House passes new bill to increase competitive position against China as republic pols balk.

Then dems were told that if we allowed free trade with China, their people would get a taste of money and reject communism....thats when Clinton agreed to pass ghw Bush's trade deal with China.

What year did Clinton do that?
Wish I had the time and patience to wade through this bill and highlight all the pork.
Wish I had the time and patience to wade through this bill and highlight all the pork.
Don't need to....Just look at the title and know that the bill will end up accomplishing the exact opposite.

That's how deeply into an Orwellian clown world we've descended.
Darkwind merely asked you to explain HOW the bill will help America

so far you have only claimed that it will help
I didn't really expect that he would. Platitudes and unwavering support for their team (you know, what they accuse Trumpers of) and if they [Dems] said the bill will bring back the extinct Golden Horned Unicorn and turn climate change into rainbows, they'd believe it without ever allowing one single critical thought to cross their empty heads.
I didn't really expect that he would. Platitudes and unwavering support for their team (you know, what they accuse Trumpers of) and if they [Dems] said the bill will bring back the extinct Golden Horned Unicorn and turn climate change into rainbows, they'd believe it without ever allowing one single critical thought to cross their empty heads.
Just root for Ghina white dude.
Today the Nancy Pelosi led House of Representatives passed the The America COMPETES Act of 2022 on an almost party line vote.

House passes bill to invest in manufacturing and research and counter China's influence

The bill backed by business in America and is closely aligned with a similar measure passed with bipartisan support in the Senate. The two bills will be reconciled and sent to the President's desk to sign.

Curious that republic pols don't want America to better compete with Ghina.
What a waste of time...
America is too far behind and will never catch up. Might as well make a law against sunspots.
Why did Dems suddenly decide we need to compete with China?
That's what tariffs are for.
China graduates 250,000 engineering students a year.
We're way down beneath 30,000. Additionally the Chinese students have to work much harder for the degree than the American students do! China has absolutely no affirmative action program of any kind. They have to master their trade before they get the degree. Somebody finally opened their eyes and realized that China has climbed so far ahead of us that there's probably no way to ever catch up. So make a do nothing bill that won't help a God damn thing but will steal more money from the American tax payer for something they cannot be accomplished. The United States dropped the ball a long time ago when they decided to put dresses on men instead of graduating people from colleges who actually deserve the degrees they're getting.
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What a waste of time...
America is too far behind and will never catch up. Might as well make a law against sunspots.
Wow, again the republic party plays the we can't do that card.

Think small, act slow and eat coal.
Wow, again the republic party plays the we can't do that card.

Think small, act slow and eat coal.
Look I don't want it to be true.
But while our country is busy trying to put soldiers into dresses China has gotten about the very serious business of advancing themselves technologically and militarily.
What are the conclusion can we reach at this point?

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