Hospital Won't Back Obama Birth Claim

Well, this answers some questions.

First, you are not a lawyer.

Second, this issue has pushed around the bend.

You are claiming that a judge would grant a motion allowing someone suing you for damages access to all of the financial records ever associated with you based entirely on the word of the plaintiff that you had caused him damage?

See, the first part of any lawsuit is the plaintiff showing the damage caused and evidence that establishes that claim. NOT the plaintiff making an unsupported claim and then being given access to information so he or she can go hunting for evidence that might support the claim.

The real problem here is that this is not an issue that can be settled by the courts.

The Congress is the final constitutional arbiter of the outcomes of presidential elections. There are procedures in place to look into questions like this when they perform that duty the first week in January following a presidential election.

By their vote certifying the election of President Obama without objection they settled this issue. Whether you like it or not, the Constitution has been followed and the appropriate authorities have certified not only his eligibility, but have sworn him into office.

I doubt that the courts could even remove him from office now if they wanted to. If he was charged with crimes, the Congress would have to impeach and remove him.

You may think it would be "nice" for the President to show you his original birth certificate, but he doesn't have to. I suggest that you not vote for him in 2012 because that's your only recourse at this point...

i never said simply because i bring a claim, your dishonesty is appalling...of course i would have to have some indication of a cause of action. if our agreements were entirely oral, then it is my word against yours. if i can get around the SOF, then you're damn right i can request any and all financial records as it relates to our dispute. you're missing the picture entirely.

here, they have brough plausible evidence of discrepencies about where obama was born. obama holds the key evidence, the original birth certificate. in this case, which is completely opposite of what you're discussing, not allowing the plaintiff to see a copy of the original birth certificate is illogical. what harm is there to defendant? none. he claims what he posted is valid, so the original will only contain the additional information of the hospital, the is that private when obama has stated which hospital he was born in, which btw appears to conflict with other reports of which hospital.

IMO, this gives rise to a colorable claim that can easily be resolved by access to the original or a copy thereof. you're not making any sense by talking about fishing expeditions because in this case all that is requested is one specific document.

you proved again you have no idea what you are talking about. and whether you think i am lawyer or not is irrelevant to your incorrect conclusions and statement of law.

Sorry, there is no "plausible evidence or discrepancies" about where the President was born, except for maybe the tempest in a teapot about what local people called the medical center where he was born. Certainly you would agree that there is no evidence that he was born anyplace else but Hawaii.

The problem you are facing is summed up in this sentence you just wrote: "IMO, this gives rise to a colorable claim..." Yes, in your opinion it does, but since Congress has already certified that information, unless you can find some judge who agrees with your opinion, that's all this remains, your opinion.

I suspect that to find such a judge you would need to produce some evidence that the President was not born in Hawaii. WE ARE NOT TALKING ABOUT SPECULATION. Proof, evidence that he was born elsewhere. Are you aware of any?

i've never said it was anything but my opinion...what is your problem? do you enjoy not making sense and prattlign about nonsense....congress certified the election results you tool....not where he was born, the chief justice swears him into office and if in fact he is not eligible, guess what genius, he will be impeached....are you really this stupid?

people have posted what appears to be colorable evidence all over this board, or use google....stop playing stupid, because you starting to convince me
Well, this answers some questions.

First, you are not a lawyer.

Second, this issue has pushed around the bend.

You are claiming that a judge would grant a motion allowing someone suing you for damages access to all of the financial records ever associated with you based entirely on the word of the plaintiff that you had caused him damage?

See, the first part of any lawsuit is the plaintiff showing the damage caused and evidence that establishes that claim. NOT the plaintiff making an unsupported claim and then being given access to information so he or she can go hunting for evidence that might support the claim.

The real problem here is that this is not an issue that can be settled by the courts.

The Congress is the final constitutional arbiter of the outcomes of presidential elections. There are procedures in place to look into questions like this when they perform that duty the first week in January following a presidential election.

By their vote certifying the election of President Obama without objection they settled this issue. Whether you like it or not, the Constitution has been followed and the appropriate authorities have certified not only his eligibility, but have sworn him into office.

I doubt that the courts could even remove him from office now if they wanted to. If he was charged with crimes, the Congress would have to impeach and remove him.

