House Judiciary Member: Mueller Legally Required To Resign Over ‘Conflict Of Interest’

“Bob Mueller is in clear violation of federal code and must resign to maintain the integrity of the investigation into alleged Russian ties. Those who worked under them have attested he and Jim Comey possess a close friendship, and they have delivered on-the-record statements effusing praise of one another”

“No one knows Mr. Mueller’s true intentions, but neither can anyone dispute that he now clearly appears to be a partisan arbiter of justice. Accordingly, the law is also explicitly clear: he must step down based on this conflict of interest.”

House Judiciary Member: Mueller Legally Required To Resign Over ‘Conflict Of Interest’

Oh you silly man. Mueller could walk onto the floor of Congress wearing an 'I Hate Trump' T-Shirt, and snowflakes would still argue, "No Conflict of Interest!" :p
Did your white High school tell you the def of "projection"?
Obviously not
Did your white High school tell you the def of "projection"?
Obviously not
Thank you for proving snowflakes are nothing but a bunch of racists! LOL! Just like their hacked and released e-mails showed. I'm Native American, you racist dumbass. :p

Unable to stick to the actual details you have to throw out the race card...pathetic snowflakes.
“Bob Mueller is in clear violation of federal code and must resign to maintain the integrity of the investigation into alleged Russian ties. Those who worked under them have attested he and Jim Comey possess a close friendship, and they have delivered on-the-record statements effusing praise of one another”

“No one knows Mr. Mueller’s true intentions, but neither can anyone dispute that he now clearly appears to be a partisan arbiter of justice. Accordingly, the law is also explicitly clear: he must step down based on this conflict of interest.”

House Judiciary Member: Mueller Legally Required To Resign Over ‘Conflict Of Interest’

Oh you silly man. Mueller could walk onto the floor of Congress wearing an 'I Hate Trump' T-Shirt, and snowflakes would still argue, "No Conflict of Interest!" :p

Trent Franks. ROTFLMAO.

This is the same nut who said African-Americans were better off under slavery. What a nutcase.

Try again Twinkle Toes.

Funny. Has NaziCon Trent Franks ever said anything that was true?
Did your white High school tell you the def of "projection"?
Obviously not
Thank you for proving snowflakes are nothing but a bunch of racists! LOL! Just like their hacked and released e-mails showed. I'm Native American, you racist dumbass. :p

Unable to stick to the actual details you have to throw out the race card...pathetic snowflakes.
Easy posted this in response to the charge he's projecting. LOL
Easy posted this in response to the charge he's projecting. LOL
Wrong, you lying jackass. I responded by calling you snowflakes a bunch of RACIST pieces of $hit. 'WHITE High School'?! You snowflakes think throwing out a racial attack on someone is 'clever', is enough to silence them? F* You, you little racist cockroach.

Snowflakes have not figured out that name calling and racial slurs do not effect everyone, does not silence everyone. It is a sign of WEAKNESS by those doing so.

I was not the one who 'went there', but I will be glad to address it when you pathetic Democrats try to throw out the race card as a valid defense in an argument.
When Kevin McCarthy admitted that the Benghazi Congressional investigations were political. did the investigations stop?
No. Well, eventually. After the election.
Funny, how the Mueller whiners never said a peep about the whole thing.
What's different then, from now?
Hypocrisy in action!
The supporters of Trump, aka the King of the Conflict of Interest, want to school us on conflicts of interest.

Very amusing.
well certainly, we have to peel back the hypocrisy and then point out the conflicted pieces that are there.
Being friends with someone or hating them usually isn't a basis for a conflict of interest.
Mueller has been repeatedly referred to as Comey's mentor who has nothing but 'glowing praise; for Comey. That IS enough since Comey, the self-admitted criminal leaker, is at the heart of this entire crusade and the reason Mueller is now Lead Counsel.
Nope. It was TRump who chose to fire, the head of the investigation in to the Russian election interference and possible Trump campaign team coordination..... that move by Trump is what has caused the need for a special counsel....

Most all Republicans agreed.

The Comey tapes truly matter naught...Special Counsel Mueller was picked and in place before Comey talked about the tapes....and this would probably not have happened if it were not for the President telling everyone on National TV via Lester holt, that he fired Comey because he did not like the way Comey was handling the FBI Investigation in to the Russians (and his team coordination with the Russians)
“Bob Mueller is in clear violation of federal code and must resign to maintain the integrity of the investigation into alleged Russian ties. Those who worked under them have attested he and Jim Comey possess a close friendship, and they have delivered on-the-record statements effusing praise of one another”

“No one knows Mr. Mueller’s true intentions, but neither can anyone dispute that he now clearly appears to be a partisan arbiter of justice. Accordingly, the law is also explicitly clear: he must step down based on this conflict of interest.”

House Judiciary Member: Mueller Legally Required To Resign Over ‘Conflict Of Interest’

Oh you silly man. Mueller could walk onto the floor of Congress wearing an 'I Hate Trump' T-Shirt, and snowflakes would still argue, "No Conflict of Interest!" :p
Did your white High school tell you the def of "projection"?
Obviously not

How did you know he went to White High School?

W.T. White High School / W.T. White High School

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