House GOP Freedom Caucus frets over how far to push its rebellion as split emerges, founder Jim Jordan won't even challenge McCarthy for House Speaker

I am not sure how this title makes much sense...they aren't sure how far to push their "rebellion"- but at the same time aren't challenging the Leadership? Doesn't really sound like a "rebellion" to me
This is a propaganda piece.

Only establishment media would characterize the most classically liberal politicians who actually know and read the Constitution as. "hard right."

". . . Initially formed as a hard-right irritant to GOP leadership. . . "

. . and then magnify the disagreements they have over house procedural strategy as. . . "rebellion?" :heehee:

Seriously? What a bunch of tripe.
This is a propaganda piece.

Only establishment media would characterize the most classically liberal politicians who actually know and read the Constitution as. "hard right."

". . . Initially formed as a hard-right irritant to GOP leadership. . . "

. . and then magnify the disagreements they have over house procedural strategy as. . . "rebellion?" :heehee:

Seriously? What a bunch of tripe.
"Hard right" is accurate. I'm surprised to see such level of truth coming from these Establishment rags.
The art of politics is knowing what battles to choose.

Seems a lesson is needed...
McCarthy is a worthless establishment twirp.

Jordan and the gang are learning to fit right in with the rest of the worthless establishment twirps.
Much more important is that fascism in America is being tested in that America's government is being tested as to it's will and it's very footing being solid enough to challenge fascism and bury it 6 feet under while it can still be done.

The Flynn brother is proof that the military has been infiltrated and now it's become a big question on how deep it goes?

Is Biden safe?
all the other good publications

None of those are anything other than propaganda for the Angle-American establishment. If you read that garbage, you wind up having your head programed with the bullshit the billionaire puppet masters want you to believe. Besides, if you want, there are ways around those paywalls, if you need to. It isn't worth the effort anyway, it is all garbage.


Published: July 2017; Updated: January 2021

". . . Media researcher Noam Chomsky explained this aspect as follows: “The point is that they wouldn’t be there unless they had already demonstrated that nobody has to tell them what to write because they are going to say the right thing anyway. () They have been through the socialization system.”

However, media personalities constitute only about five percent of the overall CFR network. As the following illustration shows, key members of the private Council on Foreign Relations have included:

  • several US Presidents and Vice Presidents of both parties;
  • almost all Secretaries of State, Defense, and the Treasury;
  • many high-ranking commanders of the US military and NATO;
  • some of the most influential Members of Congress (notably in foreign & security policy);
  • almost all National Security Advisors, CIA Directors, Ambassadors to the U.N., Chairs of the Federal Reserve, Presidents of the World Bank, and Directors of the National Economic Council;
  • many prominent academics, especially in key fields such as Economics and Political Science;
  • many top executives of Wall Street, policy think tanks, universities, NGOs, and Hollywood;
  • as well as the key members of both the 9/11 Commission and the Warren Commission (JFK)

Harvard economist and Kennedy supporter, John K. Galbraith, confirmed the Council’s influence: “Those of us who had worked for the Kennedy election were tolerated in the government for that reason and had a say, but foreign policy was still with the Council on Foreign Relations people.”

Princeton University professor and former CFR member Stephen F. Cohen described the Council as “America’s single most important non-governmental foreign-policy organization”, whose primary role is to “define the accepted, legitimate, orthodox parameters of discussion.” According to Cohen, “the CFR really is what the Soviets used to call the very top-level of the Nomenklatura.”

And no less than John J. McCloy, the longtime chairman of the Council and advisor to several US presidents, recalled about his time in Washington: “Whenever we needed a man we thumbed through the roll of the Council members and put through a call to New York [i.e., the CFR headquarters].”. . .

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