You may think it would be "nice" for the President to show you his original birth certificate, but he doesn't have to. I suggest that you not vote for him in 2012 because that's your only recourse at this point...

i never said simply because i bring a claim, your dishonesty is appalling...of course i would have to have some indication of a cause of action. if our agreements were entirely oral, then it is my word against yours. if i can get around the SOF, then you're damn right i can request any and all financial records as it relates to our dispute. you're missing the picture entirely.

here, they have brough plausible evidence of discrepencies about where obama was born. obama holds the key evidence, the original birth certificate. in this case, which is completely opposite of what you're discussing, not allowing the plaintiff to see a copy of the original birth certificate is illogical. what harm is there to defendant? none. he claims what he posted is valid, so the original will only contain the additional information of the hospital, the is that private when obama has stated which hospital he was born in, which btw appears to conflict with other reports of which hospital.

IMO, this gives rise to a colorable claim that can easily be resolved by access to the original or a copy thereof. you're not making any sense by talking about fishing expeditions because in this case all that is requested is one specific document.

you proved again you have no idea what you are talking about. and whether you think i am lawyer or not is irrelevant to your incorrect conclusions and statement of law.

Sorry, there is no "plausible evidence or discrepancies" about where the President was born, except for maybe the tempest in a teapot about what local people called the medical center where he was born. Certainly you would agree that there is no evidence that he was born anyplace else but Hawaii.

The problem you are facing is summed up in this sentence you just wrote: "IMO, this gives rise to a colorable claim..." Yes, in your opinion it does, but since Congress has already certified that information, unless you can find some judge who agrees with your opinion, that's all this remains, your opinion.

I suspect that to find such a judge you would need to produce some evidence that the President was not born in Hawaii. WE ARE NOT TALKING ABOUT SPECULATION. Proof, evidence that he was born elsewhere. Are you aware of any?

His Kenyan grandmother claimed to have been present and his birth, she had never left Kenya, you don't think that's some proof of speculation?
i never said simply because i bring a claim, your dishonesty is appalling...of course i would have to have some indication of a cause of action. if our agreements were entirely oral, then it is my word against yours. if i can get around the SOF, then you're damn right i can request any and all financial records as it relates to our dispute. you're missing the picture entirely.

here, they have brough plausible evidence of discrepencies about where obama was born. obama holds the key evidence, the original birth certificate. in this case, which is completely opposite of what you're discussing, not allowing the plaintiff to see a copy of the original birth certificate is illogical. what harm is there to defendant? none. he claims what he posted is valid, so the original will only contain the additional information of the hospital, the is that private when obama has stated which hospital he was born in, which btw appears to conflict with other reports of which hospital.

IMO, this gives rise to a colorable claim that can easily be resolved by access to the original or a copy thereof. you're not making any sense by talking about fishing expeditions because in this case all that is requested is one specific document.

you proved again you have no idea what you are talking about. and whether you think i am lawyer or not is irrelevant to your incorrect conclusions and statement of law.

Sorry, there is no "plausible evidence or discrepancies" about where the President was born, except for maybe the tempest in a teapot about what local people called the medical center where he was born. Certainly you would agree that there is no evidence that he was born anyplace else but Hawaii.

The problem you are facing is summed up in this sentence you just wrote: "IMO, this gives rise to a colorable claim..." Yes, in your opinion it does, but since Congress has already certified that information, unless you can find some judge who agrees with your opinion, that's all this remains, your opinion.

I suspect that to find such a judge you would need to produce some evidence that the President was not born in Hawaii. WE ARE NOT TALKING ABOUT SPECULATION. Proof, evidence that he was born elsewhere. Are you aware of any?

i've never said it was anything but my opinion...what is your problem? do you enjoy not making sense and prattlign about nonsense....congress certified the election results you tool....not where he was born, the chief justice swears him into office and if in fact he is not eligible, guess what genius, he will be impeached....are you really this stupid?

people have posted what appears to be colorable evidence all over this board, or use google....stop playing stupid, because you starting to convince me

Ah yes, insults. That's all you've got, right?

Just note that I will not stoop to your level.

