House liberal agenda stacked with hot-button bills could divide Dems’ narrow majority on everything from immigration to gun control to voting rights

I agree, the Democrat Party has many factions, and elected democrats if they want to stay elected, have to represent there districts and states side of issues before government. Some times more then not it will conflict with national party platforms. I predict a lot of in fighting.
If the Democrats pass their agenda they will drive the American people into the arms of waiting Republicans.
If the Democrats pass their agenda they will drive the American people into the arms of waiting Republicans.
Maybe the Dems lose the House anyway, whether they pass their agenda or not. Once most Americans realize what these guys want to do, that'll be enough to flip the House. Maybe the Senate too. They always overreach, every time.
Most people don't pay attention to all 10 of "the hot-button" issues in the country. Most people are too busy and are most concerned with their economic wellbeing
The Democrat Party is so bad they should be investigated for point-shaving...They cannot and do not know how to win
killing jobs and taking away our freedom...that's their idea of pandemic relief?
Funny how all you crazy trump supporters seem so concerned about DNC business. I would think you would be busy trying to come up with some excuse why you still let that loser, trump control your party, even after his big loss. You still waiting on him to declar martial law, and commandeer the oval office?
Funny how all you crazy trump supporters seem so concerned about DNC business. I would think you would be busy trying to come up with some excuse why you still let that loser, trump control your party, even after his big loss. You still waiting on him to declar martial law, and commandeer the oval office?

You mean you haven't heard? The next Inauguration date for Rump is March 6th. Got it from a died in the wool Rumpster so I know it must be true. That happens the day after they arrest Biden and Harris and the entire Dem Congress.

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