House Dems Introduce Bill To ‘Abolish Electoral College’

House Dems Introduce Bill To ‘Abolish Electoral College’

I'm 74, so I know the EC will not be abolished in my lifetime - but it will happen eventually. The EC is a racist dinosaur. National popular vote is the only fair and logical way to elect presidents. People will evolve to do the right thing.

The Electoral College is in no way racist, and don't expect stating your talking points as fact to impress anyone. If the Electoral College is ever abolished, it will be because a majority of people has become as stupid and puerile as you are.

The Electoral College was founded on racism!

More than two centuries after it was designed to empower southern white voters, the system continues to do just that.

The Electoral College's Racist Origins - The Atlantic

Really? This is what you base your outrageous claim on? A racist assistant prof. and Brennan center participant? Good luck with that one....

I am so tired of every damned thing being racist these days....I call Bull Shit!

Try this link:

Why would I trust anything from a website where anyone can go in and edit it?

More pandering

Introduced on January 11th and referred to the House Judiciary Committee, the resolution proposes an “amendment to the Constitution of the United States to abolish the electoral college and to provide for the direct election of the President and Vice President of the United States.”

Authors of the bill include Rep. Cohen, Rep. Zoe Lofgren, Rep. Jan Schakowsky, Rep. Julia Brownley, Peter DeFazio, Rep. Adriano Espaillat, Rep. John Garamendi, and Rep. Jim Cooper.

Before revealing what the constitutional amendment would look like, the bill rebukes the electoral college as created in “an era of limited nationwide communication and information sharing” and resting on “an antiquated theory that citizens will have a better chance of knowing about electors from their home States than about Presidential candidates from out of State”

more evidence they want to trash the constituion.
And another so called "conservative" shows their absolute ignorance of the Constitution and the processes for amending same.

It is a shame that our browsers do spell check but can't do stupid check before that final click.

Doesn't matter, this bill is as much a dead letter, as the phony impeachment they just did...
Doesn't matter that a guy accusing someone of trying to "trash the constitution" hasn't the foggiest notion about the Constitution or its processes?

Oh, I beg to differ. The center of the problem is the Republican appeal to ignorance on the part of its voters. This guy's just one more example.

As for the chances of the bill? Think about that rubber tree.

More pandering

Introduced on January 11th and referred to the House Judiciary Committee, the resolution proposes an “amendment to the Constitution of the United States to abolish the electoral college and to provide for the direct election of the President and Vice President of the United States.”

Authors of the bill include Rep. Cohen, Rep. Zoe Lofgren, Rep. Jan Schakowsky, Rep. Julia Brownley, Peter DeFazio, Rep. Adriano Espaillat, Rep. John Garamendi, and Rep. Jim Cooper.

Before revealing what the constitutional amendment would look like, the bill rebukes the electoral college as created in “an era of limited nationwide communication and information sharing” and resting on “an antiquated theory that citizens will have a better chance of knowing about electors from their home States than about Presidential candidates from out of State”

more evidence they want to trash the constituion.
And another so called "conservative" shows their absolute ignorance of the Constitution and the processes for amending same.

It is a shame that our browsers do spell check but can't do stupid check before that final click.

Doesn't matter, this bill is as much a dead letter, as the phony impeachment they just did...
The "phony impeachment" is now etched in stone for all time. If this country is still around 1000 years from now, the history books (or whatever media it's recorded on) will teach how Twice Impeached Trump was impeached for inciting a rebellion against his own country and Constitution.
Nope. You didn't. You used it as an excuse to once again bash DJT. At least man up and admit that.

If it was true I'd admit it. Why wouldn't I? I couldn't give a shit if I brought him up at every opportunity. Of course I love bashing Trump. He's a public figure who is a piece of shit. I'd have no problems bashing him every day if I so wish. I don't though.
There you have it folks.
And who cares? other than you...
The people who agreed with my post. You have been exposed.

More pandering

Introduced on January 11th and referred to the House Judiciary Committee, the resolution proposes an “amendment to the Constitution of the United States to abolish the electoral college and to provide for the direct election of the President and Vice President of the United States.”