Your theory that the Congress will impeach the President if he is found to not be eligible is unique among you birth troofers, I honestly have never heard that before from any of y'all. Mostly y'all just say that tehre will be "no need to remove him from office because he isn't eligible to serve and so is not." Exactly where will 67 votes to impeach come from in the current US Senate? That's kind of laughable, no?

If the Congress only counts the votes, why have there been objections in the past that relate to the procedure under which votes have been cast or counted?

No. the truth actually is that Congress CERTIFIES that the Electoral College vote has been conducted in accordance with all Constitutional procedures. That includes the eligibility of the candidates, and they would have considered it in separate chambers had there been appropriate objections -- which, of course, there weren't.

And can you tell us why the Chief Justice would participate in swearing in the President if he had any concerns about his eligibility?

The only one prattling on about nonsense would appear to be YOU as you try hard to avoid answering the question: Do you have any evidence that the President was not born in Hawaii?

That's what you need, PROOF.

The President is serving in office. There is public evidence that he made available to the appropriate authorities his Certification of Birth from the State of Hawaii, the only documentary evidence necessary to show that he is eligible to be President. Congress raised no objections to certifying the EC vote and the USSC has denied any attempts at raising the issue.

The facts speak for themselves -- unless you have evidence to the contrary.

Do you?
You may think it would be "nice" for the President to show you his original birth certificate, but he doesn't have to.

What kind of filthy pig shit you trying to push here slick? The President doesn't have to show his real birth certificate? Are you for real? Then why did John McCain? Why does it say you have to in the Constitution?

Powers to be wanted a black President. POWERFUL powers to be. They wanted a BLACK President to break the racial stigma in America. So much so that they completely and utterly ignore and disregard all legitimate concerns about the obama birth issue. (What do you expect when Holder, obama's lap dog for many years, is the Attorney General?) Did you know what obama did on his FIRST DAY IN OFFICE? He issued a Presidential decree stating that he or any other following President wouldn't have to PROVE they were eligible to be President. Why did he do that? Why is he HIDING EVERYTHING pertaining to his life that would shed light on whether or not he's an American born natural citizen?

If you can answer ONE of those questions, without a helping of your syrupy, disgusting, twisted obama ass kissing noises, I'll be surprised.
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Ah yes, insults. That's all you've got, right?

Insulting your opponent when you can't beat them with facts is the calling card of all great lawyers.

Oh wait, that's completely wrong.

I am beginning to think you're assertion was correct.

That, and (though I am certainly no lawyer), I've never heard anyone with any legal experience claim that prima facie evidence would not hold up in court or that it would warrent additional documentation.
You may think it would be "nice" for the President to show you his original birth certificate, but he doesn't have to.

What kind of filthy pig shit you trying to push here slick? The President doesn't have to show his real birth certificate? Are you for real? Then why did John McCain? Why does it say you have to in the Constitution?

Powers to be wanted a black President. POWERFUL powers to be. They wanted a BLACK President to break the racial stigma in America. So much so that they completely and utterly ignore and disregard all legitimate concerns about the obama birth issue. (What do you expect when Holder, obama's lap dog for many years, is the Attorney General?) Did you know what obama did on his FIRST DAY IN OFFICE? He issued a Presidential decree stating that he or any other following President wouldn't have to PROVE they were eligible to be President. Why did he do that? Why is he HIDING EVERYTHING pertaining to his life that would shed light on whether or not he's an American born natural citizen?

If you can answer ONE of those questions, without a helping of your syrupy, disgusting, twisted obama ass kissing noises, I'll be surprised.

So much to respond to...

First, John McCain DID NOT show his birth certificate in court, the PLANTIFF who was suing him did as a part of his filing the lawsuit.

It doesn't say anywhere in the Constitution that a Presidential candidate has to provide his or her birth certificate to the public, not even close. The President provided it to the appropriate authorities and then went a step further and provided it for public viewing.

I will ignore your questionable comments about the President's race...

There was NO such Executive Order. And the President is not hiding anything at all about his life, unless you count his not bending over backwards for a group of lunatics who want him out of office at all costs because they can't stand the fact that he is the President.

He was born in Hawaii in August 1961. Documented and certified by the state authorities.

There is no question therefore that he is eligible to be Presidnet in the absence of some proof by those who claim he is not.

