House Democrats Vote To Undermine USSC, Violate Separation of Powers

That fucking Nazi pig Garland was nominated 7 months before the election.
Garland was nominated in the beginning of March of 2016. McConnell refused to even consider that nomination...ever.

The seat was left open until April of 2017

So fuck yourself Nazi
As far as the filibuster.. McConnell was blocking everything right down to DOG CATCHER

That forced Reid to nuke lower court appointments and CABINET members

MCCONNELL however nuked the Supreme Court process and his actions regarding the Garland/Gorsuch nominations make it plain he would have done that whether Reid had nuked lower court appointments or not

So again...fuck yourself Nazi
I don't think it is so much "allowed" as no one challenges the multitude of pre-emptions in court.

Or perhaps the got tired of butting up against a compliant court.

The court REPEALED Roe V Wade because it was a law crafted by the court, and the court has no authority to make law.

Congress however DOES have the authority to pass law.

So where does the Constitution give congress the authority, the court said it's not there.

No, the 9th.

Amendment IX​

The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.

Congress federalizing abortion as a supposed right would be a direct affront.

But that amendment has basically been eradicated. I doubt SCOTUS would move if congress declared abortion a federal right.

HOWEVER, Congress will not, because despite the lies of the DNC media, it would be HIGHLY unpopular.

Still wrong, as the court said, abortion has never been an individual right, in law or tradition. As I said, the 10th would be operative, it's a State power.

As far as the filibuster.. McConnell was blocking everything right down to DOG CATCHER

That forced Reid to nuke lower court appointments and CABINET members

MCCONNELL however nuked the Supreme Court process and his actions regarding the Garland/Gorsuch nominations make it plain he would have done that whether Reid had nuked lower court appointments or not

So again...fuck yourself Nazi


Garland was nominated in the beginning of March of 2016. McConnell refused to even consider that nomination...ever.

The seat was left open until April of 2017

So fuck yourself Nazi
Obama was President only till January 2017.
The debt stars totalitarian bureaucracy does not care ...they're on a mission and just following orders
Shut up bigots and eat the bugs

Obama was President only till January 2017.
What's your point?

Garland was nominated in the beginning of March. Obama left office just short of a year later

McConnell held that seat open for a year (just short of a year)
Garland was nominated in the beginning of March of 2016. McConnell refused to even consider that nomination...ever.

The seat was left open until April of 2017

So fuck yourself Nazi
March is 7 months before the election, moron.

AND - my god the Nazi pig has no business anywhere near the Supreme Court. McConnell protected the nation from a clear and present danger.
As far as the filibuster.. McConnell was blocking everything right down to DOG CATCHER

That forced Reid to nuke lower court appointments and CABINET members

MCCONNELL however nuked the Supreme Court process and his actions regarding the Garland/Gorsuch nominations make it plain he would have done that whether Reid had nuked lower court appointments or not

So again...fuck yourself Nazi

So, McConnell was blocking the takeover of the federal government by you Nazi vermin - so you HAD to nuke the Filibuster?


You Nazis are such lying clowns.
So, McConnell was blocking the takeover of the federal government by you Nazi vermin - so you HAD to nuke the Filibuster?
Filling vacancies at the top of Federal agencies and in his Cabinet is ....what did you call it?

"A takeover of the federal government by Nazi vermin"

You need to shut the fuck up.

You couldn't express your insanity any better than that
the point being it wasnt a year till Trump was president.

It was 7 months until the election.

That pile of shit Obama KNEW what Garland was. It was no mistake that he nominated a vile fascist pig like Merric Garland.

The public didn't know what a complete pile of shit Garland is until Xi's man made him Reich Minister and began his reign of terror, utterly destroying the FBI - now Gestapo and holding Americans as political prisoners. Crime ignored, but enemies of the party beware.

But I think Mitch knew all about Garland - which is why for once he dropped his RINO persona and served the nation by stopping this fascist traitor from getting on the SCOTUS. was 10 and a half months. Thank's for that distinction without a difference. So valuable to the discussion
And it was BEFORE the election cycle. Meaning that not a single primary vote was cast before Obama made the nomination. The election cycle hadn't begun.

Meanwhile McConnell confirmed Amy Coney Barrett right in the very middle of the election.
September 27th, just a week, before the presidential election.
Filling vacancies at the top of Federal agencies and in his Cabinet is ....what did you call it?

"A takeover of the federal government by Nazi vermin"

You need to shut the fuck up.

You couldn't express your insanity any better than that

First off Nazi, what Reid and the Reich did affects JUDICIAL nominees. It has nothing to do with Cabinet positions.

You Nazis have waged a two-pronged assault on American jurisprudence. Obama nominated those who served the Reich to the federal bench. Those who would ignore and defy laws and the constitution in order to promote the agenda of destroying America.

The second prong is George Soros buying prosecutor seats across the nation and packing them with America hating fascists like Foxx, Gascone, Boudine.

A takeover and utter destruction of our system of laws by Nazi vermin.

The fact that Reich Minister Garland was ever NOMINATED to sit on the high court is utterly shameful. Garland is the evilest pile of shit since Willhelm Strasse.

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