Hostages released


Senior Member
Jul 7, 2004
Italian Hostages Released in Iraq-Jazeera TV

33 minutes ago Add World - Reuters to My Yahoo!

DUBAI (Reuters) - Two Italian women aid workers held hostage in Iraq (news - web sites) have been released and handed over to the Italian charge d'affaires in Baghdad, Al Jazeera television said on Tuesday.

The Arab news network gave no further details. There was no immediate independent confirmation of their release.

Charity workers Simona Pari and Simona Torretta, both aged 29, were snatched from their Baghdad office on Sept. 7 and had not been heard of since.
Abducted CNN Producer Released From Gaza

38 minutes ago Add Middle East - AP to My Yahoo!

JERUSALEM - A producer for CNN who was abducted in Gaza City was released on Tuesday, his father said.

The father of Riad Ali told a group of reporters outside his home that his son had been released.

"Thank you for standing next to me. Thank you for what you have done," the father said.

CNN confirmed the release, saying Ali had been turned over to Palestinian police.
One Egyptian Hostage Freed in Iraq

1 hour, 34 minutes ago Add Middle East - AP to My Yahoo!

CAIRO, Egypt - Egypt said Tuesday that Iraqi kidnappers had freed one Egyptian hostage and were expected to release three others shortly. The holding company that employed the four hostages confirmed that one had been released but said it could not give the status of the others.

The released hostage is Alaa Muqar, Orascom said in a statement faxed to The Associated Press. "The company is doing its best to secure the release of the other three hostages."

Earlier Tuesday, an Orascom official told AP that the company had heard that four kidnapped workers had been released but it could not confirm.

In two separate kidnappings, six Egyptians were abducted last week. Four worked for Iraqna, an Iraqi subsidiary of Orascom, and two were employed by Motorola, a subcontractor of Orascom in Iraq (news - web sites).

The Egyptian charge d'affaires in Baghdad, Farouq Mabrouk, said a hostage was released on Monday, and that the release of three others was expected. "The kidnapping was motivated by financial reasons," he said.

The Orascom statement said nothing about ransom being paid.

Four Iraqis were kidnapped with the Egyptians. One Iraqi was later released.

No group has claimed responsibility for the kidnappings.

More than 100 foreigners have been kidnapped in Iraq since the fall of Saddam Hussein (news - web sites)'s dictatorship last year. Some kidnapping groups seek to extort ransom, others pursue the political motives of trying to force foreign forces or companies to quit Iraq. Many hostages have been killed.
:) a lot better than more beheadings.

at this point, i hate to say it, but most democrats are probably like :gives:
they only care about the bad news coming out of iraq
What do you think to the fact that the Italian Government gave the kidnappers a million dollars for their safe return?
Just wondering?
Bonnie said:
What do you think to the fact that the Italian Government gave the kidnappers a million dollars for their safe return?
Just wondering?

I am against appeasement of terrorists demands. The price Italy will pay over the long term will far exceed the short term.
they'll probably just kidnap some more italian women in iraq, its very profitable now
NATO AIR said:
they'll probably just kidnap some more italian women in iraq, its very profitable now

Good point. What happened to the British hostage? Has he beeen released?
Bonnie said:
What do you think to the fact that the Italian Government gave the kidnappers a million dollars for their safe return?
Just wondering?
<i>Two Italian aid workers Simona Toretta and Simona Pari abducted in Iraq returned home Tuesday. Five Egyptian hostages also released. Italian lawmaker Gustavo Selva confirmed $1m ransom paid for girls raising criticism that payment will encourage more abductions. French journalists’ release said in final stage of negotiation</i>

Can anyone tell me how is it "defending ones home"? Looks like a "small business" to me.
krisy said:
Good point. What happened to the British hostage? Has he beeen released?
<i>Al Jazeera TV reports British hostage Kenneth Bigley appears in new video tape, renews plea to meet kidnappers' demands, says they dont want to kill him</i>

i guess they want to separate usa from its allies
drac said:
<i>Two Italian aid workers Simona Toretta and Simona Pari abducted in Iraq returned home Tuesday. Five Egyptian hostages also released. Italian lawmaker Gustavo Selva confirmed $1m ransom paid for girls raising criticism that payment will encourage more abductions. French journalists’ release said in final stage of negotiation</i>

Can anyone tell me how is it "defending ones home"? Looks like a "small business" to me.

So it would now seem the terrorists have a way to make easy money?
I know if it were my family I would want the government to do anything to bring them home, but definately not in the best interest of evreyone else.

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