Hospital Won't Back Obama Birth Claim

I understand that you guys are frustrated that you can't win a court case, but he has no obligation to capitulate to the demands of the fringe right wing.

I don't blame him, because the demands will never stop. This issue is not about the birth certificate at all for the vast majority of the "birther" movement. It is about circumventing a legal and proper election.

Sorry. Win some court cases and get back to me.

After a while that's all we can say. The Troofers have their own "facts" and won't admit that they are wrong.

Like I've maintained all along, while the President is serving it stretches credibility that they claim that he isn't eligible.

But then again we know that the truth has a liberal slant, right?

Um, I claimed he wasn't eligible before he got elected, why would I change my mind simply because the vote counts went his way? Remember PT Barnum? "No one ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American people."

It would be nice if the truth eventually came out, but the truth about JFKs assassination never came out, I sincerely doubt the truth about Obama's citizenship will ever come out.

Again, even if he was born in the USA, he was adopted by an Indonesian citizen and was granted citizenship in Indonesia, they do not allow duel citizenship which means he gave up his American citizenship. Anyway you look at it, it's darn fishy.
I understand that you guys are frustrated that you can't win a court case, but he has no obligation to capitulate to the demands of the fringe right wing.

I don't blame him, because the demands will never stop. This issue is not about the birth certificate at all for the vast majority of the "birther" movement. It is about circumventing a legal and proper election.

Sorry. Win some court cases and get back to me.

After a while that's all we can say. The Troofers have their own "facts" and won't admit that they are wrong.

Like I've maintained all along, while the President is serving it stretches credibility that they claim that he isn't eligible.

But then again we know that the truth has a liberal slant, right?

Um, I claimed he wasn't eligible before he got elected, why would I change my mind simply because the vote counts went his way? Remember PT Barnum? "No one ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American people."

It would be nice if the truth eventually came out, but the truth about JFKs assassination never came out, I sincerely doubt the truth about Obama's citizenship will ever come out.

Again, even if he was born in the USA, he was adopted by an Indonesian citizen and was granted citizenship in Indonesia, they do not allow duel citizenship which means he gave up his American citizenship. Anyway you look at it, it's darn fishy.

Our laws are specific, you can NOT take an American citizen's, citizenship away without a court hearing, here in the USA....

Do you think Obama's mother flew back to the usa from indonesia to have this US court hearing to take her son's citizenship away from him Sheila?

And on another note, do you think Obama swore his allegience to Indonesia at 6 years old, and willfully gave up his citizenship to the usa?
What kind of filthy pig shit you trying to push here slick? The President doesn't have to show his real birth certificate? Are you for real? Then why did John McCain? Why does it say you have to in the Constitution?

Powers to be wanted a black President. POWERFUL powers to be. They wanted a BLACK President to break the racial stigma in America. So much so that they completely and utterly ignore and disregard all legitimate concerns about the obama birth issue. (What do you expect when Holder, obama's lap dog for many years, is the Attorney General?) Did you know what obama did on his FIRST DAY IN OFFICE? He issued a Presidential decree stating that he or any other following President wouldn't have to PROVE they were eligible to be President. Why did he do that? Why is he HIDING EVERYTHING pertaining to his life that would shed light on whether or not he's an American born natural citizen?

If you can answer ONE of those questions, without a helping of your syrupy, disgusting, twisted obama ass kissing noises, I'll be surprised.

So much to respond to...

First, John McCain DID NOT show his birth certificate in court, the PLANTIFF who was suing him did as a part of his filing the lawsuit.

It doesn't say anywhere in the Constitution that a Presidential candidate has to provide his or her birth certificate to the public, not even close. The President provided it to the appropriate authorities and then went a step further and provided it for public viewing.

I will ignore your questionable comments about the President's race...

There was NO such Executive Order. And the President is not hiding anything at all about his life, unless you count his not bending over backwards for a group of lunatics who want him out of office at all costs because they can't stand the fact that he is the President.

He was born in Hawaii in August 1961. Documented and certified by the state authorities.

There is no question therefore that he is eligible to be Presidnet in the absence of some proof by those who claim he is not.

Do you have any such evidence?

lmao......yet he did and notice no one ever talked about mccain's eligibility after that.....

this cracking me up...

mccain, despite winning the standing argument....threw all his evidence on the table anyways.....

mr. transparency does the opposite....and people are still talking about it

that anyone would defend this is beyond me.....

McCain used the same method that Obama copied to defend himself against suit on his citizenship and sought to have the suits against him DISMISSED due to not having STANDING.

