Hospitals Have Laid Off Over 8,000 Employees Since April Due to Obamacare.

I think in the states that reject the ACA and deprive their citizens of BILLIONS in federal dollars, you'll have health care crises. Texas has a very high (if not the highest) % of it's citizens at or below the poverty line. Their rejection of $B of federal monies out of spite is going to hurt their citizens and the healthcare industry.

My healthcare system (the one I work for) is expanding and we can't fill the jobs we have currently and we are opening up new campueses into 2015...
It was known all along this will happen and this is just the beginning
ReaganCare was signed into law in 1986, FORCING hospitals to treat and stabilize ANYONE, regardless of their ability to pay.

how many hospitals have closed since 1986?
ReaganCare was signed into law in 1986, FORCING hospitals to treat and stabilize ANYONE, regardless of their ability to pay.

how many hospitals have closed since 1986?

Probably a bunch. For all kinds of reasons.
Why bring that up? Do you want people dying on the sidewalk?
So conservatives are now all on board the idea that cutting government spending, whatever else it may do,

costs jobs - it doesn't create them?

Ever heard of Fayetteville, NC?

Most people haven't. The city is the 5th largest metro area in North Carolina. Here is what WIKI says about it:

Fort Bragg is the backbone of the county's economy. Fort Bragg and Pope Army Airfield pumps about $4.5 billion a year into the region's economy, making Fayetteville one of the best retail markets in the country. Fayetteville serves as the region's hub for shops, restaurants, services, lodging, health care and entertainment. Fayetteville boasts a low unemployment rate with a large labor pool of trained professionals.

The area's largest employers are:
Fort Bragg
Cumberland County Schools
Wal-Mart Stores & Distribution Center
Goodyear Tire Manufacturing Plant
Cape Fear Valley Health System
Cumberland County, North Carolina Government
Fayetteville Technical Community College

So much for the argument that government doesn't create jobs. I suppose all of that money would do just as much good if it were to remain in Cheyenne, Chicago, Charleston, and Chico I guess. But then we wouldn't have the benefit of the troops there in addition to the reported economic benefits.

It's easy to see that having the base is much better than not and the money remaining in the cities I listed.
Probably a bunch. For all kinds of reasons.
Why bring that up? Do you want people dying on the sidewalk?

$30 billion a year in unpaid emergency bills, due to ReaganCare.

has led to tons of layoffs and many hospitals closing, as they simply couldn't afford all the unpaid bills that Medicaid wouldn't pay for.

Reagan should have instead signed into law MediCare for all, so everyone who have health insurance and no ER bills would go unpaid.
Probably a bunch. For all kinds of reasons.
Why bring that up? Do you want people dying on the sidewalk?

$30 billion a year in unpaid emergency bills, due to ReaganCare.

has led to tons of layoffs and many hospitals closing, as they simply couldn't afford all the unpaid bills that Medicaid wouldn't pay for.

Reagan should have instead signed into law MediCare for all, so everyone who have health insurance and no ER bills would go unpaid.

Who was going to pay for that, genius?

Would you prefer ERs just dump people on the street?
ReaganCare was signed into law in 1986, FORCING hospitals to treat and stabilize ANYONE, regardless of their ability to pay.

how many hospitals have closed since 1986?

Probably a bunch. For all kinds of reasons.
Why bring that up? Do you want people dying on the sidewalk?

Actually EMTALA is one of the reasons the costs of healthcare are skyrocketing. Obamacare, since it is a law for the big insurance companies and the draining of the taxpayer for their benefit will only increase costs.

If one seriously wants to cut costs - EMTALA and tort reform are the necessary starting points
I have no problem requiring hospitals to treat anyone, regardless of their ability to pay.

but that's why we need everyone to at the very least, have emergency healthcare insurance.

I would have prefered ObamaCare only required Emergency Healthcare Insurance for all legal residents of the USA, or extend MediCare to cover EHI for all Americans regardless of age.
Can't make the connection between ACA and layoffs.

Can make the connection that the GOP had almost twenty years to make appropriate changes but sold out to the health and insurance industries.


^ that.

In the words of Robert DeNiro in Copland- "You had your chance and you blew it!!!" :lol:
Good, this country needs to be brought to its knees, the democrats have destroyed this country ,all democrats are losers who like the government wiping there ass at every turn .

So, your logic is that the Democrats have destroyed the country, so YOU want to see the country brought to its knees? The truth is that Democrats haven't done enough harm for you to justify your hatred of them, therefore you are hoping for the country to fail. Very patriotic of you. :cuckoo:
According to the OP source, THIS is the reason for the layoffs:

"There are myriad reasons for the cuts, which are affecting administrative staff as well as nurses and doctors:

• Medicare, Medicaid and private insurance companies are all reducing reimbursement to hospitals. The federal budget cuts known as sequestration have cut Medicare reimbursement by 2%, the American Hospital Association says.

• The health care law has further reduced the Medicare payments to hospitals that provide lower-quality service or have high readmission rates.

• The National Institutes of Health reduced funding to hospitals by 5% as part of sequestration, forcing hospitals to trim research staff.

• The number of inpatient hospital days fell 4% from 2007 to 2011, in part because of the economic downturn, the hospital association says.

• As more Baby Boomers turn 65, their services will be reimbursed at Medicare rates that are lower than those of private payers, putting further pressure on hospital revenue.

In short, the only impact that ACA has had on hospitals is that those with low quality care and high readmission rates are having their reimbursements cut. THIS IS A BAD THING?

It would appear that the poster who started this thread did not even read the source that he/she posted.
Reagan has been responsible for hospital layoffs and shutdowns since 1986, when he FORCED hospitals to treat and stabilize anyone, regardless of their ability to pay.
I have no problem requiring hospitals to treat anyone, regardless of their ability to pay.

but that's why we need everyone to at the very least, have emergency healthcare insurance.

I would have prefered ObamaCare only required Emergency Healthcare Insurance for all legal residents of the USA, or extend MediCare to cover EHI for all Americans regardless of age.

That's essentially what it did require. The cheapest plans have $5000 deductibles and then 80/20 copays after that. For most people, they will need to have a catastrophic illness to get any benefit from it.
Reagan has been responsible for hospital layoffs and shutdowns since 1986, when he FORCED hospitals to treat and stabilize anyone, regardless of their ability to pay.

As far as I know Reagan did not pass a single piece of legislation. That would have been the Democrats who controlled Congress at the time.
That's essentially what it did require. The cheapest plans have $5000 deductibles and then 80/20 copays after that. For most people, they will need to have a catastrophic illness to get any benefit from it.

$5,000 deductible to pay for $50,000 in healthcare?

sounds worth it to me.

if I was young, in great shape, and felt bullet proof, I'd just get the catastrophic medical insurance and kiss my lucky starts that if shit ever does hit the fan, I won't go broke.
As far as I know Reagan did not pass a single piece of legislation. That would have been the Democrats who controlled Congress at the time.

he signed it into law, dumbass.

he could have vetoed it.

but he liked the law so he signed it.

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