Do you have any such evidence?
i never said simply because i bring a claim, your dishonesty is appalling...of course i would have to have some indication of a cause of action. if our agreements were entirely oral, then it is my word against yours. if i can get around the SOF, then you're damn right i can request any and all financial records as it relates to our dispute. you're missing the picture entirely.

here, they have brough plausible evidence of discrepencies about where obama was born. obama holds the key evidence, the original birth certificate. in this case, which is completely opposite of what you're discussing, not allowing the plaintiff to see a copy of the original birth certificate is illogical. what harm is there to defendant? none. he claims what he posted is valid, so the original will only contain the additional information of the hospital, the is that private when obama has stated which hospital he was born in, which btw appears to conflict with other reports of which hospital.

IMO, this gives rise to a colorable claim that can easily be resolved by access to the original or a copy thereof. you're not making any sense by talking about fishing expeditions because in this case all that is requested is one specific document.

you proved again you have no idea what you are talking about. and whether you think i am lawyer or not is irrelevant to your incorrect conclusions and statement of law.

Sorry, there is no "plausible evidence or discrepancies" about where the President was born, except for maybe the tempest in a teapot about what local people called the medical center where he was born. Certainly you would agree that there is no evidence that he was born anyplace else but Hawaii.

The problem you are facing is summed up in this sentence you just wrote: "IMO, this gives rise to a colorable claim..." Yes, in your opinion it does, but since Congress has already certified that information, unless you can find some judge who agrees with your opinion, that's all this remains, your opinion.

I suspect that to find such a judge you would need to produce some evidence that the President was not born in Hawaii. WE ARE NOT TALKING ABOUT SPECULATION. Proof, evidence that he was born elsewhere. Are you aware of any?

His Kenyan grandmother claimed to have been present and his birth, she had never left Kenya, you don't think that's some proof of speculation?

That's an outright LIE Sheila, put out there by the LIARS on this topic....

Pale Rider, posted a link with the interview with the grandmother, where the grandmother was suppose to have said she was present when he was born in Kenya, by some reverend/radio host....I listened to the tape, and at midway point....which YOU MUST LISTEN TO,, the grandmother was asked where Obama was born and she said specifically, he was BORN IN HAWAII...


ALLLLLLLLLL of that has BEEN A RUMOR AND A LIE AND THE SUPPORT TO IT BEING A LIE IS RIGHT HERE, PROVIDED BY PALE, , who obviously did not listen to it, because it clearly shows the radio host baiting her, trying to get her to say obama was born in Kenya, she was confused and could not understand why he was asking such, because he was born in hawaii, his father was from kenya but going to school over there...obama jr was born in hawaii...

I had been hearing about this tape from every republican out there that are believers that obama was born there, but had never been given a link to the source of this hearsay....

yesterday, pale posted a link to the taped interview with obama's grandmom that SUPPOSEDLY confirmed her saying he was born in Kenya and she was present and LOW AND BEHOLD, the taped portrayed NOTHING of the sort....his kenyan grandmom said obama was born in hawaii.
Sorry, there is no "plausible evidence or discrepancies" about where the President was born, except for maybe the tempest in a teapot about what local people called the medical center where he was born. Certainly you would agree that there is no evidence that he was born anyplace else but Hawaii.

The problem you are facing is summed up in this sentence you just wrote: "IMO, this gives rise to a colorable claim..." Yes, in your opinion it does, but since Congress has already certified that information, unless you can find some judge who agrees with your opinion, that's all this remains, your opinion.

I suspect that to find such a judge you would need to produce some evidence that the President was not born in Hawaii. WE ARE NOT TALKING ABOUT SPECULATION. Proof, evidence that he was born elsewhere. Are you aware of any?

His Kenyan grandmother claimed to have been present and his birth, she had never left Kenya, you don't think that's some proof of speculation?

That's an outright LIE Sheila, put out there by the LIARS on this topic....

Pale Rider, posted a link with the interview with the grandmother, where the grandmother was suppose to have said she was present when he was born in Kenya, by some reverend/radio host....I listened to the tape, and at midway point....which YOU MUST LISTEN TO,, the grandmother was asked where Obama was born and she said specifically, he was BORN IN HAWAII...