Robinson v Secretary of State Debra Bowen et al John McCain Citizenship Lawsuit
I understand that you guys are frustrated that you can't win a court case, but he has no obligation to capitulate to the demands of the fringe right wing.

I don't blame him, because the demands will never stop. This issue is not about the birth certificate at all for the vast majority of the "birther" movement. It is about circumventing a legal and proper election.

Sorry. Win some court cases and get back to me.

After a while that's all we can say. The Troofers have their own "facts" and won't admit that they are wrong.

Like I've maintained all along, while the President is serving it stretches credibility that they claim that he isn't eligible.

But then again we know that the truth has a liberal slant, right?

Um, I claimed he wasn't eligible before he got elected, why would I change my mind simply because the vote counts went his way? Remember PT Barnum? "No one ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American people."

It would be nice if the truth eventually came out, but the truth about JFKs assassination never came out, I sincerely doubt the truth about Obama's citizenship will ever come out.

Again, even if he was born in the USA, he was adopted by an Indonesian citizen and was granted citizenship in Indonesia, they do not allow duel citizenship which means he gave up his American citizenship. Anyway you look at it, it's darn fishy.

The SCOTUS has ruled that no actions taken by or on the behalf of a minor can deprive them of their American citizenship until and unless they act to repudiate their American citizenship after the age of majority.

The President did not do that. No one is making the allegation that he did, no one.

Even if we accepted your theory - for which there is no proof anyway - and we ignored the fact that Indonesian law does not allow the automatic granting of citizenship to children adopted after the age of five (and Obama was 6 when his mother married Soetreo), the only thing you would be arguing was that INDONESIAN LAW DID NOT RECOGNIZE THE PRESIDENT'S US CITIZENSHIP.

We would NOT be arguing about how American law viewed it, we would be talking about Indonesian law.

Quite irrelevant, don't you think?
Sorry, there is no "plausible evidence or discrepancies" about where the President was born, except for maybe the tempest in a teapot about what local people called the medical center where he was born. Certainly you would agree that there is no evidence that he was born anyplace else but Hawaii.

The problem you are facing is summed up in this sentence you just wrote: "IMO, this gives rise to a colorable claim..." Yes, in your opinion it does, but since Congress has already certified that information, unless you can find some judge who agrees with your opinion, that's all this remains, your opinion.

I suspect that to find such a judge you would need to produce some evidence that the President was not born in Hawaii. WE ARE NOT TALKING ABOUT SPECULATION. Proof, evidence that he was born elsewhere. Are you aware of any?

His Kenyan grandmother claimed to have been present and his birth, she had never left Kenya, you don't think that's some proof of speculation?

That's an outright LIE Sheila, put out there by the LIARS on this topic....

Pale Rider, posted a link with the interview with the grandmother, where the grandmother was suppose to have said she was present when he was born in Kenya, by some reverend/radio host....I listened to the tape, and at midway point....which YOU MUST LISTEN TO,, the grandmother was asked where Obama was born and she said specifically, he was BORN IN HAWAII...


ALLLLLLLLLL of that has BEEN A RUMOR AND A LIE AND THE SUPPORT TO IT BEING A LIE IS RIGHT HERE, PROVIDED BY PALE, , who obviously did not listen to it, because it clearly shows the radio host baiting her, trying to get her to say obama was born in Kenya, she was confused and could not understand why he was asking such, because he was born in hawaii, his father was from kenya but going to school over there...obama jr was born in hawaii...

I had been hearing about this tape from every republican out there that are believers that obama was born there, but had never been given a link to the source of this hearsay....

yesterday, pale posted a link to the taped interview with obama's grandmom that SUPPOSEDLY confirmed her saying he was born in Kenya and she was present and LOW AND BEHOLD, the taped portrayed NOTHING of the sort....his kenyan grandmom said obama was born in hawaii.

Care... I like ya... always have. You're about the ONLY liberal I've ever been able to talk to and have a rational, intelligent conversation with. But you're as wrong here as you've ever been. I'll repost the interview with obama's grand mother, one with transcript in it, and there's no "baiting" or anything else. The question is simple and concise, "we're you there when obama was born."

[youtube]<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>[/youtube]
After a while that's all we can say. The Troofers have their own "facts" and won't admit that they are wrong.

Like I've maintained all along, while the President is serving it stretches credibility that they claim that he isn't eligible.

But then again we know that the truth has a liberal slant, right?

