Hospitals Have Laid Off Over 8,000 Employees Since April Due to Obamacare.

Probably a bunch. For all kinds of reasons.
Why bring that up? Do you want people dying on the sidewalk?

$30 billion a year in unpaid emergency bills, due to ReaganCare.

has led to tons of layoffs and many hospitals closing, as they simply couldn't afford all the unpaid bills that Medicaid wouldn't pay for.

Reagan should have instead signed into law MediCare for all, so everyone who have health insurance and no ER bills would go unpaid.

Actually, treating illegal aliens should have been made a felony. Deport them, and many of the problems at ER's would end overnight!
Probably a bunch. For all kinds of reasons.
Why bring that up? Do you want people dying on the sidewalk?

$30 billion a year in unpaid emergency bills, due to ReaganCare.

has led to tons of layoffs and many hospitals closing, as they simply couldn't afford all the unpaid bills that Medicaid wouldn't pay for.

Reagan should have instead signed into law MediCare for all, so everyone who have health insurance and no ER bills would go unpaid.

Who was going to pay for that, genius?

Would you prefer ERs just dump people on the street?

Who was going to pay for that, genius?

Would you prefer ERs just dump people on the street?

oh, so you support a Socialist system where hospitals and taxpayers are FORCED by the govt. to pay for the healthcare of other people??

That's essentially what it did require. The cheapest plans have $5000 deductibles and then 80/20 copays after that. For most people, they will need to have a catastrophic illness to get any benefit from it.

$5,000 deductible to pay for $50,000 in healthcare?

sounds worth it to me.

if I was young, in great shape, and felt bullet proof, I'd just get the catastrophic medical insurance and kiss my lucky starts that if shit ever does hit the fan, I won't go broke.

You're not very good at this, are you?
The consumer pays the first 5,000. Right there that makes it unaffordable for people. Once they rack up 50,000 in costs they are obligated to pay $5,000 for the deductibe plus another $8,000 for their share. That's 13k. And most people can't afford that.
This should have been called "The Unaffordable Care Act."
As far as I know Reagan did not pass a single piece of legislation. That would have been the Democrats who controlled Congress at the time.

he signed it into law, dumbass.

he could have vetoed it.

but he liked the law so he signed it.

Evidence he liked the law? Keep in mind EMTALA was part of COBRA, and he couldn't just veto part of the law.
Who was going to pay for that, genius?

Would you prefer ERs just dump people on the street?

oh, so you support a Socialist system where hospitals and taxpayers are FORCED by the govt. to pay for the healthcare of other people??


Straw man, much?
No idiot. I support a system of private enterprise that would allow hospitals to set their own rates so they can earn a profit, and thereby also cut breaks to people who can't afford their services but need them anyway.
You're the one pushing for socialism.
Straw man, much?
No idiot. I support a system of private enterprise that would allow hospitals to set their own rates so they can earn a profit, and thereby also cut breaks to people who can't afford their services but need them anyway.
You're the one pushing for socialism.

Reagan signed into law a Socialist system, that forces hospitals and the taxpayers to pay for the healthcare of folks who can't afford it.

YOU support this system.
Obamacare strikes again. What a piece of crap. Here's the main thrust of the article by USA Today.

"While the rest of the U.S. economy is stabilizing or improving, health care is entering into a recession," says John Howser, assistant vice chancellor of Vanderbilt University Medical Center.

Health care providers announced more layoffs than any other industry last month — 8,128 — mostly because of reductions by hospitals due to the ACA, according to outplacement firm Challenger, Gray and Christmas. So far this year, the health care sector has announced 41,085 layoffs, the third-most behind financial and industrial companies.


Here's the link: A job engine sputters as hospitals cut staff

Sounds like they were making too much money for needless jobs under the old, GOP-preferred system. The industry is going to have to adjust to the new system. I feel zilcho sympathy.

