AG Garland refuses to submit to ethics exam over conflict of interest

so it is about teaching CRT. you can't get passed that can you? you want so bad to look like a dick, you succeeded.
The reason the leftists are so insistent on this not be about teaching CRT is that it is necessary to convince white children that whites are bad, meaning the majority of Americans are evil people. It is a necessary step for the American Marxists to destroy the country.
The reason the leftists are so insistent on this not be about teaching CRT is that it is necessary to convince white children that whites are bad, meaning the majority of Americans are evil people. It is a necessary step for the American Marxists to destroy the country.
You either are mature enough to recognize the truth or you can hide behind your institutions of ignorance.
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and the fact the demafascist will not allow parents of the students in those schools from voicing their opinions on those discussions.

They are allowed to say what they want as long as it is civil or are you just dumb about the whole process?
They are allowed to say what they want as long as it is civil or are you just dumb about the whole process?
no they aren’t they are being labeled domestic terrorist ans xiden stormtroopers are intimating them. stop lying
The reason the leftists are so insistent on this not be about teaching CRT is that it is necessary to convince white children that whites are bad, meaning the majority of Americans are evil people. It is a necessary step for the American Marxists to destroy the country.
but if someone is arguing about CRT teaching's in school, it's about CRT being taught in school. It's much like presidents don't have anything to do with fuel prices and then trump did!!!! it's fking hilarious watching the ignorant demofks flail around on a discussion board. Can't get out of their own way. Oh, and like the globe hated trump while OPEC kept the barrel prices down for him. Can't make it up like I always say.
Hardly is that the case or you would post proof.

The letter below was sent by General Counsel Kristen Waggoner to U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland asking him to rescind a decision that he made, apparently at the behest of activist groups who oppose parental concerns about the politicization of public schools.

In the letter, Garland directs the Federal Bureau of Investigation to convene meetings and consider actions in concert with other federal and state agencies regarding the “threat” posed by parents who are simply advocating for their children, effectively treating parents similarly to terrorists and other criminal enterprises.

Dear Attorney General Garland:

Earlier this week, you directed the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), in concert with the Department of Justice, to convene meetings with federal, state, local and tribal leaders in every federal judicial district to discuss strategies for addressing “threats” posed to school administrators, board members, teachers and staff. The impetus for this directive appears to be a letter sent to President Biden by the National School Board Association (NSBA). And the source of these “threats” appears to be parents who object to the politicization of education through the teaching of destructive ideologies, such as critical race theory (CRT) and gender theory, in public schools and who are frustrated by shifting COVID-related mandates that undermine quality education for their children.

No one condones threats, violence or abusive behavior toward school board members. And yes, some parents, in anger and frustration, have engaged in abusive or otherwise inappropriate behavior toward school officials. But those actions fall within the jurisdiction of local law enforcement. The NSBA’s letter ignores this fact, calling for review of the parents’ actions under the “Gun-Free Zones Act, the PATRIOT Act in regard to domestic terrorism, the Matthew Shepard and James Byrd Jr. Hate Crimes and Prevention Act, the Violent Interference with Federally Protected Rights statute, the Conspiracy Against Rights statute,” and other federal laws. In addition to calling upon the FBI and DOJ, the letter also demanded action from the U.S. Department Homeland Security, the U.S. Secret Service, and the National Threat Assessment Center.

That the NSBA would demand that a significant part of the nation’s domestic security apparatus be deployed against parents of school children is shocking. That demand, moreover, came unsupported by any facts that would warrant such an extraordinary mobilization of federal power against ordinary citizens. It should have been politely, but firmly, rejected. Instead, you tasked the FBI and U.S. Attorneys with promptly convening meetings in “each federal judicial district” throughout the United States to discuss “strategies for addressing threats.”

Parents expressing concern over CRT, gender theory, and COVID-related mandates in public schools do not qualify as “domestic terrorists.” Their protests do not warrant the involvement of federal law enforcement or the application of federal laws aimed at stopping, among others, transnational terror organizations. Employing those powerful national security tools against frustrated parents is a misuse of federal power. It vilifies largely peaceful, well-intentioned citizens who are seeking nothing more than to protect and promote the well-being of their children. And it chills the constitutionally protected speech of those who rightly object to ill-considered policies implementing radical ideologies like critical theory, and debatable COVID-19 mandates on our nation’s schoolchildren.

Many parents, including some of our clients, are rightly concerned that the government has violated their fundamental right to direct the upbringing, education, and care of their children. They want school boards to remove politics from the classroom and get back to academics. They have the right to express those concerns to elected officials and shouldn’t live in fear of government punishment for doing so. Please rescind your directive and assure all Americans that the federal government will not infringe upon the exercise of our most basic and precious freedoms.


Kristen Waggoner

“Three weeks ago the National School Board Association writes President Biden asking him to involve the FBI in local school board matters. Five days later, the Attorney General of theUnited States does just that — does exactly what a political organization asked to be done. Five days,” Jordan emphasized.

“Republicans on this committee have sent the attorney general 13 letters in the last six months,” Jordan said. “Eight of the letters, we’ve got nothing — they just gave us the finger.

“Folks all around the country, they tell me, for the first time they are afraid of their government.

“Where’s the dedicated lines of communication on violent crime in our cities — violent crime, that is, went up in every major urban area where Democrats have defunded the police out. Can’t do that, can’t do that. The Justice Department’s gonna go after parents who object to some racist hate America curriculum,” Jordan said.

“Nope, can’t focus on the southern border, where 1.7 million illegal encounters have happened this year alone, a record … but the Department of Justice, they’re going to open up a snitch line on parents.”
I don't know anyone that refuses to allow people that are transgender to live freely and without intimidation, threats or name calling.

A lot of what you highlighted are in fact crimes....if you see someone doing that you should defend them and call the law.
If i see a dude in a skirt go into a girl's bathroom and rape a young girl, i wont hesitate to put a few rounds into his punk ass. These shits for brains, are hurting women, why do you progs hate women so much? It is you progressives who have a "War on Women".

Garland stonewalls over potential conflict of interest involving son-in-law, critical race theory

Garland stonewalls over potential conflict of interest involving son-in-law, critical race theory

Attorney General Merrick Garland refused to say Thursday whether he sought ethics guidance concerning his son-in-law’s business – which pushes critical race theory-related ideas and provides services to school districts nationwide – before he issued his explosive memo this month saying the FBI will investigate threats by parents against school board members.

While testifying at a House Judiciary Committee hearing dedicated to the oversight of the Justice Department, Garland was asked by Rep. Mike Johnson, R-La., to address conflict of interest concerns regarding his son-in-law’s company, Panorama Education, a technology company that endorses the type of left-leaning ideas that parents have opposed in school districts across the U.S.

"Did you seek ethics counsel before you issued a letter that directly relates to the financial interest of your family? Yes or no?"

"This memorandum does not relate to the financial interests of anyone," Garland responded.

"I take that as a no," Johnson said.

'There are no conflicts of interest that anyone could have."
- Garland

"According to you. I'm not trying to be disrespectful, but you are not respecting our rules, our constitutional norms and the federal law that directly applies to your activities. This is a great concern. This is why people are losing faith in our institutions. They're losing faith in this Department of Justice."
- Rep. Mike Johnson, R-La

Garland is testifying now. He was asked to have an ethics review of his conflict of interest regarding his family's financial interest in CRT and his memo saying parents who question it may be domestic terrorists.

Most corrupt administration in history.

CRT isn't being taught in schools so why are you right wing retards wetting your pants over it?

Shouldn't you be gearing up to join Donald Dotard's new social media scam?

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