Um, I claimed he wasn't eligible before he got elected, why would I change my mind simply because the vote counts went his way? Remember PT Barnum? "No one ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American people."

It would be nice if the truth eventually came out, but the truth about JFKs assassination never came out, I sincerely doubt the truth about Obama's citizenship will ever come out.

Again, even if he was born in the USA, he was adopted by an Indonesian citizen and was granted citizenship in Indonesia, they do not allow duel citizenship which means he gave up his American citizenship. Anyway you look at it, it's darn fishy.

Our laws are specific, you can NOT take an American citizen's, citizenship away without a court hearing, here in the USA....

Do you think Obama's mother flew back to the usa from indonesia to have this US court hearing to take her son's citizenship away from him Sheila?

And on another note, do you think Obama swore his allegience to Indonesia at 6 years old, and willfully gave up his citizenship to the usa?

In obama's case, he would have had "dual" citizenship, thus also making him ineligible to become our President.
So much to respond to...

First, John McCain DID NOT show his birth certificate in court, the PLANTIFF who was suing him did as a part of his filing the lawsuit.

It doesn't say anywhere in the Constitution that a Presidential candidate has to provide his or her birth certificate to the public, not even close. The President provided it to the appropriate authorities and then went a step further and provided it for public viewing.

I will ignore your questionable comments about the President's race...

There was NO such Executive Order. And the President is not hiding anything at all about his life, unless you count his not bending over backwards for a group of lunatics who want him out of office at all costs because they can't stand the fact that he is the President.

He was born in Hawaii in August 1961. Documented and certified by the state authorities.

There is no question therefore that he is eligible to be Presidnet in the absence of some proof by those who claim he is not.

Do you have any such evidence?

lmao......yet he did and notice no one ever talked about mccain's eligibility after that.....

this cracking me up...

mccain, despite winning the standing argument....threw all his evidence on the table anyways.....

mr. transparency does the opposite....and people are still talking about it

that anyone would defend this is beyond me.....

McCain used the same method that Obama copied to defend himself against suit on his citizenship and sought to have the suits against him DISMISSED due to not having STANDING.

Robinson v Secretary of State Debra Bowen et al John McCain Citizenship Lawsuit

There are stark differences between McCain and obama. They held Supreme Court hearings on McCain, even though he had TWO American citizens for parents. They did NOT hold Supreme Court hearings on obama, even though one of his parents was NOT an American citizen, he'd lived a large part of his child hood in Indonesia, and he's never shown proof of his place of birth.

It's frustrating to watch you people read these facts over and over but fail to admit their veracity.

The bottom line is, there is enough evidence and facts to this issue to make a reasonable person ask, "why doesn't obama show us his real birth certificate, or any one of many other documents, and clear this whole mess up."

If he has nothing to hide, then why is he hiding everything he's got with so much money and legal maneuvering?
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It doesn't matter whether or not he is legally obligated to provide the information. If he weren't an elitist asshole, he'd authorize the hospital to release the records and put this to rest once and for all.

That's all he has to do and it would all go away. But because he thinks he shouldn't have to answer to the smelly masses, he won't.

I think it's because he doesn't want the masses to know the truth...
That tape of Obama's grandmother really shows these nut balls for what they are. Anyone that can listen to that and read the transcript and still claim that Obama's grandmother says he was born in Kenya, is quite frankly, an idiot. The only person on that tape that insist Obama was born in Kenya is the interviewer and he gets corrected over and over again that Obama was born in America, in Hawaii.

Ron McRae: Amen. I am so thankful. Could I ask her, uh, about his, uh, his actual birthplace? I would like to see hi actual birthplace when I, when I come to Kenya in December. Uh, was she present when he was, was she present when he was born in Kenya?

Ogombe to Sarah Obama: Alikuma zalima Obama [unintelligible].

Kweli Shuhudia: He is asking her, he wants to know something was ah she present when he was born?

Ogombe: Yes. She says, “Yes she was! She was present when Obama was born.”
Ron McRae: Okay.

MCRAE: When I come in December. I would like to come by the place, the hospital, where he was born. Could you tell me where he was born? Was he born in Mombasa?

OGOMBE: No, Obama was not born in Mombasa. He was born in America.

MCRAE: Whereabouts was he born? I thought he was born in Kenya.

OGOMBE: No, he was born in America, not in Mombasa.

MCRAE: Do you know where he was born? I thought he was born in Kenya. I was going to go by and see where he was born.

