House hearing on Biden's failures withdrawing from Afghanistan

That's not a "new one", you dumbass, it's a historical fact.

APRIL 14, 2021 / 8:56 AM / CBS NEWS

The US has no responsibility for expats abroad. These deadbeats want you to pay for their return. Expats packed up and fled during the Suez crisis, the six day war, the Yom Kippur and every foreign crisis...including the Iranian revolution. The list goes on and on.
They knew that they weren`t joining the Peace Corp. Such fake outrage from people who weren`t outraged by the 25,000 killed and wounded in a search for WMDs that we knew weren`t in Iraq. Pretending to care about 13 Marines is a tough sell.
Pretending to care about 13 Marines is a tough sell.
We know Biden didn't care..
Trump pulled the troops out and freed the prisoners in Sept 2020.

I don't know how a rational person could blame Biden.

The US state department had do not travel warnings for several years. Expats knew they needed to leave...and had plenty of time to do so.

The US has no jurisdiction over civilian Americans abroad.
The above in bold is spot on. People were warned for months to get the hell out. If they were still there, they ignored those warnings.

I would go so far as to say the people who stayed are guilty of putting our service members in danger because they failed to heed the warnings.
You don't know that.

I know that the Taliban would not have taken over the whole country. They were restrained by mother nature herself. That is why May was chosen.

Look at the difference just one month made between July and Aug. And if you go back to May the Taliban had far less.

I can never find the drone pics of those blasts anymore.

It was gruesome.

2 blasts, solid bodies laid down outwards of both from the epicenters of the blasts.

Over 100 people.

It was entirely preventable if Biden had followed the withdrawal agreement.
What withdrawal agreement is that?

President Donald Trump ordered a rapid withdrawal of all U.S. troops from Afghanistan and Somalia in the wake of his 2020 election loss, but senior officials never followed through on the plan, according to testimony released by the congressional January 6 committee on Thursday.

“The order was for an immediate withdrawal, and it would have been catastrophic,” said Rep. Adam Kinzinger, R-Ill., one of two Republican members of the special panel. “And yet President Trump signed the order

You mean after Trump announced his deal?

No, that is from April 2021 to Aug 2021. The Taliban was held up in the mountains of the country waiting for us to leave as we said we would. When Biden changed the agreement they said "fine, we will start now". Had we left in May like we were supposed to a lot of the problems would not have happened.

I know you do not like to admit such things, but Biden fucked up by trying to make a made for TV moment and having the final withdrawal on 9/11.

There is a shit ton of blame to go around, it is ok to give some of it to Biden.
No, that is from April 2021 to Aug 2021. The Taliban was held up in the mountains of the country waiting for us to leave as we said we would. When Biden changed the agreement they said "fine, we will start now". Had we left in May like we were supposed to a lot of the problems would not have happened.

I know you do not like to admit such things, but Biden fucked up by trying to make a made for TV moment and having the final withdrawal on 9/11.

There is a shit ton of blame to go around, it is ok to give some of it to Biden.
Trump conceded to the Taliban in Feb of 2020. Do you know the mind of the Taliban?
Trump conceded to the Taliban in Feb of 2020. Do you know the mind of the Taliban?

I know that from that point they no longer attacked US or NATO troops. I know that they went back to the mountains to ride out the winter of 2020/21. I know that on the day that Trump said we would leave they controlled about 1/8 of the country. I know if we had left then it would have been impossible for them to control the whole country like they did when we left 3 months later.

But hey, I know just like the Trumpers, you are not capable of saying a damn thing bad about your god in the White House now.
trump gave the Taliban such a good deal ( everything ) that Biden couldn't renegotiate a better deal. Getting into a country is always easier than getting out. Biden did the best with the hand he was dealt. trump left him in a position without any leverage.
Biden ended the Trump deal and took ownership.

That's it.
Doesn't matter whether he cares or not. Expats are responsible for themselves and had months to leave.
there you go deflecting again.

West and I were talking about the 13 marines, and you deflect to expat.

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