House Judiciary Member: Mueller Legally Required To Resign Over ‘Conflict Of Interest’


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
“Bob Mueller is in clear violation of federal code and must resign to maintain the integrity of the investigation into alleged Russian ties. Those who worked under them have attested he and Jim Comey possess a close friendship, and they have delivered on-the-record statements effusing praise of one another”

“No one knows Mr. Mueller’s true intentions, but neither can anyone dispute that he now clearly appears to be a partisan arbiter of justice. Accordingly, the law is also explicitly clear: he must step down based on this conflict of interest.”

House Judiciary Member: Mueller Legally Required To Resign Over ‘Conflict Of Interest’

Oh you silly man. Mueller could walk onto the floor of Congress wearing an 'I Hate Trump' T-Shirt, and snowflakes would still argue, "No Conflict of Interest!" :p
I want to know why We The Right are so F-ing TOLERANT of the Lefts corruption across the board?

We all know DAMN well that if the tables were turned, the Left would never, under ANY circumstances have allowed as biased a person as Mueller except against the Left, to hold such a critical position.

The media would have been in a 24/7 fury of condemnation and screams for "Justice"

Step ONE to Making America Great Again?......Subdue the Left Media Mafia

At the VERY least, if the media is to continue the blatantly biased propaganda and should be LABELED CLEARLY as "Biased Propaganda".

The Media is Horribly Mis-labeled. There are laws against mis-leading labels and out right false advertising. The Left media is ANYTHING but honest news. Mueller and the other leftist agents get where they are largely on the fuel of media propaganda.
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“Bob Mueller is in clear violation of federal code and must resign to maintain the integrity of the investigation into alleged Russian ties. Those who worked under them have attested he and Jim Comey possess a close friendship, and they have delivered on-the-record statements effusing praise of one another”

“No one knows Mr. Mueller’s true intentions, but neither can anyone dispute that he now clearly appears to be a partisan arbiter of justice. Accordingly, the law is also explicitly clear: he must step down based on this conflict of interest.”

House Judiciary Member: Mueller Legally Required To Resign Over ‘Conflict Of Interest’

Oh you silly man. Mueller could walk onto the floor of Congress wearing an 'I Hate Trump' T-Shirt, and snowflakes would still argue, "No Conflict of Interest!" :p

Trent Franks. ROTFLMAO.

This is the same nut who said African-Americans were better off under slavery. What a nutcase.

Try again Twinkle Toes.
Man. Mueller's got the Chumps shitting in their pants. You can hear their high-pitched whining every day.

They must know deep down inside their yellow guts that Trump is dirty.
We don't need prosecutors with decades of experience prosecuting white collar crime and political corruption looking at the President's Russian contacts.
The conflict of interest is staggering. Nice to see more speaking up about it.

Comey's playbook with Special Counsels is interesting. He appointed Patrick Fitzgerald.Oh and the amazing conflict of interest here?
Fitzgerald was a godfather to one of Comey's children.

I'm sure that Trent Franks learned all about how the law works during his time studying at Cleon Suskind's non-accredited "Freeman Institute".
Let's look at what he actually has said, shall we?

“Bob Mueller is in clear violation of federal code and must resign to maintain the integrity of the investigation into alleged Russian ties. Those who worked under them have attested he and Jim Comey possess a close friendship, and they have delivered on-the-record statements effusing praise of one another”

“No one knows Mr. Mueller’s true intentions, but neither can anyone dispute that he now clearly appears to be a partisan arbiter of justice. Accordingly, the law is also explicitly clear: he must step down based on this conflict of interest.”

House Judiciary Member: Mueller Legally Required To Resign Over ‘Conflict Of Interest’

Oh you silly man. Mueller could walk onto the floor of Congress wearing an 'I Hate Trump' T-Shirt, and snowflakes would still argue, "No Conflict of Interest!" :p

Trent Franks. ROTFLMAO.

This is the same nut who said African-Americans were better off under slavery. What a nutcase.

Try again Twinkle Toes.
Man. Mueller's got the Chumps shitting in their pants. You can hear their high-pitched whining every day.

They must know deep down inside their yellow guts that Trump is dirty.

Junk Yard Dog best describes the loud and incessant barking of the fearful Trumpanzees. See the number of posts attacking the past Administration, and the Red Meat Republican Pols tie to the gate of the White House, hoping to make the barking louder and more threatening to try and keep Truth and Justice from entering the Oval Office.
The supporters of Trump, aka the King of the Conflict of Interest, want to school us on conflicts of interest.

Very amusing.
“Bob Mueller is in clear violation of federal code and must resign to maintain the integrity of the investigation into alleged Russian ties. Those who worked under them have attested he and Jim Comey possess a close friendship, and they have delivered on-the-record statements effusing praise of one another”

“No one knows Mr. Mueller’s true intentions, but neither can anyone dispute that he now clearly appears to be a partisan arbiter of justice. Accordingly, the law is also explicitly clear: he must step down based on this conflict of interest.”

'neither can anyone dispute'

Hmmmm pretty much everyone disputes that claim.

Franks is just carrying the White House's water here.- just like you are.

As Newt Gringrich said when Muehler was nominated;

Robert Mueller is superb choice to be special counsel. His reputation is impeccable for honesty and integrity. Media should now calm down.

