'House Judiciary authorizes subpoena for full Mueller report'

Just looked it up...

A subpoena that demands a violation of the law is invalid in its entirety. A lawyer who puts forth a subpoena of this type can be disbarred for unethical conduct.

Time to file a ethics complaint against these retards.
Time to Subpoena Clinton's 33,000 Emails!
Those two aren't very bright.

They can take their subpoena and shove it up their asses. Its not legal and never will be.

If either of those two losers are attorney's I sure hope no one ever hired them.
On what basis are you making that idiotic claim...moron...?

You aren't very bright either.

They can't order the AG to do anything.

One thing is certain. USMB "conservatives" have always been in favor of people ignoring congressional
subpoenas. They are consistent in all things.
Sadly those who voted them in are too stupid to know what the law says and will scream at the sky on cue.
...or too partisan and filled with Trump-hate to care.

Hanlon's Razor, dewd.

Hanlon's razor is an aphorism expressed in various ways, including: "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity."

WhenEVER you're dealing with dimocrap scum, always keep it in mind.
One thing is certain. USMB "conservatives" have always been in favor of people ignoring congressional
subpoenas. They are consistent in all things.

Instead of making a general statement proving your stupidity, you should give an example FIRST, then make your stupid statement.

But you won't because -- Well, you're stupid.
Those two aren't very bright.
They can take their subpoena and shove it up their asses. Its not legal and never will be.
If either of those two losers are attorney's I sure hope no one ever hired them.
On what basis are you making that idiotic claim...moron...?
The fact that Congress cannot force the AG to break the law.
Sadly those who voted them in are too stupid to know what the law says and will scream at the sky on cue.
...or too partisan and filled with Trump-hate to care.

Hanlon's Razor, dewd.

Hanlon's razor is an aphorism expressed in various ways, including: "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity."

WhenEVER you're dealing with dimocrap scum, always keep it in mind.
In this case MALICE is the driver for those who put forth the subpoena, stupidity can be attributed to the sheep following the bell.
Those two aren't very bright.
They can take their subpoena and shove it up their asses. Its not legal and never will be.
If either of those two losers are attorney's I sure hope no one ever hired them.
On what basis are you making that idiotic claim...moron...?
The fact that Congress cannot force the AG to break the law.

See, this is what I mean when I speak of the abject stupidity of dimocrap scum.

They aren't even aware of the Law creating and governing Special Counsels.

I guess someone could say it's because they watch the DISGUSTING FILTH in the media and that's where they get their information, or lack thereof.

But just watching the DISGUSTING FILTH shows they're stupid.

And they get more stupid the longer they watch it.

Nobody has explained to them that the Law has changed since Starr. That the old Independent Counsel Law is dead. And there is NO chance of it coming back.

But, they're dimocraps. Good only for mocking and laughing at.
Too Funny:


What a dumb fuck!

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