ALLLLLLLLLL of that has BEEN A RUMOR AND A LIE AND THE SUPPORT TO IT BEING A LIE IS RIGHT HERE, PROVIDED BY PALE, , who obviously did not listen to it, because it clearly shows the radio host baiting her, trying to get her to say obama was born in Kenya, she was confused and could not understand why he was asking such, because he was born in hawaii, his father was from kenya but going to school over there...obama jr was born in hawaii...

I had been hearing about this tape from every republican out there that are believers that obama was born there, but had never been given a link to the source of this hearsay....

yesterday, pale posted a link to the taped interview with obama's grandmom that SUPPOSEDLY confirmed her saying he was born in Kenya and she was present and LOW AND BEHOLD, the taped portrayed NOTHING of the sort....his kenyan grandmom said obama was born in hawaii.

Read the transcript of the interview a while back. They did their best to confuse and old woman who doesn't speak English and still failed miserably.
Sorry, there is no "plausible evidence or discrepancies" about where the President was born, except for maybe the tempest in a teapot about what local people called the medical center where he was born. Certainly you would agree that there is no evidence that he was born anyplace else but Hawaii.

The problem you are facing is summed up in this sentence you just wrote: "IMO, this gives rise to a colorable claim..." Yes, in your opinion it does, but since Congress has already certified that information, unless you can find some judge who agrees with your opinion, that's all this remains, your opinion.

I suspect that to find such a judge you would need to produce some evidence that the President was not born in Hawaii. WE ARE NOT TALKING ABOUT SPECULATION. Proof, evidence that he was born elsewhere. Are you aware of any?

His Kenyan grandmother claimed to have been present and his birth, she had never left Kenya, you don't think that's some proof of speculation?

That's an outright LIE Sheila, put out there by the LIARS on this topic....

Pale Rider, posted a link with the interview with the grandmother, where the grandmother was suppose to have said she was present when he was born in Kenya, by some reverend/radio host....I listened to the tape, and at midway point....which YOU MUST LISTEN TO,, the grandmother was asked where Obama was born and she said specifically, he was BORN IN HAWAII...


ALLLLLLLLLL of that has BEEN A RUMOR AND A LIE AND THE SUPPORT TO IT BEING A LIE IS RIGHT HERE, PROVIDED BY PALE, , who obviously did not listen to it, because it clearly shows the radio host baiting her, trying to get her to say obama was born in Kenya, she was confused and could not understand why he was asking such, because he was born in hawaii, his father was from kenya but going to school over there...obama jr was born in hawaii...

I had been hearing about this tape from every republican out there that are believers that obama was born there, but had never been given a link to the source of this hearsay....

yesterday, pale posted a link to the taped interview with obama's grandmom that SUPPOSEDLY confirmed her saying he was born in Kenya and she was present and LOW AND BEHOLD, the taped portrayed NOTHING of the sort....his kenyan grandmom said obama was born in hawaii.

don't know what tape you listened to, but the one I listened to had her saying she was present at his birth....she changed her story after one of her sons said something.....I'm guessing you listened to the later part of the tape...AFTER her son told her not to say she was present at Obama's birth. I do remember having my Kenyan friends listen to it and they said, "Yeah, that's what she said".
His Kenyan grandmother claimed to have been present and his birth, she had never left Kenya, you don't think that's some proof of speculation?

That's an outright LIE Sheila, put out there by the LIARS on this topic....

Pale Rider, posted a link with the interview with the grandmother, where the grandmother was suppose to have said she was present when he was born in Kenya, by some reverend/radio host....I listened to the tape, and at midway point....which YOU MUST LISTEN TO,, the grandmother was asked where Obama was born and she said specifically, he was BORN IN HAWAII...


ALLLLLLLLLL of that has BEEN A RUMOR AND A LIE AND THE SUPPORT TO IT BEING A LIE IS RIGHT HERE, PROVIDED BY PALE, , who obviously did not listen to it, because it clearly shows the radio host baiting her, trying to get her to say obama was born in Kenya, she was confused and could not understand why he was asking such, because he was born in hawaii, his father was from kenya but going to school over there...obama jr was born in hawaii...

