House GOP Set To Repeal Incandescent Bulb Ban...

Vote to repeal ban on incandescent bulbs

  • YES kill the ban- gimme my oldie bulbs!!

    Votes: 24 88.9%
  • NO- CFLs!! today tomorrow forever ( starting in 2012)

    Votes: 3 11.1%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
With all the problems we face, the GOP is focused on light bulbs. Ain't that swell.

Joe "The Free Marketer" Barton shouldn't be using free market arguments, especially after he voted yes for the auto bailout, cash for clunkers, agricultural subsidies, banning internet gambling, among other things. Yet, this goon parades around and uses the free market for incandescent light bulbs.

This is just more GOP dumbass talking points.

I don't know Barton's voting record completely but i'll take your word on that.

There was no vote on the auto bailout. Obama paid for it with TARP funds. Your correspondent is obviously a liar. Never take anything a libtard say at face value. Assume everything they say is a lie. It's part of their modus operandi.
I am a conservative/Republican, and I support getting rid of incandescent bulbs.

They are hugely inefficient, and waste extremely huge amounts of energy every year. There are many non-mercury containing replacements that produce the same amount of light, using much less energy, and that will last 10 times as long as incandescent bulbs.

If we want to become more energy independent, one of the things we need to start doing is use less energy.
I am hoping that LED lights will be better....

i was told by an Engineer from a lighting company that the Curly Q bulbs will be obsolete as well as the Incandescent as soon as the LED's are perfected for home use......he said within 5 this whole argument may be moot....

LED's made now already produce the same amount of light, dont burn out with continued use like earlier versions, etc. Sure, they still cost 10 times as much, but you'll probably never have to replace them. I have blow out incandescent lights in my kitchen on a regular basis.
What other things "shouldn't" the government restrict your right to buy?

Kiddie porn?
LAWS Rockets?
Thermal Nuclear Devices?

Do tell..

The stakes are really low on this debate.

Okay so an illegal war, plus two more already, massive unemployment, Wall Street capture, housing crisis.

GOP: Let's repeal the incandescent bulb ban!

There's a reason its called the Party of Stupid.
The stakes are really low on this debate.

Okay so an illegal war, plus two more already, massive unemployment, Wall Street capture, housing crisis.

GOP: Let's repeal the incandescent bulb ban!

There's a reason its called the Party of Stupid.

only by libtards.
Hey i'm really starting to like this Republican House of Representatives. It feels good to be proud of the Republican Party. It's been awhile

Just so you know. The law your so happy the Repugs are about to repeal, was signed into law by our former Deserter-In-Chief the Shrub himself.

Nice to see you support bushie so well.
I am glad to see that the republicans are focising on the really important issues facing America.
With all the problems we face, the GOP is focused on light bulbs. Ain't that swell.

This is just more GOP dumbass talking points.

did you say that when the Democrats banned them?.....we had problems then too.....

You mean when Republican George Bush banned them don't you?

Note to Fox News: George W. Bush Banned Incandescent Light Bulbs

my question still stands Wytch......Anti made his saying to him, were you complaining when Democrats around the Country were talking about Light Bulbs instead of our more serious problems.....simple as that.....and i should not have used the word Banned.....because they are not being banned.....the Wattage is just being down graded.....
Barry is running in '12 and Harry Reid needs to look sane for a while instead of a radical mess. I'm betting the thing passes.
Since I put an LED bulb in the back porch, I've had to change the kitchen light 5 times, including about an hour ago. Glad LED lights are getting better and the cost is dropping.

If we left it up to Republicans, we would be rubbing two sticks together to make fire.
I am hoping that LED lights will be better....

i was told by an Engineer from a lighting company that the Curly Q bulbs will be obsolete as well as the Incandescent as soon as the LED's are perfected for home use......he said within 5 this whole argument may be moot....

LED's made now already produce the same amount of light, dont burn out with continued use like earlier versions, etc. Sure, they still cost 10 times as much, but you'll probably never have to replace them. I have blow out incandescent lights in my kitchen on a regular basis.

this guy said the price will come down a lot too.....AND they still have to perfect the burn out problem to expect people to use them at home......but they have some good ideas about that at Sylvania and GE....

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