House hearing on Biden's failures withdrawing from Afghanistan

I found some stuff this morning online that support your thread (it's shocking, don't read if you have a heart condition):

Did Biden abandon 9,000 Americans in Afghanistan?
  • President Joe Biden during a press conference on Jan. 19, 2022. (White House/Released) President Joe Biden abandoned as many as 9,000 American citizens in Afghanistan following the administration’s botched withdrawal in August last year, a new report released on Thursday by the Senate Foreign Relations Committee revealed.​​

So what is the Congress waiting on to impeach and remove this incompetent dolt now called 'President' Joseph Biden? A President is supposed to provide for the common defense for American citizens. Instead, this unilateral-prone, self-proclaimed extortionist of Foreign Aid Packages with which he used as his money-laundering scheme of betrayal of the American people's tax money by way of threatening to take away complete Foreign Aid packages from third world countries our Congress THOUGHT they were giving to countries that needed food and protection from dictators threatening to nuclear annihilate countries that fought back from totalitarian takeover like the Ukraine, Crimea, and other countries that escaped from the Iron Fists of post-Czar Russia. Biden went to "visit" a lot of foreign countries in 44 years of being a Senator or higher-office VPOTUS for eight of those 44 years. How else could a person on a Senator's salary purchase 5 multimillion-dollar mansions to hide Obama's secret papers in among own for the sheer pleasure of being rich, rich, filthy richer than anyone else he knew?

It's time to put an end to the evil of the Biden Empire that is draining money from the pockets of every American who pays income taxes, and the retard tried to pull a fast one by arming the IRS agents to kill American citizens who couldn't pay. The Constitution does not allow people to be even incarcerated for indebtedness, much less murdered over not paying taxes the original Constitution disallowed because the founders of this country wanted prosperity for all, freedom of speech for all, and the pursuit of happiness for all. Biden doesn't give two shakes of a little lamb's tail about other people who don't pay up whatever he demands. he's a spoiled brat, and he belongs in jail for stealing and concealing his dirty deeds against the American taxpayer for 44 stinking years. And I hope the authorities in Delaware go back over his first wife's strange accident of being targeted by a gargantuan truck, the same kind her husband once drove before he got into politics to go on the take from the get go. America has had its pockets picked for the last time by dirty politicians like Biden who decide they gotta pick a pocket or two or two hundred or two million, on and on and on. :cranky:
You're a lunatic.
Biden isn`t the guy who virtually spit on our POWs and called those resting in Arlington "suckers and losers". You don`t care about anything but digging for a Biden scandal. You better dig deeper because you`re coming up empty.
good parrot. deflect to Trump.

I don't give a crap about Trump.

I didn't vote for him 16, I didn't vote for him in 20, and I'm damn sure not going to vote for him in 24.

anyone has a beef about Biden, BUT WHAT ABOUT TRUMP is the first thing to come off your keyboard.

The truth is out.....Biden failed and in doing so, killed 13 US soldiers.

The Biden administration ignored intelligence community warnings that its plan to withdraw troops from Afghanistan would prove deadly, current and former military officials told Congress Thursday.

"There was very little intelligence to suggest the Biden administration’s plan would work and a mountain range of evidence to suggest the plan would fail," retired Col. Seth Krummrich, former chief of staff for special operations at U.S. Central Command, testified on Thursday before the House Foreign Affairs Committee. "The president’s decision to ignore the best military advice and execute an immediate military withdrawal was a shock and a rude awakening for all the planners."
Bagram also had "the mechanical capability to destroy sensitive equipment on an industrial scale in a short time," while Kabul airport "did not," according to Smith. If the State Department had chosen Bagram as the site of its evacuation, the military likely could have destroyed much of $7.2 billion in sensitive military equipment that was left behind and ultimately seized by the Taliban.

"I advised the embassy team against using" the Kabul airport, Smith said, noting that the State Department initially agreed with his assessment. However, officials back in Washington, D.C., ordered the base be shut down by early July 2021. "It is my understanding that those in [U.S.] embassy did not think that Taliban would advance to take Kabul."

Biden Admin Ignored Warnings About Withdrawing Troops From Afghanistan, Military Leaders Say
It is about friggin time.

The absolute worst military blunder in the history of the US.

Obama purged the military of the senior officers with courage and all the remaining officers were stupid weak left leaning yes men. They didn't have the guts to tell Biden that he was fucking up big time and look what happen.
good parrot. deflect to Trump.

I don't give a crap about Trump.

I didn't vote for him 16, I didn't vote for him in 20, and I'm damn sure not going to vote for him in 24.

anyone has a beef about Biden, BUT WHAT ABOUT TRUMP is the first thing to come off your keyboard.