Authors of the bill include Rep. Cohen, Rep. Zoe Lofgren, Rep. Jan Schakowsky, Rep. Julia Brownley, Peter DeFazio, Rep. Adriano Espaillat, Rep. John Garamendi, and Rep. Jim Cooper.

Before revealing what the constitutional amendment would look like, the bill rebukes the electoral college as created in “an era of limited nationwide communication and information sharing” and resting on “an antiquated theory that citizens will have a better chance of knowing about electors from their home States than about Presidential candidates from out of State”

more evidence they want to trash the constituion.
And another so called "conservative" shows their absolute ignorance of the Constitution and the processes for amending same.

It is a shame that our browsers do spell check but can't do stupid check before that final click.

Doesn't matter, this bill is as much a dead letter, as the phony impeachment they just did...
The "phony impeachment" is now etched in stone for all time. If this country is still around 1000 years from now, the history books (or whatever media it's recorded on) will teach how Twice Impeached Trump was impeached for inciting a rebellion against his own country and Constitution.
1k years from now, no one will give a rat's ass.
Meh. That Bill is going nowhere, so says Joe Manchin.

I'll just stand over here and LMAO.
Yup and he is correct. The EC is in the Constitution and can't simply be voted out. One would think our glorious elected leaders would know that. Guess not.
Democrats really believe that they can write this bill and it will be rubberstamped by a democrat majority. They have no idea how to amend the Constitution. Tell them the procedure and they will call you a racist.

More pandering

Introduced on January 11th and referred to the House Judiciary Committee, the resolution proposes an “amendment to the Constitution of the United States to abolish the electoral college and to provide for the direct election of the President and Vice President of the United States.”

Authors of the bill include Rep. Cohen, Rep. Zoe Lofgren, Rep. Jan Schakowsky, Rep. Julia Brownley, Peter DeFazio, Rep. Adriano Espaillat, Rep. John Garamendi, and Rep. Jim Cooper.

Before revealing what the constitutional amendment would look like, the bill rebukes the electoral college as created in “an era of limited nationwide communication and information sharing” and resting on “an antiquated theory that citizens will have a better chance of knowing about electors from their home States than about Presidential candidates from out of State”

more evidence they want to trash the constituion.
And another so called "conservative" shows their absolute ignorance of the Constitution and the processes for amending same.

It is a shame that our browsers do spell check but can't do stupid check before that final click.

Doesn't matter, this bill is as much a dead letter, as the phony impeachment they just did...
The "phony impeachment" is now etched in stone for all time. If this country is still around 1000 years from now, the history books (or whatever media it's recorded on) will teach how Twice Impeached Trump was impeached for inciting a rebellion against his own country and Constitution.
1k years from now, no one will give a rat's ass.
That's true, just as no one cares that Nero figuratively fiddled as Rome burned. No one cares that Marie Antoinette wanted her starving subjects to eat brioche. But what history remembers of them is that they were failed leaders. All that will be remembered of Twice Impeached Trump is that he inspired his supporters to revolt against his own country for which he was impeached a second time in one term.

More pandering

Introduced on January 11th and referred to the House Judiciary Committee, the resolution proposes an “amendment to the Constitution of the United States to abolish the electoral college and to provide for the direct election of the President and Vice President of the United States.”

Authors of the bill include Rep. Cohen, Rep. Zoe Lofgren, Rep. Jan Schakowsky, Rep. Julia Brownley, Peter DeFazio, Rep. Adriano Espaillat, Rep. John Garamendi, and Rep. Jim Cooper.

Before revealing what the constitutional amendment would look like, the bill rebukes the electoral college as created in “an era of limited nationwide communication and information sharing” and resting on “an antiquated theory that citizens will have a better chance of knowing about electors from their home States than about Presidential candidates from out of State”

more evidence they want to trash the constituion.
And another so called "conservative" shows their absolute ignorance of the Constitution and the processes for amending same.

It is a shame that our browsers do spell check but can't do stupid check before that final click.

Doesn't matter, this bill is as much a dead letter, as the phony impeachment they just did...
The "phony impeachment" is now etched in stone for all time. If this country is still around 1000 years from now, the history books (or whatever media it's recorded on) will teach how Twice Impeached Trump was impeached for inciting a rebellion against his own country and Constitution.
1k years from now, no one will give a rat's ass.
I remember my history classes going over stuff from a thousand years ago.
Battle of Hastings and all that.
Guess they don't teach history where you come from.

