House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries: "Extreme MAGA Republicans are driving us to a government shutdown."

Good thing we're talking about budgets then, right?
Yeah so only two branches are involved. The dems run 2/3rd of the process

And can’t get it done. They can’t lead

Heck we aren’t even talking about a budget…they can’t get that done
Mr. Jeffries got it half ass backwards.

Trump and the Republicans have a mandate, and the Democrats are trying to force their agenda in the Lame Duck Session instead of working in a Bipartisan manner to bring the taxpayers the Trumpamania they voted for.
If they truly had a mandate, they'd be able to do it on their own.

Wouldn't they?
Congress doesn’t deserve a pay raise and they have to live with Obiecare for insurance. There’s two.
Those two don't add up to the funds you people are shutting down.

Doesn't sound like you have anything there.
They have had a full year to pass a budget. THey wait until two days before the deadline to drop a 1,500 page Continuing Resolution? That kind of garbage and nonsense.
So basically, nothing.

As I suspected.
oh Seriously. You're right there the minute that piece of bs propaganda starts, aren't you. Proving AGAIN AND guys don't have a honest or creative bone in your bodies. LOLOL

Let me remind you sir....we all know that Biden did not run the country for even a moment of those 4 years. And Obama's legacy, his credibility, his alleged reputation is SHOT.
Trump shutdown starts NOW.
Each time this happens, Congress and the Media graduaIIy come to the realization that the American public doesn't really give a shit if the Government shuts down.

First of alI, it doesn't actually shut down. The people who are not just slugs stiII go to work. Second, it doesn't cost them a dime. When the budget passes, they get back pay for the hours they didn't work.

The MSM wilI beat the bushes for pathetic souls whose government goodies are delayed, turning their lives, at least temporarily into a living hell. Maybe a shutdown is what we aII need.
“I’m not just a no, I’m a hell no.” he says, after saying that the Musk-Johnson proposal is not serious.

One thing you can expect whenever Republicans are in charge are government shutdowns.


“I’m not just a no, I’m a hell no.” he says, after saying that the Musk-Johnson proposal is not serious.

One thing you can expect whenever Republicans are in charge are government shutdowns.


List some of this garbage and nonsense you speak of.
Congressional pay raises
NFL stadium in D.C.
$8 Bn for a New FSK Bridge
$10 Bn in new farm subsidies
72 pages of "Pandemic Preparedness" policy
17 pieces of Commerce Legislation
$130 Bn to extend the Farm Bill
$100 Bn for FEMA
One of Republicans' biggest pleasures, and pastimes, is slugging away at our veterans.

It will have zero effect on any vets, the funding was passed a while back. You freaks have really short memories.

No idiot. Trump will bear the blame since there was a bi-partisan bill agreed to that he and President Musk shut down.

It was negotiated by the leadership without input from the rank and file. They are violating house rules by trying to push it through without a 72 hour period to read the bill. Plus it had a butt load of unnecessary spending. They piled in a bunch of crap that would never pass using regular order.


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