That FUCK YOU goes for you too, surada, aka DEFLECTOR.
The truth is out.....Biden failed and in doing so, killed 13 US soldiers.

The Biden administration ignored intelligence community warnings that its plan to withdraw troops from Afghanistan would prove deadly, current and former military officials told Congress Thursday.

"There was very little intelligence to suggest the Biden administration’s plan would work and a mountain range of evidence to suggest the plan would fail," retired Col. Seth Krummrich, former chief of staff for special operations at U.S. Central Command, testified on Thursday before the House Foreign Affairs Committee. "The president’s decision to ignore the best military advice and execute an immediate military withdrawal was a shock and a rude awakening for all the planners."
Bagram also had "the mechanical capability to destroy sensitive equipment on an industrial scale in a short time," while Kabul airport "did not," according to Smith. If the State Department had chosen Bagram as the site of its evacuation, the military likely could have destroyed much of $7.2 billion in sensitive military equipment that was left behind and ultimately seized by the Taliban.

"I advised the embassy team against using" the Kabul airport, Smith said, noting that the State Department initially agreed with his assessment. However, officials back in Washington, D.C., ordered the base be shut down by early July 2021. "It is my understanding that those in [U.S.] embassy did not think that Taliban would advance to take Kabul."

Biden Admin Ignored Warnings About Withdrawing Troops From Afghanistan, Military Leaders Say
Biden also put 900 American citizens working in Afghanistan at the mercy of the Taliban who hate Americans and Jews equally. America needs a better than demented, pay-to-play idiots in the Oval Office. The greedy-for-soros-cash Democrats in charge of the voting places need some permanent time off the polls.
Okay, Biden is to blame for the deaths of 13 of the 2,400 dead U.S. soldiers in Afghanistan. Who sent them there? Do you have anything else for us today? Something less idiotic? Marines were doing hazardous duty in a hazardous country and were killed. It`s probably happened before, Einstein. Assuming you`re old enough to be familiar with the truck bombings in Lebanon that killed 2,400 soldiers did you blame Reagan?
You skipped straight over the 900 American citizens Biden and his advisers "overlooked" by desperately grabbing power by other men's balls. :eusa_hand:
Biden also put 900 American citizens working in Afghanistan at the mercy of the Taliban who hate Americans and Jews equally. America needs a better than demented, pay-to-play idiots in the Oval Office. The greedy-for-soros-cash Democrats in charge of the voting places need some permanent time off the polls.

The US State Department has had do not travel warnings for several years. The expats had months to leave. You are a very stupid woman.
Trump met with the Taliban in Qatar in February of 2020. He didn't consult the Afghan government or the military.
His decision did no harm to anybody but sent a clarion call to people acting like fools who messed with this nation. And it worked. That he was succeeded by a self-serving extortion king who blames everybody except himself for the errors of his ways is not Trump's fault, and it's not mine either.
His decision did no harm to anybody but sent a clarion call to people acting like fools who messed with this nation. And it worked. That he was succeeded by a self-serving extortion king who blames everybody except himself for the errors of his ways is not Trump's fault, and it's not mine either.
You idiot.. Invading Afghanistan was about ENRON.
I don’t see what Republicans expected Biden to do with 2500 troops and an Afghan Army that refused to fight

I would also like to see Republicans defend Trump refusing to transition something as important as Afghanistan withdrawal to an incoming President
So you weren't shocked when Biden left 900 American citizens behind with his unilateral failure at decision-making, and his advisers couldn't stop him. It's 100% Biden's fault for acting like an asshole in matters of war where there was no war. Biden categorically declared war on 900 Americans and people in Afghanistan who protected them. That's what happens when you run a damn deep state that is as irresponsible as its puppet, Joseph Biden.
So you weren't shocked when Biden left 900 American citizens behind with his unilateral failure at decision-making, and his advisers couldn't stop him. It's 100% Biden's fault for acting like an asshole in matters of war where there was no war. Biden categorically declared war on 900 Americans and people in Afghanistan who protected them. That's what happens when you run a damn deep state that is as irresponsible as its puppet, Joseph Biden.

Expats have always been responsible for getting themselves and their families out of the country.
You're on ignore for maligning my fellow Americans as "expats." Go barf on someone else.
So you weren't shocked when Biden left 900 American citizens behind with his unilateral failure at decision-making, and his advisers couldn't stop him. It's 100% Biden's fault for acting like an asshole in matters of war where there was no war. Biden categorically declared war on 900 Americans and people in Afghanistan who protected them. That's what happens when you run a damn deep state that is as irresponsible as its puppet, Joseph Biden.
Biden evacuated 120,000 from Afghanistan
Anyone left behind either did so by choice or ignored orders to evacuate.

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