I had been hearing about this tape from every republican out there that are believers that obama was born there, but had never been given a link to the source of this hearsay....

yesterday, pale posted a link to the taped interview with obama's grandmom that SUPPOSEDLY confirmed her saying he was born in Kenya and she was present and LOW AND BEHOLD, the taped portrayed NOTHING of the sort....his kenyan grandmom said obama was born in hawaii.

don't know what tape you listened to, but the one I listened to had her saying she was present at his birth....she changed her story after one of her sons said something.....I'm guessing you listened to the later part of the tape...AFTER her son told her not to say she was present at Obama's birth. I do remember having my Kenyan friends listen to it and they said, "Yeah, that's what she said".

I trust you will be honest Sheila, when you get time, listen to the tape I gave you the link to, in which Pale Rider supplied as support of him being born in Kenya, but it does no such thing.

I wanted to kick the radio host of this particular tape, in the face, for being such a manipulative asshole....and that is saying alot, for me....but I will let you make up your own mind....and I have no doubt you will hear, what i heard.

here is the LAW sheila, pertaining to citizenship at birth:

US CODE: Title 8,1401. Nationals and citizens of United States at birth

TITLE 8 > CHAPTER 12 > SUBCHAPTER III > Part I > § 1401
Prev | Next
§ 1401. Nationals and citizens of United States at birth
How Current is This?
The following shall be nationals and citizens of the United States at birth:
(a) a person born in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof;

(b) a person born in the United States to a member of an Indian, Eskimo, Aleutian, or other aboriginal tribe: Provided, That the granting of citizenship under this subsection shall not in any manner impair or otherwise affect the right of such person to tribal or other property;

(c) a person born outside of the United States and its outlying possessions of parents both of whom are citizens of the United States and one of whom has had a residence in the United States or one of its outlying possessions, prior to the birth of such person;

(d) a person born outside of the United States and its outlying possessions of parents one of whom is a citizen of the United States who has been physically present in the United States or one of its outlying possessions for a continuous period of one year prior to the birth of such person, and the other of whom is a national, but not a citizen of the United States;

(e) a person born in an outlying possession of the United States of parents one of whom is a citizen of the United States who has been physically present in the United States or one of its outlying possessions for a continuous period of one year at any time prior to the birth of such person;

(f) a person of unknown parentage found in the United States while under the age of five years, until shown, prior to his attaining the age of twenty-one years, not to have been born in the United States;

(g) a person born outside the geographical limits of the United States and its outlying possessions of parents one of whom is an alien, and the other a citizen of the United States who, prior to the birth of such person, was physically present in the United States or its outlying possessions for a period or periods totaling not less than five years, at least two of which were after attaining the age of fourteen years: Provided, That any periods of honorable service in the Armed Forces of the United States, or periods of employment with the United States Government or with an international organization as that term is defined in section 288 of title 22 by such citizen parent, or any periods during which such citizen parent is physically present abroad as the dependent unmarried son or daughter and a member of the household of a person
(A) honorably serving with the Armed Forces of the United States, or
(B) employed by the United States Government or an international organization as defined in section 288 of title 22, may be included in order to satisfy the physical-presence requirement of this paragraph. This proviso shall be applicable to persons born on or after December 24, 1952, to the same extent as if it had become effective in its present form on that date; and

(h) a person born before noon (Eastern Standard Time) May 24, 1934, outside the limits and jurisdiction of the United States of an alien father and a mother who is a citizen of the United States who, prior to the birth of such person, had resided in the United States.

D or E fits obama's case imo....IF HE WERE BORN in Kenya as speculated by some.
here is the LAW sheila, pertaining to citizenship at birth:

US CODE: Title 8,1401. Nationals and citizens of United States at birth

TITLE 8 > CHAPTER 12 > SUBCHAPTER III > Part I > § 1401
Prev | Next
§ 1401. Nationals and citizens of United States at birth
How Current is This?
The following shall be nationals and citizens of the United States at birth:
(a) a person born in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof;

(b) a person born in the United States to a member of an Indian, Eskimo, Aleutian, or other aboriginal tribe: Provided, That the granting of citizenship under this subsection shall not in any manner impair or otherwise affect the right of such person to tribal or other property;