OGOMBE: Hawaii. Hawaii. Sir, she says he was born in Hawaii. In the state of Hawaii, where his father was also learning, there. The state of Hawaii.
After a while that's all we can say. The Troofers have their own "facts" and won't admit that they are wrong.

Like I've maintained all along, while the President is serving it stretches credibility that they claim that he isn't eligible.

But then again we know that the truth has a liberal slant, right?

Um, I claimed he wasn't eligible before he got elected, why would I change my mind simply because the vote counts went his way? Remember PT Barnum? "No one ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American people."

It would be nice if the truth eventually came out, but the truth about JFKs assassination never came out, I sincerely doubt the truth about Obama's citizenship will ever come out.

Again, even if he was born in the USA, he was adopted by an Indonesian citizen and was granted citizenship in Indonesia, they do not allow duel citizenship which means he gave up his American citizenship. Anyway you look at it, it's darn fishy.

Our laws are specific, you can NOT take an American citizen's, citizenship away without a court hearing, here in the USA....

Do you think Obama's mother flew back to the usa from indonesia to have this US court hearing to take her son's citizenship away from him Sheila?

And on another note, do you think Obama swore his allegience to Indonesia at 6 years old, and willfully gave up his citizenship to the usa?

How the hell is finding that Obama isn't a citizen taking away his citizenship?
What are you rambling on about?
There are stark differences between McCain and obama. They held Supreme Court hearings on McCain, even though he had TWO American citizens for parents. They did NOT hold Supreme Court hearings on obama, even though one of his parents was NOT an American citizen, he'd lived a large part of his child hood in Indonesia, and he's never shown proof of his place of birth.

It's frustrating to watch you people read these facts over and over but fail to admit their veracity.

The bottom line is, there is enough evidence and facts to this issue to make a reasonable person ask, "why doesn't obama show us his real birth certificate, or any one of many other documents, and clear this whole mess up."

If he has nothing to hide, then why is he hiding everything he's got with so much money and legal maneuvering?

Given your statement that "they held Supreme Court hearings on McCain," when of course, no such hearings occurred, your bolded statement is pretty damn ironic...
There are stark differences between McCain and obama. They held Supreme Court hearings on McCain, even though he had TWO American citizens for parents. They did NOT hold Supreme Court hearings on obama, even though one of his parents was NOT an American citizen, he'd lived a large part of his child hood in Indonesia, and he's never shown proof of his place of birth.

It's frustrating to watch you people read these facts over and over but fail to admit their veracity.

The bottom line is, there is enough evidence and facts to this issue to make a reasonable person ask, "why doesn't obama show us his real birth certificate, or any one of many other documents, and clear this whole mess up."

If he has nothing to hide, then why is he hiding everything he's got with so much money and legal maneuvering?

Given your statement that "they held Supreme Court hearings on McCain," when of course, no such hearings occurred, your bolded statement is pretty damn ironic...

Sorry... they held SENATE HEARINGS on McCain... Senate unanimous in vote to back McCain's eligibility | ® ... whereas they held NONE on soetoro.

And just to address the point that care4all and others have tried to forward that soetoro could have possibly been made an American citizen, which still isn't "natural born," by his mother, well that couldn't happen either, since his mother was too young at the time to transfer said citizenship if soetoro was born in Kenya.

They questioned as to whether or not McCain was eligible to be President, and he was born to TWO AMERICAN CITIZENS. Soetoro, we know, was born to only ONE, and we don't even know WHERE! People should be OUTRAGED this issue isn't being addressed by our government.
Um, I claimed he wasn't eligible before he got elected, why would I change my mind simply because the vote counts went his way? Remember PT Barnum? "No one ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American people."

It would be nice if the truth eventually came out, but the truth about JFKs assassination never came out, I sincerely doubt the truth about Obama's citizenship will ever come out.

Again, even if he was born in the USA, he was adopted by an Indonesian citizen and was granted citizenship in Indonesia, they do not allow duel citizenship which means he gave up his American citizenship. Anyway you look at it, it's darn fishy.

Our laws are specific, you can NOT take an American citizen's, citizenship away without a court hearing, here in the USA....

Do you think Obama's mother flew back to the usa from indonesia to have this US court hearing to take her son's citizenship away from him Sheila?

And on another note, do you think Obama swore his allegience to Indonesia at 6 years old, and willfully gave up his citizenship to the usa?

