House Dems Deny Extra Money for Border Patrol Amid Historic Border Surge


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
This is your actual insurrection. A crime upon the American people.

Amid a historic surge in illegal border crossings, Democrats are looking to expand the “defund the police” movement to the border police too.

This comes as Democrats have been pushing the bizarre and unbelievable lie that it has *actually* been republicans that support defunding the police.

According to the Washington Examiner:

House Democrats eliminated funding for a southern border wall and denied extra money for Border Patrol officers in a 2022 spending bill unveiled recently that comes amid a massive influx of illegal immigration.
Last week, a House Appropriations subcommittee approved a $52.8 billion measure to fund Homeland Security for fiscal year 2022.
Democrats, who staunchly opposed President Donald Trump’s efforts to complete a border wall and build up the border patrol to reduce illegal immigration, say their measure “makes responsible investments in border security.”
The bill would add no funding for additional Border Patrol agents or border barriers and would rescind $2.06 billion allocated during the Trump administration for the construction of a border wall.
The measure would slash funding for the U.S. Border Patrol and Immigration and Customs Enforcement, which carries apprehends and reports illegal immigrants. The bill would devote more money to programs aimed at processing illegal immigrants in the United States, which would allow them to shorten or avoid detention while seeking asylum.


This is just another Democrat assault on American sovereignty and the American worker. I liked Democrats better before they developed this disdain for the American worker and our police.
More bull shit from people who are aces at bull shit.

Trump had the border handled. Biden undid all Trump did so now we have thousands more illegals pouring into our country. Illegals that cost we tax payers billions each year.

Biden sure doesn't have whats good for America or Americans on his mind. Hope we can survive four years of the very expensive Biden/Harris shit show.

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