(c) a person born outside of the United States and its outlying possessions of parents both of whom are citizens of the United States and one of whom has had a residence in the United States or one of its outlying possessions, prior to the birth of such person;

(d) a person born outside of the United States and its outlying possessions of parents one of whom is a citizen of the United States who has been physically present in the United States or one of its outlying possessions for a continuous period of one year prior to the birth of such person, and the other of whom is a national, but not a citizen of the United States;

(e) a person born in an outlying possession of the United States of parents one of whom is a citizen of the United States who has been physically present in the United States or one of its outlying possessions for a continuous period of one year at any time prior to the birth of such person;

(f) a person of unknown parentage found in the United States while under the age of five years, until shown, prior to his attaining the age of twenty-one years, not to have been born in the United States;

(g) a person born outside the geographical limits of the United States and its outlying possessions of parents one of whom is an alien, and the other a citizen of the United States who, prior to the birth of such person, was physically present in the United States or its outlying possessions for a period or periods totaling not less than five years, at least two of which were after attaining the age of fourteen years: Provided, That any periods of honorable service in the Armed Forces of the United States, or periods of employment with the United States Government or with an international organization as that term is defined in section 288 of title 22 by such citizen parent, or any periods during which such citizen parent is physically present abroad as the dependent unmarried son or daughter and a member of the household of a person
(A) honorably serving with the Armed Forces of the United States, or
(B) employed by the United States Government or an international organization as defined in section 288 of title 22, may be included in order to satisfy the physical-presence requirement of this paragraph. This proviso shall be applicable to persons born on or after December 24, 1952, to the same extent as if it had become effective in its present form on that date; and

(h) a person born before noon (Eastern Standard Time) May 24, 1934, outside the limits and jurisdiction of the United States of an alien father and a mother who is a citizen of the United States who, prior to the birth of such person, had resided in the United States.

D or E fits obama's case imo....IF HE WERE BORN in Kenya as speculated by some.

He may qualify as a citizen, but not as a natural born citizen and therefore ineligible to become president. Again, I was born in England on an American Air Force base to two American citizens, my brother was born in Japan on an American Air Force base to two American citizens and we both had to become naturalized citizens and are NOT eligible to become president of the USA....there is no way in heck that McCain or Obama can possibly be eligible to be president when we aren't. The only they have that we don't is money and influence....sorry but that wasn't anywhere in our constitution that our laws would be bent for people of wealth and influence.
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On that phony "Grandma says he was born in Kenya" schtick, check this article from The Economist:

Myths like this can't be killed by dull things like facts and documentation. Mr Obama released a reprint of his Hawaiian birth certificate in June, and an online cottage industry of self-appointed "forgery experts" rose up to challenge its legitimacy. An Anabaptist minister named Ron McRae tried some detective work to prove that Mr Obama's African relatives were hiding the truth about their favourite son, and on October 16th he called the Obama household in Kenya to get his 86-year-old paternal step-grandmother, Sarah, to say she was there when Mr Obama was born.

Mr McRae has signed onto the most famous Obama citizenship lawsuit, filed by troubled Pennsylvania lawyer Philip Berg (who twiced sued President Bush for his "role" in the 9/11 attacks), and given the court a partial transcript of a conversation wherein a translator says Mrs Obama was "present" when the president-elect was born. Ill-advisedly, Mr McRae then made the whole tape available... in which it's clear that Sarah Obama's translator, Vitalis Akech Ogombe, misunderstood the way Mr McRae phrased the question. When Mr McRae rephrases it, hilarity ensues.

MCRAE: When I come in December. I would like to come by the place, the hospital, where he was born. Could you tell me where he was born? Was he born in Mombassa?

OGOMBE: No, Obama was not born in Mombassa. He was born in America.

MCRAE: Whereabouts was he born? I thought he was born in Kenya.

OGOMBE: No, he was born in America, not in Mombassa.

MCRAE: Do you know where he was born? I thought he was born in Kenya. I was going to go by and see where he was born.

OGOMBE: Hawaii. Hawaii. Sir, she says he was born in Hawaii. In the state of Hawaii, where his father was also learning, there. The state of Hawaii.

That's from a conversation cited in a lawsuit that aims to prove Mr Obama was not born in America. That's what the poor voters of the electoral college will have to deal with for a few more weeks.

