House GOP refuses to boost funding for election security

So saving taxpayer money is suddenly bad? lol

No, failing to save our democracy is horribly bad. But Mikey don't care as long as Russia's mauling favors white nationalists.

So refusing to boost funding ( which may not be needed ) is failing to save our Democracy? By the way, we are a Republic.

We are a Republic, a democratic republic. Suggesting we are not a democracy is BIG LIE, & a meme of the Right Wing and those who support an authoritarian executive.

That said, the cost is of no concern to the Republican Party, what they don't want is to allow states to deny the R's their policy of voter suppression.
Your supposition of support of authoritarian executive is incorrect. Supposed Voter suppression isn't the issue. The cost is a concern.

My "supposition" is my opinion. Those who claim we are not a democracy, also, IMO, support Trump who is undeniably an authoritarian.

Whatever they've become is a crying shame. But authoritarian, totalitarian, white nationalist, mean-spirited, protectionist plutocrats kinda works for me.
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The Orange Poopstain LOVES the Russian mauling of our democracy so don't anger him or he might tweet something mean about you. The Republican Party is now the Putin Party. Sad.

House Republicans are refusing to provide additional funding for state election security grants in a spending bill despite the move upsetting Democrats pointing at Russia's election interference.

Democrats want to continue funding the grants program to help states boost security for their voting systems, The Washington Post reported Thursday.

The floor debate on Wednesday came shortly after President Trump refused to denounce Russia’s interference in the 2016 presidential election, sparking backlash from both sides of the aisle.​

House GOP refuses to boost funding for election security

Already a thread on this explaining why.
So saving taxpayer money is suddenly bad? lol

No, failing to save our democracy is horribly bad. But Mikey don't care as long as Russia's mauling favors white nationalists.

All you're doing is proving democrats right. Again.

By not wanting our elections to be free of communists cheating you show that all the republican screaming about illegal people voting is just another lie.

You people don't care about having free, honest and fair elections. That's the last thing you want in our nation.

What you people care about is preventing democrats from voting.

If you actually cared about having free, honest and fair elections you would want to do everything in your power to prevent communists in russia from rigging and cheating in our elections. You would want all that can be done to keep them out of election data bases and voting machines. You would want to do all you can to stop them from hacking into our computer systems.

The truth is that you want communists to do that. They are helping to elect republicans. So you want them to do all they can to destroy democracy, honest and free elections in America.

You want communists in russia to decide who wins our elections. With our elected officials being communist puppets working to benefit communists in russia. Not Americans in the United States.
So saving taxpayer money is suddenly bad? lol

No, failing to save our democracy is horribly bad. But Mikey don't care as long as Russia's mauling favors white nationalists.

All you're doing is proving democrats right. Again.

By not wanting our elections to be free of communists cheating you show that all the republican screaming about illegal people voting is just another lie.

You people don't care about having free, honest and fair elections. That's the last thing you want in our nation.

What you people care about is preventing democrats from voting.

If you actually cared about having free, honest and fair elections you would want to do everything in your power to prevent communists in russia from rigging and cheating in our elections. You would want all that can be done to keep them out of election data bases and voting machines. You would want to do all you can to stop them from hacking into our computer systems.

The truth is that you want communists to do that. They are helping to elect republicans. So you want them to do all they can to destroy democracy, honest and free elections in America.

You want communists in russia to decide who wins our elections. With our elected officials being communist puppets working to benefit communists in russia. Not Americans in the United States.
So saving taxpayer money is suddenly bad? lol

So preventing communists in russia from fixing and cheating in our elections and democracy is suddenly bad?

So saving taxpayer money is suddenly bad? lol

No, failing to save our democracy is horribly bad. But Mikey don't care as long as Russia's mauling favors white nationalists.

All you're doing is proving democrats right. Again.

By not wanting our elections to be free of communists cheating you show that all the republican screaming about illegal people voting is just another lie.

You people don't care about having free, honest and fair elections. That's the last thing you want in our nation.

What you people care about is preventing democrats from voting.

If you actually cared about having free, honest and fair elections you would want to do everything in your power to prevent communists in russia from rigging and cheating in our elections. You would want all that can be done to keep them out of election data bases and voting machines. You would want to do all you can to stop them from hacking into our computer systems.

The truth is that you want communists to do that. They are helping to elect republicans. So you want them to do all they can to destroy democracy, honest and free elections in America.

You want communists in russia to decide who wins our elections. With our elected officials being communist puppets working to benefit communists in russia. Not Americans in the United States.

Already a thread on this explaining why.

Yes - the Republican solution is more voter suppression and let the Russians do it again!

Same as it ever was

So the funds would go towards preventing Russia from posting on Facebook?

Or is the new claim that Russia hacked the voting machines?
Isn't the primary argument that "The Russians" manipulated the results of the 2016 election via "fake news" and the theft and release of emails stolen from the DNC?

How would throwing more money at the state election authorities help mitigate that? The claims that voter information was compromised by "The Russians" at the state level all revolve around incompetence and outright stupidity at the state level and last time I checked money can't cure that.
No, failing to save our democracy is horribly bad. But Mikey don't care as long as Russia's mauling favors white nationalists.

So refusing to boost funding ( which may not be needed ) is failing to save our Democracy? By the way, we are a Republic.

We are a Republic, a democratic republic. Suggesting we are not a democracy is BIG LIE, & a meme of the Right Wing and those who support an authoritarian executive.

