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House Judiciary Committee Minority Invites Trump To Its Own Hanging(?)!


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
The House Judiciary Majority took some pains to base a part of its indictment/Articles on the concept everyone knows about: The Emoluments clause, using acts in public office for personal gain. See link below. The clause raises the problem with the Trump Administration, believed by all their children: That foreign intrusions into U. S. elections is a joking matter. The Democrat Majority notes that Donald John Trump actually campaigned with a reference to Russian interference, "I hope your listening.. . ." and so on.

What Is the Emoluments Clause?

The emoluments clause, also called the foreign emoluments clause, is a provision of the U.S. Constitution (Article I, Section 9, Paragraph 8) that generally prohibits federal officeholders from receiving any gift, payment, or other thing of value from a foreign state or its rulers, officers, or representatives.
The clause provides that:No Title of Nobility shall be granted by the United States: And no Person holding any Office of Profit or Trust under them, shall, without the Consent of the Congress, accept of any present, Emolument, Office, or Title, of any kind whatever, from any King, Prince, or foreign State.

The President--now holding office--just this year--kept on asking foreign nations to initiate investigations into a political opponent. Comparisons with the Nixon Administration are apparent. Nixon ordered IRS audits of all of his potential and actual political opponents. Guess who finally resigned(?). . .(It was Nixon!)?

So Joe Biden's offspring, Hunter: Is a partner in an investment firm. A company like Burisma--infamous as it is--clearly has interest in US Investment Capital, and from whatever source derived. So Hunter gets a seat on the Board of Directors--visible to the international investment community.

Point: No wrong-doing, even suspected--(other than the fluke of the birth to the prominent US politician(?)). There is nothing criminal on which to proceed. If there is, then a treaty exists with procedures to follow.

Before asking for the more recent foreign interventions into the opponent's family finances, then the White House had been on the now famous phone call: Requesting more and more foreign interference into the political opponent's finances. At the clandestine, behind-closed-doors, no-staff-present, meeting with Putin at Helsinki: The famous allegations of the Russian Military Command-Level Hackers had become apparent.


What had the president joked about on the campaign? What off-hand, and surprise request, happened on the now-famous phone call? Then what requests in just more recent days of all the multiple foreign states?

Requests for interference directed at a political opponent!

All of that is known. The Problem is that it happened. The House Judiciary Minority Section in the Impeachment report: References it all as a joke!

It happened, not just once: But even comes out in the House Judiciary Minority part of the Impeachment Report: AS A SIMPLE PATTERN OF LAUGHING MATTERS!


And in the instant internet era to boot!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred"
(White Eyes have bad reputation with marks on paper to begin with--and even now!)
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what a fail

our elected representatives continue to prove they don't know wtf about our Constitution
The Republican representatives are mostly out on the limb, mainly. The Mueller Investigation did find evidence of High Level Russian Military interference in the US 2016 election, (Often Called An Act of War--When one military invades another nation, not-requested)! The RNC is getting on record as even finding that a laughing matter.

In the House Judiciary report, their leader, Rep Collins, apparently wants to offer the Impeachment as having basis in a Fishing Type investigation: With no Evidence. In making that claim, then there are allusions to TV, internet, and newspaper articles; videos, excerpts, verbatim quotes, complete news conferences, and Tweet Storms. All of that is all about RNC claiming that there is no evidence of any wrong-doing, or even doing anything approaching anything regarded criminal.

See a legal definition below!
bad faith

1) n. intentional dishonest act by not fulfilling legal or contractual obligations, misleading another, entering into an agreement without the intention or means to fulfill it, or violating basic standards of honesty in dealing with others. Most states recognize what is called "implied covenant of good faith and fair dealing" which is breached by acts of bad faith, for which a lawsuit may be brought (filed) for the breach (just as one might sue for breach of contract). The question of bad faith may be raised as a defense to a suit on a contract. 2) adj. when there is bad faith then a transaction is called a "bad faith" contract or "bad faith" offer.

Even the July 25 phone call mainly relies on Trump believing that the New Ukraine Leader fully understood the outcome of the just released Mueller Report, the US named server code or file, and the daily minutes of Hunter Biden's dealings with the Gas Company(?). The other thugs listening in: Hadn't themselves even expected all of that to be raised. It was unrehearsed, foundation-free, and mainly a "Perfect" release of an alternative narrative, somewhere being independently pursued. Then furthermore, it was basically not a national interest matter, but was only related to the personal interest and aggrandizement of the President, using the office for that.

Conclusion: The Ukraine Leader felt no pressure, (rather than wondering what the hell Trump was even talking about). In the Minority section, there is reference to Trump actually being accused only of defending himself, (self-defense as in rushing out and shooting all the neighbors)--and a suggestion that the Majority had other options yet to pursue, rendering the Impeachment option straight politics, and so without warranted basis. (There is at least something civil in the Minority version(?))

They have some sense of decency. They have some sense of shame(?). . .maybe!

Mostly, if Trump was defending himself--and with basis in some unknown alternative narrative: Then Congressional intervention is clearly warranted. The Congress and Courts cannot simply call on Capitol Police to make an arrest: As though he had just run outside and started shooting at all the neighbors!

So the Majority clearly comes back: Since The White House was illegally interfering and obstructing: Then even calling that a "Lawful Defense" of the President--the Constitution already lampooned as a laughing matter by the Rep Collins part of the Committee: Even sets in motion the clear conclusion that RNC is more a gangland operation, than it is a political partisan operation.

The Democrats cannot simply call the Capitol Police to even interfere, even with that.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(There's never enough rotted corn and poison blankets to go around: When they are needed: In festival times like these(?)!)
The emoluments clause?....Again?

More likely than a sense of decency, or some sense of shame: "Numb," likely better describes the RNC position!

So yes, the Capitol Police are relieved of responsibility in the pattern of misconduct, Publicity Stunt tweets, and concocted conspiracy plots in all the foreign nations that Donald Trump--"The Imaginator," is able to dream up.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(When there are so many plots and conspiracies. . . .unbeknownst to all the staffers. . . .then even a new term, the "Bundle Up" comes to mind, in the season of it all!)

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