More pandering

Introduced on January 11th and referred to the House Judiciary Committee, the resolution proposes an “amendment to the Constitution of the United States to abolish the electoral college and to provide for the direct election of the President and Vice President of the United States.”

Authors of the bill include Rep. Cohen, Rep. Zoe Lofgren, Rep. Jan Schakowsky, Rep. Julia Brownley, Peter DeFazio, Rep. Adriano Espaillat, Rep. John Garamendi, and Rep. Jim Cooper.

Before revealing what the constitutional amendment would look like, the bill rebukes the electoral college as created in “an era of limited nationwide communication and information sharing” and resting on “an antiquated theory that citizens will have a better chance of knowing about electors from their home States than about Presidential candidates from out of State”

more evidence they want to trash the constituion.
And another so called "conservative" shows their absolute ignorance of the Constitution and the processes for amending same.

It is a shame that our browsers do spell check but can't do stupid check before that final click.

Doesn't matter, this bill is as much a dead letter, as the phony impeachment they just did...
The "phony impeachment" is now etched in stone for all time. If this country is still around 1000 years from now, the history books (or whatever media it's recorded on) will teach how Twice Impeached Trump was impeached for inciting a rebellion against his own country and Constitution.
1k years from now, no one will give a rat's ass.
I remember my history classes going over stuff from a thousand years ago.
Battle of Hastings and all that.
Guess they don't teach history where you come from.
Nope. You don’t. You bring that up often in conversation? You must be the life of the party.

More pandering

Introduced on January 11th and referred to the House Judiciary Committee, the resolution proposes an “amendment to the Constitution of the United States to abolish the electoral college and to provide for the direct election of the President and Vice President of the United States.”

Authors of the bill include Rep. Cohen, Rep. Zoe Lofgren, Rep. Jan Schakowsky, Rep. Julia Brownley, Peter DeFazio, Rep. Adriano Espaillat, Rep. John Garamendi, and Rep. Jim Cooper.

Before revealing what the constitutional amendment would look like, the bill rebukes the electoral college as created in “an era of limited nationwide communication and information sharing” and resting on “an antiquated theory that citizens will have a better chance of knowing about electors from their home States than about Presidential candidates from out of State”

more evidence they want to trash the constituion.
And another so called "conservative" shows their absolute ignorance of the Constitution and the processes for amending same.

It is a shame that our browsers do spell check but can't do stupid check before that final click.

Doesn't matter, this bill is as much a dead letter, as the phony impeachment they just did...
The "phony impeachment" is now etched in stone for all time. If this country is still around 1000 years from now, the history books (or whatever media it's recorded on) will teach how Twice Impeached Trump was impeached for inciting a rebellion against his own country and Constitution.
1k years from now, no one will give a rat's ass.
That's true, just as no one cares that Nero figuratively fiddled as Rome burned. No one cares that Marie Antoinette wanted her starving subjects to eat brioche. But what history remembers of them is that they were failed leaders. All that will be remembered of Twice Impeached Trump is that he inspired his supporters to revolt against his own country for which he was impeached a second time in one term.
Ask your kids if they care about Nero. LOL. They don’t.

More pandering

Introduced on January 11th and referred to the House Judiciary Committee, the resolution proposes an “amendment to the Constitution of the United States to abolish the electoral college and to provide for the direct election of the President and Vice President of the United States.”

Authors of the bill include Rep. Cohen, Rep. Zoe Lofgren, Rep. Jan Schakowsky, Rep. Julia Brownley, Peter DeFazio, Rep. Adriano Espaillat, Rep. John Garamendi, and Rep. Jim Cooper.

Before revealing what the constitutional amendment would look like, the bill rebukes the electoral college as created in “an era of limited nationwide communication and information sharing” and resting on “an antiquated theory that citizens will have a better chance of knowing about electors from their home States than about Presidential candidates from out of State”

more evidence they want to trash the constituion.
And another so called "conservative" shows their absolute ignorance of the Constitution and the processes for amending same.

It is a shame that our browsers do spell check but can't do stupid check before that final click.