How the hell is finding that Obama isn't a citizen taking away his citizenship?
What are you rambling on about?

sheila has mentioned a few times that she thinks he lost it because his step father enrolled him as an indonesian, while attending school there....

and this simply can not be done to a citizen of the u.s., his step father and mother by enrolling him in school in indonesia and checking a box saying he was an Indonesian citizen in order to enroll in school there as claimed, doesn't mean it is so....doesn't mean he gave up his U S citizenship, it doesn't work that way....
Our laws are specific, you can NOT take an American citizen's, citizenship away without a court hearing, here in the USA....

Do you think Obama's mother flew back to the usa from indonesia to have this US court hearing to take her son's citizenship away from him Sheila?

And on another note, do you think Obama swore his allegience to Indonesia at 6 years old, and willfully gave up his citizenship to the usa?

How the hell is finding that Obama isn't a citizen taking away his citizenship?
What are you rambling on about?

sheila has mentioned a few times that she thinks he lost it because his step father enrolled him as an indonesian, while attending school there....

and this simply can not be done to a citizen of the u.s., his step father and mother by enrolling him in school in indonesia and checking a box saying he was an Indonesian citizen in order to enroll in school there as claimed, doesn't mean it is so....doesn't mean he gave up his U S citizenship, it doesn't work that way....

Does his parents checking the 'Indonesian Citizen' box give him dual citizenship and is dual citizenship allowed in becoming POTUS?
How the hell is finding that Obama isn't a citizen taking away his citizenship?
What are you rambling on about?

sheila has mentioned a few times that she thinks he lost it because his step father enrolled him as an indonesian, while attending school there....

and this simply can not be done to a citizen of the u.s., his step father and mother by enrolling him in school in indonesia and checking a box saying he was an Indonesian citizen in order to enroll in school there as claimed, doesn't mean it is so....doesn't mean he gave up his U S citizenship, it doesn't work that way....

Does his parents checking the 'Indonesian Citizen' box give him dual citizenship and is dual citizenship allowed in becoming POTUS?
maybe they just LIED to get him into the school?

Occams Razor
sheila has mentioned a few times that she thinks he lost it because his step father enrolled him as an indonesian, while attending school there....

and this simply can not be done to a citizen of the u.s., his step father and mother by enrolling him in school in indonesia and checking a box saying he was an Indonesian citizen in order to enroll in school there as claimed, doesn't mean it is so....doesn't mean he gave up his U S citizenship, it doesn't work that way....

Does his parents checking the 'Indonesian Citizen' box give him dual citizenship and is dual citizenship allowed in becoming POTUS?
maybe they just LIED to get him into the school?

Occams Razor

Could be . . . but does he have dual citizenship and is that allowed in being POTUS?
maybe they just LIED to get him into the school?

Occams Razor

Could be . . . but does he have dual citizenship and is that allowed in being POTUS?
how could his mom lying on a form make him a citizen of anywhere?

Not saying that lying (if they did lie) made him a citizen . . . just asking if he did have dual citizenship and how does that affect being POTUS? (I'm asking because I don't know.)
Does his parents checking the 'Indonesian Citizen' box give him dual citizenship and is dual citizenship allowed in becoming POTUS?
maybe they just LIED to get him into the school?

Occams Razor

Could be . . . but does he have dual citizenship and is that allowed in being POTUS?

No... that would most certainly disqualify him.
The point Mr. Benjamin made convincingly is that during the sixties, when Indonesia was a Police State, it was necessary to have certain identity papers, called Student KTP to attend the Indonesian State recognized Schools he attended,and which Foreign children were not permitted to attend. They were not international schools.

Mr Benjamin continued:"No journalist has denied that the SD Asisi Record contains the following information: He was enrolled on January 1st 1968, given Serial No 203 and placed in Class 1 B. His Religion is given as Islam, his Nationality Indonesian, his Father's Name as L Soetoro Ma., his Father's Occupation as Official, Director General's Office TNI [Topography Division Indonesian Army] and his Name as Barry Soetoro."

It is Mr Benjamin's considered conclusion that "there is clear prima facie evidence that Senator Barack Hussein Obama has held at least two Citizenships, American and Indonesian." Dual citizenship is a clearcut cause for ineligibility to run for POTUSA, under Article II of the Constitution.

Additionally, if you examine Obama's application to the Illinois Bar, he failed to list any previous names. Certainly another cause for suspicions that Barry has been trying to keep his real history secret for years. If he hasn't actually legally changed his name to Barack Obama, then it may be possible that his candidacy is going to be dismissed, because it is in the wrong name.

Obama's Dual Citizenship Problem
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