And the State Department Regs about being born overseas? Irrelevant since the President was clearly born in Hawaii as documented and certified by the state, the DNC, each state and territory's election officials, and the Congress of the United States.
You may think it would be "nice" for the President to show you his original birth certificate, but he doesn't have to.

What kind of filthy pig shit you trying to push here slick? The President doesn't have to show his real birth certificate? Are you for real? Then why did John McCain? Why does it say you have to in the Constitution?

Powers to be wanted a black President. POWERFUL powers to be. They wanted a BLACK President to break the racial stigma in America. So much so that they completely and utterly ignore and disregard all legitimate concerns about the obama birth issue. (What do you expect when Holder, obama's lap dog for many years, is the Attorney General?) Did you know what obama did on his FIRST DAY IN OFFICE? He issued a Presidential decree stating that he or any other following President wouldn't have to PROVE they were eligible to be President. Why did he do that? Why is he HIDING EVERYTHING pertaining to his life that would shed light on whether or not he's an American born natural citizen?

If you can answer ONE of those questions, without a helping of your syrupy, disgusting, twisted obama ass kissing noises, I'll be surprised.

So much to respond to...

First, John McCain DID NOT show his birth certificate in court, the PLANTIFF who was suing him did as a part of his filing the lawsuit.

It doesn't say anywhere in the Constitution that a Presidential candidate has to provide his or her birth certificate to the public, not even close. The President provided it to the appropriate authorities and then went a step further and provided it for public viewing.

I will ignore your questionable comments about the President's race...

There was NO such Executive Order. And the President is not hiding anything at all about his life, unless you count his not bending over backwards for a group of lunatics who want him out of office at all costs because they can't stand the fact that he is the President.

He was born in Hawaii in August 1961. Documented and certified by the state authorities.

There is no question therefore that he is eligible to be Presidnet in the absence of some proof by those who claim he is not.

Do you have any such evidence?

lmao......yet he did and notice no one ever talked about mccain's eligibility after that.....

this cracking me up...

mccain, despite winning the standing argument....threw all his evidence on the table anyways.....

mr. transparency does the opposite....and people are still talking about it

that anyone would defend this is beyond me.....
lmao......yet he did and notice no one ever talked about mccain's eligibility after that.....

this cracking me up...

mccain, despite winning the standing argument....threw all his evidence on the table anyways.....

mr. transparency does the opposite....and people are still talking about it

that anyone would defend this is beyond me.....

The issue of standing is the only legally relevant thing here.

Everything else is just sour grapes. Regardless of what McCain did or didn't do, his side argued and won on standing.

Obviously this issue has not been specially crafted to support Obama and there is some legal thought that has gone into this matter.
It doesn't matter whether or not he is legally obligated to provide the information. If he weren't an elitist asshole, he'd authorize the hospital to release the records and put this to rest once and for all.

That's all he has to do and it would all go away. But because he thinks he shouldn't have to answer to the smelly masses, he won't.
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It doesn't matter whether or not he is legally obligated to provide the information.

Actually, the only thing that really matters is the law.

If he weren't an elitist asshole, he'd authorize the hospital to release the records and put this to rest once and for all.

That's all he has to do and it would all go away. But because he thinks he shouldn't have to answer to the smelly masses, he won't.

I understand that you guys are frustrated that you can't win a court case, but he has no obligation to capitulate to the demands of the fringe right wing.

I don't blame him, because the demands will never stop. This issue is not about the birth certificate at all for the vast majority of the "birther" movement. It is about circumventing a legal and proper election.

Sorry. Win some court cases and get back to me.
I understand that you guys are frustrated that you can't win a court case, but he has no obligation to capitulate to the demands of the fringe right wing.

I don't blame him, because the demands will never stop. This issue is not about the birth certificate at all for the vast majority of the "birther" movement. It is about circumventing a legal and proper election.

Sorry. Win some court cases and get back to me.

After a while that's all we can say. The Troofers have their own "facts" and won't admit that they are wrong.

Like I've maintained all along, while the President is serving it stretches credibility that they claim that he isn't eligible.

But then again we know that the truth has a liberal slant, right?

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