Doesn't matter, this bill is as much a dead letter, as the phony impeachment they just did...
The "phony impeachment" is now etched in stone for all time. If this country is still around 1000 years from now, the history books (or whatever media it's recorded on) will teach how Twice Impeached Trump was impeached for inciting a rebellion against his own country and Constitution.
1k years from now, no one will give a rat's ass.
That's true, just as no one cares that Nero figuratively fiddled as Rome burned. No one cares that Marie Antoinette wanted her starving subjects to eat brioche. But what history remembers of them is that they were failed leaders. All that will be remembered of Twice Impeached Trump is that he inspired his supporters to revolt against his own country for which he was impeached a second time in one term.
Ask your kids if they care about Nero. LOL. They don’t.
You're really fucking ignorant, ShortBus. I literally said, "no one cares..." What I did was point out that all these years later, all that's remembered about him is what a shit leader he was and one vague detail about the very end of his reign. Same as Twice Impeached Trump will be remembered for when your great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-grandchildren are learning history.
House Dems Introduce Bill To ‘Abolish Electoral College’

I'm 74, so I know the EC will not be abolished in my lifetime - but it will happen eventually. The EC is a racist dinosaur. National popular vote is the only fair and logical way to elect presidents. People will evolve to do the right thing.

The Electoral College is in no way racist, and don't expect stating your talking points as fact to impress anyone. If the Electoral College is ever abolished, it will be because a majority of people has become as stupid and puerile as you are.

The Electoral College was founded on racism!

More than two centuries after it was designed to empower southern white voters, the system continues to do just that.

The Electoral College's Racist Origins - The Atlantic

Oh, WELL, since your talking points came from a famous leftist publication, I guess that will just settle it. YOU believe what they order you to, so everyone else should be an ignorant, obedient drone just like you. We'll get right on that.

Oh, wait, some of us have functioning brain stems and can think critically and independently of "Important people said so, and who am I to disagree?" So we won't be doing that.
House Dems Introduce Bill To ‘Abolish Electoral College’

I'm 74, so I know the EC will not be abolished in my lifetime - but it will happen eventually. The EC is a racist dinosaur. National popular vote is the only fair and logical way to elect presidents. People will evolve to do the right thing.

The Electoral College is in no way racist, and don't expect stating your talking points as fact to impress anyone. If the Electoral College is ever abolished, it will be because a majority of people has become as stupid and puerile as you are.

The Electoral College was founded on racism!

More than two centuries after it was designed to empower southern white voters, the system continues to do just that.

The Electoral College's Racist Origins - The Atlantic

Really? This is what you base your outrageous claim on? A racist assistant prof. and Brennan center participant? Good luck with that one....

I am so tired of every damned thing being racist these days....I call Bull Shit!

Yup. That's all LaCooter has: a bunch of assertions about "Oh, sure, the Founding Fathers had lots of reasons, but the South liked it for THIS, so that's all it was about, because I'm just SURE that's the case". Not a shred of actual evidence whatsoever. Just ASSumptions.
House Dems Introduce Bill To ‘Abolish Electoral College’

I'm 74, so I know the EC will not be abolished in my lifetime - but it will happen eventually. The EC is a racist dinosaur. National popular vote is the only fair and logical way to elect presidents. People will evolve to do the right thing.

The Electoral College is in no way racist, and don't expect stating your talking points as fact to impress anyone. If the Electoral College is ever abolished, it will be because a majority of people has become as stupid and puerile as you are.

The Electoral College was founded on racism!

More than two centuries after it was designed to empower southern white voters, the system continues to do just that.

The Electoral College's Racist Origins - The Atlantic

Really? This is what you base your outrageous claim on? A racist assistant prof. and Brennan center participant? Good luck with that one....

I am so tired of every damned thing being racist these days....I call Bull Shit!

Try this link:

Wikipedia. And yet you somehow wonder why it is I view you as a dribbling lunatic with nothing of value to contribute.

More pandering

Introduced on January 11th and referred to the House Judiciary Committee, the resolution proposes an “amendment to the Constitution of the United States to abolish the electoral college and to provide for the direct election of the President and Vice President of the United States.”

