though. He made a good point for Obama.:clap2::clap2::clap2:

I think it also showed his ignorance of naval history.

What the great powers figured out after World War I was that battleships were in fact a waste of resources. Germany and the UK engaged in a very expensive arms race for dreadnaughts that ended rather anti-climatically when after the Battle of Jutland, they proved largely unimportant to the eventual outcome of the war.

The first order of business after World War I was signing the Washington Naval Treaty, where the powers on the winning side all agreed to limit the number of battleships they built so they wouldn't bankrupt themselves.

The fact is, Naval power is kind of unimportant We have 12 aircraft carriers, more than the rest of the world combined, and most of the rest of the world's nations that operate them are either allies or have a common interest with us.

The one thing we have learned, or should have learned in the last decade, is that even minor wars are economic back-breakers. No one could afford a major war in our interconnected, global economy.

Investing in schools instead of warships would do more to improve our international position.

You missed the point: The days of roaming the waters to show aggression and plunder are gone. That practice is unnecessary today and outdated, is what Barack Obama is telling you bigots.
Following the obama lack of logic, why increase funding for police and firefighters. They drive around in motorized vehicles. What a relief, for a minute it looked like he wanted to put more first responders on the streets.
Romney's ignorance of middle-eastern geography was astounding.

He stated that Syria was Iran's route to the sea when in fact...

a) Iran has NO border with Syria

b) Iran has miles and miles of it's own coastline.

Which sea was he talking about?

Do you know?

There's more than one you know.....
Romney's ignorance of middle-eastern geography was astounding.

He stated that Syria was Iran's route to the sea when in fact...

a) Iran has NO border with Syria

b) Iran has miles and miles of it's own coastline.

Which sea was he talking about?

Do you know?

Of course if there was a blockade of Iran's coastline the only route to the sea would be through Syria.
Romney's ignorance of middle-eastern geography was astounding.

He stated that Syria was Iran's route to the sea when in fact...

a) Iran has NO border with Syria

b) Iran has miles and miles of it's own coastline.

Yeah, I was really scratching his head over that one. WTF as he thinking? :dunno:
The left doesn't hate the oil and gas industry - they're dependent on it just like everyone else. Maybe just sensible enough not to invade somewhere like Iraq to get their hands on oil. And if Iran did make the idiotic move of blocking the Strait, the entire western world would act, no matter who is in the White House.

Sure statistics about the election show that Mitt wants to add to the Navy, as he's thinking about the way the world was 100 years ago. The reality is that the US Navy can comfortably handle any Middle Eastern threat in its current capacity.
It all hinges on exactly what type of world situation you want. The left absolutely HATES the oil and gas industry, federal permits have fallen by 60% under Obama. So, as a result, we must import oil that comes through the Strait of Hormuz. If Iran blockades the strait and the gas at the pumps dry up, then what? Riots in the streets will be a very pleasant way of saying it.


Do you know which country is the number one source for oil consumed by our country? None other than the good ol' US of A! We produce nearly 40% of our own oil consumed. The second largest contributor to our oil needs is Canada, at about 15% of our oil. We get a total of 20% of our oil from Latin American countries. The entire Persian Gulf region accounts for only 13% of our oil sourced.

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