You know, applying that logic to the furloughed "non-essential" federal employees, I can see where the first budget cuts need to be made.
Can't make the connection between ACA and layoffs.

Can make the connection that the GOP had almost twenty years to make appropriate changes but sold out to the health and insurance industries.


You cannot be so blind that you don't see how the American public has been sold out to the health insurance industry through mandatory coverage requirements?
Straw man, much?
No idiot. I support a system of private enterprise that would allow hospitals to set their own rates so they can earn a profit, and thereby also cut breaks to people who can't afford their services but need them anyway.
You're the one pushing for socialism.

Reagan signed into law a Socialist system, that forces hospitals and the taxpayers to pay for the healthcare of folks who can't afford it.

YOU support this system.

Evidence I support that?
No, I didnt think so, Einstein.
Why aren't you blaming the Dems in Congress who wrote and passed the law?
Probably a bunch. For all kinds of reasons.
Why bring that up? Do you want people dying on the sidewalk?

$30 billion a year in unpaid emergency bills, due to ReaganCare.

has led to tons of layoffs and many hospitals closing, as they simply couldn't afford all the unpaid bills that Medicaid wouldn't pay for.

Reagan should have instead signed into law MediCare for all, so everyone who have health insurance and no ER bills would go unpaid.

Who was going to pay for that, genius?

Would you prefer ERs just dump people on the street?

The same people who will be footing the bill for ACA are the same as those who have been covering all those unpaid bills.
OK, so your reasoning and reading skills are on a par with everything else.
The truth is you support that socialist system.

ReaganCare, was the Socialist system. It required NO personal responsibility or accountability to the American people. All they had to do was rely on charity from the hospital and the taxpayers.

NOW, everyone is required to take care of themselves. No more relying on Medicaid or the hospital to pay for your bills. NOW YOU are required to have emergency health insurance.

That my dear friend, is Capitalism.
OK, so your reasoning and reading skills are on a par with everything else.
The truth is you support that socialist system.

ReaganCare, was the Socialist system. It required NO personal responsibility or accountability to the American people. All they had to do was rely on charity from the hospital and the taxpayers.

NOW, everyone is required to take care of themselves. No more relying on Medicaid or the hospital to pay for your bills. NOW YOU are required to have emergency health insurance.

That my dear friend, is Capitalism.

First off, it was Dems in Congress who passed EMTALA.
Second, not everyone is required to take care of tehmselves. You can pay the penalty and opt out, which plenty of people will.
Third, there is no emergency health insurance. Obamacare specifically outlaws catastrophic policies like that.
So other than being obtuse, incorrect, and just plain fucked up, you nailed it.
From the OP Link:

There are myriad reasons for the cuts, which are affecting administrative staff as well as nurses and doctors:

• Medicare, Medicaid and private insurance companies are all reducing reimbursement to hospitals. The federal budget cuts known as sequestration have cut Medicare reimbursement by 2%, the American Hospital Association says.

• The health care law has further reduced the Medicare payments to hospitals that provide lower-quality service or have high readmission rates.

• The National Institutes of Health reduced funding to hospitals by 5% as part of sequestration, forcing hospitals to trim research staff.

• The number of inpatient hospital days fell 4% from 2007 to 2011, in part because of the economic downturn, the hospital association says.

• As more Baby Boomers turn 65, their services will be reimbursed at Medicare rates that are lower than those of private payers, putting further pressure on hospital revenue.

The new health care law was supposed to ease the burden on hospitals by expanding Medicaid coverage to more low-income Americans, who often use hospital services in emergencies then don't pay their bills. But 26 states, including Tennessee, rejected ACA's offer of federal funding to expand Medicaid. That decision led to about a third of the job cuts by Nashville-based Vanderbilt, Howser says.

Looks like the "due to Obamacare" is the stuff made by bulls after dinner. I wonder if the author of the OP knows the definition of "Myriad"?

All of those "myriad" issues are the result of Obamacare. Moron.
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Probably a bunch. For all kinds of reasons.
Why bring that up? Do you want people dying on the sidewalk?