That said, the cost is of no concern to the Republican Party, what they don't want is to allow states to deny the R's their policy of voter suppression.
Your supposition of support of authoritarian executive is incorrect. Supposed Voter suppression isn't the issue. The cost is a concern.

My "supposition" is my opinion. Those who claim we are not a democracy, also, IMO, support Trump who is undeniably an authoritarian.

Whatever they've become is a crying shame. But authoritarian, totalitarian, white nationalist, mean-spirited, protectionist plutocrats kinda works for me.
Works for you because you are overreacting
The Orange Poopstain LOVES the Russian mauling of our democracy so don't anger him or he might tweet something mean about you. House Republicans are refusing to provide additional funding for state election security grants in a spending bill despite the move upsetting Democrats pointing at Russia's election interference.

Just as I said yesterday, you have a new, dichotomous complaint for every day of the week. Yesterday, Trump was a spend-monger for wanting a military parade for the country, now he is a tightwad unwilling to spend a dime. Sucks to be you, huh?

Truth is that we don't need the security because Trump's russian mafia won't be targeting Republicans, only democrats. :p
The Orange Poopstain LOVES the Russian mauling of our democracy so don't anger him or he might tweet something mean about you. The Republican Party is now the Putin Party. Sad.

House Republicans are refusing to provide additional funding for state election security grants in a spending bill despite the move upsetting Democrats pointing at Russia's election interference.

Democrats want to continue funding the grants program to help states boost security for their voting systems, The Washington Post reported Thursday.

The floor debate on Wednesday came shortly after President Trump refused to denounce Russia’s interference in the 2016 presidential election, sparking backlash from both sides of the aisle.​

House GOP refuses to boost funding for election security
It was a pretty blatant political ploy ... not that the gop is above this bullshit too.
Isn't the primary argument that "The Russians" manipulated the results of the 2016 election via "fake news" and the theft and release of emails stolen from the DNC?

How would throwing more money at the state election authorities help mitigate that? The claims that voter information was compromised by "The Russians" at the state level all revolve around incompetence and outright stupidity at the state level and last time I checked money can't cure that.

They have to keep the target (Russian meddling and collusion) a moving target.

The manufacturers of this story know that they can't prove anything important. Russia has been attacking the U.S for 60 or 70 years and posting on Facebook is probably the least worse thing they have ever done to us.

Foreign governments (including hostile ones) meddle in our politics at the very least. If everything that happened in 2016 were to be put in perspective they know no one, but a few would care and people would call Democrats whining pussys.
Again, HOW MUCH MONEY is it going to take to get the Democrats to stop breaking laws, to stop ignoring security protocols, to stop committing espionage, to stop operating illegal unauthorized unencrypted unsecured servers containing TOP SECRET data, to stop compromising national security?

Start the discussion by throwing out a number of how much you think all this is going to cost.....
So saving taxpayer money is suddenly bad? lol

No, failing to save our democracy is horribly bad. But Mikey don't care as long as Russia's mauling favors white nationalists.

All you're doing is proving democrats right. Again.

By not wanting our elections to be free of communists cheating you show that all the republican screaming about illegal people voting is just another lie.

You people don't care about having free, honest and fair elections. That's the last thing you want in our nation.

What you people care about is preventing democrats from voting.

If you actually cared about having free, honest and fair elections you would want to do everything in your power to prevent communists in russia from rigging and cheating in our elections. You would want all that can be done to keep them out of election data bases and voting machines. You would want to do all you can to stop them from hacking into our computer systems.

The truth is that you want communists to do that. They are helping to elect republicans. So you want them to do all they can to destroy democracy, honest and free elections in America.

You want communists in russia to decide who wins our elections. With our elected officials being communist puppets working to benefit communists in russia. Not Americans in the United States.
Already funding in place and it all isn't being used. Why fund more? Your rant is hollow and pure drivel.
The Orange Poopstain LOVES the Russian mauling of our democracy so don't anger him or he might tweet something mean about you. The Republican Party is now the Putin Party. Sad.

House Republicans are refusing to provide additional funding for state election security grants in a spending bill despite the move upsetting Democrats pointing at Russia's election interference.

Democrats want to continue funding the grants program to help states boost security for their voting systems, The Washington Post reported Thursday.

The floor debate on Wednesday came shortly after President Trump refused to denounce Russia’s interference in the 2016 presidential election, sparking backlash from both sides of the aisle.​

House GOP refuses to boost funding for election security

You don't think $380.00 million is not enough and they need more?
380 million should be more than enough to have secure voting.
That's about 3 million for each State, with a little more for larger States.
You don't think $380.00 million is not enough and they need more?
380 million should be more than enough to have secure voting.
That's about 3 million for each State, with a little more for larger States.

A lousy 3 million (or even TEN) for a state like Texas, California or New York to totally bulletproof their likely antiquated voting systems and databases?
Get real :rolleyes-41:
So saving taxpayer money is suddenly bad? lol
It is Republicans screaming about tampering, fraud and illegals voting

Yet, they block funding

Put your money where your mouth is
So the funds would go towards preventing Russia from posting on Facebook?

Or is the new claim that Russia hacked the voting machines?

The Russians were right in on top of voter rolls and systems in 39 states. They just chose not to mess with them ..
THIS time
Russia hacked voting systems in 39 states before the 2016 presidential election

And for the record. They were also all over our power grid. Had they wanted to, they could have flipped a few switches.
Russia Hacked U.S. Power Grid — So What Will The Trump Administration Do About It?

Trump did nothing about that either. Ho Hum :rolleyes:

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