Authors of the bill include Rep. Cohen, Rep. Zoe Lofgren, Rep. Jan Schakowsky, Rep. Julia Brownley, Peter DeFazio, Rep. Adriano Espaillat, Rep. John Garamendi, and Rep. Jim Cooper.

Before revealing what the constitutional amendment would look like, the bill rebukes the electoral college as created in “an era of limited nationwide communication and information sharing” and resting on “an antiquated theory that citizens will have a better chance of knowing about electors from their home States than about Presidential candidates from out of State”

more evidence they want to trash the constituion.
And another so called "conservative" shows their absolute ignorance of the Constitution and the processes for amending same.

It is a shame that our browsers do spell check but can't do stupid check before that final click.

Doesn't matter, this bill is as much a dead letter, as the phony impeachment they just did...
The "phony impeachment" is now etched in stone for all time. If this country is still around 1000 years from now, the history books (or whatever media it's recorded on) will teach how Twice Impeached Trump was impeached for inciting a rebellion against his own country and Constitution.
1k years from now, no one will give a rat's ass.
That's true, just as no one cares that Nero figuratively fiddled as Rome burned. No one cares that Marie Antoinette wanted her starving subjects to eat brioche. But what history remembers of them is that they were failed leaders. All that will be remembered of Twice Impeached Trump is that he inspired his supporters to revolt against his own country for which he was impeached a second time in one term.
Ask your kids if they care about Nero. LOL. They don’t.
You're really fucking ignorant, ShortBus. I literally said, "no one cares..." What I did was point out that all these years later, all that's remembered about him is what a shit leader he was and one vague detail about the very end of his reign. Same as Twice Impeached Trump will be remembered for when your great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-grandchildren are learning history.

What was pointed out oh ye of small thought was that history will remember and will not remember kindly. Perhaps some reading proficiency skills are needed.

More pandering

Introduced on January 11th and referred to the House Judiciary Committee, the resolution proposes an “amendment to the Constitution of the United States to abolish the electoral college and to provide for the direct election of the President and Vice President of the United States.”

Authors of the bill include Rep. Cohen, Rep. Zoe Lofgren, Rep. Jan Schakowsky, Rep. Julia Brownley, Peter DeFazio, Rep. Adriano Espaillat, Rep. John Garamendi, and Rep. Jim Cooper.

Before revealing what the constitutional amendment would look like, the bill rebukes the electoral college as created in “an era of limited nationwide communication and information sharing” and resting on “an antiquated theory that citizens will have a better chance of knowing about electors from their home States than about Presidential candidates from out of State”

:yes_text12: :TH_WAY~113::clap::clap::clap::thewave::WooHooSmileyWave-vi::thankusmile:

Only a fascist loon would like this.
What's fascist about the popular vote? We use it to elect everyone else.

People like Faun can't be trusted with there vote.

He cannot be trusted with here vote either!

"here vote"? :dunno:

Ironical, that. See your next post.

More pandering

Introduced on January 11th and referred to the House Judiciary Committee, the resolution proposes an “amendment to the Constitution of the United States to abolish the electoral college and to provide for the direct election of the President and Vice President of the United States.”

Authors of the bill include Rep. Cohen, Rep. Zoe Lofgren, Rep. Jan Schakowsky, Rep. Julia Brownley, Peter DeFazio, Rep. Adriano Espaillat, Rep. John Garamendi, and Rep. Jim Cooper.

Before revealing what the constitutional amendment would look like, the bill rebukes the electoral college as created in “an era of limited nationwide communication and information sharing” and resting on “an antiquated theory that citizens will have a better chance of knowing about electors from their home States than about Presidential candidates from out of State”

Over the history of our country, there have been at least 700 proposed amendments to modify or abolish the Electoral College. The odds are pretty good that this one is going nowhere

What opponents of the Electoral College should consider is that it's existence makes it almost impossible for a presidential election to rigged as Trump claimed. Popular votes are far easier to steal than electoral votes.

As if Democrats are interested in preventing election fraud. :auiqs.jpg: That's a knee-slapper.

You want to lump an entire political party into a single person? Howzat work?
Sweep-generalize much?

By the way how's that search for me using that fallacy coming along? What's it been, two years now? Three?

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