$30 billion a year in unpaid emergency bills, due to ReaganCare.

has led to tons of layoffs and many hospitals closing, as they simply couldn't afford all the unpaid bills that Medicaid wouldn't pay for.

Reagan should have instead signed into law MediCare for all, so everyone who have health insurance and no ER bills would go unpaid.

Who was going to pay for that, genius?

Would you prefer ERs just dump people on the street?

Naw..but you do.
From the OP Link:

There are myriad reasons for the cuts, which are affecting administrative staff as well as nurses and doctors:

• Medicare, Medicaid and private insurance companies are all reducing reimbursement to hospitals. The federal budget cuts known as sequestration have cut Medicare reimbursement by 2%, the American Hospital Association says.

• The health care law has further reduced the Medicare payments to hospitals that provide lower-quality service or have high readmission rates.

• The National Institutes of Health reduced funding to hospitals by 5% as part of sequestration, forcing hospitals to trim research staff.

• The number of inpatient hospital days fell 4% from 2007 to 2011, in part because of the economic downturn, the hospital association says.

• As more Baby Boomers turn 65, their services will be reimbursed at Medicare rates that are lower than those of private payers, putting further pressure on hospital revenue.

The new health care law was supposed to ease the burden on hospitals by expanding Medicaid coverage to more low-income Americans, who often use hospital services in emergencies then don't pay their bills. But 26 states, including Tennessee, rejected ACA's offer of federal funding to expand Medicaid. That decision led to about a third of the job cuts by Nashville-based Vanderbilt, Howser says.

Looks like the "due to Obamacare" is the stuff made by bulls after dinner. I wonder if the author of the OP knows the definition of "Myriad"?


I was hoping the knuckle-draggers would click on my link--TO THEIR OWN SOURCE--and realize I was quoting the OP. Oh well

It's always so great when some poster's OP link refutes what the poster himself claims in his OP that there ought to be a word for it.

Another moron. 2/3 of the jobs per the link provided were directly lost to Obamacare. Can you not read basic english? Idiots!!!
Can't make the connection between ACA and layoffs.

Can make the connection that the GOP had almost twenty years to make appropriate changes but sold out to the health and insurance industries.


Jake, The link directly states 2/3 of all healthcare jobs losses are directly attributable to the ACA. You quoted that, but apparently did not understand it.

I'll put it it bold for you. :) But 26 states, including Tennessee, rejected ACA's offer of federal funding to expand Medicaid. That decision led to about a third of the job cuts by Nashville-based Vanderbilt, Howser says.

1/3 of jobs lost due to rejection of temporary medicaid funding from the Feds. The remaining 2/3 lost directly to Obamacare. If you still don't understand send me a pm and I'll explain it to you. :)
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According to the OP source, THIS is the reason for the layoffs:

"There are myriad reasons for the cuts, which are affecting administrative staff as well as nurses and doctors:

• Medicare, Medicaid and private insurance companies are all reducing reimbursement to hospitals. The federal budget cuts known as sequestration have cut Medicare reimbursement by 2%, the American Hospital Association says.

• The health care law has further reduced the Medicare payments to hospitals that provide lower-quality service or have high readmission rates.

• The National Institutes of Health reduced funding to hospitals by 5% as part of sequestration, forcing hospitals to trim research staff.

• The number of inpatient hospital days fell 4% from 2007 to 2011, in part because of the economic downturn, the hospital association says.

• As more Baby Boomers turn 65, their services will be reimbursed at Medicare rates that are lower than those of private payers, putting further pressure on hospital revenue.

In short, the only impact that ACA has had on hospitals is that those with low quality care and high readmission rates are having their reimbursements cut. THIS IS A BAD THING?

It would appear that the poster who started this thread did not even read the source that he/she posted.

All of those issues are a directly result of the ACA Law. Come on people...this is not difficult to understand.

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