Senator Ben Sasse, a Nebraska Republican and a member of the Judiciary Committee, said Mr. Mueller’s “record, character, and trustworthiness have been lauded for decades by Republicans and Democrats alike.”

Like many Republicans, Rep. Lamar Smith, R-Texas, did not believe a special counsel was necessary, but he praised Mueller as the right choice if there is going to be one.

"I think former Director Mueller is a great choice," Smith said. "He has served in both Republican and Democratic administrations, he has a reputation for integrity, and I think he'll be well-received."
“Bob Mueller is in clear violation of federal code and must resign to maintain the integrity of the investigation into alleged Russian ties. Those who worked under them have attested he and Jim Comey possess a close friendship, and they have delivered on-the-record statements effusing praise of one another”

“No one knows Mr. Mueller’s true intentions, but neither can anyone dispute that he now clearly appears to be a partisan arbiter of justice. Accordingly, the law is also explicitly clear: he must step down based on this conflict of interest.”

House Judiciary Member: Mueller Legally Required To Resign Over ‘Conflict Of Interest’

Oh you silly man. Mueller could walk onto the floor of Congress wearing an 'I Hate Trump' T-Shirt, and snowflakes would still argue, "No Conflict of Interest!" :p

The fact is that the TRUMP Justice department did not find any conflicts of interest. Why don't you take your lying ass and get lost.
“Bob Mueller is in clear violation of federal code and must resign to maintain the integrity of the investigation into alleged Russian ties. Those who worked under them have attested he and Jim Comey possess a close friendship, and they have delivered on-the-record statements effusing praise of one another”

“No one knows Mr. Mueller’s true intentions, but neither can anyone dispute that he now clearly appears to be a partisan arbiter of justice. Accordingly, the law is also explicitly clear: he must step down based on this conflict of interest.”

'neither can anyone dispute'

Hmmmm pretty much everyone disputes that claim.

Franks is just carrying the White House's water here.- just like you are.

As Newt Gringrich said when Muehler was nominated;

Robert Mueller is superb choice to be special counsel. His reputation is impeccable for honesty and integrity. Media should now calm down.

Senator Ben Sasse, a Nebraska Republican and a member of the Judiciary Committee, said Mr. Mueller’s “record, character, and trustworthiness have been lauded for decades by Republicans and Democrats alike.”

Like many Republicans, Rep. Lamar Smith, R-Texas, did not believe a special counsel was necessary, but he praised Mueller as the right choice if there is going to be one.

"I think former Director Mueller is a great choice," Smith said. "He has served in both Republican and Democratic administrations, he has a reputation for integrity, and I think he'll be well-received."

"his reputation for integrity" is what scares the shit out of the White House and the Trumpanzees.
"his reputation for integrity" is what scares the shit out of the White House and the Trumpanzees.
No the fact that he was the mentor of and best buds with Comey and has created a panel of 'Who's Who' Democratic Party Donors, Trump Haters, and Hillary Lawyers has them concerned.

I personally don't mind at all because Mueller has already killed his panel's credibility regarding any negative outcome by doing all of this.
Being friends with someone or hating them usually isn't a basis for a conflict of interest.

I tried to conflict myself out from defending a woman who hit my cousin while drunk once. They weren't sure that was going to be enough.
Comeys reputation was impeccable until he was pressured to close the case on Hillary and started testifying under oath.

Being friends with someone or hating them usually isn't a basis for a conflict of interest.
Mueller has been repeatedly referred to as Comey's mentor who has nothing but 'glowing praise; for Comey. That IS enough since Comey, the self-admitted criminal leaker, is at the heart of this entire crusade and the reason Mueller is now Lead Counsel.
“Bob Mueller is in clear violation of federal code and must resign to maintain the integrity of the investigation into alleged Russian ties. Those who worked under them have attested he and Jim Comey possess a close friendship, and they have delivered on-the-record statements effusing praise of one another”

“No one knows Mr. Mueller’s true intentions, but neither can anyone dispute that he now clearly appears to be a partisan arbiter of justice. Accordingly, the law is also explicitly clear: he must step down based on this conflict of interest.”

House Judiciary Member: Mueller Legally Required To Resign Over ‘Conflict Of Interest’

Oh you silly man. Mueller could walk onto the floor of Congress wearing an 'I Hate Trump' T-Shirt, and snowflakes would still argue, "No Conflict of Interest!" :p
And where are you legal genius and where is he? Do tell
I want to know why We The Right are so F-ing TOLERANT of the Lefts corruption across the board?

We all know DAMN well that if the tables were turned, the Left would never, under ANY circumstances have allowed as biased a person as Mueller except against the Left, to hold such a critical position.

The media would have been in a 24/7 fury of condemnation and screams for "Justice"

Step ONE to Making America Great Again?......Subdue the Left Media Mafia

At the VERY least, if the media is to continue the blatantly biased propaganda and should be LABELED CLEARLY as "Biased Propaganda".

The Media is Horribly Mis-labeled. There are laws against mis-leading labels and out right false advertising. The Left media is ANYTHING but honest news. Mueller and the other leftist agents get where they are largely on the fuel of media propaganda.
You do know "America First " was our WWII nazi group ??
Bet not
Or, Got your brown shirt ironed?

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