House democrats plan new traffic tax


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
House Democrats are planning to put forward a new tax on drivers stuck in traffic, according to Americans For Tax Reform.

House Democrats Plan New Traffic Tax

THINK about it they are basically taxing you to work , you will have come and go right daily etc....... OMFG Demotards drop these bastards now lol.
Good to be reminded how stupid Democrats are.

I hear Cali's gonna tax texting, too.

haha Losers.
The Ds are determined to make CA a red state by running people out of the state
They already changed the election laws there...........they have already Gerrymandered the entire state..............Smart ones are leaving......hopefully most being at least Blue Dogs..............that group that was wiped off the map after Obamacare votes.............

Were the last sane ones left.................POOF.
House Democrats are planning to put forward a new tax on drivers stuck in traffic, according to Americans For Tax Reform.

House Democrats Plan New Traffic Tax

THINK about it they are basically taxing you to work , you will have come and go right daily etc....... OMFG Demotards drop these bastards now lol.

Congestion Pricing in the U.S.
While the United States has over 5,000 miles of toll roads, congestion pricing is uncommon. One exception is Interstate Route 66 in the Washington, D.C., metro region, where fluctuating tolls were introduced on December 4th, 2017. Pricing for these express lanes changes every six minutes during rush hour eastbound in the morning and westbound in the afternoon. The toll hit $40 for a 10-mile stretch the day after it was introduced.
Drivers in metro Washington, D.C. are experiencing the new realities of commuting in the U.S., and it’s not pretty: It cost drivers $40 to drive 10 miles on I-66, a main commuter route into the nation’s capital from the western suburbs in Northern Virginia, at one point this week.

Is this the future for private car owners across the U.S.? The answer is yes.

Tolls on public roads aren’t new. But the I-66 toll, which fluctuates based on demand and doesn’t have a ceiling, is by far the most expensive per mile.

Congestion pricing has some positive features. Driving on public roads was never free. There were always social costs, such as congestion and air pollution, that motorists imposed on taxpayers, other road users and local residents. Car drivers were free riders. By adopting congestion pricing, motorists pay for use, especially during popular times. This approach is popular with states, as they look to life without the Trust Fund and meeting transportation needs with much less federal help.

Congestion pricing nudges people to drive at different times, use alternative means — such as public transit and carpooling — and to telecommute. At its best, makes people to think seriously about their work, housing and transportation choices.

A $40 toll for a 10-mile trip? This is the new infrastructure math

I'm quite sure it was the Republicans who started the toll roads.
Drivers in metro Washington, D.C. are experiencing the new realities of commuting in the U.S., and it’s not pretty: It cost drivers $40 to drive 10 miles on I-66, a main commuter route into the nation’s capital from the western suburbs in Northern Virginia, at one point this week.

Is this the future for private car owners across the U.S.? The answer is yes.

Tolls on public roads aren’t new. But the I-66 toll, which fluctuates based on demand and doesn’t have a ceiling, is by far the most expensive per mile.

Congestion pricing has some positive features. Driving on public roads was never free. There were always social costs, such as congestion and air pollution, that motorists imposed on taxpayers, other road users and local residents. Car drivers were free riders. By adopting congestion pricing, motorists pay for use, especially during popular times. This approach is popular with states, as they look to life without the Trust Fund and meeting transportation needs with much less federal help.

Congestion pricing nudges people to drive at different times, use alternative means — such as public transit and carpooling — and to telecommute. At its best, makes people to think seriously about their work, housing and transportation choices.

A $40 toll for a 10-mile trip? This is the new infrastructure math

I'm quite sure it was the Republicans who started the toll roads.
Quote: "I'm quite sure it was the Republicans who started the toll roads."
<<<<<G O N G >>>>> You're wrong. According to Wikipedia:

The first major toll road in the United States was the Philadelphia and Lancaster Turnpike, built in the 1790s, within Pennsylvania, connecting Philadelphia and Lancaster. In New York State, the Great Western Turnpike was started in Albany in 1799 and eventually extended, by several alternate routes, to the Finger Lakes region.
The Republicans came into being by supporting Abraham Lincoln for President which was at least 70 years after the first toll road was built in PA, which I consider the hero state, because it produced some of the bravest men and women who ever died for their country's benefit on 9/11/2001 on United Airlines Flight 93, which the terrorist pilots flew straight down to crash when it became clear the passengers would not participate in the terrorists' execution scheme of the Capitol Building that houses the Congress.
United Airlines Flight 93 - Wikipedia
We need a Tax Revolt in this country against BOTH PARTIES. As others have said CUT SPENDING! Yes, I am talking to you Republicans, and Trump. And yes, shut down the government if you have to do it!
We need a Tax Revolt in this country against BOTH PARTIES. As others have said CUT SPENDING! Yes, I am talking to you Republicans, and Trump. And yes, shut down the government if you have to do it!
Americans voted what we believed in, Pilot1. President Trump said he would stop the border bleeding, appoint conservative justices to the Supreme Court, and stimulate the stock market. What do you know. He kept these and other promises. He isn't laying over and playing dead after being double-teamed by Pelosi and Schumer yesterday obfuscating what they intend to do with the border when they control the House in January of 2019. They also plan to get rid of the people's choice from the White House with the ninnyhammer press's assistance to make charges stick in the public mind as they plan to assassinate the character further of President Donald Trump.

So the DNC is going to raise taxes with it's new House majority. When do working people get their money back from this spending congress, because they've all but glutted Social Security. Too bad. :(

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